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转载 bhyve ubuntu

Dec 28, 2014#1I am using FreeBSD 11 amd64 r275582and have tried on FreeBSD 10.1 amd64 Release and it appearsto work equally well.Preliminary s...

2019-09-02 22:51:00 224

转载 Mysql 元数据

数据库名称: information_schemashow tables like '%VARIABLES%';SHOW TABLES LIKE 'STATUS'; 转载于:http...

2019-09-02 21:31:00 130

转载 docker 常见错误

Your kernel does not support swap memory limit. 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/innovation/blog/31...

2019-08-31 11:53:00 129

转载 docker aufs

prior storage driver “aufs” failed: driver not supported Error starting daemon: error initializing graphdriver: driver not supported由 匿名 (未验证) 提交于...

2019-08-31 11:38:00 171

转载 Java HashMap

Map之HashMap的使用方法(简单方法不做解释)import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Iterator;import java.util.Map;import java.util.Map.Entry;/** * 【Map接口】:映射...

2019-08-30 15:30:00 68

转载 YugaByte TServer

YB-TServerThe YB-TServer (short for YugaByte Tablet Server) is the process that does the actual IO for end user requests. Recall from the previous...

2019-08-17 22:06:00 162

转载 YB-Master

YB-MasterThe YB-Master is the keeper of system meta-data/records, such as what tables exist in the system, where their tablets live, what users/ro...

2019-08-17 22:04:00 152

转载 Yuga


2019-08-16 20:28:00 160

转载 prepare transaction

4Yes it is possible, but do you really need it?Think twice before you decide this really must be two separate databases.You could just keep b...

2019-08-15 22:54:00 388

转载 rapaidjson

yugabyte 第三方以来库cat thirdparty/thirdparty_src_checksums.txt 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/inn...

2019-08-14 16:58:00 1138

转载 pq async

How to execute an async Query with libpqAsk QuestionAsked 6 months agoActive 6 months agoViewed 63 times1I want to execute a SQL query with l...

2019-08-09 11:33:00 132

转载 sdup

In C, typedef K represents a k object. It is a pointer to astruct containing the following fields + content specific data:c ref countn numb...

2019-08-04 14:39:00 474

转载 计算机编程语言历史

A Brief History of ComputingProgramming Languages© Copyright 1996-2005, Stephen White(Click here to return to the History Homepage)1951 High ...

2019-07-27 16:26:00 124

转载 Postgres 事务实现

typedef struct SnapshotData 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/innovation/blog/3077395

2019-07-22 16:00:00 158

转载 git 练习网站

http://learngitbranching.js.org/CSS 图书:css 世界和图解 css3,我只看过真 2 本。。2zxc1234 48 分钟前@Track13 看完感觉怎么样3witcherhope 42 分钟前 via iPhonecss 揭秘 ...

2019-07-20 14:07:00 174

转载 转圈打印数组

#include <stdio.h>int main(){ int n=4; int a[4][4] = {{1,2,3,4},{4,5,6,7},{7,8,9,10},{11,12,13,14}}; int i = 0; int j = ...

2019-07-12 07:19:00 82

转载 YouCompleteMe CLick_ 配置

import osimport ycm_core# These are the compilation flags that will be used in case there's no# compilation database set (by default, one is not...

2019-07-12 05:06:00 87

转载 数据库 MX

第二种集群,citus的MX功能此功能可以说是解决了读和写的瓶颈,苏宁的架构中也是采用同样的思想。原理:Mx功能的原理就是让其他的worker节点携带元数据,相当于携带元数据的worker节点都支持读写的能力,很大程度解决了读写的问题。 ...

2019-07-11 07:51:00 107

转载 epoll

Linux socket accpet 对应的内核结构https://blog.csdn.net/u010039418/article/details/80628490Linux sockethttps://blog.csdn.net/u010039418/article/details...

2019-07-10 12:18:00 58

转载 Qtreator


2019-07-10 11:14:00 83

转载 curses 管理插件

http://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=9603776&rand=851 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/innovation/bl...

2019-06-26 03:49:00 99

转载 MySQL 技术

https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_44792728/article/details/90677816 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/inn...

2019-06-26 03:47:00 49

转载 PostgreSQL build

https://buildfarm.postgresql.org/cgi-bin/show_log.pl?nm=lumpsucker&dt=2019-06-23%2020%3A57%3A27 ...

2019-06-25 02:34:00 151

转载 Linux 网络


2019-06-24 22:08:00 72

转载 服务器端 跨平台


2019-06-24 16:27:00 111

转载 点阵世界

https://www.quinapalus.com 转载于:https://my.oschina.net/innovation/blog/3065109

2019-06-22 20:13:00 63

转载 nproc systemd on CentOS 7

Increasing nproc for processes launched by systemd on CentOS 7Ask QuestionI have successfully increased the nofile and nproc value for the local ...

2019-06-20 02:29:00 107

转载 Linux 名称解析服务与

Linux名称解析服务(nss)与验证机制(pam)名称解析服务nsswitch:网络服务转换开关配置文件/etc/nsswitch.conf,这个配置文件可以为众多的名称解析机制提供名称解析库。例如:hostname:file dns当解析主机名时有两种手段,先去文件中去找,当...

2019-06-20 01:52:00 393

转载 硬件配置

https://akkadia.org/drepper/futex.pdfsudo lshw -businfo[sudo] lambda 的密码: Bus info Device Class Description=============...

2019-06-19 03:47:00 126

转载 [转载]What Your Computer Does While You Wait

What Your Computer Does While You Waithttps://manybutfinite.com/post/what-your-computer-does-while-you-wait/Dec 1st, 2008This post takes a look ...

2019-06-19 03:33:00 150

转载 FPGA 设备 USB Platform Cable USB

lsusbFuture Technology Devices International, Ltd FT232H Single HS USB-UART/FIFO IC 转载于:...

2019-06-16 01:08:00 314

转载 Linux 内核整体架构

用户态|-----------------|-------- |------------------|----------- |----|内核态 | | | || ...

2019-06-11 20:41:00 156



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