ccoa 表单元素Y轴移位&调用的xml文件位置

update a set Y=Y+28 from Sys_MapAttr a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from dbo.Sys_FrmLab a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y1=Y1+28,Y2=Y2+28 from dbo.Sys_FrmLine a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from dbo.Sys_FrmRB a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from  dbo.Sys_FrmBtn a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from dbo.Sys_FrmAttachment a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from dbo.Sys_MapDtl a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'
update a set Y=Y+28 from dbo.Sys_FrmLink a where FK_MapData like 'ND99%'

update a set  FWC_Y=FWC_Y+28  from WF_Node a where NodeID like '99%'


delete a from Sys_FrmLab a where a.FK_MapData  like 'ND82%'
delete a from Sys_FrmLine a where a.FK_MapData  like 'ND82%'

update a set  a.FrmW=b.FrmW ,a.FrmH=b.FrmH FROM Sys_MapData a,(SELECT * FROM CCOA_20151012..Sys_MapData where No like 'ND82%') b
where a.No like 'ND82%' and a.No=b.No

update a set a.Name=b.Name,a.X=b.X,a.Y=b.Y from Sys_MapAttr a,(select * from CCOA_20151015..Sys_MapAttr m where m.FK_MapData like 'ND82%') b
where a.FK_MapData  like 'ND82%' and a.FK_MapData=b.FK_MapData and a.MyPK=b.MyPK

insert into Sys_FrmLab([MyPK],[FK_MapData],[Text],[X],[Y],[FontSize],[FontColor],[FontName],[FontStyle],[Foneight],[IsBold],[IsItalic],[GUID])
select [MyPK],[FK_MapData],[Text],[X],[Y],[FontSize],[FontColor],[FontName],[FontStyle],[Foneight],[IsBold],[IsItalic],[GUID]
 from CCOA_20151015..Sys_FrmLab m where m.FK_MapData like 'ND82%'

insert into Sys_FrmLine
select * from CCOA_20151015..Sys_FrmLine m where m.FK_MapData like 'ND82%'

update a set a.FWC_X=b.FWC_X,a.FWC_Y=b.FWC_Y,a.FWC_H=b.FWC_H,a.FWC_W=b.FWC_W from WF_Node a,(select * from CCOA_20151015..WF_Node where  NodeID like '82%') b
where a.NodeID like '82%' and a.NodeID=b.NodeID

update a set a.X=b.X,a.Y=b.Y,a.W=b.W,a.H=b.H from Sys_FrmAttachment a,(select * from CCOA_20151015..Sys_FrmAttachment  where FK_MapData like 'ND82%') b
where a.FK_MapData like 'ND82%' and a.FK_MapData=b.FK_MapData and a.NoOfObj=b.NoOfObj and a.Name=b.Name

update a set a.Text=b.Text,a.X=b.X,a.Y=b.Y from Sys_FrmBtn a,(select * from CCOA_20151015..Sys_FrmBtn where FK_MapData like 'ND82%') b
where a.FK_MapData like 'ND82%' and a.FK_MapData=b.FK_MapData

update a set a.X=b.X,a.Y=b.Y,a.H=b.H,a.W=b.W from Sys_MapDtl a,(select * from CCOA_20151015..Sys_MapDtl where FK_MapData like 'ND82%') b
where a.FK_MapData like 'ND82%' and a.FK_MapData=b.FK_MapData and a.No=b.No and a.PTable=b.PTable


需翻译 调用的xml文件位置





//DB 需翻译

select * from Sys_GroupField where EnName like 'ND%Rpt'

update a set a.Lab='Keep workflow record after deletion' from  dbo.Sys_Enum a where EnumKey='DelEnable' and Lab='逻辑删

update a set a.Lab='Write log after deleteion' from  dbo.Sys_Enum a where EnumKey='DelEnable' and Lab='记录日志方式删除'
update a set a.Lab='Delete all' from  dbo.Sys_Enum a where EnumKey='DelEnable' and Lab='彻底删除'

update a set a.Name='Span(days)' FROM Sys_MapAttr a where FK_MapData = 'ND87MyRpt' and KeyOfEn='FlowDaySpan'
update a set a.Name='MyWorkflow' FROM Sys_MapData a  where No='ND87MyRpt'
update a set SendLab='Send',SaveLab='Save',ThreadLab='Thread',ReturnLab='Return',
 FROM WF_Node a
 update a set a.Name='WorkflowManagement' FROM dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1025
update a set a.Name='Report' FROM dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=3389
update a set a.Name='BasicData' FROM dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=3386

update a set Name='Start' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1026
update a set Name='ToDo' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1027
update a set Name='Cc' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1028
update a set Name='Hold' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1029
update a set Name='Running' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1030
update a set Name='Search' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1031
update a set Name='KeywordSearch' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1032
update a set Name='Members' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1034
update a set Name='Setting' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1036
update a set Name='CreateFlow' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1038
update a set Name='Done' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1041
update a set Name='ToDo|Running|Done|Hold <span style=''color:red''>New</span>' from dbo.GPM_Menu a where No=1042

update a set a.Lab='Blank' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='空白'
update a set a.Lab='Draft' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='草稿'
update a set a.Lab='Running' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='运行中'
update a set a.Lab='Completed' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='已完成'
update a set a.Lab='Hold' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='挂起'
update a set a.Lab='Return' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='退回'
update a set a.Lab='Forward' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='转发'
update a set a.Lab='Deleted' FROM dbo.Sys_Enum a WHERE EnumKey='WFState' AND Lab='删除'


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