

Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub InitCommonControls Lib "comctl32.dll" ()
Private Declare Function MessageBox Lib "user32" Alias "MessageBoxA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpText As String, ByVal lpCaption As String, ByVal wType As Long) As Long
Private WithEvents CreateProcessEvent As SWbemSink
Private WithEvents DeleteProcessEvent As SWbemSink
Private WithEvents ModificationProcessEvent As SWbemSink

Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
    Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Initialize()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAbout_Click()
    MessageBox 0, "欢迎你使用Chenhui530编写的“WMI进程管理器”实例源码!如" & vbNewLine & "果你在使用中发现有什么问题请及时通过以下方式转告联系我。" & Chr(13) & "QQ号码: 285305530,335429       附加消息:“VB技术交流”" & vbNewLine & "邮箱:Chenhui00530@163.com       论坛:www.chenhui530.com", "关于", vbInformation
End Sub

Private Sub cmdKill_Click()
    Dim i As Integer, sum As Integer, checkValue As Integer
    For i = 1 To lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Count
        If lvProcessexInfo.ListItems(i).Selected Then
            sum = sum + 1
            If UseWmiKillProcess(lvProcessexInfo.ListItems(i).SubItems(1)) Then
'                Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Remove i
                checkValue = checkValue + 1
            End If
        End If
    If checkValue <> 0 Then
        If checkValue = sum Then
            MessageBox 0, "终止进程成功!!", "提示", vbInformation
            If checkValue > 0 Then
                MessageBox 0, "有部分进程终止失败!!", "提示", vbInformation
                MessageBox 0, "终止进程失败!!", "提示", vbCritical
            End If
        End If
        MessageBox 0, "你还没有选择需要结束的进程呢!!", "提示", vbInformation
    End If
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRun_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices, process As SWbemObject, processes As SWbemObjectSet, lvItem As ListItem
    Dim processUserName As String, processPath As String, i As Integer, lgWorkingSetSize As Long
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        ControlSize frmMain, False
        Set processes = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process")
        For Each process In processes
            i = i + 1
            statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text = "进程数: " & i
            If process.Properties_("ProcessID") = "0" Then
                Set lvItem = Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Add(, , "系统空闲进程")
                Set lvItem = Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Add(, , process.Properties_("Name"))
            End If
            lvItem.SubItems(1) = process.Properties_("ProcessID")
            processUserName = IIf(IsNull(process.ExecMethod_("GetOwner").Properties_("User")), "SYSTEM", process.ExecMethod_("GetOwner").Properties_("User"))
            lgWorkingSetSize = lgWorkingSetSize + (Val(process.Properties_("WorkingSetSize")) / 1024) / 1024
            lvItem.SubItems(2) = processUserName
            lvItem.SubItems(3) = CStr(Val(process.Properties_("WorkingSetSize")) / 1024) & "K"
            statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text = "内存使用: " & lgWorkingSetSize & "M"
            If IsNull(process.Properties_("CommandLine")) Then
                If IsNull(process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")) Then
                    processPath = ""
                    processPath = process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")
                End If
                If Len(process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")) > Len(process.Properties_("CommandLine")) Then
                    processPath = process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")
                    processPath = process.Properties_("CommandLine")
                End If
            End If
            processPath = Replace(processPath, """", "")
            lvItem.SubItems(4) = processPath
            If IsNull(process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")) Then
                processPath = ""
                processPath = process.Properties_("ExecutablePath")
            End If
            If process.Properties_("ProcessID") <> "0" And process.Properties_("ProcessID") <> "4" Then
                imgProcessList.ListImages.Add , "H" & process.Properties_("ProcessID"), GetIcon(processPath)
                lvItem.smallIcon = imgProcessList.ListImages.Item("H" & process.Properties_("ProcessID")).Key
            End If
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
    SetObjectNothing process
    SetObjectNothing processes
    SetObjectNothing lvItem

    OldWindowProc = GetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC)
    Call SetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, AddressOf WndProc)
    ControlSize frmMain, True
End Sub

Private Function GetWorkingSetSize() As String
    Dim i As Integer, lgWorkingSetSize As Long
    For i = 1 To Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Count
        lgWorkingSetSize = lgWorkingSetSize + Val(Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems(i).SubItems(3))
    GetWorkingSetSize = CStr(lgWorkingSetSize / 1024) & "M"
End Function

Private Sub SetObjectNothing(obj As Object)
    Set obj = Nothing
End Sub

Private Function UseWmiKillProcess(ByVal processId As String) As Boolean
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices, process As SWbemObject, processes As SWbemObjectSet, intReturn As Integer
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        Set processes = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID=" & processId)
        For Each process In processes
            intReturn = process.Terminate
            If intReturn = 0 Then
                UseWmiKillProcess = True
                UseWmiKillProcess = False
            End If
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
End Function

'连接 WMI服务函数(此函数也可以连接远程计算机,当要连接远程计算机时把参数“strComputerName”指示为IP地址即可但是注意的是还要提供用户名和密码)
Private Function ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices As SWbemServices, ByVal strComputerName As String, Optional ByVal strNameSpace As String = "root/cimv2", Optional ByVal strUserName As String = "", Optional ByVal strPassWord As String = "") As Boolean
    Dim objSWbemLocator As SWbemLocator
    On Error GoTo errLine
    Set objSWbemLocator = CreateObject("WbemScripting.SWbemLocator")
    objSWbemLocator.Security_.Privileges.Add wbemPrivilegeDebug
    If strComputerName <> "." Then
        Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer(strComputerName, strNameSpace, strUserName, strPassWord)
        Set objSWbemServices = objSWbemLocator.ConnectServer()
    End If
    ConnectWmiServer = True
    Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
    Exit Function
    ConnectWmiServer = False
    Set objSWbemLocator = Nothing
End Function

'利用 WMI创建进程
Public Function UseWmiCreateProcess(ByVal strFile As String) As Long
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices, objSWbemObject As SWbemObject, processId As Long, errResult As Long
    '连接 WMI服务
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        '获取一个 WMI实例
        Set objSWbemObject = objSWbemServices.Get("Win32_Process")
        errResult = objSWbemObject.Create(strFile, Null, Null, processId)
        If errResult <> 0 Then
            UseWmiCreateProcess = 0
            UseWmiCreateProcess = processId
        End If
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到 WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemObject
End Function

Private Sub StartMonitorCreateProcessEvent()
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        Set CreateProcessEvent = New SWbemSink
        'Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
        objSWbemServices.ExecNotificationQueryAsync CreateProcessEvent, "SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'"
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到 WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
End Sub

Private Sub StartMonitorDeleteProcessEvent()
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        Set DeleteProcessEvent = New SWbemSink
        'Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
        objSWbemServices.ExecNotificationQueryAsync DeleteProcessEvent, "SELECT * FROM __InstanceDeletionEvent WITHIN 1 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'"
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到 WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
End Sub

Private Sub StartMonitorModificationProcessEvent()
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        Set ModificationProcessEvent = New SWbemSink
        'Set objSWbemServices = GetObject("winmgmts://./root/cimv2")
        objSWbemServices.ExecNotificationQueryAsync ModificationProcessEvent, "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 5 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'"
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到 WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
End Sub

Private Sub CreateProcessEvent_OnObjectReady(ByVal objWbemObject As WbemScripting.ISWbemObject, ByVal objWbemAsyncContext As WbemScripting.ISWbemNamedValueSet)
    Dim lvItem As ListItem, lgWorkingSetSize As Long
    Dim processUserName As String, processPath As String
    Set lvItem = Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Add(, , objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("Name").Value)
    lvItem.SubItems(1) = objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID").Value
    processUserName = GetProcessUserNameByProcessID(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID").Value)
    lvItem.SubItems(2) = processUserName
    lvItem.SubItems(3) = CStr(CLng(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("WorkingSetSize").Value) / 1024) & "K"
    If IsNull(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("CommandLine")) Then
        If IsNull(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ExecutablePath")) Then
            processPath = ""
            processPath = objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ExecutablePath")
        End If
        If Len(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ExecutablePath")) > Len(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("CommandLine")) Then
            processPath = objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ExecutablePath")
            processPath = objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("CommandLine")
        End If
    End If
    lvItem.SubItems(4) = Replace(processPath, """", "")
    processPath = objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ExecutablePath").Value
    imgProcessList.ListImages.Add , "H" & objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID").Value, GetIcon(processPath)
    lvItem.smallIcon = imgProcessList.ListImages.Item("H" & objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID").Value).Key
    lgWorkingSetSize = (Val(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("WorkingSetSize").Value) / 1024) / 1024
    statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text = "进程数: " & CStr(Mid(statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text, 5, Len(statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text) - 4) + 1)
    statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text = "内存使用: " & Mid(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text, 6, Len(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text) - 6) + lgWorkingSetSize & "M"
    SetObjectNothing lvItem
End Sub

Private Function GetProcessUserNameByProcessID(ByVal processId As String) As String
    Dim objSWbemServices As SWbemServices, objWbemObjectSet As SWbemObjectSet, objWbemObject As SWbemObject
    If ConnectWmiServer(objSWbemServices, ".") Then
        Set objWbemObjectSet = objSWbemServices.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_Process Where ProcessID=" & processId)
        For Each objWbemObject In objWbemObjectSet
            GetProcessUserNameByProcessID = objWbemObject.ExecMethod_("GetOwner").Properties_("User")
        MessageBox 0, "连接不到WMI服务!!", "错误", vbCritical
    End If
    SetObjectNothing objSWbemServices
    SetObjectNothing objWbemObjectSet
    SetObjectNothing objWbemObject
End Function

Private Sub DeleteProcessEvent_OnObjectReady(ByVal objWbemObject As WbemScripting.ISWbemObject, ByVal objWbemAsyncContext As WbemScripting.ISWbemNamedValueSet)
    Dim lvItem As ListItem, lgWorkingSetSize As Long
    Set lvItem = Me.lvProcessexInfo.FindItem(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID"), lvwSubItem, , lvwPartial)
    Me.lvProcessexInfo.ListItems.Remove lvItem.Index
    statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text = "进程数: " & CStr(Mid(statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text, 5, Len(statusMsg.Panels.Item(1).Text) - 4) - 1)
    lgWorkingSetSize = (Val(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("WorkingSetSize").Value) / 1024) / 1024
    statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text = "内存使用: " & Mid(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text, 6, Len(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text) - 6) - lgWorkingSetSize & "M"
    SetObjectNothing lvItem
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
    On Error Resume Next
    Me.lvProcessexInfo.Width = Me.Width - 340
    Me.lvProcessexInfo.Height = Me.Height - 1760
    Me.cmdAbout.Top = Me.lvProcessexInfo.Height + 500
    Me.cmdExit.Top = Me.cmdAbout.Top
    Me.cmdKill.Top = Me.cmdAbout.Top
    Me.cmdRun.Top = Me.cmdAbout.Top
    Me.cmdExit.Left = Me.Width - 220 - Me.cmdExit.Width
    Me.cmdRun.Left = Me.cmdExit.Left - Me.cmdExit.Width - 140
    Me.cmdKill.Left = Me.cmdRun.Left - Me.cmdRun.Width - 140
    Me.cmdAbout.Left = Me.cmdKill.Left - Me.cmdKill.Width - 140
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Dim i As Integer
    Call SetWindowLong(Me.hwnd, GWL_WNDPROC, OldWindowProc)
    For i = Forms.Count - 1 To 1 Step -1
        Unload Forms(i)
End Sub

Private Sub ModificationProcessEvent_OnObjectReady(ByVal objWbemObject As WbemScripting.ISWbemObject, ByVal objWbemAsyncContext As WbemScripting.ISWbemNamedValueSet)
    On Error Resume Next
    Dim lvItem As ListItem, lgWorkingSetSize As Long
    Set lvItem = Me.lvProcessexInfo.FindItem(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("ProcessID"), lvwSubItem, , lvwPartial)
    lgWorkingSetSize = Left(lvItem.SubItems(3), Len(lvItem.SubItems(3)) - 1)
    lgWorkingSetSize = CInt((objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("WorkingSetSize").Value / 1024 - lgWorkingSetSize) / 1024)
    lvItem.SubItems(3) = CStr(Val(objWbemObject.Properties_.Item("TargetInstance").Value.Properties_.Item("WorkingSetSize").Value) / 1024) & "K"
    statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text = "内存使用: " & Mid(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text, 6, Len(statusMsg.Panels.Item(2).Text) - 6) + lgWorkingSetSize & "M"
    SetObjectNothing lvItem
End Sub

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