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翻译 gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore (指定要忽略的故意未跟踪的文件)

gitignore - Specifies intentionally untracked files to ignore (指定要忽略的故意未跟踪的文件)https://www.php.cn/manual/view/34942.htmlhttps://git-scm.com/docs1. SYNOPSIS$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/ignore, $GIT_DIR/info/exclude, .gitignore2. DESCRIPTIONA gitignore file sp

2019-10-31 19:02:15 882

原创 /etc/sudoers

/etc/sudoers1. sudo cat /etc/sudoersstrong@foreverstrong:~$ cat /etc/sudoerscat: /etc/sudoers: Permission deniedstrong@foreverstrong:~$strong@foreverstrong:~$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers[sudo] password for strong:## This file MUST be edited with the 'vis

2019-10-31 18:59:43 480

原创 icon - ICO file format

icon - ICO file formatThe ICO file format is an image file format for computer icons in Microsoft Windows.ICO 文件格式是 Microsoft Windows 中计算机图标的图像文件格式。1. Easyicon - ICO 图标下载 - *.icohttps://www.easyicon.net/图标中包含的图片常见尺寸有 16 x 16 (小图标)、32 x 32、48 x 48,另外 2

2019-10-31 18:58:20 556

原创 sudo pip2 install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple opencv-python==

sudo pip2 install -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple opencv-python== sudo apt remove python-opencv -ystrong@foreverstrong:~/tensorflow_work/R2CNN_Faster-RCNN_Tensorflow/tools$ sudo apt remove python-opencv[sudo] password for strong: Reading pa

2019-10-31 14:29:03 4309

原创 pip-autoremove

pip-autoremovehttps://pypi.org/project/pip-autoremove/Remove a package and its unused dependencies. (删除软件包及其未使用的依赖项。)1. QuickstartFirst, install pip-autoremove:$ pip install pip-autoremoveInstall a package which has dependencies, e.g. Flask: (安装具有依赖

2019-10-30 21:11:49 1858 1

原创 衬线字体与无衬线字体


2019-10-30 20:29:14 17414

翻译 How to implement a YOLO (v3) object detector from scratch in PyTorch: Part 1

How to implement a YOLO (v3) object detector from scratch in PyTorch: Part 1从零开始 PyTorch 项目:YOLO v3 目标检测实现 (第一部分)https://blog.paperspace.com/https://blog.paperspace.com/tag/series-yolo/https://blo...

2019-10-30 19:44:02 1054 1

原创 apt - command-line interface

apt - command-line interface1. SYNOPSISapt [-h] [-o=config_string] [-c=config_file] [-t=target_release] [-a=architecture] {list | search | show | update | install pkg [{=pkg_version_number | /target_release}]... | remove pkg...| upgrade | full-upgrade

2019-10-30 19:25:07 499

原创 Linux 中 apt 与 apt-get 命令的区别

Linux 中 apt 与 apt-get 命令的区别Advanced Package Tool, or APT, is a free-software user interface that works with core libraries to handle the installation and removal of software on Debian, Ubuntu, and related Linux distributions. APT simplifies the process of

2019-10-30 19:15:25 497

原创 A collection of .gitignore templates - GitHub 的 .gitignore 文件模板集合

A collection of .gitignore templates - GitHub 的 .gitignore 文件模板集合

2019-10-30 08:24:50 697

翻译 git - 忽略文件 `.gitignore`

git - 忽略文件 .gitignorehttps://git-scm.com/book/en/v2https://git-scm.com/book/zh/v2我们总会有些文件无需纳入 Git 的管理,也不希望它们总出现在未跟踪文件列表。通常都是些自动生成的文件,比如日志文件或者编译过程中创建的临时文件等。在这种情况下,我们可以创建一个名为 .gitignore 的文件,列出要忽略的文件模式。$ cat .gitignore*.[oa]*~第一行告诉 Git 忽略所有以 .o 或 .a 结

2019-10-30 08:23:10 382

翻译 Resources to learn Git

Resources to learn Githttps://try.github.ioLearn by readingLearn by doing

2019-10-29 15:48:16 222

原创 Git 文档与教程

Git 文档与教程

2019-10-29 14:56:41 714

原创 Please ask your administrator to install the package unzip

Please ask your administrator to install the package unzip

2019-10-29 13:33:43 4168 2

原创 PyCharm - ImportError: libcurand.so.8.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

PyCharm - ImportError: libcurand.so.8.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

2019-10-28 20:06:35 1626 2

原创 Ubuntu Desktop 创建 PyCharm 简单快捷方式

Ubuntu Desktop 创建 PyCharm 简单快捷方式

2019-10-28 20:03:01 581 2

翻译 Deep Systems

Deep Systemshttps://deepsystems.ai/https://deepsystems.ai/reviewshttps://medium.com/@deepsystemsRocket up your business with Deep Systems (使用 Deep Systems 推动您的业务发展)Artificial intelligence for real problems.From idea to product. (从构思到产品。)Lectures + B

2019-10-28 07:40:18 333

原创 分类 (classification) 与回归 (regression)

分类 (classification) 与回归 (regression)分类与回归本质上是一样的,都是对输入做出预测,都是监督学习。根据特征,分析输入的内容,判断类别或者预测数值。分类的目的是为了寻找决策边界,分类算法得到一个决策面,用于对数据集中的数据进行分类。回归的目的是为了寻找最优拟合,回归算法得到一个最优拟合线,可以最好的接近数据集中的各个点。分类问题输出的是物体所属的类别,回归问题输出的是物体的值。分类问题输出的值是离散的,回归问题输出的值是连续的。分类问题输出的值是定性的,回归问题输

2019-10-24 14:25:59 1445

原创 tmpfs - 临时文件系统

tmpfs - 临时文件系统tmpfs (temporary filesystem) 基于内存的文件系统,自动调整动态文件系统,速度快。yongqiang@foreverstrong-amax:~$ pwd/home/yongqiangyongqiang@foreverstrong-amax:~$yongqiang@foreverstrong-amax:~$ cat /etc/hostnameforeverstrong-amaxyongqiang@foreverstrong-amax:~$y

2019-10-24 11:02:43 1103

原创 Netron - 网络可视化

Netron - 网络可视化Lutz Roederhttps://github.com/lutzroeder/netronhttps://www.lutzroeder.com/aiNetron is a visualizer for neural network, deep learning and machine learning models. It runs on macOS, Windows, Linux and in the browser.Netron 是神经网络、深度学习和机器学

2019-10-23 13:30:07 4361

翻译 YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement

YOLOv3: An Incremental ImprovementJoseph Redmon, Ali FarhadiUniversity of Washingtonhttps://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov1/https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolo/Univ...

2019-10-22 19:44:07 2664

转载 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection - Slides

You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection - SlidesJoseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali FarhadiUniversity of WashingtonAllen Institute for AIFacebook AI Researchhttps:/...

2019-10-21 07:31:56 408

转载 YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger - Slides

YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger - SlidesJoseph Redmon, Ali FarhadiUniversity of WashingtonAllen Institute for AIhttps://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov1/https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/https:/...

2019-10-19 16:19:08 356

翻译 YOLO9000: Better, Faster, Stronger

YOLO9000: Better, Faster, StrongerJoseph Redmon, Ali FarhadiUniversity of WashingtonAllen Institute for AIhttps://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov1/https://pjreddie.com/darknet/yolov2/https://pjreddie...

2019-10-19 09:53:37 1112

原创 压缩 Excel 文件中的图片

压缩 Excel 文件中的图片

2019-10-16 13:35:16 2264 2

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 开机黑屏 - 左上角光标闪烁 - 无法进入登录界面

Ubuntu 16.04 开机黑屏 - 左上角光标闪烁 - 无法进入登录界面Ubuntu 16.04 开机黑屏,左上角光标闪烁,无法进入登录界面。NVIDIA binary driver 与 Linux 内核版本不兼容导致的。CTRL + ALT + F1 - F7 切换,都不起作用。1. Advanced options for Ubuntu选择 Advanced options for Ubuntu,Enter。备注:选择第一个 Ubuntu,按 e 键将进入编辑模式。编辑项修改是临时性

2019-10-15 21:29:34 15315 35

原创 CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN 6.0 Runtime Library for Ubuntu 16.04

CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN 6.0 Runtime Library for Ubuntu 16.041. CUDA 8.0 and cuDNN 6.0 Runtime Library for Ubuntu 16.04strong@foreverstrong:~/demo_workspace/run_time-8.0$ pwd/home/strong/demo_workspace/run_time-8.0strong@foreverstrong:~/demo_workspace/run_ti

2019-10-15 11:36:25 494

原创 IP Camera / Network Camera - Comments

IP Camera / Network Camera - CommentsCamera ReviewsUnless you know what you are doing, it is best not to change the defaulted settings.除非您知道自己在做什么,否则最好不要更改默认设置。The lighting is insufficient, try to adjust it.灯光不够,请想办法调整一下。The camera should be zoomed o

2019-10-14 20:10:43 1005

翻译 YOLO Nano: a Highly Compact You Only Look Once Convolutional Neural Network for Object Detection

YOLO Nano: a Highly Compact You Only Look Once Convolutional Neural Network for Object DetectionAlexander Wong, Mahmoud Famuori, Mohammad Javad Shafiee, Francis Li, Brendan Chwyl, Jonathan ChungWate...

2019-10-14 19:54:00 3149 2

原创 The system is running in low-graphics mode

The system is running in low-graphics mode

2019-10-14 18:46:26 973 4

原创 Ubuntu 16.04 输入密码登陆后闪回到登录界面

Ubuntu 16.04 输入密码登陆后闪回到登录界面

2019-10-14 15:52:10 6150 2

原创 The system is running in low graphics mode - 问题修复

The system is running in low graphics mode - 问题修复

2019-10-14 13:30:37 967

原创 LaTeX 书写 argmax and argmin 公式

LaTeX 书写 argmax and argmin 公式

2019-10-14 07:58:25 21739 2

翻译 You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection - interpretation

You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection - interpretationJoseph Redmon, Santosh Divvala, Ross Girshick, Ali FarhadiUniversity of WashingtonAllen Institute for AIFacebook AI Research...

2019-10-11 19:16:09 371

原创 程序员英语 - Word Group

程序员英语 - Word GroupForeverStrong ChengYongQiang Chengquantitative ['kwɒntɪtətɪv]:adj.数量的,量化的,定量的qualitative ['kwɒlɪtətɪv]:adj.质量的,定性的,性质的quantitative results:定量结果qualitative results:定性结果...

2019-10-10 14:56:11 761

原创 请不要向手机 APP 开放通讯录

请不要向手机 APP 开放通讯录

2019-10-09 09:05:00 333 1

原创 Linux 动态库与静态库的使用

Linux 动态库与静态库的使用库是一种可执行代码的二进制格式,可以载入内存中执行,分为静态库和动态库两种。静态库:一般是 libxxx.a, xxx 是库的名字。利用静态函数库编译成的文件比较大,因为整个函数库的所有数据都会被整合到目标代码中。优点是执行程序不需要外部的函数库支持。缺点是如果静态函数库改变了,那么程序需要重新编译。动态库:一般是 libxxx.M.N.so,xxx 是库的名字,M 是库的主版本号,N 是库的副版本号 (版本号不是必须的)。动态库是在程序运行时动态申请并加载的,需要程序

2019-10-07 11:20:44 422

Migrating Unity applications from Oculus to OSVR

Migrating Unity applications from Oculus to OSVR



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