template <typename Comparable>
class BinarySearchTree
BinarySearchTree( const BinarySearchTree& rhs);
const Comparable& findMin() const;
const Comparable& findMax() const;
bool contains(const Comparable& x) const;
bool isEmpty() const;
void printTree() const;
void makeEmpty();
void insert(const Comparable& x);
void remove(const Comparable& x);
const BinarySearchTree& operator=(const BinarySearchTree& rhs);
struct BinaryNode
Comparable element;
BinaryNode *left;
BinaryNode *right;
BinaryNode(const Comparable& theElement, BinaryNode *lt, BinaryNode *rt): element(theElement), left(lt), right(rt){}
BinaryNode *root;
void insert(const Comparable& x, BinaryNode * & t) const;
void remove(const Comparable& x, BianryNode * & t) const;
BinaryNode * findMin(BinaryNode *t) const;
BinaryNode * findMax(BinaryNode *t) const;
bool contains(const Comparable &x, BinaryNode *t) const;
void makeEmpty(BinaryNode * & t);
void printTree(BinaryNode *t) const;
BinaryNode * clone(BinaryNode *t) const;
*Returns true if x is found in the tree
bool contains(const Comparable & x) const
return contains(x, root);
*Insert x into the tree; duplicates are ignored
void insert(const Comparable& x)
insert(x, root);
*Remove x from the tree.Nothing is done if x is not found.
void remove(const Comparable& x)
remove(x, root);
*Internal method to test if an item is in a subtree
*x is an item to search for
*t is the node that roots the suntree
bool contains(const Comparable& x, binaryNode *t) contant
if(t == NULL)
return false;
else if(x < t->element)
return contains(x, t->left);
else if(t->element < x);
return contains(x, t->right);
return true; //Match
template <typename Object, typename Comparator=less<Object> >
class BinarySearchTree
//Same methods, with Object replacing Comparable
BinaryNode *root;
Comparator isLessThan;
//Same methods, with Object replacing Comparable
*Internal method to test if an item is in a
*subtree. x is item to search for.
*t is the node that roots the subtree.
bool contains(const Object& x, BinaryNode *t) const
if(t == NULL)
return false;
else if(isLessThan(x, t->element) )
return contains(x, t->left);
else if(isLessThan(t->element, x) )
return contains(x, t->right);
return true; //Match
*Internal method to find the smallest item in a
*subtree t.
*Return node containing the smallest item.
BinaryNode * findMin(BinaryNode *t) const
if(t == NULL)
return NULL;
if(t->left == NULL)
return t;
return findMin(t->left);
*Internal method to find the largest item in a
*subtree t.
*Return node containing the largest item.
BinaryNode * findMax(BinaryNode *t) const
if(t != NULL)
while(t->right != NULL)
t = t->right;
return t;
*Internal method to insert into a subtree t.
*x is the item to insert.
*t is the node that roots the subtree.
*Set the new root of the subtree.
void insert(const Comparable& x, BinaryNode * & t)
if(t == NULL)
t = new BinaryNode(x, NULL, NULL);
else if(x < t->element)
insert(x, t->left);
else if(t->element < x)
insert(x, t->right);
; //Duplicate;do nothing
*Internal method to remove from a subtree.
*x is the item to remove.
*t is the node that roots the subtree.
*Set the new root of the subtree.
void remove(const Comparable& x, BinaryNode * & t)
if(t == NULL)
return; //item not found;do nothing
if(x < t->element)
remove(x, t->left);
else if(t->element < x)
remove(x, t->right);
else if(t->left != NULL && t->right != NULL) //Two children
t->element = findMin(t->right)->element;
remove(t->element, t->right)
else //deleting operation
BinaryNode *oldNode = t;
t = (t->left != NULL) ? t->left : t->right;
delete oldNode;
*Destructor for the tree
*Internal method to make subtree empty.
void makeEmpty(BinaryNode * & t)
if(t != NULL)
delete t;
t = NULL;
*Deep copy
const BinarySearchTree & operator=(const BinarySearchTree &rhs)
if(this != &rhs)
root = clone(rhs.root);
return *this;
*Internal method to clone subtree
BinaryNode* clone(BinaryNode* t) const
if(t == NULL)
return NULL;
return new BinaryNode(t->element, clone(t->left), clone(t->right));
参考Mark Allen Weiss《数据结构与算法分析c++描述》第三版,仅供学习交流之用,转发请注明原出处。