4.6 replicaset controller




replicaset controller是kube-controller-manager组件中众多控制器中的一个,是 replicaset 资源对象的控制器,其通过对replicaset、pod 2种资源的监听,当这2种资源发生变化时会触发 replicaset controller 对相应的replicaset对象进行调谐操作,从而完成replicaset期望副本数的调谐,当实际pod的数量未达到预期时创建pod,当实际pod的数量超过预期时删除pod。

replicaset controller主要作用是根据replicaset对象所期望的pod数量与现存pod数量做比较,然后根据比较结果创建/删除pod,最终使得replicaset对象所期望的pod数量与现存pod数量相等。


replicaset controller的大致组成和处理流程如下图,replicaset controller对pod和replicaset对象注册了event handler,当有事件时,会watch到然后将对应的replicaset对象放入到queue中,然后syncReplicaSet方法为replicaset controller调谐replicaset对象的核心处理逻辑所在,从queue中取出replicaset对象,做调谐处理。



// ReplicaSetController is responsible for synchronizing ReplicaSet objects stored
// in the system with actual running pods.
type ReplicaSetController struct {
	// GroupVersionKind indicates the controller type.
	// Different instances of this struct may handle different GVKs.
	// For example, this struct can be used (with adapters) to handle ReplicationController.

	kubeClient clientset.Interface
	podControl controller.PodControlInterface

	eventBroadcaster record.EventBroadcaster

	// A ReplicaSet is temporarily suspended after creating/deleting these many replicas.
	// It resumes normal action after observing the watch events for them.
	burstReplicas int
	// To allow injection of syncReplicaSet for testing.
	syncHandler func(ctx context.Context, rsKey string) error

	// A TTLCache of pod creates/deletes each rc expects to see.
	expectations *controller.UIDTrackingControllerExpectations

	// A store of ReplicaSets, populated by the shared informer passed to NewReplicaSetController
	rsLister appslisters.ReplicaSetLister
	// rsListerSynced returns true if the pod store has been synced at least once.
	// Added as a member to the struct to allow injection for testing.
	rsListerSynced cache.InformerSynced
	rsIndexer      cache.Indexer

	// A store of pods, populated by the shared informer passed to NewReplicaSetController
	podLister corelisters.PodLister
	// podListerSynced returns true if the pod store has been synced at least once.
	// Added as a member to the struct to allow injection for testing.
	podListerSynced cache.InformerSynced

	// Controllers that need to be synced
	queue workqueue.TypedRateLimitingInterface[string]
// NewReplicaSetController configures a replica set controller with the specified event recorder
func NewReplicaSetController(ctx context.Context, rsInformer appsinformers.ReplicaSetInformer, podInformer coreinformers.PodInformer, kubeClient clientset.Interface, burstReplicas int) *ReplicaSetController {
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	eventBroadcaster := record.NewBroadcaster(record.WithContext(ctx))
	if err := metrics.Register(legacyregistry.Register); err != nil {
		logger.Error(err, "unable to register metrics")
	return NewBaseController(logger, rsInformer, podInformer, kubeClient, burstReplicas,
			KubeClient: kubeClient,
			Recorder:   eventBroadcaster.NewRecorder(scheme.Scheme, v1.EventSource{Component: "replicaset-controller"}),
// NewBaseController is the implementation of NewReplicaSetController with additional injected
// parameters so that it can also serve as the implementation of NewReplicationController.
func NewBaseController(logger klog.Logger, rsInformer appsinformers.ReplicaSetInformer, podInformer coreinformers.PodInformer, kubeClient clientset.Interface, burstReplicas int,
	gvk schema.GroupVersionKind, metricOwnerName, queueName string, podControl controller.PodControlInterface, eventBroadcaster record.EventBroadcaster) *ReplicaSetController {

	rsc := &ReplicaSetController{
		GroupVersionKind: gvk,
		kubeClient:       kubeClient,
		podControl:       podControl,
		eventBroadcaster: eventBroadcaster,
		burstReplicas:    burstReplicas,
		expectations:     controller.NewUIDTrackingControllerExpectations(controller.NewControllerExpectations()),
		queue: workqueue.NewTypedRateLimitingQueueWithConfig(
			workqueue.TypedRateLimitingQueueConfig[string]{Name: queueName},

		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			rsc.addRS(logger, obj)
		UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
			rsc.updateRS(logger, oldObj, newObj)
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			rsc.deleteRS(logger, obj)
		controllerUIDIndex: func(obj interface{}) ([]string, error) {
			rs, ok := obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
			if !ok {
				return []string{}, nil
			controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(rs)
			if controllerRef == nil {
				return []string{}, nil
			return []string{string(controllerRef.UID)}, nil
	rsc.rsIndexer = rsInformer.Informer().GetIndexer()
	rsc.rsLister = rsInformer.Lister()
	rsc.rsListerSynced = rsInformer.Informer().HasSynced

		AddFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			rsc.addPod(logger, obj)
		// This invokes the ReplicaSet for every pod change, eg: host assignment. Though this might seem like
		// overkill the most frequent pod update is status, and the associated ReplicaSet will only list from
		// local storage, so it should be ok.
		UpdateFunc: func(oldObj, newObj interface{}) {
			rsc.updatePod(logger, oldObj, newObj)
		DeleteFunc: func(obj interface{}) {
			rsc.deletePod(logger, obj)
	rsc.podLister = podInformer.Lister()
	rsc.podListerSynced = podInformer.Informer().HasSynced

	rsc.syncHandler = rsc.syncReplicaSet

	return rsc


queue是replicaset controller做sync操作的关键。当replicaset或pod对象发生改变,其对应的EventHandler会把该对象往queue中加入,而replicaset controller的Run方法中调用的rsc.worker(后面再做分析)会从queue中获取对象并做相应的调谐操作。


type ReplicaSetController struct {

	// Controllers that need to be synced
	queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface


1 rsc.addRS

当发现有新增的replicaset对象,会调用该方法, 将该对象加入queue中。

func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) addRS(logger klog.Logger, obj interface{}) {
	rs := obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	logger.V(4).Info("Adding", "replicaSet", klog.KObj(rs))

func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) enqueueRS(rs *apps.ReplicaSet) {
	key, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
	if err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get key for object %#v: %v", rs, err))


2 rsc.updateRS


(1)如果新旧 replicaset 对象的uid不一致,则调用rsc.deleteRS(rsc.deleteRS在后面分析);

// callback when RS is updated
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) updateRS(logger klog.Logger, old, cur interface{}) {
	oldRS := old.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	curRS := cur.(*apps.ReplicaSet)

	// TODO: make a KEP and fix informers to always call the delete event handler on re-create
	if curRS.UID != oldRS.UID {
		key, err := controller.KeyFunc(oldRS)
		if err != nil {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get key for object %#v: %v", oldRS, err))
		rsc.deleteRS(logger, cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown{
			Key: key,
			Obj: oldRS,

	// You might imagine that we only really need to enqueue the
	// replica set when Spec changes, but it is safer to sync any
	// time this function is triggered. That way a full informer
	// resync can requeue any replica set that don't yet have pods
	// but whose last attempts at creating a pod have failed (since
	// we don't block on creation of pods) instead of those
	// replica sets stalling indefinitely. Enqueueing every time
	// does result in some spurious syncs (like when Status.Replica
	// is updated and the watch notification from it retriggers
	// this function), but in general extra resyncs shouldn't be
	// that bad as ReplicaSets that haven't met expectations yet won't
	// sync, and all the listing is done using local stores.
	if *(oldRS.Spec.Replicas) != *(curRS.Spec.Replicas) {
		logger.V(4).Info("replicaSet updated. Desired pod count change.", "replicaSet", klog.KObj(oldRS), "oldReplicas", *(oldRS.Spec.Replicas), "newReplicas", *(curRS.Spec.Replicas))

3 rsc.deleteRS



func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) deleteRS(logger klog.Logger, obj interface{}) {
	rs, ok := obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
	if !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		if !ok {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get object from tombstone %#v", obj))
		rs, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*apps.ReplicaSet)
		if !ok {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("tombstone contained object that is not a ReplicaSet %#v", obj))

	key, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
	if err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get key for object %#v: %v", rs, err))

	logger.V(4).Info("Deleting", "replicaSet", klog.KObj(rs))

	// Delete expectations for the ReplicaSet so if we create a new one with the same name it starts clean
	rsc.expectations.DeleteExpectations(logger, key)


4 rsc.addPod



// When a pod is created, enqueue the replica set that manages it and update its expectations.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) addPod(logger klog.Logger, obj interface{}) {
	pod := obj.(*v1.Pod)

	if pod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		// on a restart of the controller manager, it's possible a new pod shows up in a state that
		// is already pending deletion. Prevent the pod from being a creation observation.
		rsc.deletePod(logger, pod)

	// If it has a ControllerRef, that's all that matters.
	if controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(pod); controllerRef != nil {
		rs := rsc.resolveControllerRef(pod.Namespace, controllerRef)
		if rs == nil {
		rsKey, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
		if err != nil {
		logger.V(4).Info("Pod created", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "detail", pod)
		rsc.expectations.CreationObserved(logger, rsKey)

	// Otherwise, it's an orphan. Get a list of all matching ReplicaSets and sync
	// them to see if anyone wants to adopt it.
	// DO NOT observe creation because no controller should be waiting for an
	// orphan.
	rss := rsc.getPodReplicaSets(pod)
	if len(rss) == 0 {
	logger.V(4).Info("Orphan Pod created", "pod", klog.KObj(pod), "detail", pod)
	for _, rs := range rss {

5 rsc.updatePod


(3)查找对应 rs ,enqueue

// When a pod is updated, figure out what replica set/s manage it and wake them
// up. If the labels of the pod have changed we need to awaken both the old
// and new replica set. old and cur must be *v1.Pod types.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) updatePod(logger klog.Logger, old, cur interface{}) {
	curPod := cur.(*v1.Pod)
	oldPod := old.(*v1.Pod)
	if curPod.ResourceVersion == oldPod.ResourceVersion {
		// Periodic resync will send update events for all known pods.
		// Two different versions of the same pod will always have different RVs.

	labelChanged := !reflect.DeepEqual(curPod.Labels, oldPod.Labels)
	if curPod.DeletionTimestamp != nil {
		// when a pod is deleted gracefully it's deletion timestamp is first modified to reflect a grace period,
		// and after such time has passed, the kubelet actually deletes it from the store. We receive an update
		// for modification of the deletion timestamp and expect an rs to create more replicas asap, not wait
		// until the kubelet actually deletes the pod. This is different from the Phase of a pod changing, because
		// an rs never initiates a phase change, and so is never asleep waiting for the same.
		rsc.deletePod(logger, curPod)
		if labelChanged {
			// we don't need to check the oldPod.DeletionTimestamp because DeletionTimestamp cannot be unset.
			rsc.deletePod(logger, oldPod)

	curControllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(curPod)
	oldControllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(oldPod)
	controllerRefChanged := !reflect.DeepEqual(curControllerRef, oldControllerRef)
	if controllerRefChanged && oldControllerRef != nil {
		// The ControllerRef was changed. Sync the old controller, if any.
		if rs := rsc.resolveControllerRef(oldPod.Namespace, oldControllerRef); rs != nil {

	// If it has a ControllerRef, that's all that matters.
	if curControllerRef != nil {
		rs := rsc.resolveControllerRef(curPod.Namespace, curControllerRef)
		if rs == nil {
		logger.V(4).Info("Pod objectMeta updated.", "pod", klog.KObj(oldPod), "oldObjectMeta", oldPod.ObjectMeta, "curObjectMeta", curPod.ObjectMeta)
		// TODO: MinReadySeconds in the Pod will generate an Available condition to be added in
		// the Pod status which in turn will trigger a requeue of the owning replica set thus
		// having its status updated with the newly available replica. For now, we can fake the
		// update by resyncing the controller MinReadySeconds after the it is requeued because
		// a Pod transitioned to Ready.
		// Note that this still suffers from #29229, we are just moving the problem one level
		// "closer" to kubelet (from the deployment to the replica set controller).
		if !podutil.IsPodReady(oldPod) && podutil.IsPodReady(curPod) && rs.Spec.MinReadySeconds > 0 {
			logger.V(2).Info("pod will be enqueued after a while for availability check", "duration", rs.Spec.MinReadySeconds, "kind", rsc.Kind, "pod", klog.KObj(oldPod))
			// Add a second to avoid milliseconds skew in AddAfter.
			// See https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/issues/39785#issuecomment-279959133 for more info.
			rsc.enqueueRSAfter(rs, (time.Duration(rs.Spec.MinReadySeconds)*time.Second)+time.Second)

	// Otherwise, it's an orphan. If anything changed, sync matching controllers
	// to see if anyone wants to adopt it now.
	if labelChanged || controllerRefChanged {
		rss := rsc.getPodReplicaSets(curPod)
		if len(rss) == 0 {
		logger.V(4).Info("Orphan Pod objectMeta updated.", "pod", klog.KObj(oldPod), "oldObjectMeta", oldPod.ObjectMeta, "curObjectMeta", curPod.ObjectMeta)
		for _, rs := range rss {

6 rsc.deletePod



// When a pod is deleted, enqueue the replica set that manages the pod and update its expectations.
// obj could be an *v1.Pod, or a DeletionFinalStateUnknown marker item.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) deletePod(logger klog.Logger, obj interface{}) {
	pod, ok := obj.(*v1.Pod)

	// When a delete is dropped, the relist will notice a pod in the store not
	// in the list, leading to the insertion of a tombstone object which contains
	// the deleted key/value. Note that this value might be stale. If the pod
	// changed labels the new ReplicaSet will not be woken up till the periodic resync.
	if !ok {
		tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
		if !ok {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get object from tombstone %+v", obj))
		pod, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*v1.Pod)
		if !ok {
			utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("tombstone contained object that is not a pod %#v", obj))

	controllerRef := metav1.GetControllerOf(pod)
	if controllerRef == nil {
		// No controller should care about orphans being deleted.
	rs := rsc.resolveControllerRef(pod.Namespace, controllerRef)
	if rs == nil {
	rsKey, err := controller.KeyFunc(rs)
	if err != nil {
		utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("couldn't get key for object %#v: %v", rs, err))
	logger.V(4).Info("Pod deleted", "delete_by", utilruntime.GetCaller(), "deletion_timestamp", pod.DeletionTimestamp, "pod", klog.KObj(pod))
	rsc.expectations.DeletionObserved(logger, rsKey, controller.PodKey(pod))



// Run begins watching and syncing.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) Run(ctx context.Context, workers int) {
	defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()

	// Start events processing pipeline.
	rsc.eventBroadcaster.StartRecordingToSink(&v1core.EventSinkImpl{Interface: rsc.kubeClient.CoreV1().Events("")})
	defer rsc.eventBroadcaster.Shutdown()

	defer rsc.queue.ShutDown()

	controllerName := strings.ToLower(rsc.Kind)
	logger := klog.FromContext(ctx)
	logger.Info("Starting controller", "name", controllerName)
	defer logger.Info("Shutting down controller", "name", controllerName)

	if !cache.WaitForNamedCacheSync(rsc.Kind, ctx.Done(), rsc.podListerSynced, rsc.rsListerSynced) {

	for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
		go wait.UntilWithContext(ctx, rsc.worker, time.Second)

// worker runs a worker thread that just dequeues items, processes them, and marks them done.
// It enforces that the syncHandler is never invoked concurrently with the same key.
func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) worker(ctx context.Context) {
	for rsc.processNextWorkItem(ctx) {

func (rsc *ReplicaSetController) processNextWorkItem(ctx context.Context) bool {
	key, quit := rsc.queue.Get()
	if quit {
		return false
	defer rsc.queue.Done(key)

	err := rsc.syncHandler(ctx, key)
	if err == nil {
		return true

	utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("sync %q failed with %v", key, err))

	return true


下面来看一下kube-controller-manager组件中replicaset controller相关的concurrent-replicaset-syncs启动参数。

// cmd/kube-controller-manager/app/options/replicasetcontroller.go
// ReplicaSetControllerOptions holds the ReplicaSetController options.
type ReplicaSetControllerOptions struct {

// AddFlags adds flags related to ReplicaSetController for controller manager to the specified FlagSet.
func (o *ReplicaSetControllerOptions) AddFlags(fs *pflag.FlagSet) {
	if o == nil {

	fs.Int32Var(&o.ConcurrentRSSyncs, "concurrent-replicaset-syncs", o.ConcurrentRSSyncs, "The number of replica sets that are allowed to sync concurrently. Larger number = more responsive replica management, but more CPU (and network) load")

// ApplyTo fills up ReplicaSetController config with options.
func (o *ReplicaSetControllerOptions) ApplyTo(cfg *replicasetconfig.ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration) error {
	if o == nil {
		return nil

	cfg.ConcurrentRSSyncs = o.ConcurrentRSSyncs

	return nil

// Validate checks validation of ReplicaSetControllerOptions.
func (o *ReplicaSetControllerOptions) Validate() []error {
	if o == nil {
		return nil

	errs := []error{}
	return errs

// concurrent-replicaset-syncs参数默认值配置为5。

// pkg/controller/apis/config/v1alpha1/register.go
func init() {
	// We only register manually written functions here. The registration of the
	// generated functions takes place in the generated files. The separation
	// makes the code compile even when the generated files are missing.

// pkg/controller/apis/config/v1alpha1/defaults.go
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *kruntime.Scheme) error {
	return RegisterDefaults(scheme)

// pkg/controller/apis/config/v1alpha1/zz_generated.defaults.go
func RegisterDefaults(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error {
	scheme.AddTypeDefaultingFunc(&v1alpha1.KubeControllerManagerConfiguration{}, func(obj interface{}) {
	return nil

func SetObjectDefaults_KubeControllerManagerConfiguration(in *v1alpha1.KubeControllerManagerConfiguration) {

// pkg/controller/apis/config/v1alpha1/defaults.go
func SetDefaults_KubeControllerManagerConfiguration(obj *kubectrlmgrconfigv1alpha1.KubeControllerManagerConfiguration) {
    // Use the default RecommendedDefaultReplicaSetControllerConfiguration options

// pkg/controller/replicaset/config/v1alpha1/defaults.go
func RecommendedDefaultReplicaSetControllerConfiguration(obj *kubectrlmgrconfigv1alpha1.ReplicaSetControllerConfiguration) {
	if obj.ConcurrentRSSyncs == 0 {
		obj.ConcurrentRSSyncs = 5




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