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原创 Management of Java Virtual Machine, memory Section

I plan to create serval tutorials covering topics from JVM, Hashmap, basic data structure, spring and more!

2022-11-13 19:39:40 167 1

原创 Nacos for Dynamic Naming and Configuration

This tutorial will introduce the usage and function of Nacos in practical examples.

2022-10-31 22:18:40 134

原创 RabbitMq and ElasticSearch with JavaSpringBoot

this short tutorialwill teach you how to handle the ElasticSearch database and RabbitMq using Java properly. First half only talks about the RabbitMq!

2022-10-23 16:05:21 631

原创 SpringBoot Generates JavaDoc

Today's tutorials will introduce usingOpenAPI to generate JavaDocs in SpringBoot.

2022-10-16 23:03:58 356

原创 The principle underneath Spring MVC

This tutorial will introduce the principle of Spring MVC by using simple examples and images

2022-10-02 19:06:59 87

原创 Quickly set up website front work using Element-UI

This tutorial will introduce how to use Element-UI to set up a simple website properly.

2022-09-21 17:22:52 176

原创 .then( ) and Async / wait explanation in JS

Today, I will use a simple scenario to explain the concept and usage ofasynchronousprocessing in JavaScript, have fun learning!

2022-09-11 17:16:59 160

原创 Mybatis Leveled up Mybatis-plus

This tutorial aims at introducing some essential points of Mybatis-plus. Like wrapper, basic CRUD and more~

2022-09-04 00:32:20 88

原创 Exception Handling in Java Restful Programming

This tutorial will use easy and simple examples to demonstrate the principle of exception handling in Java Restful Programming.

2022-08-27 11:55:12 105

原创 Introduction of Axios Back to Front in Java

This tutorial will briefly introduce how to implement Axios in our Java program.

2022-08-21 11:08:51 405

原创 Analysis of the Spring MVC Principle

This tutorial will briefly introduce Spring MVC and try to replicate the whole framework with POJO Java code. Let's do it!

2022-08-12 21:26:21 118

原创 Introduction of Mybatis Pagination Methods

Pagination is commonly used in daily development design. Today's tutorial will introduce two methods to help us achieve pagination in Mybatis. Rowbounds and pageHelper

2022-08-06 17:15:18 181

原创 Introduction of Mybatis Environment Setting

Today's tutorial briefly introduceshow to set up the Mybatis environment in Java through XML.

2022-07-31 10:10:04 64

原创 3 mins Design Pattern - Proxy Pattern

In programming, we usually have the same logic as we need to create a proxy class to do extra work for our object. Clients can only accessthe proxy instead of the target object directly. We called it the "Proxy Pattern" in Java Programming.

2022-07-23 11:37:41 161 1

原创 Introduction of IoC(Inversion of Control) in Java

This tutorial will use a simple example to explain how IoC works in Java and discuss the advantages of using IoC.

2022-07-18 09:48:45 55

原创 Create Instant Messaging ChatRoom in Java

This tutorial will divide the whole process into 3major sub-steps to illustrate how to achieve a simple instant messaging app using Java.

2022-07-10 11:42:20 134 3

原创 Introduction of Java Self-defined Exception

An unexpected exception during program running may cause severe destruction and disruption; Therefore, high standard exception handling is essential in practical Java programming.

2022-05-17 13:05:21 85

原创 三分钟深入了解Java枚举(Enumeration)

一、简介有时候我们想创建一个固定的常量表来代表一些恒定不变,或者我们不想去改变的东西。例如春夏秋冬四季和八大行星的顺序等。这个时候,我们就可以用到Java里面一个相对较新的概念,“枚举”(Enumeration)。二、什么是枚举枚举可以看做是类(class)的一种,用enum作为修饰附。一般我们都用大写字母来表示枚举里的项(两个单词用下划线连接)。正如我们上文所说的,枚举是用作代表“固定”的常量链,因此枚举类实际默认含有Public, Static 和 final。下面我们来看一个一年四..

2022-05-12 10:59:59 2731

原创 轻松理解Java抽象类(Abstract Class)


2022-05-11 11:29:54 975

原创 Inheritance in Java

Introduction of Inheritance in Java is an important and sometimes confusing concept. Pillar of OOP.

2022-05-08 21:02:09 424



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