如何能让软件团队变得出色,软件团队运转的动力是哪些?哪些因素能让软件开发团队保持团结和相互支持呢?要解答这些问题,今天我们一起来看看《Beautiful Teams》一书。我首先申明一下,《Beautiful Teams》此书中文名叫《团队之美》我对此书译名有自己的看法,所以保留英文名称。请各位谅解。文中也摘了一些英文原著文字,请各位理解。
Andrew Stellman 和 Jennifer Greene 邀请了不同领域的才华横溢的撰稿人,这些资深的软件行业的团队领导,贡献了经验、智慧和教训,共同完成了这本书。
出了不少好书的O‘Reilly的创始人Tim O‘Reilly讲述了如何创造一个激发人们思考的环境。基于人员、目标、实践方法和障碍四个领域,撰稿人们结合自己的亲身经历、体验、思考和故事,讲了有趣的、重要的和有建设性的话。
1. 人员
在《丑陋团队的获胜之道》一文中,Scott Berkun讲述了IE 4开发团队的故事。
如何鼓舞开发人员,如何帮助开发人员融洽工作呢?来自Perl开发团队的Andy Lester这么说,“编程的乐趣来自于和我一起工作的人”,对团队成员的工作状态表示敏感,并为他们提供一种工作环境,让他们觉得这是你能给出的最有趣、最好玩的社交环境。编程怪杰追求个性和与众不同,这很好,但是不能伤害团队。 Andy还介绍了极客礼仪,尊重他人,倾听他人,每天洗澡,只有极客做到了这些礼仪,人们才愿意与极客一起工作和接触。给团队带来负面作用的人们必须马上改变自己的行为方式。如何找到合适的适合团队的人员呢?Andy介绍了让团队成员参与面试的方法,通过这种方法了解应征者能否融入团队。团队文化不能过于单一,彼此不能太相同,这样会很难产生创新的想法了。
如何创建团队文化?对UML和RUP做出杰出贡献的Grady Booch这么说。
- To overcome the issues of trust and cultural dislocation for a distributed team
- Good team
- Happy
- reactive ,Agility to outside world,and producing code that meets the needs of the business
- nudge your team or your culture in the right direction
- make certain that they get out a bit
- shield them from the rest of the world.
- make sure the people on the team are focused
- Tend to be really articulate
- Care about interpersonal relationships. understand the human experience in building software and respect
- A good leader is able to work at many levels of abstraction simultaneously.
敏捷开发如何做计划?有着丰富敏捷开发经验的Mike Cohn是这样来讲述的。
- 优秀团队都能从清晰明确、引人向上的目标中受益。清理团队的政治斗争。
- 产品负责人要确保团队理解目标。
- 写了高质量的代码才能保证快的速度,没有代码缺陷拖后腿,当然可以走得快乐。也就是说,快速完成工作与高质量完成工作,是有着直接联系的。
- 提高代码质量,优化项目的计划,可以采用以下方法
- 第一,坚持持续集成;第二,实现某种程度的自动化测试;第三,合理利用任务板,确保所有人理解任务的关键路径。
来自NASA的Peter Glück讲述了他如何建造宇宙飞船,请看下面的原著摘抄。
- Put team together
- Finding the right skill mix.
- Balance different personalities
- have too many people who are meek will lack of the best ideas
- have an environment where people feel safe in communicating their concerns and their ideas.
- Conflict
- There needs to be a forum for discours
- more individuals who simply won't budge from their righteousness, and that's counterproductive.
- one decision to go down a certain path and everybody needs to be able to accept that and contribute for the good of the project.
- The team to Gel
- Team activities to humanizes everybody
- An open-door policy to make myself available to anybody who has any questions or concerns
- Methodology
- A standard waterfall-type lifecycle. Sometimes it's iterative
- test as much as we can on the ground.
来自Google的高级技术主管Alex Martelli讲道,做为高级技术主管,平衡技术方面的贡献和管理相关的领导力,是非常关键的。强制做代码评审,可以提高代码质量。团队中要透明,要持续交流。开发团队要明确我们的使命,那就是以正确的方式开发软件,开发合适的软件,开发使公司能够成功的软件。
关于团队中的障碍,槽糕的上司算一个,Andrew Stellman讲述了他在华尔街一家金融公司做开发人员的体会,经历过一个态度很差、有歧视观点和隐瞒关键信息的老板后,他成为了经理。大家不妨读读他的故事。
Scott Ambler成功地示范了如何做变革,如何克服一个一个障碍。他在1990年代对面向对象分析和设计方法做出了贡献,对敏捷实践的采用也发挥了他的作用。下面是我做的笔记。
- A good manager or team leadshould be responsible for looking out for everybody on the team
- People are a primary factor of success on a software team. The way you act with each other matters a lot more than whatever cool new technology you're working with today
- Governance and self-organizing teams
- Everybody is governed,
- "Self-organizing"doesn't mean that you're out of control and doing your own thing. It means that the team members themselves decide how to meet their goals
- A team can be governed by the vision, by the goal of the project, as well as by the expertise and limitations of the team and the company
- Practices
- Force people work on pair programming
- The novice will pick up a lot from working with the expert.
- The expert learns from answering those questions. It forces you to think through some of your practices, which is an opportunity to improve.