通过 conda 安装 caffe-gpu 和 caffe


  conda create -n caffe_gpu -c defaults python=3.6 caffe-gpu


  conda create -n caffe -c defaults python=3.6 caffe

  解决方案的原链接在此。安装caffe_gpu时,对应版本的cudatoolkit 、cudnn 也会被安装。


  I will repeat my comment from earlier in this issue, please do not use the anaconda channel when installing caffe, it does not preserve the priority between the main and free sub-channels. Installing caffe or caffe-gpu from the defaults channel is the only method supported by Anaconda and currently works. For example the following two command will create working environments:

  conda create -n caffe_gpu -c defaults python=3.6 caffe-gpu

  conda create -n caffe -c defaults python&#