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原创 关于“simplicity”的看法 -- 读《Masterminds of Programming》有感


2016-01-24 12:11:18 540

原创 Presorting

Exercises 6.11def min_diff(L): n = len(L) if n > 1: L = sorted(L) md = L[1] - L[0] i = 2 while i < n: d = L[i] - L[i - 1] if

2016-01-12 20:25:09 622

原创 The Maximum-Subarray Problem

Suppose that you have been offered the opportunity to invest in the Volatile Chemical Corporation. Like the chemicals the company produces, the stock price of the Volatile Chemical Corporation is rath

2015-12-27 23:18:09 767

原创 Use python to implement Dijkstra's algorithm

The implementation of the Dijkstra's Algorithm:def dijkstra(g, s): from priority_queue import PriorityQueue, less_than result = [] class Record: def __init__(self, v, parent = -

2015-12-25 20:56:40 385

原创 必须认真学习的算法书


2015-03-26 22:44:30 5692

原创 Two ways to solve the "Longest common subsequence" problem

namespace v1 { template std::basic_string lcs(const CHAR * s1, const CHAR * s2) { typedef std::basic_string String; String ret; int m =

2015-02-27 16:53:26 439

原创 Implement most-significant-digit-first string sort

namespace pratique{ namespace details { const size_t CUTOFF = 15; int compare(const char * s1, const char * s2, size_t d) { int ret = 0; s1 +=

2015-01-20 16:37:21 607

原创 How to implement segment tree

template class segment_tree { struct record { int left; int right; T value; T sum; }; int m_siz

2015-01-18 17:53:53 476

原创 Three ways to solve the "Longest Palindromic Substring" problem

namespace v1 { namespace details { inline bool is_palindromic(int i, int j, std::vector>> & cache) { std::pair deux = cache[i][j];

2015-01-11 00:12:05 470

原创 How to solve the Candy problem?

The problem is:There are N children standing in a line. Each child is assigned a rating value.You are giving candies to these children subjected to the following requirements:Each child mu

2015-01-09 15:34:04 479

原创 Give an O(log m + log n) algorithm to find the kth element in two sorted arrays

Give an O(log (m+n)) algorithm to find the kth element in two sorted arrays A and B of size m and n respectively as if they are merged.namespace details{ template I kth_element( I b1, I

2015-01-09 01:59:10 546

原创 Use Python to implement Trie

class TrieKeyIterator: def __init__(self, root): self.root = root self.root_list = {'' : self.root} self.stack = [(iter(self.root_list.items()), '')] def __next__(self

2014-11-03 22:01:23 640

原创 What is the probability that you hire exactly twice?

In HIRE-ASSISTANT, assuming that the candidates are presented in a random order,

2014-09-01 14:30:39 3453

原创 Efficiently factor N when e and d become known to you.

The problem is:In the RSA cryptosystem, Alice’s public key (N, e) is available to everyone. Suppose that her private key d is compromised and becomes known to Eve. Show that if e = 3 (a common choic

2014-08-24 10:26:26 1599

原创 Implement regular expressions

namespace details { void dfs_visit( size_t u, std::vector> & g, std::vector & visited ) { visited[ u ] = true; for ( auto i = g[ u ].begin(), e = g[ u ] .en

2014-06-08 21:42:47 708

原创 Recursion problems

Problem : print out all of the permutations of n elements:

2014-05-03 09:08:57 492

原创 Implement the avl tree, rbtree without the two fields: parent pointer and balance/color

#ifndef GYM_RED_BLACK_TREE_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#define GYM_RED_BLACK_TREE_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#include #include #include #include #include #include #includ

2014-02-13 16:54:49 727

原创 Give an O(lg n)-time algorithm to find the median of all 2n elements in arrays X and Y.

Let X[1 ‥ n] and Y[1 ‥ n] be two arrays, each containing n numbers already in sorted order. Give anO(lg n)-time algorithm to find the median of all 2n elements in arraysX and Y. template

2013-08-27 16:08:05 1340

原创 Implement the quicksort algorithm in as many different ways as possible

#ifndef GYM_ALGORITHM_QUICK_SORT_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#define GYM_ALGORITHM_QUICK_SORT_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#include #include "sort_common.h"#include "inser

2012-10-31 11:10:16 617

原创 If only one side of processes crash, the other side of processes do not hang.

Use the shared memory to implement a queue, and producers can use it to transfer data to consumers. If only one side of processes crash, the other side of processes do not hang. The interface is:

2012-08-27 16:19:14 646

原创 Reverse a doubly linked list in O(1) time

#ifndef GYM_CLRS_V3_10_2_8_LINKED_LIST_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#define GYM_CLRS_V3_10_2_8_LINKED_LIST_H_6D4EBDB0_5B18_4FC1_A34A_CBBF36FE95E4#include #include #include names

2012-08-12 20:30:19 1250



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