
翻译: 余小果     来源:http://www.yeeyan.com/articles/view/fish/2620/dz



1. 找出背后的脸-灵活使用此技巧,你可以过滤Google的图片搜索,使之只出现人的图像.这有什么用?这么说吧,如果你要找一个有名的人的图片,但是与之同名的产品,公司或者地理位置什么的会使你困扰,这个小技巧能让你更得心应手.想使用这个方法,你只需要在标准图片搜索之后在URL地址后面加上后缀&imgtype=face.

2.Google + 社会媒体网站 = 免费的好东东-如果你正在寻找免费的桌面壁纸,股票图片,Wordpress模板或者类似的东西,用Google搜索你最喜欢的社会媒体网站是最好的选择.直接搜索"免费"的时候立即跳出大量垃圾广告信息.但是既然相当数量的社会媒体网站已经有一个社区的用户将优秀的东西进行了筛选和排名,你为什么还要在这些垃圾信息中如履薄冰呢?你需要的只是直接在Google里搜索这些社会媒体网站的内容,然后,哦也....你轻而易举地找到了大量用户挖掘出的优秀资源.


  • 你在一个公共场所,比如咖啡店或者网吧上网,你希望在你浏览网页的时候保护自己的隐私.你不想网管知道你浏览的每一个网页.
  • 你想要绕过一个网络过滤器或者是你服务器端的禁令(比如众所周知的国内的困境,译者注). 内容过滤在校园网上尤其常见. 这个小技巧通常可以绕过这些限制.









  • link:URL = 列出到链接到目标URL的网页清单.
  • related:URL = 列出于目标URL地址有关的网页.
  • site:domain.com 搜索区域仅限于目标网站.
  • allinurl:WORDS = 只显示在URL地址里有搜索结果的页面.
  • inurl:WORD = 跟allinurl类似,但是只在URL中搜索第一个词.
  • allintitle:WORD = 搜索网页标题.
  • intitle:WORD = 跟allintitle类似,但是只在标题里搜索第一个词.
  • cache:URL = 将显示关于URL的Google缓存(中国不可用).
  • info:URL = 将显示一个包含了这些元素的页面:类似结果的链接,反向链接,还有包括了这个URL的页面.在搜索框里直接输入URL会起到同样的效果.
  • filetype:SOMEFILETYPE = 指定文件类型.
  • -filetype:SOMEFILETYPE = 剔除指定文件类型.
  • site:www.somesite.net “+www.somesite.net” = 显示该站点有多少网页被google收录
  • allintext: = 搜索文本,但不包括网页标题和链接
  • allinlinks: = 搜索链接, 不包括文本和标题
  • WordA OR WordB = 搜索包含两关键词之一的页面
  • “Word” OR “Phrase” = 精确的要求搜索单词或者句子
  • WordA -WordB = 包含单词A但是不包含单词B
  • WordA +WordB = 都包含
  • ~WORD = 寻找此单词和它的同义词
  • ~WORD -WORD = 只搜索同义词,不要原词 
  • More info.




Below I have compiled a list of 7 clever Google tricks that Ibelieve everyone should be aware of.  Together I think they representthe apex of the grand possibilities associated with Google searchmanipulation tricks and hacks.  Although there are many others outthere, these 7 tricks are my all-time favorite.  Enjoy yourself. 

1.  Find the Face Behind the Result – This is aneat trick you can use on a Google Image search to filter the searchresults so that they include only images of people.  How is thisuseful?  Well, it could come in handy if you are looking for images ofthe prominent people behind popular products, companies, or geographiclocations.  You can perform this search by appending the code &imgtype=face to the end of the URL address after you perform a standard Google Image search.

2.  Google + Social Media Sites = Quality Free Stuff– If you are on the hunt for free desktop wallpaper, stock images,Wordpress templates or the like, using Google to search your favoritesocial media sites is your best bet.  The word “free” in any standardsearch query immediately attracts spam.  Why wade through potentialspam in standard search results when numerous social media sites havean active community of users who have already ranked and reviewed thespecific free items that interest you.  All you have to do is directGoogle to search through each of these individual social media sites,and bingo… you find quality content ranked by hundreds of other people.

3.  Find Free Anonymous Web Proxies – A freeanonymous web proxy site allows any web browser to access otherthird-party websites by channeling the browser’s connection through theproxy.  The web proxy basically acts as a middleman between your webbrowser and the third-party website you are visiting.  Why would youwant to do this?  There are two common reasons:

  • You’re connecting to a public network at a coffee shop or internetcafé and you want privacy while you browse the web.  You don’t want theadmin to know every site you visit.
  • You want to bypass a web content filter or perhaps a server-sideban on your IP address.  Content filtering is common practice oncollege campus networks.  This trick will usually bypass thoserestrictions.

There are subscription services and applications available such asTOR and paid VPN servers that do the same thing.  However, this trickis free and easy to access from anywhere via Google.  All you have todo is look through the search results returned by the queries below,find a proxy that works, and enter in the URL of the site you wantto browse anonymously.

4.  Google for Music, Videos, and Ebooks - Googlecan be used to conduct a search for almost any file type, includingMp3s, PDFs, and videos.  Open web directories are one of the easiestplaces to quickly find an endless quantity of freely downloadablefiles.  This is an oldie, but it’s a goodie!  Why thousands ofwebmasters incessantly fail to secure their web severs will continue toboggle our minds.

5.  Browse Open Webcams Worldwide – Take arandomized streaming video tour of the world by searching Google forlive open access video webcams.  This may not be the most productiveGoogle trick ever, but it sure is fun!  (Note: you may be prompted toinstall an ActiveX control or the Java runtime environment which allowsyour browser to view certain video stream formats.)

6.  Judge a Site by its Image – Find out what asite is all about by looking at a random selection of the images hostedon its web pages.  Even if you are somewhat familiar with the targetsite’s content, this can be an entertaining little exercise.  You willalmost surely find something you didn’t expect to see.  All you have todo is use Google’s site: operator to target a domain in an image search.

7.  Results Based on Third-Party Opinion -Sometimes you can get a better idea of the content located within a website by reading how other websites refer to that site’s content. The allinanchor: Google search operator can save you large quantities of time when a normal textual based search query fails to fetch the information you desire.  It conducts a search based on keywords used strictly in the anchor text, or linking text, of third party sites that link to the web pages returned by the search query. In other words, this operator filters your search results in a way such that Google ignores the title and content of the returned web pages,but instead bases the search relevance on the keywords that other sites use to reference the results.  It can add a whole new dimension of variety to your search results.

Bonus Material:

Here is a list of my favorite Google advanced search operators, operator combinations, and related uses:

  • link:URL = lists other pages that link to the URL.
  • related:URL = lists other pages that are related to the URL.
  • site:domain.com “search term = restricts search results to the given domain.
  • allinurl:WORDS = shows only pages with all search terms in the url.
  • inurl:WORD = like allinurl: but filters the URL based on the first term only.
  • allintitle:WORD = shows only results with terms in title.
  • intitle:WORD = similar to allintitle, but only for the next word.
  • cache:URL = will show the Google cached version of the URL.
  • info:URL = will show a page containing links torelated searches, backlinks, and pages containing the url. This is thesame as typing the url into the search box. 
  • filetype:SOMEFILETYPE = will restrict searches to that filetype
  • -filetype:SOMEFILETYPE = will remove that file type from the search.
  • site:www.somesite.net “+www.somesite.net” = shows you how many pages of your site are indexed by google
  • allintext: = searches only within text of pages, but not in the links or page title
  • allinlinks: = searches only within links, not text or title
  • WordA OR WordB = search for either the word A or B
  • “Word” OR “Phrase” = search exact word or phrase
  • WordA -WordB = find word A but filter results that include word B
  • WordA +WordB = results much contain both Word A and Word B
  • ~WORD = looks up the word and its synonyms
  • ~WORD -WORD = looks up only the synonyms to the word 
  • More info.




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