
1. 背景介绍   



2. 实验案例展示

2.1 案例1



health and fitness


Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is essential for overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy routine. Exercise not only helps in maintaining a healthy weight but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and strengthens muscles and bones. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for the body to function optimally. Additionally, getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, as it allows the body to recover and rejuvenate. By making these small changes, one can significantly improve their health and fitness.


Health and Fitness Lifestyle, Exercise and Nutrition, Cardiovascular Health Benefits, Balanced Diet Importance, Muscle and Bone Strength


2024-07-28 15:06:36.803 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:783 - 开始生成视频
2024-07-28 15:06:36.804 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:784 - {
    "video_subject": "health and fitness",
    "video_script": "Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is essential for overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy routine. Exercise not only helps in maintaining a healthy weight but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and strengthens muscles and bones. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for the body to function optimally. Additionally, getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, as it allows the body to recover and rejuvenate. By making these small changes, one can significantly improve their health and fitness.",
    "video_terms": "Health and Fitness Lifestyle, Exercise and Nutrition, Cardiovascular Health Benefits, Balanced Diet Importance, Muscle and Bone Strength",
    "video_aspect": "9:16",
    "video_concat_mode": "random",
    "video_clip_duration": 5,
    "video_count": 1,
    "video_source": "pexels",
    "video_materials": null,
    "video_language": "",
    "voice_name": "en-US-BrianNeural-Male",
    "voice_volume": 1.0,
    "voice_rate": 1.0,
    "bgm_type": "random",
    "bgm_file": "",
    "bgm_volume": 0.2,
    "subtitle_enabled": true,
    "subtitle_position": "bottom",
    "custom_position": 70.0,
    "font_name": "MicrosoftYaHeiBold.ttc",
    "text_fore_color": "#FFFFFF",
    "text_background_color": "transparent",
    "font_size": 60,
    "stroke_color": "#000000",
    "stroke_width": 1.5,
    "n_threads": 2,
    "paragraph_number": 1
2024-07-28 15:06:36.805 | INFO     | app.services.task:start:210 - start task: 9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370, stop_at: video
2024-07-28 15:06:36.805 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_script:18 - 
## generating video script
2024-07-28 15:06:36.806 | DEBUG    | app.services.task:generate_script:27 - video script: 
Incorporating a healthy lifestyle is essential for overall well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy routine. Exercise not only helps in maintaining a healthy weight but also improves cardiovascular health, boosts mood, and strengthens muscles and bones. A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for the body to function optimally. Additionally, getting enough sleep is crucial for physical and mental health, as it allows the body to recover and rejuvenate. By making these small changes, one can significantly improve their health and fitness.
2024-07-28 15:06:36.806 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_terms:38 - 
## generating video terms
2024-07-28 15:06:36.807 | DEBUG    | app.services.task:generate_terms:52 - video terms: [
    "Health and Fitness Lifestyle",
    "Exercise and Nutrition",
    "Cardiovascular Health Benefits",
    "Balanced Diet Importance",
    "Muscle and Bone Strength"
2024-07-28 15:06:36.814 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_audio:75 - 
## generating audio
2024-07-28 15:06:36.816 | INFO     | app.services.voice:azure_tts_v1:1057 - start, voice name: en-US-BrianNeural, try: 1
2024-07-28 15:06:47.004 | INFO     | app.services.voice:azure_tts_v1:1077 - completed, output file: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/audio.mp3
2024-07-28 15:06:47.008 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_subtitle:103 - 
## generating subtitle, provider: edge
2024-07-28 15:06:47.015 | INFO     | app.services.voice:create_subtitle:1262 - completed, subtitle file created: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/subtitle.srt, duration: 41.712
2024-07-28 15:06:47.017 | INFO     | app.services.task:get_video_materials:141 - 
## downloading videos from pexels
2024-07-28 15:06:47.018 | INFO     | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:47 - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Health+and+Fitness+Lifestyle&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}
2024-07-28 15:06:52.041 | ERROR    | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:83 - search videos failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.pexels.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /videos/search?query=Health+and+Fitness+Lifestyle&per_page=20&orientation=portrait (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)')))
2024-07-28 15:06:52.044 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:208 - found 0 videos for 'Health and Fitness Lifestyle'
2024-07-28 15:06:52.046 | INFO     | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:47 - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Exercise+and+Nutrition&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}
2024-07-28 15:06:53.399 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:208 - found 18 videos for 'Exercise and Nutrition'
2024-07-28 15:06:53.401 | INFO     | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:47 - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Cardiovascular+Health+Benefits&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}
2024-07-28 15:06:54.544 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:208 - found 18 videos for 'Cardiovascular Health Benefits'
2024-07-28 15:06:54.547 | INFO     | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:47 - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Balanced+Diet+Importance&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}
2024-07-28 15:06:59.567 | ERROR    | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:83 - search videos failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.pexels.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /videos/search?query=Balanced+Diet+Importance&per_page=20&orientation=portrait (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)')))
2024-07-28 15:06:59.576 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:208 - found 0 videos for 'Balanced Diet Importance'
2024-07-28 15:06:59.578 | INFO     | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:47 - searching videos: https://api.pexels.com/videos/search?query=Muscle+and+Bone+Strength&per_page=20&orientation=portrait, with proxies: {}
2024-07-28 15:07:04.596 | ERROR    | app.services.material:search_videos_pexels:83 - search videos failed: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='api.pexels.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /videos/search?query=Muscle+and+Bone+Strength&per_page=20&orientation=portrait (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)')))
2024-07-28 15:07:04.600 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:208 - found 0 videos for 'Muscle and Bone Strength'
2024-07-28 15:07:04.601 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:216 - found total videos: 25, required duration: 42 seconds, found duration: 479.0 seconds
2024-07-28 15:07:04.603 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5528012/5528012-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:09.299 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-cfd843b3fd33e3532131e7a7e78116d4.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:09.300 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5310962/5310962-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:09.301 | INFO     | app.services.material:save_video:158 - video already exists: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-d0a022f903340954ed6723349c4d7218.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:09.302 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-d0a022f903340954ed6723349c4d7218.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:09.302 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/6740718/6740718-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:15.488 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-d491e5f68e92df5d1c82df611fee789a.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:15.492 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5310966/5310966-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:15.495 | INFO     | app.services.material:save_video:158 - video already exists: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-d1fd2830013c4c68eea71fc1bcb71325.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:15.495 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-d1fd2830013c4c68eea71fc1bcb71325.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:15.496 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/6893205/6893205-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:19.030 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-37eb1326ec50872f829b98a80159a201.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:19.031 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/6707359/6707359-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:23.727 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-49bf808f0b13a74e93673a230c2d40da.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:23.728 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/7017803/7017803-hd_1080_1920_30fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:23.729 | INFO     | app.services.material:save_video:158 - video already exists: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-dde20b6d271f06194124dd94bd6f24ff.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:23.729 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-dde20b6d271f06194124dd94bd6f24ff.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:23.730 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5319426/5319426-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:28.742 | ERROR    | app.services.material:download_videos:248 - failed to download video: {
    "provider": "pexels",
    "url": "https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5319426/5319426-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4",
    "duration": 19
} => HTTPSConnectionPool(host='videos.pexels.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /video-files/5319426/5319426-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4 (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)')))
2024-07-28 15:07:28.748 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5645107/5645107-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:33.356 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-25a6036bfe6839e5378354e84b63ae62.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:33.359 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/3694919/3694919-hd_1080_1920_30fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:38.374 | ERROR    | app.services.material:download_videos:248 - failed to download video: {
    "provider": "pexels",
    "url": "https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/3694919/3694919-hd_1080_1920_30fps.mp4",
    "duration": 23
} => HTTPSConnectionPool(host='videos.pexels.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /video-files/3694919/3694919-hd_1080_1920_30fps.mp4 (Caused by SSLError(SSLEOFError(8, 'EOF occurred in violation of protocol (_ssl.c:1007)')))
2024-07-28 15:07:38.377 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:233 - downloading video: https://videos.pexels.com/video-files/5320011/5320011-hd_1080_1920_25fps.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:38.380 | INFO     | app.services.material:save_video:158 - video already exists: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-81294f94e5ac183e7de4a0582ff48144.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:38.382 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:238 - video saved: ./storage/cache_videos/vid-81294f94e5ac183e7de4a0582ff48144.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:38.383 | INFO     | app.services.material:download_videos:243 - total duration of downloaded videos: 45.0 seconds, skip downloading more
2024-07-28 15:07:38.385 | SUCCESS  | app.services.material:download_videos:249 - downloaded 9 videos
2024-07-28 15:07:38.387 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_final_videos:175 - 
## combining video: 1 => ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/combined-1.mp4
2024-07-28 15:07:38.423 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:42 - max duration of audio: 42.1 seconds
2024-07-28 15:07:38.424 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:46 - each clip will be maximum 5 seconds long
2024-07-28 15:07:45.101 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:117 - resizing video to 1080 x 1920, clip size: 720 x 1280
2024-07-28 15:07:45.152 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:117 - resizing video to 1080 x 1920, clip size: 720 x 1280
2024-07-28 15:07:48.307 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:117 - resizing video to 1080 x 1920, clip size: 720 x 1280
2024-07-28 15:07:49.312 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:117 - resizing video to 1080 x 1920, clip size: 720 x 1280
2024-07-28 15:07:49.817 | INFO     | app.services.video:combine_videos:129 - writing
2024-07-28 15:08:54.208 | SUCCESS  | app.services.video:combine_videos:140 - completed
2024-07-28 15:08:54.213 | INFO     | app.services.task:generate_final_videos:191 - 
## generating video: 1 => ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/final-1.mp4
2024-07-28 15:08:54.213 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:212 - start, video size: 1080 x 1920
2024-07-28 15:08:54.214 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:213 -   ① video: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/combined-1.mp4
2024-07-28 15:08:54.214 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:214 -   ② audio: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/audio.mp3
2024-07-28 15:08:54.215 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:215 -   ③ subtitle: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/subtitle.srt
2024-07-28 15:08:54.215 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:216 -   ④ output: ./storage/tasks/9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370/final-1.mp4
2024-07-28 15:08:54.216 | INFO     | app.services.video:generate_video:231 - using font: ./resource/fonts/MicrosoftYaHeiBold.ttc
2024-07-28 15:09:56.414 | SUCCESS  | app.services.video:generate_video:302 - completed
2024-07-28 15:09:56.432 | SUCCESS  | app.services.task:start:307 - task 9e3da794-f3b0-446f-8c9e-576774525370 finished, generated 1 videos.
2024-07-28 15:09:56.455 | INFO     | __main__:<module>:805 - 视频生成完成


## generating video script

## generating video terms

## generating audio

## generating subtitle, provider: edge

## downloading videos from pexels

## combining video

## generating video


AIGC文生视频-health and fitness

3. 项目安装流程






  • 建议最低 CPU 4核或以上,内存 8G 或以上,显卡非必须
  • Windows 10 或 MacOS 11.0 以上系统


1. 下载项目
git clone https://github.com/harry0703/MoneyPrinterTurbo.git        


  • 将 config.example.toml 文件复制一份,命名为 config.toml
  • 按照 config.toml 文件中的说明,配置好 pexels_api_keys 和 llm_provider,并根据 llm_provider 对应的服务商,配置相关的 API Key


cd MoneyPrinterTurbo

docker compose up

4. 访问Web界面



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  • 0




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