
psclip 4.5.9 - To set up polygonal clip paths

usage: psclip -C [-K] [-O]  OR
        psclip <xy-files> -J<params> -R<west>/<east>/<south>/<north>[r] [-B<params>]
        [-Eaz/el] [-H[i][<nrec>]] [-K] [-N] [-O] [-P] [-T] [-U[<just>/<dx>/<dy>/][c|<label>]] [-V]
        [-X[a|c|r]<x_shift>[u]] [-Y[a|c|r]<x_shift>[u]] [-Z<zlevel>] [-c<ncopies>] [-:[i|o]]
        [-bi[s|S|d|D[<ncol>]|c[<var1>/...]]] [-f[i|o]<colinfo>] [-m[<flag>]]

        -C means stop existing clip-path.  -R, -J are not required
        <xy-files> is one or more polygon files.  If none, standard input is read
        -J Selects map proJection. (<scale> in cm/degree, <width> in cm)
           Append h for map height, + for max map dimension, and - for min map dimension.
           Azimuthal projections set -Rg unless polar aspect or -R<...>r is given.

           -Ja|A<lon0>/<lat0>[/<horizon>]/<scale (or radius/lat)|width> (Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area)
           -Jb|B<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Albers Equal-Area Conic)
           -Jcyl_stere|Cyl_stere/[<lon0>/[<lat0>/]]<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Cylindrical Stereographic)
           -Jc|C<lon0>/<lat0><scale|width> (Cassini)
           -Jd|D<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Equidistant Conic)
           -Je|E<lon0>/<lat0>[/<horizon>]/<scale (or radius/lat)|width>  (Azimuthal Equidistant)
           -Jf|F<lon0>/<lat0>[/<horizon>]/<scale (or radius/lat)|width>  (Gnomonic)
           -Jg|G<lon0>/<lat0>/<scale (or radius/lat)|width>  (Orthographic)
           -Jg|G[<lon0>/]<lat0>[/<horizon>|/<altitude>/<azimuth>/<tilt>/<twist>/<Width>/<Height>]/<scale|width> (General Perspective)
           -Jh|H[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Hammer-Aitoff)
           -Ji|I[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Sinusoidal)
           -Jj|J[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Miller)
           -Jkf|Kf[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Eckert IV)
           -Jks|Ks[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Eckert VI)
           -Jl|L<lon0>/<lat0>/<lat1>/<lat2>/<scale|width> (Lambert Conformal Conic)
           -Jm|M[<lon0>/[<lat0>/]]<scale|width> (Mercator).
           -Jn|N[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Robinson projection)
           -Jo|O (Oblique Mercator).  Specify one of three definitions:
           -Jpoly|Poly/[<lon0>/[<lat0>/]]<scale|width> ((American) Polyconic)
           -Jq|Q[<lon0>/[<lat0>/]]<scale|width> (Equidistant Cylindrical)
           -Jr|R[<lon0>/]<scale|width> (Winkel Tripel)
           -Js|S<lon0>/<lat0>/[<horizon>/]<scale (or slat/scale or radius/lat)|width> (Stereographic)
           -Jt|T<lon0>/[<lat0>/]<scale|width> (Transverse Mercator).
           -Ju|U<zone>/<scale|width> (UTM)
           -Jv|V<lon0>/<scale|width> (van der Grinten)
           -Jw|W<lon0>/<scale|width> (Mollweide)
           -Jy|Y[<lon0>/[<lat0>/]]<scale|width> (Cylindrical Equal-area)
           -Jp|P[a]<scale|width>[/<origin>][r|z] (Polar [azimuth] (theta,radius))
           -Jx|X<x-scale|width>[d|l|p<power>|t|T][/<y-scale|height>[d|l|p<power>|t|T]] (Linear, log, and power projections)
           (See psbasemap for more details on projection syntax)
        -R specifies the min/max coordinates of data region in user units.
           Use dd:mm[:ss] format for regions given in degrees and minutes [and seconds].
           Use [yyy[-mm[-dd]]]T[hh[:mm[:ss[.xxx]]]] format for time axes.
           Append r if -R specifies the longitudes/latitudes of the lower left
           and upper right corners of a rectangular area.
           -Rg -Rd are accepted shorthands for -R0/360/-90/90 -R-180/180/-90/90
           Alternatively, give a gridfile and use its limits (and increments if applicable).

        -B Boundary annotation, give -B[p|s]<xinfo>[/<yinfo>[/<zinfo>]][.:"title":][wesnzWESNZ+]
           <?info> is 1-3 substring(s) of form [<type>]<stride>[<unit>][l|p][:"label":][:,[-]"unit":]
           See psbasemap man pages for more details and examples of all settings.
        -E set azimuth and elevation of viewpoint for 3-D perspective [180/90]
        -H[i][n_rec] means input/output file has 1 Header record(s) [OFF]
           Optionally, append i for input only and/or number of header records
        -K means allow for more plot code to be appended later [OFF].
        -N uses the outside of the polygons as clip paths
        -O means Overlay plot mode [OFF].
        -P means Portrait page orientation [OFF].
        -T Set of clip path for entire map frame.  No input file is required
        -U to plot Unix System Time stamp [and optionally appended text].
           You may also set the reference points and position of stamp [BL/-2c/-2c].
           Give -Uc to have the command line plotted [OFF].
        -V Run in verbose mode [OFF].
        -X -Y to shift origin of plot to (<xshift>, <yshift>) [a2.5c,a2.5c].
           Prepend a for absolute [Default r is relative]
           (Note that for overlays (-O), the default is [r0,r0].)
           Give c to center plot on page in x and/or y.
        -Z For 3-D plots: Set the z-level of map [0]
        -c specifies the number of copies [1].
        -: Expect lat/lon input/output rather than lon/lat [OFF/OFF].
        -bi for binary input.  Append s for single precision [Default is double]
            Append <n> for the number of columns in binary file(s).
           Default is 2 input columns
        -f Special formatting of input/output columns (e.g., time or geographical)
           Specify i(nput) or o(utput) [Default is both input and output]
           Give one or more columns (or column ranges) separated by commas.
           Append T (Calendar format), t (time relative to TIME_EPOCH), f (plain floating point)
           x (longitude), y (latitude) to each col/range item.
           -f[i|o]g means -f[i|o]0x,1y (geographic coordinates).
        -m Input/output file(s) contain multiple segments separated by a record
           whose first character is <flag> [>]
           Use -mi or -mo to give different settings for input and output [Same]

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