was excited moving from

Andrew Perea is football player of the year

Perea enjoyed one of the better seasons in recent memory, accounting for more than 3,000 yards and leading to Dons to their first league title in 17 years. For his efforts, Perea is Daily News Player of the Year.

played phenomenal and had a great season, said El Rancho coach Vinnie Lopez, whose team was 8 3. off to him. His numbers are a reflection of what the team did. The offensive line was great up front, and we had four outstanding receivers that made plays.

PHOTOS: Meet the 2014 Whittier Daily News all area team

had a fantastic year and we are really proud of the things he did. But like everything, it a team sport. Perea was no doubt the focal leader. He proved to be a double edge sword for opposing defenses, who had to pick their poison when they faced the Dons. As a passer he ranked among the area leaders, throwing for 2,275 yards and 20 touchdowns. But he also added a running dimension, rushing for 828 yards and 14 scores for 34 touchdowns on the season.

He took advantage of Lopez spread offense scheme.

I just gained more confidence in myself and the offense, Perea said. just relied on my receivers, my linemen, everybody. You need everybody to win the game. was steady all season. He threw for 200 yards or more six times, led by 418 yard, four touchdown effort against rival La Serna. The Dons secured a 42 35 victory over the Lancers. It gave them a foothold on the Del Rio League and set up the team run to their first league title since 1997.

was a great win that night, Perea said. lot of guys stepped up and a lot of guys knew we had to get that game to win the league title this year. We just came out and got the job done. Isaac Mendibles, Montebello, Junior

There was nothing complex about the Montebello High School football team offensive gameplan this season.

It centered around senior running back Isaac Mendibles, who despite being a marked man still manage to lead the area in rushing en route to helping the Oilers to a the Almont League title and a spot in the Mid Valley Division quarterfinals for the second consecutive season.

For his efforts, Mendibles is Daily News Offensive Player of the Year.

Mendibles was a rushing machine, leading the area with 1,943 yards and 24 touchdowns.

couldn do it without my line, Mendibles said. worked hard, and were a lot stronger at the end of the year. Next year, it going to be a lot better. would be difficult to imagine, considering how good it was for Mendibles this season. He rushed for at least 100 yards in 10 of the Oilers 12 games, while also breaking 200 yards three times, including running for 336 and six touchdowns in a 49 16 victory over Mark Keppel in October.

Also adding to Mendibles success is the what Montebello did as a team. The Oilers recovered from a 1 4 start to begin the season with sixth consecutive wins en route to the Almont League title. They beat La Puente 24 17 to open the playoffs before losing to Northview in the second round.

a great accomplishment for the school (to win league in back to back seasons), Mendibles said. was only the second time in school history. The team did great.

was hard (during the start), but we grew as one. We moved on and got stronger.

The senior, who played the previous two seasons at outside linebacker, moved inside this season and he followed with a dominant season. Palacios proved to be a force for the Dons, keying their best season in 17 years. For his efforts, Palacios Cheap NFL Jerseys is Daily News Football Defensive Player of the Year.

is a three year guy for us, El Rancho coach Vinnie Lopez said. really had him out of position the past two years because we had (league) defensive player of the year Jesus Verduzco playing middle linebacker. This year, moving Adrian to the middle of the field was just perfect. Any play C gap to C gap, he was downhill on it. We a run heavy league, so we have to real physical, defensively, and that what Adrian Cheap Jerseys brought to the table. He also had two interceptions. He also played his best late, averaging 13 tackles in the team last five games, including 21 vs. California.

was excited moving from outside to middle, Palacios said. knew it would be a very difficult thing to do, but I pulled it off. I glad I got the award. It a shout out to all my teammates. he also knows Wholesale Jerseys that the togetherness that keyed El Rancho run to its first league title since 1997.

was a great year, Palacios said. was all the brotherhood we had for each other. We really got after it during practice and got better every day, and as the league went on, we got stronger and stronger. OF THE YEAR


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