
USE seldata
SELECT * FROM sys.tables
select * from teacher order by tno
insert into teacher values(1,'王军',4,800,'数学','男',32)
create table student
sno char(4) not null,
sname char(20) not null,
dname char(20) not null,
sex char(2) not null default '男',
cno int ,
mark decimal(3,1) ,
type char(4) 
select * from student
insert into student values('9701','刘建国','管理工程','男',4,82.5,'必修')
insert into student values('9701','刘建国','管理工程','男',10,70,'选修')
insert into student values('9701','刘建国','管理工程','男',1,78.5,'选修')
insert into student values('9702','李春','环境工程','女',5,63,'必修')
insert into student values('9702','李春','环境工程','女',10,58,'选修')
insert into student values('9703','王天','生物','男',5,48.5,'必修')
insert into student values('9703','王天','生物','男',2,86,'选修')
insert into student values('9704','李华','计算机','女',4,76,'必修')
insert into student values('9704','李华','计算机','女',1,92,'必修')
insert into student values('9704','李华','计算机','女',2,89,'必修')
insert into student values('9704','李华','计算机','女',9,80,'必修')
insert into student values('9704','李华','计算机','女',8,70,'选修')
insert into student values('9705','孙庆','电子工程','男',8,79,'必修')
insert into student values('9705','孙庆','电子工程','男',1,59,'必修')
insert into student values('9705','孙庆','电子工程','男',11,52,'必修')
insert into student values('9705','孙庆','电子工程','男',8,68,'必修')
insert into student values('9706','高伟','机械工程','男',13,93,'必修')
insert into student values('9706','高伟','机械工程','男',12,88.5,'必修')
insert into student values('9706','高伟','机械工程','男',1,78,'选修')
insert into student values('9706','高伟','机械工程','男',10,76,'选修')
select * from teacher
select * from course
select tname,dname,cname,ctest from teacher,course 
where teacher.cno=course.cno
select a.tname,a.dname,b.cname,cast(b.ctest as CHAR(11)) from teacher a,course b
where a.cno=b.cno order by a.dname
select tname,dname,cname,ctest from teacher,course order by cname
delete from teacher where tno=1
insert into teacher select * from seldata2.dbo.teacher where tno=1
select tname,dname from teacher
select cname,ctest from course
select * from student
select * from course
select * from teacher
select * from course
select sname as '学生',student.dname as '系别',cname as '学科',
       ctest as '考试时间', mark as '成绩',tname as '教师' 
       from teacher,course,student
       where student.cno=course.cno
       and teacher.cno=student.cno
       order by sname
select sname,s.dname,cname,ctest,mark,tname
from teacher t,course c,student s
where s.cno=c.cno
and t.cno=c.cno
order by sname 
--JOIN语法:select column from join_table join_type join_table on join_condition)
select distinct sno from student where mark<60
--distinct 去除重复学号
select sno,sname,dname,cno,mark 
from student
where sno in('9702','9703','9705')
order by sname
select distinct s1.sname,s1.dname,s1.cno,s1.mark
from student as s1,student as s2
where s1.sno=s2.sno
and s2.mark<60
order by s1.sname
select * from student order by sname
select s1.*
from student as s1,student as s2 order by sname
select * from course order by cno
select * from teacher order by cno
select * from course,teacher  order by course.cno 
select a.* from student as a
where sno in(select DIstinct sno from student 
where mark<60)
--自然连接(natural join)
use seldata
select sname,dname,cno,tname from student natural join teacher--SQL不支持自然连接
--注:具有相同列自动进行匹配 自然连接的相同项在结果只出现一次
select sname,s.dname,s.cno,tname 
from student as s,teacher as t
where s.dname=t.dname
and s.cno=t.cno
select * from student
select * from teacher
--使用where 子句进行等值连接
select sname,s.dname,s.cno,tname 
from student as s,teacher as t
where s.cno=t.cno
--内连接:内连接可按过滤条件分为:等值连接  不等值连接
select  distinct sname,s.dname,s.cno,tname 
from student as s,teacher as t
where s.cno=t.cno 
--distinct 区别的是两行完全相同的值去重
select s.sname,s.dname,s.cno,t.cno,t.tname
from student as s,teacher as t
where s.cno=t.cno
select  s.sno,sname,s.dname,t.dname,s.cno,t.cno, mark,tname
from student as s
inner join teacher as t
on s.dname<>t.dname
and s.cno =t.cno 
order by sname
use seldata
select s.sno,sname,student.dname,t.dname,s.cno,t.cno,mark,tname
from student as s,teacher  as t
where s.dname<>t.dname and s.cno=t.cno
order by sname
--使用inner join 实现多表的内连接
select sname,s.dname,cname,ctest,mark,tname
from teacher as t
inner join  course as c
on t.cno=c.cno
inner join student as s
on t.cno=s.cno
order by ctest
select * from student where 0=1
--外连接:out join 分为三种类型
--左外连接 left outer  join
--右外连接 right outer  join 
--全外连接 full outerjoin

--左连接  显示左边表不配匹行
select s.sno,sname,s.cno,cname,ctest,mark
from student as s
left join course as c
on s.cno=c.cno
order by sname
--使用where *= 语句来实现左外连接 即左表的所有行 ‘ * ’ 和相关表的匹配行
select s.sno,sname,s.cno,mark, cname,ctest
from student as s,course as c
where s.cno *= c.cno
order by sname
alter database seldata
set compatibility_level=80

--右外连接 显示右边表所有不配匹行
select s.sno,sname,s.cno,mark,cname,ctest
from student as s
right join course as c
on s.cno=c.cno
order by sname
--同样使用where '=*‘语句来实现右外连接,’=*‘即表示右边所有行
select * from student where 1=2
select * from course 
select sno,sname,dname,sex,mark,type,cname,ctime,scount,ctest
from student as s,course as c
where s.cno=*c.cno
order by sname
--语法:select * into <表名> from (查询语句) as 任意别名  where 条件语句
select * into  sc from (select sno,sname,dname,sex,mark,type,cname,ctime,scount,ctest
from student as s,course as c where s.cno=*c.cno ) as qq
select * from (select sno,sname,dname,sex,mark,type,cname,ctime,scount,ctest
from student as s,course as c where s.cno=*c.cno)  as qq where qq.sname='孙庆'
select * from qq
select * from sc
drop table sc,#sc
select * from sys.tables 
create view aqq as select sno,sname,dname,sex,mark,type,cname,ctime,scount,ctest
from student as s,course as c where s.cno=*c.cno 
select * from aqq

--全外连接full inner join on(包括左右两表所有不匹配的行)
select  s.sno,sname,s.cno,cname,ctest,mark
from student as s
full join course as c
on s.cno=c.cno
order by sname

--交叉连接查询(cross ineer join)
select * from student,course
select * from student cross  join   course

select sno,sname,mark,dname,sex,type,cname 
from student as a cross join course as b  
where a.cno=b.cno  and mark>=60 --查询分数在60分以上的人

select count(*) as 及格人数,AVG(mark) as 平均分数,
MAX(mark) as 合格最高分数,MIN(mark) as 合格最低分数
from (select sno,sname,mark,dname,sex,type,cname 
from student as a cross join course as b  
where a.cno=b.cno  and mark>=60)  as bb --统计分数级格的人数和平均分
select sno,sname,mark,dname,sex,type,cname 
from student as a cross join course as b  
where a.cno=b.cno  and mark<60

select top 3 * from student 
select top 3 * from course
select top 3 * from teacher

create view t_view as 
select sno,sname,a.dname,a.sex,mark,cname,tname,c.dname  as dtname
from student as a
join course as b
on a.cno=b.cno
join teacher as c
on a.cno=c.cno--注意:视图不能进行排序?
--order by sname 

select * into ttable from 
(select sno,sname,a.dname,a.sex,mark,cname,tname,c.dname  as dtname
from student as a
join course as b
on a.cno=b.cno
join teacher as c
on a.cno=c.cno) as qq
--order by sname 注意:同样不能加排序
use seldata
select * from t_view
select sname,count(sname),AVG(mark) as 平均分 from t_view group by sname
select * from ttable
--Union和Union join 多表的并运算 多表的并连接
select sno,sname,dname
from student where cno=1
select sno,sname,dname
from student where cno=10
--union 去两个子集并运算会除掉重复值
select distinct sno,sname,dname from student where cno=1 or cno=10
以where OR 语句实现上述功能
select sno,sname,dname
from student
where cno=1
union all   
select sno,sname,dname
from student where cno=10
select sno,sname,dname from student where cno=1 or cno=10
--union 对不同字段和不同表进行连接
select sno,sname,dname from student where cno=5 or cno=13
select tno,tname,dname from teacher where cno=5 or cno=13

select top 3 * from student 
select * from teacher
--使用order by 对union运算结果进行排序
select sname,dname,cno from student where cno in(5,13)
select tname,dname,cno from teacher where cno in(5,13)
order by 3 desc
--注意order by 可以对sname,dname,cno进行排序处理
--order by 序号 同样也可以进行排序
select sname,dname,cno from student order by 3 desc
--union多表并运算 A U B U C 操作
select cno from student where sex='男'
union all
select cno from teacher where sex='女'
union all
select cno from course where ctime >40
order by cno
use seldata
select t.cno,COUNT(s.cno) as nums
from teacher as t
inner join student as s
on t.cno=s.cno
group by t.cno
order by nums 

select * from teacher
join student
on teacher.cno=student.cno
order by teacher.cno 

select t.cno,COUNT(s.cno) as nums
from teacher as t
left join  student as s
on t.cno=s.cno
group by t.cno
order by nums
select * from teacher order by tno
update teacher set cno=1 where tno=3
select * from teacher as t
left join student as a
on t.cno=a.cno
order by t.cno
--多表连接的综合运用<join 内连接和left外连接的使用>
 select t.tname,t.dname,cname,sname,mark
 from teacher as t
 left join course as c
 on t.cno=c.cno
 join student as s
 on t.cno=s.cno
 order by t.tname
 --      使用left join 或者 right join则是按情况匹配的
 --       实际的使用看取值情况进行决定
 select sno,sname,cname,mark
 from student as s
 join course as c
 on s.cno=c.cno
 where cname='计算机入门'
 select sno,sname,cname,mark
 from student as s
 join course as c
 on s.cno=c.cno
 where cname='生物工程概论'
 order by sno




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


