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原创 编译 python 3.12

因为系统预装的openssl 版本低,下载了一个新版本的openssl,然后在 configure 选项里指向安装的地址.。

2024-05-01 18:12:51 171

转载 How to switch your gcc/g++ version in ubuntu

Install alternative GCC

2024-05-01 17:31:33 5

转载 What is the Difference Between IPTV and OTT?


2024-04-30 20:34:54 7

转载 Unzip Gz File Python: A Step-By-Step Guide

read file content of gzip file

2024-04-14 23:44:22 13

转载 Getting Started with C# in VS Code


2024-04-12 23:29:14 13

原创 Ubuntu下安装 Dotnet


2024-04-12 22:58:06 321

原创 Python 虚拟环境下安装 numpy和 matplotlib

安装 matplotlib。

2024-04-02 00:24:00 272

转载 动态开点线段树


2024-02-18 09:50:06 164

原创 正则表达式的资源


2023-12-16 10:30:16 570

转载 Structured binding declaration (since C++17)

【代码】Structured binding declaration (since C++17)

2023-11-10 03:00:36 413

原创 Ubuntu上安装 Chrome 浏览器

之后即使有更新也不用重新手动下载安装了,因为安装包会在 源里添加相应的信息。

2023-11-02 23:53:24 968

转载 How to enable/disable wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop

【代码】How to enable/disable wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop。

2023-10-28 00:04:01 326

原创 编译基于wanyland的 EFL

解决方法: 安装 gettext。

2023-10-28 00:01:59 180

原创 C++里的优先级队列

它是一个模板类:默认情况下是 max heap, 默认的比较函数是 std::less<T>.如果需要 min heap,或者是处理自定义的数据类型,需要提供定制的 比较函数。priority_queue 的实现使用了 std::make_heap, std::push_heap, std::pop_heap.

2023-07-31 00:14:35 173

原创 无线投屏手机(安卓)屏幕到 Linux(ubuntu 22.04)桌面

无线投屏安卓手机到 ubuntu

2023-07-23 18:23:26 2885 1

原创 宏函数的错误。


2023-07-03 01:03:24 186

转载 ubuntu中 删除 snap


2023-06-06 00:55:53 996

原创 安装 Win11 + Ubuntu 22.04双系统

ubuntu+ win11 双系统安装

2023-04-16 22:57:50 1209 1

转载 Find Matching Text and Replace the Next Line

Find Matching Text and Replace the Next Line

2023-04-05 23:03:56 134

原创 力扣 1584. 连接所有点的最小费用


2023-01-27 11:46:12 161

原创 LeetCode: 最小体力消耗路径


2023-01-24 15:43:45 168

原创 如何找到发送信号杀死其他进程的程序


2022-08-24 10:32:18 175

转载 How to find Which Process Is Killing mysqld With SIGKILL or SIGTERM on Linux

linux signal

2022-08-24 08:42:18 245

原创 Hanoi Tower问题的中间状态

Hanoi Tower问题

2022-08-06 18:24:01 111

原创 有序双向链表的实现。


2022-07-24 17:24:20 407

原创 支持删除,更新任意结点的优先级队列


2022-06-26 16:10:41 170

原创 小写字母构成的字符串的哈希


2022-06-18 16:44:14 265

转载 删除优先级队列的第k个元素

假定是最小堆。伪代码: 1, Delete a node from the array (this creates a "hole" and the tree is no longer "complete") 2. Replace the deletion node with the "fartest right node" on the lowest level of the Binary Tree (This step

2022-04-23 22:08:49 265

原创 Linux下怎么检查网线是否接上了

1. $ cat /sys/class/net/enp0s25/carrier11表示接上,0表示没接上。下面的命令表示网线状态是 UP还是DOWN:$ cat /sys/class/net/enp0s25/operstate upDown的话可以用命令 UP起来:ip link set dev eth1 up2.使用 ethtool$ ethtool enp0s25 | grep Link\ dCannot get wake-on-lan settings

2022-02-23 22:53:31 7115 2

转载 Opening a port on Linux

Before we learn about opening a port on Linux, let’s understand what network ports are. A port is a communication endpoint. Within an operating system, a port allows the data packets specific processes or network services.Typically, ports identify a spec

2022-02-23 22:30:59 306

原创 DJB Hash

unsigned long long hash( char *str){ unsigned long long hash = 5832; char c; while( (c = *str++) != '\0') { hash = (hash << 5) + hash + c; } return hash;}

2022-02-12 14:18:55 606

翻译 2D Transformations

1. 平移(translation)点 (x,y)平移到 (x',y'),经过的距离为 (tx, ty). 则x' = x + txy' = y + ty或者P' = P + T其中,2. 旋转(以坐标原点为中心喜转动角度 , 逆时针 大于0,顺时针 小于0假设点(x,y)绕原点逆时针转动 到(x',y'). 那么三角函数展开,最后可以得出:3. 绕任一点()旋转:3.1 平移点()到原点 T()3.2 旋转R(...

2022-01-13 08:32:40 361

原创 关于SIGBUS 信号

最近遇到一个程序因为收到 SIGBUS死机的问题。刚开始不清楚是哪个模块导致的,用 address sanitizer 也查不出来。后来想了一下,可以用gdb来执行程序,当收到了 BUS 消息的时候, gdb会自动在出问题的代码行停下来。下面是一个例子。// C program to demonstrate Bus Error#include <stdlib.h>#include <signal.h>#include <pthread.h>#incl

2022-01-09 23:46:42 3602

转载 Memory Layout of C++ Object in Different Scenarios

n this article, we will see the memory layout of different C++ Object. And how different storage & access specifiers affect this memory footprint. I am not going to discuss compiler augmented code, name mangling & working of any C++ mechanism relat

2021-10-21 22:19:59 150

原创 (C++)upcast的时候一定要用 dynamic_cast 吗?

如果是多继承,并且 upcast到不同的接口的时候,需要用dynamic_cast比如,下面的代码,第37行一定要用 dynamic_cast,因为它是从一个 基类接口转到另外一个基类借口。 1 class A 2 { 3 public: 4 virtual bool IsA(void) = 0; 5 protected: 6 int t_a; 7 }; 8 9 class B 10 { 11

2021-10-18 23:05:50 196

转载 Simple HTTP Server

ython has a super useful tool for serving files over HTTP. This is great if you just want to create a quick network share that other machines on your network can access. To do that just go to the directory you want to share and run:$ python -m SimpleH

2021-07-17 15:09:15 298

原创 怎么查看进程是不是有root privilege ?

可以用ps 命令看。ps elf | grep root$ ps -elf | grep root4 S root 1 0 0 80 0 - 6046 - 08:54 ? 00:00:02 /sbin/init1 S root 2 0 0 80 0 - 0 - 08:54 ? 00:00:00 [kthreadd]1 S root 3 2 0

2021-07-17 14:25:49 629

原创 error: expected expression before ‘{’ token

1 typedef struct 2 {3 int a;4 int b;5 }test;6 7 test tt[5];8 int main(void)9 {10 tt[1] = { 1, 2 };11 return 0;12 }GCC 编译出错:1.c:10:10: error: expected expression before ‘{’ token解决方法: 加上类型转换:tt[1] = (test){ 1, 2 };这里右边的 表达式实际上是 co.

2021-07-10 23:16:25 14390

转载 Leetcode 49. Group Anagrams

#include <stdlib.h>#include <stdio.h>#include <string.h>/*Entry represents a word. The key is string you get after re-arranging the word charachters in ascending order. Value represents the word itself.*/typedef struct { ch...

2021-05-30 10:14:37 134

原创 Heap sort

void maximizeHeap( int *nums, int idx, int size){ int v = nums[idx]; while( 2 * idx + 1 < size) { int a = 2 * idx +1; int b = 2 * idx +2; if( b < size && nums[b] >nums[a]) { a = .

2021-05-23 22:44:37 77

Algorithm (4th), by Robert Sedgewick

Amazon 五星书。 Classic Reference The latest version of Sedgewick’s best-selling series, reflecting an indispensable body of knowledge developed over the past several decades. Broad Coverage Full treatment of data structures and algorithms for sorting, searching, graph processing, and string processing, including fifty algorithms every programmer should know. See algs4.cs.princeton.edu/code. Completely Revised Code New Java implementations written in an accessible modular programming style, where all of the code is exposed to the reader and ready to use.



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