【Spring AnoSing 0.0.1-TL】超轻量级的前后端分离框架Beta 0.0.1-TL正式版

Said ahead:

The predecessor of this AnoSing framework is Simplified and Upgraded Spring AS I wrote three months ago.

Because a lot of people talk to me about the problems in the previous version of the code, so I absorbed your opinions and developed Spring AnoSing, which is now in front of you on the basis of AS.I promise you, this edition will never disappoint you.

First of all, thank you for choosing the Spring AnoSing framework as your development tool.

Then, I think you're full of curiosity about this little fellow who was born not long ago.

Okay,Get to the point,What is Spring AnoSing?


这套AnoSing框架是我三个月开发的Spring AS简化及升级版。

由于很多人私聊我说上一版本的代码有诸多问题,所以我吸收了大家的意见在AS的基础上开发出了现在出现在您眼前的——Spring AnoSing,我保证,这一版绝对不会让您失望的 :)

首先,非常感谢您选择了Spring AnoSing框架作为您的开发工具。

接着,我想您对Spring AnoSing这个刚诞生没多久的小家伙充满了好奇。

好的,接下来就让我们一点点的揭开Spring AnoSing的神秘面纱吧~


  1. Spring AnoSing Based on the Spring Boot Framework (Ver 1.5.10.RELEASE)
  2. Extremely LightWeight in the Project
  3. Agile development, more focused on core business logic
  4. Front and back end separation:AnoSing + Vue
  5. Have what you want,Give you what you want.
  6. Fusion the graphql concept.Implementing Dynamic SQL Integration.
  7. Provide more convenient tools (such as custom data export tools).

初识Spring AnoSing

  1. Spring AnoSing 是一款基于Spring Boot开发的轻量级集成框架。
  2. 极·轻量级
  3. 敏捷开发,上手简单,提升开发效率
  4. 趋势:前后台分离:AnoSing + Vue
  5. 有你想有,给你想要!
  6. 融合Graphql的核心理念,只要不涉及逻辑问题,动态数据前台随心一键调配
  7. 提供了更多更便捷的开发工具(提供源码,如自定义数据导出工具等)

Environmental needs:

  1. Please check your JDK Version Is it greater than 1.8+
  2. Please ensure that your computer has installed NPM environment
  3. Make sure that nginx and mysql is downloaded and installed on your computer
  4. Make sure you have Redis installed locally and start the corresponding Redis cluster.
  5. Please Check if your version of node.js is 8.1+


  1. 请检查您的JDK版本是否为1.8+及其以上
  2. 请确认您的电脑已经安装了npm运行环境
  3. 请确保您电脑已经下载并安装了nginx及mysql
  4. 请确保您本地已经安装了Redis,并启动了对应的Redis集群。
  5. node.js版本是否为8.1+(这关乎着您的前端Vue项目是否可以正常启动,低于这个版本启动肯定会报错x-x)

Start using:

If you have confirmed that your environment configuration is okay,Please click on the link below to download or git pull the front and back end project packages for Spring AnoSing

后台服务:·Down Load : Spring AnoSing JavaWeb in GitLab

前端页面:·Down Load : Spring AnoSing Vue in GitLab


如果您已经确定您本地环境已经符合要求,您就可以点击下方连接将Spring AnoSing相配套的前后台源码包下载或通过git工具pull到您本地了。

Initialize and run Spring AnoSing:

  1. Find AnoSingInit.sql files in the (SpringAnoSing) project root directory,And Execute in MySQL
  2. Modify the src/resouce/application.yml configuration parameters(Such as the database connection, port, exit jump page connection, etc.)
  3. Run the Java Project
  4. Open the Vue(SpringAnoSingWeb) Project Folder
  5. Using the cmd
  6. Execute [ npm install ] Initialization the project
  7. Execute [ npm install gojs --save ]
  8. Execute [ npm install vue-echarts --save ]
  9. Open Vue(SpringAnoSingWeb) Projects with Editor(IDEA or HBuilder)
  10. Open VueAdmin/src/Global.js Modify your configuration
  11. Open VueAdmin/build/webpack.prod.config.js Serch and Modify the publicPath in your service Address or Domain Name
  12. In cmd : Execute [ npm run dev ] run the Project (For local testing)
  13. In cmd : Execute [ npm run build ] run the Project (For official deployment,need using the nginx)

Matters needing attention:

1.if you need to start the Test,you need to modify two files

  1. In SpringAnoSing/src/main/java/com/prsim/springas/aop/AccessCheck Find and Annotate the [ @Around("recordController()") ]
  2. In SpringAnoSingWeb//src/http.js Find and Modify the [ const TYPE_ONLY = 0; ]to[ const TYPE_ONLY = 1; ]

2.if you need to start the Formal,you need to modify two files

  1. In SpringAnoSing/src/main/java/com/prsim/springas/aop/AccessCheck Find and Annotate Cancel the [@Around("recordController()") ]
  2. In SpringAnoSingWeb//src/http.js Find and Modify the [ const TYPE_ONLY = 1; ]to[ const TYPE_ONLY = 0; ]

初始化并运行您的Spring AnoSing项目

  1. 在(SpringAnoSing)后台项目根目录下查找[AnoSingInit.sql]打开,并在mysql中执行初始化数据库。
  2. 修改 SpringAnoSing/src/resouce/application.yml配置文件(如数据库连接,端口,退出跳转连接等)
  3. 启动SpringAnoSing后台服务
  4. 打开您刚下载或pull的(SpringAnoSingWeb)文件夹
  5. 在地址栏键入命令cmd打开系统命令行工具
  6. 运行[npm install]以初始化构建前端vue项目
  7. 运行[npm install gojs --save]安装额外项目支持组件
  8. 运行[npm install vue-echarts --save]安装额外项目支持组件
  9. 在编译器中打开SpringAnoSingWeb项目
  10. 打开VueAdmin/src/Global.js修改基本项目参数
  11. 打开[VueAdmin/build/webpack.prod.config.js]检索[publicPath]将连接替换为您的IP或真实域名(建议使用真实域名)
  12. 在命令行工具中键入[npm run dev]以运行测试环境
  13. 在命令行工具中键入[npm run build]以打包正式环境(需要nginx


  1. 如果您想要运行测试环境,建议您检查以下两个文件
    1. 在(SpringAnoSing/src/main/java/com/prsim/springas/aop/AccessCheck)文件中检索 [ @Around("recordController()") ]将其注释
    2. 在(SpringAnoSingWeb//src/http.js)文件中检索并将[ const TYPE_ONLY = 0; ]替换为 [ const TYPE_ONLY = 1; ]
  2. 如果您想要运行正式并打包环境,建议您检查以下两个文件
    1. 在(SpringAnoSing/src/main/java/com/prsim/springas/aop/AccessCheck)文件中检索 [ @Around("recordController()") ]并去掉其注释
    2. 在(SpringAnoSingWeb//src/http.js)文件中检索并将[ const TYPE_ONLY = 1; ]替换为 [ const TYPE_ONLY = 0; ]

Mission accomplished

Congratulations, you have successfully started and run the Spring AnoSing.

Please open it in browser (npm run dev will automatically open :) ): (default port) Start Spring AnoSing's experience officially~

System default account :admin /1

If you have any questions or functions you want, you are welcome to submit issue and let me know. I will reply to you in the first time.

If you are interested in working together to improve Spring AnoSing, you are also welcome to submit your code in the branch. Thank you for your support:)


恭喜您,至此为止,您已经成功的在您本地启动并运行了Spring AnoSing项目。

请您打开您的浏览器(执行npm run dev后页面会自动弹出 :) ):这是默认npm启动端口,您可以自行配置)就可以开始体验属于您的Spring AnoSing了

PS:系统默认用户: admin/1


如您有兴趣一起来完善Spring AnoSing,也欢迎您在分支提交您的代码,感谢您的支持 :)

Future version plan

  1. Existing SqlEngine upgrades:Complex grouping query optimization

  2. Add @prsimEngine annotations to optimize project structure and improve usability

  3. Adding Redis cache springboard to support SqlEngine at the bottom level and support online dynamic configuration.

  4. Added privilege groups to support single-user multi-role.

  5. And more……


  1. 升级现有的SQL引擎:未来SQL引擎将可以更好的支持分组语句了

  2. 新增@prsimEngine注解以优化代码,去除重复性的配置,增加可读性及易用性

  3. 新增Redis缓存跳板以支持sqlEngine的底层功能,并启用线上配置,更为直观且易用。

  4. 新增用户权限组功能,以支持单用户多角色的需求。

  5. 更多其他……


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