
Artworks from the Ars Electronica Archive - Martin Nadal
Frequency of the first name in Venezuela, 100 years and 3000 names - Alejandro Sosa Briceño
Suicide statistics of India 2001-2013 - Data Source - Vinod Louis
Padma Awards - India’s Honour System - Interactive Explorer - Pratap Vardhan
Data From a Local NGO - Prayaas Source by Anurag El Dorado
[Visualizing the attendees at the World Economic Forum –] ( -
Replay Edits - Visualizing the edits in a Wikipedia article - Jeph Paul
India SECC Census Explorer - Pratap Vardhan
Light up! Denver - Glenna Xie
Gaussian function - Random variable - Samy Badjoudj
Spotify Artist Explorer — Faruk Sahin
History of trending topics of twitter — Mustafa ilhan
Visualizing cricket — Cricket Australia (Roman Kalyakin)
Box Office collection of James Bond movies — James Bond
The Network of Programming Languages — Fatih Erikli
Visualization of the distribution of Russian budget 2013 — ArtZub
Interactive World Cup Visualization - Mondula
Government Sequester 2013 - Enigma
World Inequality Database on Education - UNESCO
Are global CO2 emissions still rising? - Allard Warrink and Jeroen Dolmans
BLOSUM Substitution Matrices as a Dynamic Network (force layout) - Ahmet R. Ozturk, Ankara
50 Years of Change (map, matrix, and block bar chart) - Erin Hamilton, Rashauna Mead, and Vanessa Knoppke-Wetzel, UW-Madison
Hurricane #Sandy Twitter DataViz - Chris Cantey, Caroline Rose, Morgan Jarocki, UW-Madison
Distribution of Grant Awards in Fiscal Year 2013, (github), global-development-sprint version 23 - Artem Zubkov
Commuting Scales, Lausanne Campus commuters - Boris Beaude and Luc Guillemot
Visualization of the Flask Source Code - Andreas Dewes (
Violence in Nepal - Shirish Pandey
Photography Stats Analysis (bottom of the page) - Remi Escola
StockTwits Social Heatmap - StockTwits
Social web use in 2009 - Nikhil Bobb
Visualizing opinons around the world (zoomable world map and interactive pie chart) - Siamac Fazli, Bastian Venthur
A Photographer’s infographic - Najeem Muhammed
Visualizing document similarity over time - David Masad
Drought during Month - Mike Bostock
Interactive Publication History - Ben Bederson
Visualizing Networks with Hive Plots
The Wealth & Health of Nations
Bézier Curves, Collatz Graph, Word Cloud and many Mathematical Visualisations - Jason Davies
Koalas to the Max! - Vadim Ogievetsky
What Do You Work For? - Jeffrey Baumes
Misc. Examples - Justin Palmer
Collusion FireFox Addon - Atul Varma
UK University Statistics - Keming Labs (Kevin Lynagh)
Slopegraphs - Hamilton Ulmer
DNAism: Horizon Charts for Genomics - David Rio Deiros
UN Global Pulse 2010 Visualization - Eduardo Graells & Ruth Garcia
U.S. Population Pyramid - Jeff Heer maps and charts - Nelson Minar
Students’ seating habits - Ali Almossawi
World Wide Women’s Rights -
Old Visualizations Made New Again - Jim Vallandingham
Scatterize - Nate Vack
Various visualisations especially with d3.geo - Lars Kotthoff
Global Life Expectancy - Nathan Yau (FlowingData)
Vegetable Nutrition w/ Parallel Coordinates - Kai Chang
London Olympics Perceptions - Donuts to Chord Diagram Transition - Kyle Foreman, Peter Hamilton, Cristina Grigoruta
Colony - Visualising Javascript projects and their dependencies - Hugh Kennedy
Euro Debt Crisis
Inequality in America - EJ Fox for
Hacker News statistics using PhantomJS
AFL Brownlow Medalists, Summer Olympics Home Ground Advantage, Formula 1 Lap Chart and David Foster Wallace’s “Infinite Jest”, and more… - Chris Pudney (VisLives!)
Uber Rides by Neighborhood
Les Misérables Co-occurrence
Les Misérables ‘Gap Heat Map’ Co-occurrence
Color: a color matching game - Maria Munuera and Mark MacKay
NCAA 2012 March Madness Power Rankings - Angi Chau
iTunes Music Library Artist/Genre Graph - Christopher Martin
Visualising New Zealand’s Stolen Vehicle Database Part2
Visualizing San Francisco Home Price Ranges
Daily data return rates for seismic networks in the EarthScope USArray - Rob Newman, Array Network Facility, UCSD
What Size Am I? Finding dresses that fit - Anna Powell-Smith
Baseball 2012 Predictions based on past 6 years - Danny Hadley
Last Chart! - See the Music
Multiple visualization from the Société Typographique de Neuchâtel - Vincent Hiribarren
Prime numbers pattern
eCommerce API Wheel for eBay - Saranyan Vigraham
The business of Bond
Home energy consumption - Peter Cook
Heatmap of gene expression with hierarchical clustering , demo here - Damian Kao
Graph diagram of gene ontology, demo here - Damian Kao
UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Visualizer
University of Washington Departments - Matthew Sorensen
Baby Names in England & Wales - Anna Powell-Smith
Realtime webserver stats - demo - (Github, Github) - Andrew Weeks
TradeArc - Arc Diagram of Offseason NHL Trades, (Github) - Nathan Stehr
Moon Phase Visualizer - palerdot
Visualizing Swiss politicians on Twitter using D3.js - Ralph
Close Votes - visualizing voting similarities for the Dutch 2012 national elections - Jan Willem Tulp
Multiple Area charts and a brush tool - Tyler Craft
Enumerating vertex induced connected subgraphs - Robert Kozikowski
Startup Salary & Equity Compensation - Jared Jacobs (
Pyramid charts: demographic transition in the US
Floating bubble chart: De Maastricht au traité budgétaire : les oui et les non de 39 personnalités politiques
Exploring d3.js with data from my runs to plot my heart rate
Is Barack Obama the President? (Balloon charts)
Audio Spectrum Analyzer - Ari Russo
Places in the Game of Thrones - Jérôme Cukier
A Visit From The Goon Squad - Interactive Character Map - Filip Zembowicz
Twitter Influencer Visualization - Erik Driessen
Chicago Ward Remap Outlines - Christopher Manning
Minute: record of all of my keystrokes - Tom MacWright
Olympic Medal Rivalry - Makoto Inoue
Visualizing U.S. Births and Deaths in Real-Time - Brad Flyon
Vélib network visualization - Cyril Gantzer
Events in the Game of Thrones - Jérôme Cukier
Chart Wheel Visualization - Anil Omanwar
Comparing the same surveys by different polling organizations (polish) and translated in english - smarterpoland
Confidence interval in poll surveys and translated in english - smarterpoland
Forecast of Mexican 2012 presidential election - Diego Valle-Jones
Romanian parliamentarian bubble chart. In Romanian - Harta Politicii
Linked Jazz network graph - Matt Miller
A physics model of a physics model - Michiel van der Blonk
The first thing that should be shown in any Trigonometry class
How educated are world leaders? - Ali Almossawi
Dynamic charts and dynamically populated charts - Marcello La Rocca
Radial Line Chart and Chart Wheel - Anil Omanwar
Indo-European concepts, cognates, and etymologies - Joseph Nudell
Remix of the Century - Henrik Pettersson, David Vella, and Tom Hannen
Displaying real-time data - Marcello La Rocca
“Decide the Czech 2013 Presidential Election” interactive visualization - Vojtech Hyza, Karel Minarik, Josef Slerka (about, source)
Mass Gun shootings in USA - Nanda Yadav
UK Rainfall 1910-2012 - Peter Cook
Modal Logic Playground - Ross Kirsling
Collection of 9 dynamical systems examples - interactive examples found under educational material - Sean Summers
Standings Slopegraph - Slopegraph of weekly NHL standings for 2012-13 season, (Github) - Nathan Stehr
Amsterdam Economic Performance 1995-2011 - Iconomical
Examination Results in Karnataka, India | Dashboard with maps - Sajjad Anwar
2002-2011 International Phone Call Traffic bar chart with time series
Influence Map: Women & Leadership - Dane Lyons
The State of Do Not Track - Mozilla
Personal texting trends demo (using dc.js) - Joseph Nudell
Worldwide remittance flows - David Bauer, Ilya Boyandin und René Stalder
Evolution of the Firefox Codebase - Ali Almossawi
Language Network - José Cotrino
The Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, source - Adam Becker
Global Oil Production & Consumption since 1965 - Timo Grossenbacher
Swiss Votes Explorer - Timo Grossenbacher
Electrical field lines and Equipotential surfaces simulation - Pance Cavkovski
Artefacts of the Collective Unconscious - Noah Pedrini and David Patman
Starpaths - José Cotrino
Most common birthdays - David Bauer
Premier League Transfers, 1992-2013 - Joseph Nudell
Relative Size Of The Planets - Keith Watson (best in Safari, where I can get the drop shadow to work)
Most Expensive Football Transfers: How the Money Flows - Ramiro Gómez
User-Specific LinkedIn Social Network Visualization and Analysis - Craig Tutterow
Interactive Stacked Bar Chart of US Population - Zhou Yu
Arapahoe Basin Ski Slopes Vizualized - David Wilson
D3-dateline - horizontal timeline, force-directed - Peter Binkley
Visualizing K-Means Clustering - Naftali Harris
Australian Election Preferences - Peter Neish
Lifespan - José Cotrino
UK Economy as a Network - Helen Jackson
England and Wales house price evolution (multi-variable animation) - Helen Jackson
Millennium Development Goals and Economic Growth - Helen Jackson
Weather and UK Agricultural Yields Regression Results - Helen Jackson
Simple Schelling Model of Urban Segregation - Helen Jackson
Sensitivity Analysis of Renewable Technology Costs - Helen Jackson
New Years Resolutions and Search Trends - Chris Polis
Geometric Proof of the Pythagorean theorem - Chris Polis
Top words and the words they frequently appear with in American Hip-Hop - Nathan Stehr
Sochi Winter Olympics Medals by Country and Sport - Chris Polis
Process map and documentation using an interactive force layout - James Nylen
Beijing Air Pollution Visualization - Scott Cheng
China Historical Films Timeline - Laurent C.
Can we have a Pie chart like this? - Anwarhusen Malgave
And like this? A Pie chart with dofferent angle - Anwarhusen Malgave
DogeOS/SmartOS SMF browser - LI, Yu
Archive of polling data for Austria - Flooh Perlot
Visualizing MBTA Data - Michael Barry and Brian Card
Visualizing Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’: “Sirens” as a Graphic Score - Emily Fuhrman
Visualizing film dialogue - 255 fuck in Pulp Fiction - Sarath Saleem
US Health Expenditure Comparison Tool — Shawn W
Drug adverse events - Etienne Ramstein
Gene functional interaction networks - Aaron Wong
Shrimp demonstrates a DAG Tree layout for browsing SNOMED CT - Michael Lawley, CSIRO
Multi-line chart demonstrates the’s net annualized return of loans by vintage - Thuy Nguyen
Circle Packing - Stories and other Interactive Animations - Ken Webb
RGB-plot - Denes Csala
nextflu: real-time tracking of influenza virus evolution - Trevor Bedford
I See Hue: How People Perceive Hues - Petr Devaikin
Max Katz Crowdfunding Campaign (Age and Gender) - Petr Devaikin
Max Katz Crowdfunding Campaign Timeline - Petr Devaikin
Visualizing Cash Flows - Neil Atkinson
BridgeViz - Diego Bogni and Hassan Saidinejad
NCAR Ensemble Skew-T Viewer - Ryan Sobash
Pazzla: Photo Mosaics of Instagram Pictures - Petr Devaikin
Automated Biography of a Nation - Annalyn Ng
Star Wars Character Profiles - Annalyn Ng
Refugee dynamics - what does the data say? A visual exploratory of refugee flows over the world using dynamic chord diagrams - Denes Csala
A World of Change - Climate change through the lens of Google search - Pitch Interactive & Michael Chang
Mapping Solar Flares - An interactive map of flares observed on the Sun - Monica Bobra & Chau Dang
[Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS spectrum) data viewer] ( - Janko Diminic
The Cancer Genome Atlas - Interactive Exploration of Patient Gender, Race and Age - Nicola Bonzanni, Alvise Trevisan
Spirograph simulator - James Nylen
KnowledgeMap - José Cotrino
Mova: Movement Analytics Platform - Omid Alemi
Russian State Duma Structure - Petr Devaikin
US H1b Worker Salaries - Si Thu Latt
Timeline Chronology: A chance to review the extensive documentation generated by the Picasso’s painting - Rethinking Guernica Reina Sofia Museum - Víctor San Vicente
The New York Times visualizations
The Facebook Offering: How It Compares - Jeremy Ashkenas et al.
Four Ways to Slice Obama’s 2013 Budget Proposal - Shan Carter
At the Democratic Convention, the Words Being Used
How the Chicago Public School District Compares
Drought and Deluge in the Lower 48
All the Medalists: Men’s 100-Meter Freestyle
The electoral map: building path to victory
Who Voted for Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney
Over the Decades, How States Have Shifted
512 Paths to the White House and design process
At the National Conventions, the Words They Used
Drought Extends, Crops Wither
How Obama Won Re-election
Jerome Cukier

La Nuit Blanche
Percolation model
Markov processes
Cellular automata
Game of life
The Polya process
Schelling’s segregation model
Jason Davies

Quadratic Koch Island Simplification
Random Points on a Sphere
Topology-Preserving Geometry Simplification
Detecting Duplicates in O(1) Space and O(n) Time
Factorisation Diagrams
Set Partitions
El Patrón de los Números Primos
Infinite Plasma Fractal
Random Arboretum
Crayola Colour Chronology
Parallel Sets
Rhodonea Curve
Tag Cloud
Combinatorial Necklaces and Bracelets
Biham-Middleton-Levine Traffic Model
9-Patch Quilt Generator
The Music of Graphs
Mobile Patent Lawsuits
Sunflower Phyllotaxis
Girko’s Circular Law
Calkin–Wilf Tree
Bloom Filters
Carotid-Kundalini Fractal Explorer
Coffee Flavour Wheel
Number of unique rectangle-free 4-colourings for an nxm grid
Animated Quasicrystals
Collatz Graph: All Numbers Lead to One
Hamming Quilt
Hilbert Stocks
Hilbert Curve
Gaussian Primes
Latest Earthquakes
Phylogenetic Tree of Life
Voronoi Boids: Voroboids
Animated Bézier Curves
Animated Trigonometry
Apollonian Gasket
Monte Carlo simulation of bifurcations in the logistic map
Sorting Visualisations
Complete Graphs
Leibniz Spiral
Morley’s trisector theorem
Poincaré Disc
Proof of Pythagoras’ Theorem
From Random Polygon to Ellipse
American Forces in Afghanistan and Iraq
Jim Vallandingham

How to Make an Interactive Network Visualization
Word Frequency Bubble Clouds
Animated Bubble Chart of Gates Educational Donations
Stowers Group Collaboration Network
GSA-Leased Opportunity Dashboard
We’re In The Money: How Much Do The Movies We Love Make?
Visualizing The Racial Divide
Composition of Church Membership by State: 1890
Proportion of Foreign Born in Large Cities: 1900
License Usage Dashboard
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

US Health Map
GBD Compare
Mortality Visualization
COD Visualization
GBD Heatmap
GBD Arrow Diagram
GBD Uncertainty Visualization
GBD Cause Patterns
GBD 2010 healthy years lost vs life expectancy
Life expectancy by county and sex (US) with country comparison
Development assistance for health by health focus area
Development assistance for health by channel of assistance
Peter Cook
Who’s Like Tatum?
UK Temperature 1910-2014
F1 Timeline
Wimbledon 2013
What Makes Us Happy?
Domestic Energy Consumption
D3 Enter and Exit (Under the Hood)
Two Tables (Understanding D3 Selections)
Charts and Chart Components
Bar Chart
Hierarchical Bar Chart
Grouped Bar Chart
Stacked Bar Chart
Dynamic Bar Charts
Sortable bars: Foreign aid, corruption and internet use - Nikhil Sonnad
Grouped and Stacked Bar Chart
Waterfall Chart
Dual-scale Bar Chart
Diverging Stacked Bar Chart
Horizontally Grouped Bar Chart
Magical Bar Charts - Mihael Ankerst
Bar Chart with D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Horizontal Bar Chart with D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Group Bar Chart D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Grouped Horizontal Bar Chart with D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Stack Bar Chart D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Horizontal Stack Bar Chart D3 V4- Chandrakant Thakkar
Reusable Interdependent Interactive Histograms (demo)
Histogram Chart
Fixed-width Histogram, Irwin–Hall distribution
Fixed-width Histogram of Durations, log-normal distribution
Variable-width Histogram
Histogram with labels
Histogram overlaid with cumulative percentage line like Excel histograms
Cumulative Histogram
Histogram using pareto distribution
Pareto Chart
Simple Example Pareto Chart
Basic Pareto Chart/Histogram without the cumulative percentage line
Line and Area Chart
Axis Component
Small Multiples
Interactive Line Graph
Dual scale line chart
Horizon Chart
Line Chart with tooltips
Stacked layout with time axis
Multiple Area Charts with D3.JS
Multiple time-series with object constancy - Nikhil Sonnad
Overlapped distribution Area chart - Narayana Swamy
Mortgage overpayment calculator in D3 4.0
Multi-Series Line Chart - Chandrakant Thakkar
Pie Chart
Reusable Pie Charts (demo)
Pie Multiples / Pie Multiples with Nesting
Pie Chart Updating (Part 1) (Part 2)
Hierarchical Pie Chart - Andreas Dewes
Pie Chart D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Donult Chart D3 V4 - Chandrakant Thakkar
Scatterplot and Bubble chart
Scatterplot for K-Means clustering visualization
Animated bubble charts for school data analysis
Scatterplot and Heatmap
Scatterplot: Social trust vs ease of doing business - Nikhil Sonnad
Explore Matrix Data with Scatterplots
k-Nearest-Neighbor Search with Quadtree

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