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原创 Basic Bring up(2)-Bring Up
Once your code is built and you have verified that all necessary directories exist, power on and test your device with basic bring up, as described below. Bring up tests are typically designed to stre
2009-11-27 09:37:00 624
原创 Basic Bring up(1)-Building Android for a new Mobile Device
Detailed Instructions The directions below describe how to configure make files for new mobile devices and products. Create a company directory in //device/partner. mkdir device/partner/
2009-11-27 09:32:00 475
原创 ARM LCDC Linux porting研究(1)之HW连接
追根究底 http://blog.csdn.net/cataol/ cataol@hotmail.com 欢迎转载,但请保留作者信息 这两天在学习Linux驱动相关的资料,在这里做一下学习笔记,以便以后查询。以前也有做过工作方面的知识整理,可惜在硬盘里零零散散,甚至有些都被删掉了,唉。 首先我们大概看一下硬件大概架构: ARMMemory Co
2009-11-11 13:00:00 874
nanoboot x86 32位 N270可用的最终版本黑群晖
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