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原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][06][Application Storefront和Application Center]

 BlackBerry Application Storefront和Application CenterBlackBerry Application Storefront(黑莓应用程序网上商店)和BlackBerry Application Center(嵌入式应用程序中心)是RIM于2008年10月的黑莓开发者大会后发起的应用程序分销渠道倡议。该计划旨在为程序开发商和运营商与全球的黑莓

2009-02-10 11:14:00 1368

原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][05][Developer Program][黑莓开发合作计划]

黑莓开发合作计划(Developer Program)1. 黑莓独立软件供应商联盟计划BlackBerry Independent Software Vendor (ISV) Alliance Program该联盟计划的成员提供的是面向商业或消费市场的程序。面向商业的成员提供从销售能力自动化(Sales Fore Automation——SFA)、商业情报分析到工业定制移动方案等系列程

2009-02-10 11:12:00 1405

原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][04][Java Application Development][JavaME程序开发]

Java Application Development——JavaME程序开发JAD方法是想要创建富客户端程序的开发人员的首选,它能给你带来最大的开发灵活性和功能性。JAD能够创建功能异常丰富的Java程序:游戏、企业程序、消费、管理、生产工具,或是你能想得到的任何类型的程序。JAD能够充分利用黑莓手机提供的各种功能,并能使用消息等黑莓核心程序。黑莓智能手机(BlackBerry Sma

2009-02-04 15:55:00 2118 1

原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][03][Rapid Application Development][快速程序开发]

Rapid Application Development——快速程序开发网络服务(Web Service)是移动开发的基本组件。RIM已经形成了完整的程序开发方法帮助程序员扩展Web Service及其他资源给黑莓手机用户使用。RAD方法就是专门扩展Web Service的开发方法,并能够生成自己的用户界面并使用更多的高级功能。这意味着程序员可以不用开发Java程序而得到比Browser开发

2009-02-04 15:50:00 2019

原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][02][BlackBerry Browser Development][黑莓浏览器开发]

BlackBerry Browser Development——黑莓浏览器开发BBD开发体系架构BBD开发的体系架构极其简单,非常直观清晰。程序使用与黑莓邮件相同的网络连接,相同的数据加密、压缩方式,相同的硬件设施,无需构建额外的网络功能(黑莓的这种最基本的优点始终贯穿所有黑莓开发过程方法);程序是基于浏览器的客户端/服务器(C/S)模式,所有信息均保存在服务器上,无需部署

2009-02-04 15:42:00 1895

原创 [黑莓开发之路][01][黑莓开发平台介绍][01][概述]

概述RIM推出新一代BlackBerry智能手机的同时,也重新整合了BlackBerry开发平台,使BlackBerry程序开发不再局限于J2ME程序。简单来说,黑莓开发平台分成三个版块:BlackBerry Browser Development(黑莓浏览器开发,本人在下文简称“BBD”)、Rapid Application Development(快速程序开发,RAD)和Java Ap

2009-02-04 15:38:00 6565 5

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][08][数据传输流程][04][PIN]

PIN-PIN BB手机的PIN(Personal Identified Number)是BB手机特有的识别码,类似于IMEI,但BB手机通过PIN可以形成一个独立的BB私有网络,能够不通过BES而直接在BB手机之间发送私人PIN消息。从形式上来说,PIN消息有点类似于SMS短信。虽然PIN消息使用3DES加密,但是所有BB使用相同的出厂时提供的公共加密密钥,因而PIN消息能够被任

2009-02-04 15:33:00 1217 1

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][08][数据传输流程][03][BIS]

 BlackBerry Internet Service BIS主要使用ISP的邮件服务器(BlackBerry邮箱)或直接通过Internet收发邮件,BIS定时(2分钟-10分钟)查询绑定的邮箱的邮件情况,发现有新邮件就转储在BlackBerry邮箱并发送给BB手机;而BB发送邮件也以BlackBerry邮箱作为中继,以绑定邮箱地址的身份发送邮件,并把邮件存储到绑定的邮箱中。

2009-02-04 15:30:00 913

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][08][数据传输流程][02][BlackBerry Desktop Redirector]

BlackBerry Desktop Redirector桌面转寄器传输流程 使用BES有用户把BB手机通过USB等连接到桌面电脑时,桌面转寄器会通知BES,并在BES收发BB邮件时不通过移动网络发送到BB手机上,而是通过内部网络发送到用户桌面电脑,再用桌面转寄器发送到BB手机中。这种方式进一步减少了移动网络的数据传输流量。

2009-02-04 15:25:00 883

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][08][数据传输流程][01][BES]

 BlackBerry Enterprise Server数据传输流程 发消息到黑莓手机1. 邮件到达用户邮箱,消息服务器(Exchange,……)通过BlackBerry Messaging Agent;2. Messaging Agent应用全局过滤规则(Global Filter Rules)过滤消息,若无全局过滤规则就应用自定义过滤规则(User-defined

2009-02-04 15:18:00 1340

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][07][网络连接及传输方式]

 网络连接及传输方式黑莓解决方案扮演着有线网络与移动网络之间、公共网络(Internet)与内部网络(Intranet)之间的桥梁角色,导致黑莓涉及的网络连接及数据传输方式多种多样。从应用程序的角度,选择数据传输模式需要考虑下列因素:1. 黑莓用户类型;2. 安全性及可靠性的重要程度;3. 程序所用的网络及对漫游用户的支持;4. 程序的传输配置;5. 程序升级和报警

2009-02-04 15:12:00 1560

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][06][BlackBerry Mobile Voice System][黑莓语音系统]

 BlackBerry Mobile Voice System——黑莓语音系统无论数字技术如何发展,语音工具(电话)仍然是当今企业重要的实时沟通手段!语音通讯在企业移动办公投入中占的比例是最高的,Yankee Group数据对美国2006年的调查数据显示这一数字超过公司移动办公预算的70%。根据Gartner为调查数据,75%的电话被转到的语音信箱(VoiceMail)。而普通手机在使

2009-02-04 15:06:00 1688

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][05][BlackBerry Mobile Data System][黑莓数据系统]

 BlackBerry Mobile Data System——黑莓数据系统BlackBerry Mobile Data System是从前Mobile Data Service的升级,是为BES开发、部署及管理无线应用程序的优化程序框架。它包括开发工具,管理服务和黑莓设备软件等基本必要组件以创建无线应用程序并部署程序到用户手机中运行的能力。MDS使移动用户可以使用公司的内部企业级程序

2009-02-04 15:00:00 1665

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][04][BlackBerry Internet Service][黑莓网络服务]

BlackBerry Internet Service——黑莓网络服务BIS(BlackBerry Internet Service)面向不使用BES的黑莓用户,为其提供邮件收发及互联网访问服务,RIM及移动运营商运营维护,是BlackBerry Infrastructure的一部分。它使用现有的网络连接而无需服务提供商进行额外的配置。BIS采用了黑莓的网络协议,为用户提供了一个统一、快速

2009-02-04 14:56:00 3864 1

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][03][BES对Wi-Fi网络的支持]

 BES对Wi-Fi网络的支持RIM早在7XX0时代就已经推出了一款WLAN模式的BlackBerry手持设备——7270,而新一代的BB智能手机又增加了支持Wi-Fi的机型数量:8120、8220、8320、8350i、8820和9500。下图是黑莓Wi-Fi手机在BES架构中的网络连接方式。 黑莓的Wi-Fi手机不仅能通过移动网络接入互联网,还能通过接入Internet

2009-02-04 14:52:00 1307

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][02][BlackBerry Enterprise Server][黑莓企业服务器]

BlackBerry Enterprise Server——黑莓企业服务器BES服务器是为黑莓手机、移动网络与企业程序提供集中化连接的服务器软件,是BES解决方案的最核心组件,为移动网络与企业程序间架起了桥梁。BES服务器不仅实现企业邮件、即时通讯、协作系统的集成;还具有了数据路由、压缩、加密;监视并管理黑莓手机设备及手机内的程序和数据;协调黑莓在不同使用环境下的数据传输方式等功能。

2009-02-04 14:46:00 2813

原创 [黑莓开发之路][00][BlackBerry平台架构概述][01][BlackBerry Enterprise Solution][黑莓企业解决方案]

 BlackBerry Enterprise Solution——黑莓企业解决方案BlackBerry Enterprise Solution是一个灵活的,技术友好的企业级无线方案,为移动办公人员提供访问企业电子邮件和关键业务级程序的安全无线连接及数据传输。BES能主动推送电子邮件、日历、联系人、任务、便笺、即时消息,基于Web的应用程序和企业内部的应用程序。下图是其整体架构,是开发过

2009-02-04 14:34:00 1921 1

原创 [黑莓开发之路][A][版权声明]

 版权声明BlackBerry®, BlackBerry® Enterprise Server, Always On, Always Connected®, RIM®, Research In Motion®, SureType®, SurePress™, RIM® smartphone, BlackBerry® smartphone, BlackBerry® (model number)

2009-02-04 14:31:00 677

原创 [黑莓开发之路][A][序言]

序言BlackBerry手机是以生产力工具之名诞生的。BlackBerry的基础技术是服务器推送技术(Push Technology),最基本的功能是移动电邮和网络浏览器。BlackBerry最大的优势在于其企业服务器与公司企业级程序、移动手机网络的无缝整合能力,快速高效地部署移动办公方案到每个员工,保证在全球范围内随时随地处理公司业务。BlackBerry为人称道的还是其安全性,数据在传

2009-02-04 14:22:00 806 1

BlackBerry Certification Program Guide

黑莓BlackBerry考试认证指南 本文档版权属于RIM,仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途


Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications - part 2

Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications Paperback: 3024 pages Publisher: Information Science Reference; illustrated edition edition (October 30, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1605660523 ISBN-13: 978-1605660523 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: The systematic study of human-computer interaction has arguably been the most significant factor driving the exponential increase in technology acceptance, diffusion, and utilization, over the past two decades, as well as the technology-driven productivity gains that have benefited a full spectrum of organizations. Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications penetrates the human computer interaction (HCI) field with more breadth and depth of comprehensive research than any other publication. The four-volume set contains more than 200 authoritative works from over 250 leading experts in the field of human computer interaction. This groundbreaking collection contains significant chapters in topics such as Web logs, technology influences, and human factors of information systems and technologies. Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is the single vital source for practitioners and academicians aspiring to expand their knowledge of HCI.


Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications

Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications Paperback: 3024 pages Publisher: Information Science Reference; illustrated edition edition (October 30, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1605660523 ISBN-13: 978-1605660523 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: The systematic study of human-computer interaction has arguably been the most significant factor driving the exponential increase in technology acceptance, diffusion, and utilization, over the past two decades, as well as the technology-driven productivity gains that have benefited a full spectrum of organizations. Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications penetrates the human computer interaction (HCI) field with more breadth and depth of comprehensive research than any other publication. The four-volume set contains more than 200 authoritative works from over 250 leading experts in the field of human computer interaction. This groundbreaking collection contains significant chapters in topics such as Web logs, technology influences, and human factors of information systems and technologies. Human Computer Interaction: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is the single vital source for practitioners and academicians aspiring to expand their knowledge of HCI.



黑莓UI界面开发指导 包含了最新的触摸屏的UI设计, 介绍了: Interaction交互方式(TouchScreen、Trackball、Trackwheel、Keyboard、Shortcut、Cursor等); Screen屏幕显示; Controls控件; Menu菜单; Text文本; Theme主题; Icon & Indicator 图标和提示; Sound声音; Localization国际本地化。 本文档版权属于RIM,仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途。



黑莓MIDlet开发指南 BlackBerry MIDlet Development Guide V4.0 介绍如何使用黑莓JDE开发用于黑莓手机的标准MIDlet程序。 本文档版权属于RIM,仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途。



黑莓开发桌面类API参考,这个用于开发桌面同步之类的程序,V4.6,英文 Desktop_API_Reference_Guide_46.pdf 本文档版权属于RIM,仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途。


Big Java, 3nd

Big Java Paperback: 1248 pages Publisher: Wiley; 3 edition (March 23, 2007) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470105542 ISBN-13: 978-0470105542 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: No one brews up a better Java guide than Cay Horstmann and in this Third Edition of Big Java he's perfected his recipe. Thoroughly updated to include Java 6, the Third Edition of Horstmann's bestselling text helps you absorb computing concepts and programming principles, develop strong problem-solving skills, and become a better programmer, all while exploring the elements of Java that are needed to write real-life programs. A top-notch introductory text for beginners, Big Java, Third Edition is also a thorough reference for students and professionals alike to Java technologies, Internet programming, database access, and many other areas of computer science. Features of the Third Edition: The 'Objects Gradual' approach leads you into object-oriented thinking step-by-step, from using classes, implementing simple methods, all the way to designing your own object-oriented programs. A strong emphasis on test-driven development encourages you to consider outcomes as you write programming code so you design better, more usable programs Helpful "Testing Track" introduces techniques and tools step by step, ensuring that you master one before moving on to the next New teaching and learning tools in WileyPLUS--including a unique assignment checker that enables you to test your programming problems online before you submit them for a grade Graphics topics are developed gradually throughout the text, conveniently highlighted in separate color-coded sections Updated coverage is fully compatible with Java 5 and includes a discussion of the latest Java 6 features


iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development

iPhone in Action: Introduction to Web and SDK Development Paperback: 350 pages Publisher: Manning Publications (December 28, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 193398886X ISBN-13: 978-1933988863 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: The iPhone explodes old ideas of a cell phone. Its native SDK offers a remarkable range of features including easy-to-build graphical objects, a unique navigation system, and a built-in database, all on a location-knowledgeable device. Websites and web apps can now behave like native iPhone apps, with great network integration. iPhone in Action is an in-depth introduction to both native and web programming for the iPhone. You'll learn how to turn your web pages into compelling iPhone web apps using WebKit, iUI, and Canvas. The authors also take you step by step into more complex Objective-C programming. They help you master the iPhone SDK including its UI and features like accelerometers, GPS, the Address Book, SQLite, and many more. Using Apple's standard tools like Dashcode, Xcode, and Interface Builder, you'll learn how to best use both approaches: iPhone web and SDK programming. This book is intended as an introduction to its topics. Proficiency with C, Cocoa, or Objective-C is helpful but not required. What's Inside A comprehensive tutorial for iPhone programming Web development, the SDK, and hybrid coding Over 60 web, Dashcode, and SDK examples


Pro ADO.NET Data Services: Working with RESTful Data

Pro ADO.NET Data Services: Working with RESTful Data Paperback: 336 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (December 2, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 143021614X ISBN-13: 978-1430216148 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Pro ADO.NET Data Services: Working with RESTful Data is aimed at developers interested in taking advantage of the new REST–style data services that ADO.NET Data Services (formerly code–named Astoria) provides. The book shows how to incorporate ADO.NET Data Services into a wide range of common environments including BizTalk, AJAX and Silverlight client applications. The material is intended for professional developers who are comfortable with the .NET 3.5 Framework but are coming to ADO.NET Data Services for the first time and want to understand how to integrate it into their own applications and enterprise solutions. The book is packed full with extensive real–world solutions and exercises, ensuring you walk away with a deep understanding of how to use ADO.NET Data Services to your best advantage. What you’ll learn Implement software solutions using ADO.NET Data Services within a variety of enterprise–level environments. Integrate ADO.NET Data Services into enterprise applications using BizTalk Server. Take advantage of ADO.NET Data Services in standard and AJAX/Silverlight–enabled ASP.NET applications, as well as traditional .NET applications. Understand when to apply traditional SOAP programming methods vs. REST–style programming to achieve the best possible results. Incorporate ADO.NET Data Services into the latest Microsoft technologies in the cleanest possible way. Understand cloud computing from a business respective and where ADO.NET Data Services fits within this.


OpenSSH: A Survival Guide for Secure Shell Handling

OpenSSH: A Survival Guide for Secure Shell Handling Publisher: SANS Press Language: English ISBN: 0972427384 Paperback: 123 pages Data: June 2003 Format: CHM Description: The OpenSSH suite of tools provides replacements for some of the common administrative tools used today such as telnet, FTP and the r-utilities; yet, these tools, considered insecure because they use clear-text communication over the network, are in still in common use. OpenSSH provides an encrypted channel between computers and remote servers to ensure against a malicious attacker intercepting and reading information in transit.





Quick Recipes on Symbian OS: Mastering C++ Smartphone Development

Quick Recipes on Symbian OS: Mastering C++ Smartphone Development Paperback: 382 pages Publisher: Wiley (August 25, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470997834 ISBN-13: 978-0470997833 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Symbian OS continues to be the top operating system for smartphones across the world, with the number of Symbian OS phones sold now well beyond the 100 million mark. As more and more developers realize the huge opportunities available designing with Symbian OS, one of the first major obstacles they face is the sheer length of time it takes to start producing functional C++ applications for Symbian OS phones. "Quick Recipes on Symbian OS" provides easy-to-use recipes for mastering common development tasks. The book's structured, time-focused approach to becoming familiar with the basics allows readers to get up and running quickly.


Multimedia on Symbian OS: Inside the Convergence Device

Multimedia on Symbian OS: Inside the Convergence Device Paperback: 276 pages Publisher: Wiley (December 10, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470695072 ISBN-13: 978-0470695074 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Multimedia on Symbian OS is the only book available to discuss multimedia on Symbian OS at this level. It covers key areas of multimedia technology, with information about APIs and services provided by Symbian OS. Other key features include details of UI platform-specific APIs from S60 and UIQ. This pioneering book covers each of the key technologies available (such as audio, video, radio, image conversion, tuner and camera) at a high level, to give the reader context, before drilling down to details of how to use each of them. The book includes code samples which are available for download on a website and cover key APIs with detailed description of each. Additional information includes the evolution of multimedia on Symbian OS from previous versions to the current (v9.5) and plans for the future. Chapters include: Architecture of Multimedia on Symbian OS Onboard Camera Multimedia Framework of both Video & Audio Image Converter Library The Tuner


Common Design Patterns for Symbian OS: The Foundations of Smartphone Software

Common Design Patterns for Symbian OS: The Foundations of Smartphone Software Paperback: 444 pages Publisher: Wiley (December 3, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470516356 ISBN-13: 978-0470516355 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Common Design Patterns for Symbian OS is the first design patterns book that addresses Symbian OS specifically. It introduces programmers to the common design patterns that help implement a large variety of applications and services on Symbian OS. The goal of the book is to provide the experience of Symbian's developers to a wider audience and enable sophisticated programs to be quickly written and to a high standard. In order to do this, it: Provides patterns based on the Symbian OS architectural elements Describes how patterns suited for non-mobile software should be adapted or even avoided for Symbian OS Provides Symbian OS based examples and code illustrations Each chapter covers patterns that address specific key concern experienced by developers: memory performance, time performance, power performance, security and responsiveness. This book is not specific to any particular version of Symbian OS. While individual examples may come from one version or another the patterns outlined in this book are intended to be more generic and based on the common functionality available in all releases. Where possible the examples given for the design patterns will directly reflect the software in Symbian OS. Common Design Patterns for Symbian OS is intended to be used in conjunction with one or more SDKs for specific Symbian OS phones and with the resources available at the Symbian DevNet web site. This facility will provide the background material needed to help understand the patterns and the examples accompanying them.


[GOING MOBILE][实施移动战略 为您的企业制定应用移动计划]

黑莓官方中文白皮书系列 [实施移动战略 为您的企业制定应用移动计划] [GOING MOBILE][Developing an application mobilization plan for your business]



黑莓官方中文白皮书系列 目录: 概述 部署无线应用 重新审视移动应用 培养Corridor Warriors的收益 制定面向团队的移动战略 实现Corridor Warrior体验 总结 附录 A: 使用场合 服务台/派送人员 酒店 制造业项目经理 医疗机构 零售/批发行业 本文档版权属于RIM,此处仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途。


BlackBerry 101:BlackBerry企业无线解决方案概述

BlackBerry企业无线解决方案概述 -Introduction to BlackBerry Enterprise Solution BlackBerry Resource Center提供的官方中文介绍 想要了解BlackBerry Enterprise Solution的可以作为参考。 !!!BES架构图上有错误,正确的图请看英文版!!! 本文档版权属于RIM,此处仅用于学习交流,切勿用于商业用途。


Blackberry 72xx, 77xx, 71xx, 87xx中文详细说明书[2006]

[Cheyong007][Blackberry中文详细说明书][7xxx][87xx][简体中文][2006] 我于2006年制作的从7230,7290,7100,7730,8700当时的全部型号BlackBerry的使用说明书,普通使用方面的,没有邮件等企业应用内容。可供大家参考一下。



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Beginning_MYSQL_5_with_Visual_Studio.NET_2005.pdf This Tutorial teach you how to use the MYSQL Connector for .NET for Visual Studio.NET 2005 and build a simple Database Application using VC# and MYSQL 5.


[CrackBerry True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse][part.2]

CrackBerry True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse CrackBerry: True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse By Martin Trautschold, Kevin Michaluk, Gary Mazo Publisher: Apress 2010 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 1430231807 | PDF | 54 MB A delayed train, a dip in the conversation, an early morning hour with no sleep—during these moments, do you feel an overwhelming urge to grab your BlackBerry? Do you know someone else who does? If the answer is yes, then look no further than this one-of-a-kind book… CrackBerry: True Tales of Blackberry Use and Abuse covers the phenomenon of “BlackBerry Addiction,” offering true-life accounts of BlackBerry dependence and mishaps. You’ll find comfort and humor in the unbelievable tales of BlackBerry abuse and also learn some valuable information along the way. The definitive guide to responsible BlackBerry use. How to tame and get the most out of your BlackBerry device BlackBerry etiquette guidelines This book offers a comprehensive 12 Step Plan for BlackBerry users and abusers. It’s a must have if you own a BlackBerry, and maybe it’s the perfect gift for a friend who is showing signs of a BlackBerry addiction. What You'll Learn • Dozens of user stories that are just too funny or too sad to believe • A unique 12 Step approach to curb your BlackBerry dependence • Use effective strategies for balancing life and your BlackBerry • Work BlackBerry etiquette tips to live by • “BlackBerry Confessions” from the authors and users from CrackBerry.com • The “BlackBerry Quiz” to test your level of addiction


[CrackBerry True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse][part.1]

CrackBerry True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse CrackBerry: True Tales of BlackBerry Use and Abuse By Martin Trautschold, Kevin Michaluk, Gary Mazo Publisher: Apress 2010 | 168 Pages | ISBN: 1430231807 | PDF | 54 MB A delayed train, a dip in the conversation, an early morning hour with no sleep—during these moments, do you feel an overwhelming urge to grab your BlackBerry? Do you know someone else who does? If the answer is yes, then look no further than this one-of-a-kind book… CrackBerry: True Tales of Blackberry Use and Abuse covers the phenomenon of “BlackBerry Addiction,” offering true-life accounts of BlackBerry dependence and mishaps. You’ll find comfort and humor in the unbelievable tales of BlackBerry abuse and also learn some valuable information along the way. The definitive guide to responsible BlackBerry use. How to tame and get the most out of your BlackBerry device BlackBerry etiquette guidelines This book offers a comprehensive 12 Step Plan for BlackBerry users and abusers. It’s a must have if you own a BlackBerry, and maybe it’s the perfect gift for a friend who is showing signs of a BlackBerry addiction. What You'll Learn • Dozens of user stories that are just too funny or too sad to believe • A unique 12 Step approach to curb your BlackBerry dependence • Use effective strategies for balancing life and your BlackBerry • Work BlackBerry etiquette tips to live by • “BlackBerry Confessions” from the authors and users from CrackBerry.com • The “BlackBerry Quiz” to test your level of addiction


BlackBerry All in One for Dummies 2010

Wiley-BlackBerry All in One for Dummies 2010 Wiley | 2010 | ISBN: 978-0-470-53120-4 | 672 pages | PDF | 8,6 MB BlackBerry All-in-One For Dummies explores every feature and application common to all BlackBerry devices. It explains the topics in depth, with tips, tricks, workarounds, and includes detailed information about cool new third-party applications, accessories, and downloads that can�t be missed.[cut] Features: * With several models available, the BlackBerry is the most popular smartphone for business users and that market continues to grow * This guide covers the basics common to all models and explores individual features in depth * Examines social networking applications, navigation, organizing contacts and the calendar, and synchronization issues * Delves into multimedia, including e-mail, photos, and the media player * Explores GPS, the internet and connectivity, great downloads, how to maximize third-party applications, and application development * Uses graphs, tables, and images to fully explain the features of each model


智能手机跨平台开发Pro Smartphone Cross-Platform Development

Pro Smartphone Cross-Platform Development: iPhone, Blackberry, Windows Mobile and Android Development and Distribution By Sarah Allen Publisher: Apress 2010 | 288 Pages | ISBN: 1430228687 | PDF | 10 MB Learn the theory behind cross-platform development, and put the theory into practice with code using the invaluable information presented in this book. With in-depth coverage of development and distribution techniques for iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Android, you抣l learn the native approach to working with each of these platforms. With detailed coverage of emerging frameworks like PhoneGap and Rhomobile, you抣l learn the art of creating applications that will run across all devices. You抣l also be introduced to the code-signing process and the distribution of applications through the major application stores, including RIM, Apple, and Microsoft. What you抣l learn * How to develop native applications on the leading mobile platforms including iPhone, BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, and Android * How to extend native applications to run across all mobile platforms using cross-platform mobile toolkits such as Rhomobile and PhoneGap. * Best practices with full end-to-end samples in native code for each mobile platform * How to distribute applications through each of the major mobile application stores (RIM, Apple, and Microsoft) Who this book is for Developers who are interested in creating cross-platform mobile applications will find invaluable information in this book. The text is geared toward developers who have developed in any of the primary mobile languages, including Java, Objective-C, and .NET, and want to understand the techniques for developing applications that will run across multiple platforms.


[黑莓高级开发]Advanced BlackBerry Development

Advanced BlackBerry Development 350 pages | Apress (December 10, 2009) | ISBN: 1430226560 | PDF | 5.6 MB BlackBerry devices and applications are selling by the millions. As a BlackBerry developer, you need an advanced skill set to successfully exploit the most compelling features of the platform. This book will help you develop that skill set and teach you how to create the most sophisticated BlackBerry programs possible. With Advanced BlackBerry Development, you&l learn you how to take advantage of BlackBerry media capabilities, including the camera and video playback. The book also shows you how to send and receive text and multimedia messages, use powerful cryptography libraries, and connect with the user's personal and business contacts and calendar. Not only will you be learning how to use these APIs, but you&l also be building a program that takes full advantage of them: a wireless media-sharing app. Each chapter's lessons will be applied by enhancing the app from a prototype to a fully polished program. Along the way, yo&l learn how to differentiate your product from other downloads by fully integrating with the operating system. Your app will run in the browser and within device menus, just like software that comes with the phone. Once you are comfortable with writing apps, this book will show you how to take them to the next level. You&l learn how to move from running on one phone to running on all phones, and from one country to all countries. You&l additionally learn how to support your users with updates. No other resource compares for mastering the techniques needed for expert development on this mobile platform. What you&l learn - How to write sophisticated BlackBerry applications - All about integrating with the device so your program behaves like a native app - When to leverage advanced JSRs for cryptography, media capture, messaging, and more - How to tie into the device contact list, calendar, and tasks - Understanding the RIM security model and complex security processes - How to quickly and easily port to many device types - How to work with multiple devices across multiple countries Who is this book for? The ideal reader will approach this book after completing Beginning BlackBerry Development, but intermediate-level programmers may start directly with this book. Readers are expected to have some previous experience with programming for mobile phones, optimally the BlackBerry, but they need not be experts. Readers will include both hobbyists and professional developers; they may be motivated by curiosity, a desire to solve a particular problem, or the enhancement their skill sets and careers.


BlackBerry for Work: Productivity for Professionals

BlackBerry for Work: Productivity for Professionals Paperback: 288 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (March 10, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430226269 ISBN-13: 978-1430226260 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: The BlackBerry is cool, and the BlackBerry is fun, but the BlackBerry also means serious business. For those of you who bought your BlackBerry to help get your life organized and free yourself from the ball-and-chain of desktop computing, BlackBerry at Work: Productivity for Professionals is the book to show you how. There are plenty of general-purpose BlackBerry guides, but this book shows you how to complete all the traditional smartphone tasks, like to-dos, calendars, and email, and become even more efficient and productive. You’ll learn mechanisms for developing effective workflows specific to the features of the BlackBerry and also efficient strategies for dealing with the specialized aspects of business and professional lifestyles. After giving a professionally targeted introduction to the built-in applications and configuration options, this book details the BlackBerry’s enterprise features. This book also delves into App World, the BlackBerry’s source for third-party software. It discusses some of the best business and vertical applications, and shows you how to take advantage of this wealth of add-ons and professional functionality. The only business-specific guide to the BlackBerry. Improve your productivity with innovative mobile workflows that free you from the desktop. Make the BlackBerry work for you so you can work better. The authors of BlackBerry for Work have decided to direct their share of the proceeds from the book to a charity in India. The Mitr Foundation is a Trust founded in the city of Hyderabad, with the objective of contributing its might towards the empowerment of the girl child through education. Somewhere between the elite and the underprivileged lies the core essence of our endeavor. Shikha has pledged to undertake the responsibility of educating 3 children. What you’ll learn How to purchase a BlackBerry and configure it specifically for business How to integrate built-in BlackBerry platform features into an everyday professional workflow How to access enterprise-wide data and computing features Specific organizational tips and sample workflows for different types of professions How to deploy the BlackBerry platform across groups both large and small The secrets of BlackBerry platform customization and personalization


Practical Palm Pre WebOS Projects

Practical Palm Pre WebOS Projects 400 pages | Apress (December 30, 2009) | ISBN: 1430226749 | PDF | 10.4 MB The Palm Pre is the hottest new device on the block. It’s the cell phone—nay, personal digital everything—that all the cool kids want to get their hands on . . . but no one wants to use it more than developers! The Palm Pre is more than just a way-cool device, though: it is built on Palm’s brand-spanking-new webOS, an operating system that changes the game for developers. Building on standards-based web technologies, webOS allows us to create applications more quickly and easily than any other platform out there using the same technologies we know and love already. It turns out to be quite fun, too! In this book, you’ll learn all about the Palm Pre and webOS, their capabilities, and how to develop for them. You’ll learn to write applications that function entirely on the Pre itself, and you’ll also learn to write applications that “live in the cloud” (i.e., keep you connected to the digital world around you). You’ll spend most of your time looking at Mojo, the framework API through which your code interfaces with the operating system. All of this will be presented within the context of six fully functional real-world applications that you can use on your own Pre! Once you’re done, you’ll be ready to write your own webOS applications for the Pre, get them into the app catalog (the online store where Pre applications are made available to Pre owners), and make tons of cash. Learn to program the Palm Pre by sticking to javascript. Write useful apps as well as games. Become productive using Mojo and upload new applications within a day. What you’ll learn All about the Palm Pre, its capabilities, webOS architecture, application structure, and development model (including tooling) The Mojo framework/API, what it offers, how it’s organized, and more How to interact with cloud-based services to provide a connected experience for Pre applications How to write on-device applications that store all their data locally (some will then sync to a server-side store when later connected) How to write games as well as useful apps Who is this book for?


[黑莓游戏开发学习][Learn BlackBerry Games Development]

Learn BlackBerry Games Development Paperback: 504 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (March 30, 2010) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430227184 ISBN-13: 978-1430227182 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: BlackBerry smart phones aren’t just for business. In fact, throw away that boring spreadsheet, tear up that yearly budget report—the BlackBerry is a lean, mean game-playing machine. Carol Hamer and Andrew Davison, expert software game developers, show you how to leverage the BlackBerry Java™ Development Environment (based on Java ME) to design and create fun, sophisticated game applications from role playing to dueling with light sabers. The BlackBerry: not as clumsy or as random as a blaster—an elegant device, for a more civilized age. In this book, Carol and Andrew give you the professional techniques you need to use music, 2D and 3D graphics, maps, and game design patterns to build peer-to-peer games, role playing games, and more for the BlackBerry. What you’ll learn How to build a custom user interface with your game’s theme How to take your graphics to the next level with SVG and OpenGL ES How to boogie on down with a MMAPI music player How to optimize your games with BlackBerry-specific APIs and tools How to program games for any BlackBerry device, from the earliest Java-enabled smartphones to models that run the latest BlackBerry 5 operating system How to build games for two players or the whole world with GPS, SMS, and the Internet How to create space adventures that may confound your mind with their awesomeness. How to drive a toy sports car from your BlackBerry using Bluetooth and USB How to sell your game on BlackBerry App World and beyond


OpenSolaris Bible

OpenSolaris Bible Paperback: 1008 pages Publisher: Wiley; 1 edition (February 12, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470385480 ISBN-13: 978-0470385487 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: After a beginning overview of the history of OpenSolaris, its open-source licensing, and the community development model, this book then goes on to highlight the aspects of OpenSolaris that differ from more familiar operating systems. You’ll learn how to become a power user of OpenSolaris by maximizing the abilities of advanced features like Dtrace, the fault management architecture, ZFS, the service management facility, and Zones. Authors provide insider tips, unique tricks, and practical examples to help you stay sharp with the latest features of OpenSolaris.


Microsoft PowerShell, VBScript & JScript Bible

Microsoft PowerShell, VBScript & JScript Bible Paperback: 912 pages Publisher: Wiley (February 24, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470386800 ISBN-13: 978-0470386804 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Packed with more than 300 sample scripts and an extensive collection of library functions, this essential scripting book is the most thorough guide to Windows scripting and PowerShell on the market. You’ll examine how Windows scripting is changing the face of system and network administration by giving everyday users, developers, and administrators the ability to automate repetitive tasks. Plus, this is the first time that VBScript, Jscript, and Powershell are all covered in a single resource.


ASP.NET 3.5 CMS Development

ASP.NET 3.5 CMS Development Paperback: 284 pages Publisher: Packt Publishing (June 29, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1847193617 ISBN-13: 978-1847193612 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Build, Manage, and Extend your own Content Management System Create your own Content Management System with the understanding needed to expand it and add new functionality as your needs grow Learn to build a fully functional application with very little code and set up users and groups within your application Manage the layout of your site using Master Pages, Content Placeholders, Themes, Regions, and Zones A step-by-step guide with plenty of code snippets and screen images ASP.NET 3.5 is equipped with a built-in security system, standard design templates, and easy configurations for database connections, which make it the ideal language for building a content management system. With the strong community support for the ASP.NET platform, you can be assured that what you write today will be around and supported for years to come. You can imagine how easy it is to get lost in the myriad features especially if you are a newcomer. This book shows you how to make use of ASP.NET's features and create a functional Content Management System quickly and conveniently. You will learn how to build your site and see the different ways in which you can customize your code to fit your needs. With this book in hand, you can easily set up users and groups, create valuable content for your users, and manage the layout of your site efficiently. All you need is a basic understanding of coding and a desire to learn, and this book will take care of the rest. This book will teach you to get your site up and running quickly, and maintain its content even if you have little or no web design or programming experience. It will give you all the knowledge you need to use the tools as well as the code required to make yourself a strong developer far beyond your site. It begins with setting up your programming environment and coding a Content Management System. You will learn how to install and configure a database and connect it to your CMS. You will be able to create content and manage the layout of your site, and also make it available beyond the browser. At the end of this book, you will have designed and built a CMS that allows you to administer an Articles section, Images and Files sections, as well as a full set of Administrator tools for your site.


BlackBerry For Dummies 第三版

BlackBerry For Dummies Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: For Dummies; 3 edition (April 13, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 0470457627 ISBN-13: 978-0470457627 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: The BlackBerry is such a valuable tool, even the President is using one! Whether you’ve just bought your first BlackBerry or you want to get up to speed on the new models, BlackBerry For Dummies, 3rd Edition shows you how to use every fantastic feature. Packed with information to help you make the most of this amazing device, BlackBerry For Dummies explains how to send and receive e-mail and instant messages, surf the Web, take photos, make phone calls, play music, and organize your life, right from the palm of your hand. Find out how to: Get up to speed on the latest features of your BlackBerry, including Storm, Curve, Bold, Pearl Flip, and Javelin models Navigate the display screen and use the trackball, your BlackBerry’s keyboard, and shortcuts Manage your appointments, keep your calendar, and handle your to-do list Use e-mail, SMS text messaging, and instant messaging, and even receive faxes Take photos, record video, and sync your BlackBerry with iTunes Back up your BlackBerry, arrange automated backups, maintain your battery, and protect your information with secure passwords Use your BlackBerry GPS Learn about the BlackBerry browser and bookmark and organize your favorite Web sites Add cool lifestyle applications and enjoy games on your BlackBerry The more you know about your BlackBerry, the more you’ll decide it’s indispensable. BlackBerry For Dummies, 3rd Edition tells you everything you need to know, the fun and easy way!


Android Essentials

Android Essentials Paperback: 100 pages Data: July 21, 2008 Format: PDF Description: Android Essentials is a no–frills, no–nonsense, code–centric run through the guts of application development on Google’s Mobile OS. This book uses the development of a sample application to work through topics, focusing on giving developers the essential tools and examples required to make viable commercial applications work. Covering the entirety of the Android catalog in less than 150 pages is simply impossible. Instead, this book focuses on just four main topics: the application life cycle and OS integration, user interface, location–based services, and networking. Thorough, complete, and useful work on the nuts and bolts of applicatio development in Android Example driven and practically minded A tool for hobbyists and professionals who want to create production–quality applications What you’ll learn Understand how an Android application functions and communicates with the handset that hosts it. Comprehend the complexities of timers, services, and multimedia playback. Create and display a rich mix of custom–rendered screens and tailored Android widgets. Understand how location–based services are becoming more and more important in the mobile world. See how to use Google’s powerful Map tool. Explore the intricacies of network connectivity in the mobile world.


Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition

Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition Paperback: 1080 pages Data: December 24, 2007 Format: PDF Description: Beginning PHP and MySQL: From Novice to Professional, Third Edition offers a comprehensive introduction to two of the most prominent open source technologies on the planet: the PHP scripting language and the MySQL database server. Updated to introduce the features found in MySQLs most significant release to date, readers learn how to take advantage of the latest features of both technologies to build powerful, manageable, and stable web applications. Essentially three books in one, readers not only profit from extensive introductions to the core features of each technology, but also learn how to effectively integrate the two in order to build robust data-driven applications. Packed with practical examples and insight into the real-world challenges faced by developers based on author W. Jason Gilmore's 7 years of expertise working with these technologies, readers will repeatedly return to this book as both a valuable instructional tool and reference guide. What youll learn The PHP language How to back your web site with MySQL Templating so that you can apply a consistent design across all pages on your site How to authenticate your web site users How to use cookies to maintain information (such as items in a shopping cart) while a user is browsing your site


Linux for Programmers and Users

Linux for Programmers and Users http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51WXHN0M5KL._SL500_AA240_.jpg Product Details * Paperback: 656 pages * Publisher: Prentice Hall; illustrated edition edition (February 18, 2006) * Language: English * ISBN-10: 0131857487 * ISBN-13: 978-0131857483 Product Description Offering full coverage of Linux in one source, this book documents the most commonly needed topics for new and experienced Linux users and programmers - including over 100 utilities and their common options. Provides a good foundation of understanding for the most often-used Linux utilities. Devotes a chapter to helpful installation information for those who must install their own systems. Includes hundreds of command and code examples throughout. Provides approximately 50 diagrams throughout. Features FTP-able files; code used in the book will be made available on a website hosted by the publisher. A useful reference for anyone using a Linux platform, including programmers, system administrators, and any user who must understand the operating system outside of a specific application. About the Author Graham Glass is Chief Technology Officer of WebMethods. He has taught UNIX, C, assembly language, C++, Smalltalk, and other computer science topics at the University of Texas at Dallas, where he earned his M.S. in computer science. Glass co-founded ObjectSpace to deliver object-oriented training, consulting and products. He also founded The Mind Electric, which created the Glue web services platform and the Fabric shared SOA infrastructure platform. King Ables has developed UNIX/Linux product software and systems tools, delivered support and training services, and written product documentation. Now an independent consultant specializing in IT services and network security, he has worked with Unix technologies since 1979 as a user, developer, system administrator, and consultant. Glass and Ables co-authored UNIX for Programmers and Users.


Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition

Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth Edition Paperback: 662 pages Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 5 edition (September 23, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 0071545883 ISBN-13: 978-0071545884 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Administering a Linux system isn't much like administering a Windows machine. Though the goals are similar and comparable problems arise under both environments, they each require administrators to adopt a certain way of thinking about processes and data. Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide helps readers adapt their Windows experience to Linux work. Author Steve Shah does a great job of clueing Linux newcomers into the environment. His explanations are clear, patient, accurate, and useful, and they cover all aspects of the system administrator's job. He's careful to explain hundreds of commands in a logical way, including lists of options and examples of typical uses in many cases. But this is no mere command reference or novice's introduction. Shah doesn't shy away from explaining the really interesting aspects of Linux administration, including kernel compilation, Domain Name Service (DNS) configuration, sendmail setup, and establishing firewall protection with IP chaining. For all of these subjects (and many more), this book includes clear statements of what concepts are relevant, which commands to issue, and what to expect in response. It's a great help in self-guided explorations. It's also worth having this book on hand for work assignments--you'll find complete recipes for configuring all major Internet and local area network (LAN) services that also take into account easy maintenance and security.


Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform: Bringing Rich Client to the Web

Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform: Bringing Rich Client to the Web Paperback: 148 pages Publisher: Apress; 1 edition (December 29, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 1430218835 ISBN-13: 978-1430218838 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform (RAP) is an innovative toolkit for developing applications that will run as rich clients as well as web applications. Eclipse Rich Ajax Platform is the first book on the new Eclipse RAP, and it introduces the required RCP and OSG/i concepts used by Eclipse RAP. This firstPress title demonstrates the functionality and benefits of Eclipse RAP as well as shows the sweet spots of RAP, especially focusing on single sourcing RCP and web applications, which can be a huge cost saver. This book also covers possible issues that might prevent you from successfully deploying RAP. Describes Eclipse RAP concepts and its underlying technology Explains key features of RAP Shows case studies where RAP works and where it won’t What you’ll learn Understand what the purpose of RAP is. Learn what is required to deploy RAP applications. Get to know how to utilize RAP features. Develop single sourced RCP and web applications. Solve issues when migrating a RCP application to RAP. Determine when to use RAP or when to choose a different framework.


Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference: A concise companion for day-to-day Ubuntu use

Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference: A concise companion for day-to-day Ubuntu use Paperback: 166 pages Publisher: CreateSpace (January 19, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 1440478295 ISBN-13: 978-1440478291 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is a compact yet comprehensive guide for everyday Ubuntu use, written by the award-winning and best-selling Ubuntu author Keir Thomas. First, you'll learn about installation--getting Ubuntu onto your computer--after which you'll learn how to configure your computer's hardware. Following this, you'll be introduced to the Ubuntu desktop, and the tricks and techniques of efficient day-to-day usage. The book then describes the highways of the Ubuntu filesystem, and gives a full run-down of the Ubuntu file manager. Next, the command-line is tackled in-depth, after which software management is explained. Finally, system security is described. Appendixes provide a glossary, and a guide to technical documentation. Written for anybody switching to Ubuntu, particularly Windows users, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference assumes zero Linux knowledge and conveys expert knowledge.


Expert Shell Scripting

Expert Shell Scripting Paperback: 320 pages Publisher: Apress; New edition (January 6, 2009) Language: English ISBN-10: 143021841X ISBN-13: 978-1430218418 Format: PDF You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: System administrators need libraries of solutions that are ingenious but understandable. They don’t want to reinvent the wheel, but they don’t want to reinvent filesystem management either! Expert Shell Scripting is the ultimate resource for all working Linux, Unix, and OS X system administrators who would like to have short, succinct, and powerful shell implementations of tricky system scripting tasks. Automating small to medium system management tasks Analyzing system data and editing configuration files Scripting Linux, Unix, and OS X applications using bash, ksh, et al. What you’ll learn Debug shell scripts using existing debuggers, not inspection. Use and extend text–editing one–liners and learn to forget Perl. Manage files and filesystems using scripting, not inflexible utilities. Use scripts to build complete Linux systems. Script X Window without getting lost in configuration files. Ignore Python, and script in bash and ksh instead.


Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise

Microsoft® .NET: Architecting Applications for the Enterprise Paperback: 304 pages Publisher: Microsoft Press (October 15, 2008) Language: English ISBN-10: 073562609X ISBN-13: 978-0735626096 Format: CHM You can buy this book: Amazon.com Description: Make the right architectural decisions up front and improve the quality and reliability of your results. Led by two enterprise programming experts, you ll learn how to apply the patterns and techniques that help control project complexity and make systems easier to build, support, and upgrade right from the start. Get pragmatic architectural guidance on how to: Build testability, maintainability, and security into your system early in the design Expose business logic through a service-oriented interface Choose the best pattern for organizing business logic and behavior Review and apply the patterns for separating the UI and presentation logic Delve deep into the patterns and practices for the data access layer Tackle the impedance mismatch between objects and data Minimize development effort and avoid over-engineering and deliver more robust results Get code samples on the Web.



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