
1、 下载Solr包解压后有如下目录:

2、client: Convenient language-specific client APIs for talking to Solr.

3、contrib: Solr contrib modules. These are extensions to Solr. The final JAR file for each of these contrib modules is actually in dist/; so the actual files here are mainly the dependent JAR files.
     ° analysis-extras: A few text analysis components that have large dependencies. There are some "ICU" Unicode classes for multilingual support, a Chinese stemmer, and a Polish stemmer. You'll learn more about text analysis in the next chapter.
     ° clustering: A engine for clustering search results. There is a 1-page overview in Chapter 7, Search Component, referring you to Solr's wiki for further information:
     ° dataimporthandler: The DataImportHandler (DIH)—a very popular contrib module that imports data into Solr from a database and some other sources. See Chapter 3, Indexing Data.
     ° extraction: Integration with Apache Tika– a framework for extracting text from common file formats. This module is also called SolrCell and Tika is also used by the DIH's TikaEntityProcessor—
both are discussed in Chapter 3, Indexing Data.
     ° uima: Integration with Apache UIMA—a framework for extracting metadata out of text. There are modules that identify proper names in text and identify the language, for example. To learn more, see Solr's wiki:
     ° velocity: Simple Search UI framework based on the Velocity templating language. See Chapter 9, Integrating Solr.

4、dist: Solr's WAR and contrib JAR files. The Solr WAR file is the main artifact that embodies Solr as a standalone file deployable to a Java web server. The WAR does not include any contrib JARs. You'll also find the core of Solr as a JAR file, which you might use if you are embedding Solr within an application, and Solr's test framework as a JAR file, which is to assist in testing Solr extensions. You'll also see SolrJ's dependent JAR files here.

5、docs: Documentation—the HTML files and related assets for the public Solr website, to be precise. It includes a good quick tutorial, and of course Solr's API. Even if you don't plan on extending the API, some parts of it are useful as a reference to certain pluggable Solr configuration elements—see the
listing for the Java package org.apache.solr.analysis in particular.

6、example: A complete Solr server, serving as an example. It includes the Jetty servlet engine (a Java web server), Solr, some sample data and sample Solr configurations. The interesting child directories are:
     ° example/etc: Jetty's configuration. Among other things, here you can change the web port used from the pre-supplied 8983 to 80 (HTTP default).
     ° exampledocs: Sample documents to be indexed into the default Solr configuration, along with the post.jar program for sending the documents to Solr.
     ° example/solr: The default, sample Solr configuration. This should serve as a good starting point for new Solr applications. It is used in Solr's tutorial and we'll use it in this chapter too.
     ° example/webapps: Where Jetty expects to deploy Solr from. A copy of Solr's WAR file is here, which contains Solr's compiled code.

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