tensorflow 双LSTM实现地址相似性判断


tensorflow 1.0


双向LSTM模型对应的代码文件siamese_similarity_model.py main函数对应的代码main.py


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Siamese Address Similarity with TensorFlow (Model File)
# Here, we show how to perform address matching
#   with a Siamese RNN model

import tensorflow as tf

def snn(address1, address2, dropout_keep_prob,
        vocab_size, num_features, input_length):
    # Define the siamese double RNN with a fully connected layer at the end
    def siamese_nn(input_vector, num_hidden):
        cell_unit = tf.contrib.rnn.BasicLSTMCell#tf.nn.rnn_cell.BasicLSTMCell
        # Forward direction cell
        lstm_forward_cell = cell_unit(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
        lstm_forward_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_forward_cell, output_keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob)
        # Backward direction cell
        lstm_backward_cell = cell_unit(num_hidden, forget_bias=1.0)
        lstm_backward_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.DropoutWrapper(lstm_backward_cell, output_keep_prob=dropout_keep_prob)
        # Split title into a character sequence
        input_embed_split = tf.split(axis=1, num_or_size_splits=input_length, value=input_vector)
        input_embed_split = [tf.squeeze(x, axis=[1]) for x in input_embed_split]
        # Create bidirectional layer
            outputs, _, _ = tf.contrib.rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_forward_cell,
        except Exception:
            outputs = tf.contrib.rnn.static_bidirectional_rnn(lstm_forward_cell,
        # Average The output over the sequence
        temporal_mean = tf.add_n(outputs) / input_length
        # Fully connected layer
        output_size = 10
        A = tf.get_variable(name="A", shape=[2*num_hidden, output_size],
        b = tf.get_variable(name="b", shape=[output_size], dtype=tf.float32,
        final_output = tf.matmul(temporal_mean, A) + b
        final_output = tf.nn.dropout(final_output, dropout_keep_prob)
    output1 = siamese_nn(address1, num_features)
    # Declare that we will use the same variables on the second string
    with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True):
        output2 = siamese_nn(address2, num_features)
    # Unit normalize the outputs
    output1 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output1, 1)
    output2 = tf.nn.l2_normalize(output2, 1)
    # Return cosine distance
    #   in this case, the dot product of the norms is the same.
    dot_prod = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(output1, output2), 1)

def get_predictions(scores):
    predictions = tf.sign(scores, name="predictions")

def loss(scores, y_target, margin):
    # Calculate the positive losses
    pos_loss_term = 0.25 * tf.square(tf.subtract(1., scores))
    # If y-target is -1 to 1, then do the following
    #pos_mult = tf.add(tf.multiply(0.5, y_target), 0.5)
    # Else if y-target is 0 to 1, then do the following
    pos_mult = tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32)
    # Make sure positive losses are on similar strings
    positive_loss = tf.multiply(pos_mult, pos_loss_term)
    # Calculate negative losses, then make sure on dissimilar strings
    # If y-target is -1 to 1, then do the following:
    #neg_mult = tf.add(tf.mul(-0.5, y_target), 0.5)
    # Else if y-target is 0 to 1, then do the following
    neg_mult = tf.subtract(1., tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32))
    negative_loss = neg_mult*tf.square(scores)
    # Combine similar and dissimilar losses
    loss = tf.add(positive_loss, negative_loss)
    # Create the margin term.  This is when the targets are 0.,
    #  and the scores are less than m, return 0.
    # Check if target is zero (dissimilar strings)
    target_zero = tf.equal(tf.cast(y_target, tf.float32), 0.)
    # Check if cosine outputs is smaller than margin
    less_than_margin = tf.less(scores, margin)
    # Check if both are true
    both_logical = tf.logical_and(target_zero, less_than_margin)
    both_logical = tf.cast(both_logical, tf.float32)
    # If both are true, then multiply by (1-1)=0.
    multiplicative_factor = tf.cast(1. - both_logical, tf.float32)
    total_loss = tf.multiply(loss, multiplicative_factor)
    # Average loss over batch
    avg_loss = tf.reduce_mean(total_loss)

def accuracy(scores, y_target):
    predictions = get_predictions(scores)
    # Cast into integers (outputs can only be -1 or +1)
    y_target_int = tf.cast(y_target, tf.int32)
    # Change targets from (0,1) --> (-1, 1)
    #    via (2 * x - 1)
    #y_target_int = tf.sub(tf.mul(y_target_int, 2), 1)
    predictions_int = tf.cast(tf.sign(predictions), tf.int32)
    correct_predictions = tf.equal(predictions_int, y_target_int)
    accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, tf.float32))


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Siamese Address Similarity with TensorFlow (Driver File)
# Here, we show how to perform address matching
#   with a Siamese RNN model

import random
import string
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.framework import ops

import siamese_similarity_model as model

# Start a graph session
sess = tf.Session()

# Model parameters
batch_size = 200
n_batches = 300
max_address_len = 20
margin = 0.25
num_features = 50
dropout_keep_prob = 0.8

# Function to randomly create one typo in a string w/ a probability
def create_typo(s):
    rand_ind = random.choice(range(len(s)))
    s_list = list(s)
    s_list[rand_ind]=random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + '0123456789')
    s = ''.join(s_list)

# Generate data
street_names = ['abbey', 'baker', 'canal', 'donner', 'elm', 'fifth',
                'grandvia', 'hollywood', 'interstate', 'jay', 'kings']
street_types = ['rd', 'st', 'ln', 'pass', 'ave', 'hwy', 'cir', 'dr', 'jct']

# Define test addresses
test_queries = ['111 abbey ln', '271 doner cicle',
                '314 king avenue', 'tensorflow is fun']
test_references = ['123 abbey ln', '217 donner cir', '314 kings ave',
                   '404 hollywood st', 'tensorflow is so fun']

# Get a batch of size n, half of which is similar addresses, half are not
def get_batch(n):
    # Generate a list of reference addresses with similar addresses that have
    # a typo.
    numbers = [random.randint(1, 9999) for i in range(n)]
    streets = [random.choice(street_names) for i in range(n)]
    street_suffs = [random.choice(street_types) for i in range(n)]
    full_streets = [str(w) + ' ' + x + ' ' + y for w,x,y in zip(numbers, streets, street_suffs)]
    typo_streets = [create_typo(x) for x in full_streets]
    reference = [list(x) for x in zip(full_streets, typo_streets)]
    # Shuffle last half of them for training on dissimilar addresses
    half_ix = int(n/2)
    bottom_half = reference[half_ix:]
    true_address = [x[0] for x in bottom_half]
    typo_address = [x[1] for x in bottom_half]
    typo_address = list(np.roll(typo_address, 1))
    bottom_half = [[x,y] for x,y in zip(true_address, typo_address)]
    reference[half_ix:] = bottom_half
    # Get target similarities (1's for similar, -1's for non-similar)
    target = [1]*(n-half_ix) + [-1]*half_ix
    reference = [[x,y] for x,y in zip(reference, target)]

# Define vocabulary dictionary (remember to save '0' for padding)
vocab_chars = string.ascii_lowercase + '0123456789 '
vocab2ix_dict = {char:(ix+1) for ix, char in enumerate(vocab_chars)}
vocab_length = len(vocab_chars) + 1

# Define vocab one-hot encoding
def address2onehot(address,
                   vocab2ix_dict = vocab2ix_dict,
                   max_address_len = max_address_len):
    # translate address string into indices
    address_ix = [vocab2ix_dict[x] for x in list(address)]

    # Pad or crop to max_address_len
    address_ix = (address_ix + [0]*max_address_len)[0:max_address_len]

# Define placeholders
address1_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, max_address_len], name="address1_ph")
address2_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, max_address_len], name="address2_ph")
y_target_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None], name="y_target_ph")
dropout_keep_prob_ph = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name="dropout_keep_prob")

# Create embedding lookup
identity_mat = tf.diag(tf.ones(shape=[vocab_length]))
address1_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(identity_mat, address1_ph)
address2_embed = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(identity_mat, address2_ph)

# Define Model
text_snn = model.snn(address1_embed, address2_embed, dropout_keep_prob_ph,
                     vocab_length, num_features, max_address_len)

# Define Accuracy
batch_accuracy = model.accuracy(text_snn, y_target_ph)
# Define Loss
batch_loss = model.loss(text_snn, y_target_ph, margin)
# Define Predictions
predictions = model.get_predictions(text_snn)

# Declare optimizer
optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01)
# Apply gradients
train_op = optimizer.minimize(batch_loss)

# Initialize Variables
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()

# Train loop
train_loss_vec = []
train_acc_vec = []
for b in range(n_batches):
    # Get a batch of data
    batch_data = get_batch(batch_size)
    # Shuffle data
    # Parse addresses and targets
    input_addresses = [x[0] for x in batch_data]
    target_similarity = np.array([x[1] for x in batch_data])
    address1 = np.array([address2onehot(x[0]) for x in input_addresses])
    address2 = np.array([address2onehot(x[1]) for x in input_addresses])
    train_feed_dict = {address1_ph: address1,
                       address2_ph: address2,
                       y_target_ph: target_similarity,
                       dropout_keep_prob_ph: dropout_keep_prob}

    _, train_loss, train_acc = sess.run([train_op, batch_loss, batch_accuracy],
    # Save train loss and accuracy
    # Print out statistics
    if b%10==0:
        print('Training Metrics, Batch {0}: Loss={1:.3f}, Accuracy={2:.3f}.'.format(b, train_loss, train_acc))

# Calculate the nearest addresses for test inputs
# First process the test_queries and test_references
test_queries_ix = np.array([address2onehot(x) for x in test_queries])
test_references_ix = np.array([address2onehot(x) for x in test_references])
num_refs = test_references_ix.shape[0]
best_fit_refs = []
for query in test_queries_ix:
    test_query = np.repeat(np.array([query]), num_refs, axis=0)
    test_feed_dict = {address1_ph: test_query,
                      address2_ph: test_references_ix,
                      y_target_ph: target_similarity,
                      dropout_keep_prob_ph: 1.0}
    test_out = sess.run(text_snn, feed_dict=test_feed_dict)
    best_fit = test_references[np.argmax(test_out)]

print('Query Addresses: {}'.format(test_queries))
print('Model Found Matches: {}'.format(best_fit_refs))

# Plot the loss and accuracy
plt.plot(train_loss_vec, 'k-', lw=2, label='Batch Loss')
plt.plot(train_acc_vec, 'r:', label='Batch Accuracy')
plt.ylabel('Accuracy and Loss')
plt.title('Accuracy and Loss of Siamese RNN')
plt.legend(loc='lower right')


  • Training Metrics, Batch 0: Loss=0.671, Accuracy=0.500.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 10: Loss=0.104, Accuracy=0.690.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 20: Loss=0.117, Accuracy=0.755.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 30: Loss=0.089, Accuracy=0.705.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 40: Loss=0.032, Accuracy=0.715.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 50: Loss=0.033, Accuracy=0.690.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 60: Loss=0.026, Accuracy=0.730.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 70: Loss=-0.035, Accuracy=0.795.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 80: Loss=0.013, Accuracy=0.735.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 90: Loss=0.034, Accuracy=0.745.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 100: Loss=0.038, Accuracy=0.690.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 110: Loss=-0.002, Accuracy=0.790.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 120: Loss=-0.003, Accuracy=0.765.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 130: Loss=-0.001, Accuracy=0.780.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 140: Loss=0.013, Accuracy=0.785.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 150: Loss=0.002, Accuracy=0.735.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 160: Loss=-0.002, Accuracy=0.805.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 170: Loss=-0.002, Accuracy=0.740.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 180: Loss=0.004, Accuracy=0.765.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 190: Loss=-0.004, Accuracy=0.725.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 200: Loss=-0.001, Accuracy=0.765.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 210: Loss=0.012, Accuracy=0.745.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 220: Loss=-0.015, Accuracy=0.800.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 230: Loss=0.006, Accuracy=0.740.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 240: Loss=-0.021, Accuracy=0.745.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 250: Loss=-0.018, Accuracy=0.745.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 260: Loss=0.007, Accuracy=0.800.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 270: Loss=-0.012, Accuracy=0.765.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 280: Loss=-0.020, Accuracy=0.790.
  • Training Metrics, Batch 290: Loss=0.009, Accuracy=0.750.
  • Query Addresses: ['111 abbey ln', '271 doner cicle', '314 king avenue', 'tensorflow is fun']
  • Model Found Matches: ['123 abbey ln', '217 donner cir', '314 kings ave', 'tensorflow is so fun'] 输入图片说明


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