WebDAV Projects


WebDAV Projects

If you would like your project or software package listed here, then please mail Michael Best.

Additional listings and detail are available on the DAV Working Group page, including an interoperability page.

Open Source

  • ObeDAV
    is a DeltaV server and client for Bluebottle written in Oberon supporting baseline-control.

  • jEdit WebDAV plugin
    this current supports WebDAV 1.0 and requires jEdit

  • Eldav: Yet another WebDAV interface for Emacsen
    Requires: nd
    nd: Tiny little command line WebDAV interface

  • PerlDAV, A WebDAV client library for Perl5

  • DAVfs is a product for mounting WebDAV shares in a Linux File System

  • KDE Desktop for linux

  • Subversion is a version control system built using Apache 2.0, its builtin mod_dav, and the DeltaV WebDAV extensions.

  • Kiwi is a file system built on top of HTTPS and WebDAV.

  • Jigsaw a portable Java web server.

  • Python davserver is a collection of classes which should make it easy to write your own DAV server in Python.

  • Python DAV client library

  • The Jakarta Slide Project is a project composed of multiple modules tied together using WebDAV (see below for more details about WebDAV).

    • A content management system with a Java API
      A servlet implementing the WebDAV protocol on top of the content management system
      A Java WebDAV and HTTP client library
      A WebDAV command line client
      WebDAV enabled Swing components

  • Apache Tomcat is the servlet container that is used in the official Reference Implementation for the Java Servlet and JavaServer Pages technologies.

  • Magi is an open source effort to standardize the personal Web server components, tools, and protocol extensions to build Internet-scale electronic services. These e-services can be constructed from Web applications that speak the same HTTP methods. Magi uses HTTP, WebDAV, XML, and other evolving Web technologies to accomplish this.

  • Cadaver is a command-line DAV client. Supports file upload, download, on-screen display, namespace operations (move/copy), collection creation and deletion, and locking operations.

  • mod_dav for the Apache server

  • PyDAV is a DAV server implemented in Python
    Note: the source to PyDAV and a related client library is not yet available, but Jim is working on it.

  • sitecopy sitecopy can be used to maintain remote copies of locally stored web sites. It will upload, delete, and move files on the server to keep the remote site synchronized with the local site. The program remembers what is currently on the server so it doesn't have to go and check every time you use it. sitecopy talks to servers using FTP and WebDAV.

  • Zope
    We are happy to announce availability of a new server for interoperability testing, running a WebDAV-enabled version of Zope, Digital Creations' Open Source web application platform. Based on RFC2518, the new WebDAV support is tightly integrated with the Zope object model and security system. It is server independent, requiring no specific WebDAV support on the part of the web server in use.

  • WebRFM
    WebRFM (Web-based Remote File Manager) is a CGI-Perl program aimed at providing a single solution for remote web-based file management. It is suitable for managing websites, as well as for more general purpose file management tasks. WebRFM combines a "visible" HTML 3.2 compliant form-based layer along with a "hidden" direct HTTP layer that implements a rough class 1 WebDAV server.

  • WebDAV Explorer is a GUI tool for exploring a DAV server.
    WebDAV Explorer has been updated to use the new spec, so it should be interoperable with most current servers.

  • FPSE Clone "It's a clone of the infamous Vermeer/Microsoft Frontpage Server Extensions. my counterpart has been known to cause many security-related bugs which we all know is bad." -- Mrs. Brisby, Nimh.org, an all text experience.

    This ambitious project seeks to make a fully working WebDAV server as well as a fully working clone of FPSE. Currently does WebDAV with some partial (work in progress) support for FPSE.

    • Requires Perl 5

  • WebDAV Project an example of a Level-2 DAV server based on Java Web Server 1.0.3 at Columbia University by Marc Eaddy, Shao Rong, and Jonathan Shapiro. This server was implemented using a draft version of the specification and is not compatible with RFC 2518.

  • DAV & Goliath - MacOS WebDAV Resources
    At this site there are 4 projects: they all are for the MacOS; 2 of them are libraries and the other 2 are applications. The libraries implement the lowest levels of the DAV protocol and an abstract view of DAV operations. Of the applications, one is a demo which lets users manually specify HTTP message bodies and visually see the response stream from the DAV server. The other application is the beginning of a web site management application for the Mac.
    -Tom Bednarz

  • CVS and WebDAV
    "There are a couple of ways that CVS and DAV could work together, and no doubt various variations and permutations of these would be possible too."
    A short page from Cyclic Software describing a couple of methods for integrating CVS and WebDAV, this would be the good basis for another open source project.

Commercial Products

  • NuSphere PHPEd
    PHPEd is a PHP integrated development environment(IDE) that runs in Windows and Linux

  • CommNav Business Navigator
    An all in one business content management, portal and groupware package.

  • Content Integrator for WebDAV
    Dynamic Digital Media's J2EE-compliant WebDAV resource adapter suitable for use within an application server or outside of one. Support for WebDAV includes Level 1 and 2 (locking) as well as DASL.

  • My Docs Online!
    is a free service allowing the storage, retrieval, and sharing of files on the Web. Version 1 was released in the first quarter of 1999. December 1, 1999 they announced the formal release of Version 2, which supports IE5 and Office2000 WebDAV clients as an alternative to, or adjunct to, the browser-based interface, which has also been enhanced.

  • Adobe Acrobat 5
    Reviewers can add comments simultaneously to an online Adobe PDF document with many protocols including WebDAV.

  • Adobe GoLive
    A professional web site creation, production, and management tool.

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Mac OS X
    Built for the internet, you can publish to web servers from within any application.

  • Xythos
    sells a WebDAV server. Sharemation is listed as a test server but it is simply a DAV demo site, and their core competency is in software development.

  • Tridion
    has an enterprise content management product which fully supports WebDAV and any content can be edited with leading content management systems.

  • Macromedia Dreamweaver
    Integrate with leading content management systems using the WebDAV protocol including Interwoven, Vignette, BroadVision, ATG, and Documentum.

  • Merlin and Lancelot

    • Lancelot Server is a 128-bit openssl Secure Server for Linux and Windows including the mod_dav apache module and the DAVExplorer DAV client with an easy painless install and implementation.
    • Merlin Development and Production Server includes everything Lancelot has, as well as MySQL and Postgresql database servers and an extensive build of PHP-4 for dynamic content development and deployment.

  • Excosoft
    All Excosoft products support WebDAV services and they are now able to giving their customers complete content management solutions based on WebDAV.

  • Virtuoso
    Internet Data Integration Server to implement Web, File, and Database server functionality alongside Native XML Storage, and Universal Data Access Middleware as a single server solution.

  • Dav4J
    Dav4J has been released by IBM Alphaworks, a Java implementation of a WebDAV client that works with Apache and mod_dav, or IBM WebSphere AppServer. It is licensed under their standard 90 day license making the product free to evaluate.

  • Intraspect
    Intraspect Knowledge Server version 3.0 supports Microsoft WebFolders implemented via WebDAV.

  • Glyphica (press release)(article)
    Glyphica has released their WebDAV Server, a part of their PortalWare product suite.

  • CyberTeams Website Director v1.3 (press release)
  • CyberTeams Website Director Lite Server v1.4

  • DMC WebDev
    DMC Ltd has announced the availability of the latest version of WebDev (3.0), a tool which uses PHP for developing and managing large Websites. WebDev allows you to create dynamic web pages by using data stored in Oracle, Ingres, Microsoft Access or SQL, and the popular freeware Mysql.
    A trial version (with time limit on use) will be available until 8 April when the retail version will be available.

  • Xerox Docushare 2.0 (press release)
    Xerox's enterprise-wide information/document management and sharing solution.

  • Microsoft Windows (via Web Folders starting with IE 5.0)
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Microsoft Office

Additional listings and detail are available on the DAV Working Group page, including an interoperability page.

[ WebDAV Resources ]
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