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原创 argparse - 命令行选项、参数和子命令解析器 - action=store - action=append

argparse - 命令行选项、参数和子命令解析器 - action=‘store’ - action=‘append’1. add_argument() 方法ArgumentParser.add_argument(name or flags...[, action][, nargs][, const][, default][, type][, choices][, required][, help][, metavar][, dest])定义单个的命令行参数应当如何解析。name or flag

2019-12-31 14:56:10 2451

翻译 top - display Linux processes

top - display Linux processes在 top 命令中按 F 键可以查看列信息。Fields Management for window 1:Def, whose current sort field is %CPU, Navigate with Up/Dn, Right selects for move then <Enter> or Left commit...

2019-12-30 21:05:20 411

翻译 objgraph - Python Object Graphs - 内存泄漏 (Memory Leak)

objgraph - Python Object Graphshttps://pypi.org/project/objgraph/https://github.com/mgedmin/objgraphobjgraph is a module that lets you visually explore Python object graphs.objgraph 是一个模块,可让您直观地浏览...

2019-12-30 15:50:51 3876 1

翻译 htop - interactive process viewer - 交互式进程查看器

htop - interactive process viewer - 交互式进程查看器1. DESCRIPTIONHtop is a free (GPL) ncurses-based process viewer for Linux.Htop 是 Linux 免费 (GPL) 的基于 ncurses 的进程查看器。It is similar to top, but allows you ...

2019-12-29 15:14:46 984

原创 程序员施工美缝剂教程


2019-12-26 08:53:51 649

翻译 Enriching Variety of Layer-Wise Learning Information by Gradient Combination

Enriching Variety of Layer-Wise Learning Information by Gradient CombinationChien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, Ping-Yang Chen, Jun-Wei Hsiehhttps://github.com/WongKinYiu/PartialResidualNetworksIn...

2019-12-24 21:20:28 1056

原创 Duplicate Cleaner - 重复文件 / 相似文件扫描

Duplicate Cleaner - 重复文件 / 相似文件扫描

2019-12-22 17:06:11 6954 4

原创 darknet_AlexeyAB_191221 - person - yolov3-tiny_prn

darknet_AlexeyAB_191221 - person - yolov3-tiny_prnYOLOv3-Tiny_PRN1. anchors2. yolov3-tiny_prn.data/home/yongqiang/darknet_work/darknet_AlexeyAB_191221/darknet-master/data/yolov3-tiny_prn.dataclasses= 1train = /media/famu/DISK_DEEP/yongqiang/yolov3-ti

2019-12-21 18:17:24 1644 1

原创 darknet_AlexeyAB_191221 - Makefile

darknet_AlexeyAB_191221 - Makefile1. Makefile - source/home/yongqiang/darknet_work/darknet_AlexeyAB_191221/darknet-masterGPU=0CUDNN=0CUDNN_HALF=0OPENCV=0AVX=0OPENMP=0LIBSO=0ZED_CAMERA=0# set GPU=1 and CUDNN=1 to speedup on GPU# set CUDNN_HALF=

2019-12-21 17:04:14 1039

原创 Papers With Code: The latest in Machine Learning - 论文与源码搜索

Papers With Code: The latest in Machine Learning - 论文与源码搜索

2019-12-20 15:05:59 1544

翻译 CSPNet: A New Backbone that can Enhance Learning Capability of CNN

CSPNet: A New Backbone that can Enhance Learning Capability of CNNCSPNet:可以增强 CNN 学习能力的新型 backboneChien-Yao Wang, Hong-Yuan Mark Liao, I-Hau Yeh, Yueh-Hua Wu, Ping-Yang Chen, Jun-Wei Hsiehhttps://g...

2019-12-19 20:21:51 11079

原创 视频 (Video) - 属性 (Properties) - 比特率 (Bitrate)

视频 (Video) - 属性 (Properties) - 比特率 (Bitrate)Bitrate is the number of bits per second. The symbol is bit/s. It generally determines the size and quality of video and audio files: the higher the bitrate, the better the quality and the larger the file size b

2019-12-18 18:48:55 10479 2

翻译 Recommended upload encoding settings - 建议的上传编码设置

Recommended upload encoding settings - 建议的上传编码设置Below are recommended upload encoding settings for your videos on YT.以下是建议的 YT 上视频的上传编码设置。1. Container: MP4container [kənˈteɪnə(r)]:n. 集装箱,容器2. Audio codec: AAC-LCChannels: Stereo or Stereo + 5.1Samp

2019-12-18 18:43:06 531

原创 powers of 1024 - powers of 1000

powers of 1024 - powers of 10001. man lsThe SIZE argument is an integer and optional unit (example: 10K is 10*1024). Units are K, M, G, T, P, E, Z, Y (powers of 1024) or KB, MB, … (powers of 1000).SIZE 参数是整数和可选单位 (example: 10K is 10*1024)。 单位为 K, M, G,

2019-12-18 09:14:22 371

原创 6 个月从 0 学会英语 - 视频学习笔记

6 个月从 0 学会英语 - 视频学习笔记https://www.bilibili.com/video/av11910967Chris Lonsdale - 龙飞虎01建立准确的习惯,投资足够的时间。02不要刻意的强迫自己,进入较为放松的状态,相信自己的最初意识。03先将核心词汇熟练运用,在大脑建立信息网,围绕核心词汇进一步扩大词汇量。04树立一个学习英语的长期目标,并把它分成...

2019-12-17 18:52:11 607

原创 零基础 6 个月学会英语 - 6 个月从 0 学会英语 - Chris Lonsdale - 学习视频

零基础 6 个月学会英语 - 6 个月从 0 学会英语 - Chris Lonsdale - 学习视频https://www.bilibili.com/video/av11910967Chris Lonsdale - 龙飞虎 - 公开学习视频收藏。1. Books6 个月学会任何一种外语2. Howto learn any language in six months: Chris Lonsdale如何在 6 个月内学会任何外语:龙飞虎 https://www.youtube.com/watch

2019-12-17 09:09:28 1350

原创 Open Images Dataset v5 (Bounding Boxes) - Download

Open Images Dataset v5 (Bounding Boxes) - DownloadOpen Images Dataset V5 + Extensionshttps://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/index.htmlOpen Images Dataset V5 - Downloadhttps://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/download.htmlDownload from Figu

2019-12-16 20:01:39 1216

原创 零基础学音标 - 大人小孩一起学英语

零基础学音标 - 大人小孩一起学英语https://www.bilibili.com/video/av51232291. Videos / Imageshttps://www.bilibili.com/video/av5123229Referenceshttps://en-yinbiao.xiao84.com/

2019-12-16 18:52:38 709

原创 李雷说英语

李雷说英语https://i.youku.com/lileiteachesenglish1. Videos / Imageshttps://i.youku.com/lileiteachesenglish2. Notes我们只需要习惯,就是反复听、反复说、反复读、反复练。听到英语第一时间联想的是事物、逻辑,而不是中文,记忆单词也是如此。语法是逻辑的排列方式,只要熟练,下意识让你的头脑、身体记住,就像条件反射一样。核心词汇熟练运用,在大脑建立信息网,围绕核心词汇进一步扩大词汇量。3. Book

2019-12-16 18:43:20 1124

原创 How to format an SD Card in Ubuntu (在 Ubuntu 中格式化 SD 卡) ?

How to format an SD Card in Ubuntu (在 Ubuntu 中格式化 SD 卡) ?

2019-12-16 18:27:58 862 2

原创 图片序列 (标注数据) 规范化重命名 (rename)

图片序列 (标注数据) 规范化重命名 (rename)1. rename_file_multiple_images.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Yongqiang Chengfrom __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divisionfrom __future__ import print_functionimport osimport s

2019-12-14 19:23:25 1086

原创 图片序列转换为 .jpg 格式 - rename - resize

图片序列转换为 .jpg 格式 - rename - resize1. nonjpg_to_jpg.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Yongqiang Chengfrom __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divisionfrom __future__ import print_functionimport osimport sysimpo

2019-12-14 19:15:57 362

原创 正确操作汽车暖风系统


2019-12-14 17:17:07 878 2

原创 OpenCV 连续视频序列合成视频 (.avi) - images to video

OpenCV 连续视频序列合成视频 (.avi) - images to video1. OpenCV 2.ximages_to_video_MJPG_CV2.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Yongqiang Chengfrom __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divisionfrom __future__ import print_funct

2019-12-14 16:25:39 612

翻译 OpenCV 3 Flags for video I/O

OpenCV 3 Flags for video I/OOpenCV documentation index - OpenCV 文档索引https://www.docs.opencv.org/master (4.x)https://www.docs.opencv.org/master/3.4 (3.4.x)https://www.docs.opencv.org/3.4/2.4 (2.4.x)https://www.docs.opencv.org/2.4/1. 3.4 (3.4.x) -&g

2019-12-14 15:34:21 844

原创 OpenCV 3 Getting Started with Videos - OpenCV 播放视频 - 捕获视频 - 保存视频

OpenCV 3 Getting Started with Videos - OpenCV 播放视频 - 捕获视频 - 保存视频Learn to play videos, capture videos from Camera and write it as a video.OpenCV documentation index - OpenCV 文档索引https://www.docs.opencv.org/master (4.x)https://www.docs.opencv.org/master

2019-12-14 14:59:16 367

原创 Kaiming He 何恺明

Kaiming He 何恺明References人工智能 - 深度学习 - 知识体系http://kaiminghe.com/index.html

2019-12-14 14:19:27 15981

原创 Open Images Dataset V4 Train - Valid - Test 解析为 Darknet-YOLO 训练数据 (backpack-handbag-suitcase)

Open Images Dataset V4 Train - Valid - Test 解析为 Darknet-YOLO 训练数据 (backpack-handbag-suitcase)1. Backpack - Handbag - Suitcase# category_id = '/m/01940j' - Backpack - 0# category_id = '/m/080hkjn' - Handbag - 1# category_id = '/m/01s55n' - Suitcase - 2

2019-12-13 19:24:20 560

原创 Open Images Dataset V5 - Data Formats - Bounding boxes

Open Images Dataset V5 - Data Formats - Bounding boxeshttps://storage.googleapis.com/openimages/web/download.htmlEach row defines one bounding box.每一行定义一个边界框。ImageID,Source,LabelName,Confidence,XMin,XMax,YMin,YMax,IsOccluded,IsTruncated,IsGroupOf,IsDep

2019-12-13 18:58:07 345

原创 连续图片序列跳帧 - 截取图像块 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)

连续图片序列跳帧 - 截取图像块 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)1. dewarp_image_frameskip_filter_roi_720p_mask.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Yongqiang Chengfrom __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divisionfrom __future__ import print_functio

2019-12-13 13:09:00 608

原创 PyCharm - Compare With... (文件比较)

PyCharm - Compare With... (文件比较)

2019-12-13 09:26:49 3551 2

原创 OpenCV 连续图片序列跳帧 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)

OpenCV 连续图片序列跳帧 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)1. image_frameskip_filter_720p_mask.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# Yongqiang Chengfrom __future__ import absolute_importfrom __future__ import divisionfrom __future__ import print_functionimport os

2019-12-12 21:38:51 1053

原创 Darknet - 分类模型 (.weights) 精度验证

Darknet - 分类模型 (.weights) 精度验证1. Validate The ModelNow we have to see how well our model is doing. We can calculate top-1 and top-2 validation accuracy using the valid command. We can run validation on a backup, the final weights file, or any saved epoch

2019-12-12 18:32:51 1368

原创 Darknet - 检测模型 (.weights) 计算 mAP (mean average precision)

Darknet - 检测模型 (.weights) 计算 mAP (mean average precision)1. mAP (mean average precision) or IoU (intersect over union)https://github.com/AlexeyAB/darknetIf training is stopped after 9000 iterations, to validate some of previous weights use this commands

2019-12-12 18:27:43 2209

原创 OpenCV 视频解析为连续图片序列 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)

OpenCV 视频解析为连续图片序列 - 添加屏蔽区域 (mask)1. video_to_image_converter_for_linux_cv3_720p_mask.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# ============================================================================================# Name : video_t

2019-12-12 15:06:46 454

原创 OpenCV 视频解析为连续图片序列

OpenCV 视频解析为连续图片序列1. video_to_image_converter_for_linux_cv3_720p.py#!/usr/bin/env python3# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-# ============================================================================================# Name : video_to_image_converter_for

2019-12-11 19:50:21 529

原创 Darknet - 模型 (.weights) 重命名

Darknet - 模型 (.weights) 重命名1. ******_final.weights / ******_last.weights 重命名******_bag_200016.weights******_bag_final.weights -> ******_bag_200026.weights******_bag_last.weights -> ******_bag_200036.weights2. rename_and_sort_weights_files.py#!

2019-12-11 19:21:28 914 3

转载 DAVIS: Densely Annotated VIdeo Segmentation

DAVIS: Densely Annotated VIdeo Segmentationhttps://davischallenge.org/index.htmlIn-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art in video object segmentation.in-depth [ˌɪn ˈdepθ]:adj. 彻底的,深入的1. Dataset...

2019-12-11 19:04:03 765

转载 OSVOS-S: Video Object Segmentation Without Temporal Information

OSVOS-S: Video Object Segmentation Without Temporal Informationhttp://people.ee.ethz.ch/~cvlsegmentation/osvos-s/index.html1. Source CodeCaffehttps://github.com/kmaninis/OSVOS-caffeTensorFlowht...

2019-12-11 19:01:09 703

转载 OSVOS: One-Shot Video Object Segmentation

OSVOS: One-Shot Video Object Segmentationhttp://www.vision.ee.ethz.ch/~cvlsegmentation/osvos/index.htmlState-of-the-Art Results in Accuracy and Speed.1. Source CodeCaffehttps://github.com/kmanin...

2019-12-11 18:58:48 386

Migrating Unity applications from Oculus to OSVR

Migrating Unity applications from Oculus to OSVR



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