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原创 Hive中的map join、left semi join和sort merge bucket join

left semi joinleft semi join(左半连接)用于替代in/exists操作。--in/existsselect a.id, a.name from a where a.id in (select b.id from b);select a.id, a.name from a where exists (select id from b where a.id =b.id);--join(效果等同)select a.id, a.name from a join b on

2022-01-10 15:09:11 1693

原创 Hive explain执行计划详解

Hive explain执行计划详解explain select click_url, count(*) ct from bigtable group by click_url;--一个Hive任务会包含一个或者多个stage,不同stage间会存在依赖关系。越复杂的查询会stage越多,耗时也越多。--一个stage可以是一个MapReduce任务,也可以是一个抽象阶段或者合并阶段,还可以是一个limit阶段,以及Hive需要的其它某个任务的一个阶段。默认情况下,Hive一次只执行一个stage,

2022-01-09 21:02:28 1052

原创 Hadoop执行copyToLocalFile出现java.lang.NullPointerException空指针异常

Hadoop执行copyToLocalFile出现java.lang.NullPointerException空指针异常fs.copyToLocalFile(new Path("/banhua.txt"), new Path("D:/Decoder/JAVA/maven1/banhua.txt"));// 将上式改为fs.copyToLocalFile(false, new Path("/banhua.txt"), new Path("D:/Decoder/JAVA/maven1/banhua.txt

2022-01-07 23:19:12 687

原创 /opt/module/apache-maven-3.0.5/bin/mvn:行27: JAVA_HOME: 未找到命令 Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correct

/opt/module/apache-maven-3.0.5/bin/mvn:行27: JAVA_HOME: 未找到命令 Error: JAVA_HOME is not defined correctly.cd apche-maven-3.0.5/binvi mvn# 在前几行随便哪行加上export JAVA_HOME=/opt/module/jdk1.8.0_144

2022-01-07 23:18:16 424

原创 .ssh/: 没有那个文件或目录

.ssh/: 没有那个文件或目录在home/user下执行ssh localhost

2022-01-07 23:16:08 3737

原创 bash: jps: 未找到命令…

bash: jps: 未找到命令…sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel.x86_64

2022-01-07 23:14:51 2834

原创 FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException:

FAILED: SemanticException org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.HiveException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.SessionHiveMetaStoreClient

2022-01-07 10:56:53 4455 2

原创 Zookeeper启动问题:Error contacting service. It is probably not running.

Zookeeper启动问题在启动zookeeper后jps查看并没有zookeeper进程,确定其他文件没有问题后ZooKeeper JMX enabled by defaultUsing config: /opt/module/zookeeper-3.4.10/bin/…/conf/zoo.cfgError contacting service. It is probably not running.1、查看zookeeper.outnohup: 无法运行命令"/opt/module/jdk1

2021-12-29 13:32:54 1002

原创 修改虚拟机主机名

修改虚拟机主机名一共三个相关文件需要修改,改完怎么主机名都改了(主要是后两)。1) 修改主机名称vi /etc/sysconfig/networkNETWORKING=yesNETWORKING_IPV6=noHOSTNAME= hostname2) 修改域名与ip的对应vi /etc//host 3) 修改/etc/hostnamevi /etc/hostnamehostname...

2021-12-29 10:48:56 1670

原创 Starting MySQL.. ERROR! The server quit without updating PID file (/var/lib/mysql/hadoop105.pid).解决

cd /var/lib/mysqlcat hadoop105.err // 查看错误信息[ERROR] Fatal error: Can't open and lock privilege tables: Table 'mysql.host' doesn't exist[ERROR] Can't open the mysql.plugin table. Please run mysql_upgrade to create it.错误为重装时数据目录不一致导致,执行下面语句即可解决 /usr/b

2021-05-21 23:22:34 357

原创 登不上192.168.***.***:50070

2021-03-21 15:48:34 4516

原创 VM15 CentOS7 静态IP配置

VM15 CentOS7 静态IP配置

2021-03-20 14:59:05 176

原创 bash: /usr/lib/command-not-found: /usr/bin/python3: 解释器错误: 没有那个文件或目录

sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/python3sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3m /usr/bin/python3(python3m 是cd到/usr/bin下ls python* 找的)

2021-03-15 09:14:44 6970

原创 End-to-End Object Detection with Fully Convolutional Network 论文阅读翻译

End-to-End Object Detection with Fully Convolutional Network 论文阅读翻译论文下载地址:点击此链接跳转.这是博主自己在github整理的目标检测方向论文的合集,应该算比较全,2020ECCV(细分版), 2020NIPS已更新完毕,欢迎下载…好久没更了,来一篇,另此篇在github的ppt文件夹下有做好的ppt,欢迎使用。推荐阅读作者解析:点击此链接跳转.一、Abstract     &

2021-03-09 17:27:32 393

原创 Excel 学习笔记


2021-01-29 10:53:39 433

原创 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory ‘/tmp/tmpj7h17tbn/tmp8e5kuzoc.py‘

本来高高兴兴地使用着mmdetection,突然一天出现了以下的错误:Traceback (most recent call last):File "tools/train.py", line 185, inmain()File "tools/train.py", line 89, in maincfg = Config.fromfile(args.config)File "/mmcv/mmcv/utils/config.py", line 251, in fromfileuse_predef

2021-01-25 22:27:06 6540 20

原创 mmdetection COCO test-dev测试

MMdetection COCO test-dev测试步骤总结1、修改config文件data = dict( samples_per_gpu=1, workers_per_gpu=0, train=dict( type=dataset_type, ann_file=data_root + 'annotations/instances_train2017.json', img_prefix=data_root + 'train201

2021-01-13 20:50:45 4246 13

原创 Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection 论文阅读翻译

Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection文章目录Confluence: A Robust Non-IoU Alternative to Non-Maxima Suppression in Object Detection一、Abstract二、INTRODUCTION三、METHODOLOGY3.1 Manhattan Distance3.2 Normalization3.3

2020-12-26 21:48:46 742 5

原创 RelationNet++: Bridging Visual Representations for OD via Transformer Decoder论文阅读翻译 - 2020NIPS

RelationNet++: Bridging Visual Representations for Object Detection via Transformer Decoder文章目录RelationNet++: Bridging Visual Representations for Object Detection via Transformer Decoder一、Abstract二、IntroductionContributions:三、A Representation View for Obj

2020-12-26 17:15:19 564

原创 Sparse R-CNN: End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Proposals - 论文阅读翻译

Sparse R-CNN: End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Proposals - 论文阅读翻译文章目录Sparse R-CNN: End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Proposals - 论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、Introduction三、Sparse R-CNN3.1. Pipeline3.2. ModuleBackboneLearnable proposal box.Learnabl

2020-12-10 16:43:34 731

原创 gnupg,gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed,but one of them is required for this operation

在安装cuda时报错‘gnupg, gnupg2 and gnupg1 do not seem to be installed,but one of them is required for this operation’尝试了sudo apt-get update && apt-get install -y gnupg2没用,会报其他错误直接sudo apt-get install gnupg成功。一步一坑…...

2020-11-30 22:18:14 13841 6

原创 SQL - Lee的学习笔记6

SQL - 学习笔记6文章目录SQL - 学习笔记6一、虚拟表虚拟的表 - 视图固化SQL语句 - 存储过程练习一、虚拟表虚拟的表 - 视图视图(VIEW):一面镜像,本身不包含数据。源数据发生改变,镜像也发生改变。① 创建视图CREATE VIEW 视图名AS 目标二维表;视图名唯一,字段名唯一。视图可以嵌套ORDER BY无意义所有SELECT相关操作有限制的更新数据,但不建议② 删除视图DROP VIEW 视图名;优点:1)简化代码:方便语句重用;实现数据过滤;隐藏复

2020-11-27 22:56:04 252

原创 SQL - Lee的学习笔记5

SQL - 学习笔记5文章目录SQL - 学习笔记51、数据插入 - INSERT INTO2、数据更新 - UPDATE3、数据删除 - DELETE练习1、数据插入 - INSERT INTO(1) INSERT INTO 表名                   &nbsp

2020-11-25 21:14:25 161 1

原创 SQL - Lee的学习笔记4

SQL - 学习笔记4文章目录SQL - 学习笔记4相关练习:相关练习:Q1:总结一下子查询的几种类别,及分别的用法和特征(包括子查询返回值的样式、子查询在主查询语句中的位置)。        (1)标量子查询:子查询返回一行一列的一个值,即一个单元格数据;子查询结果可作为主查询语句的常数列或用于WHERE子句的过滤条件和分组的筛选条件HAVING子句中。      

2020-11-24 22:07:33 130

原创 SQL - Lee的学习笔记3

SQL - 学习笔记3文章目录SQL - 学习笔记312、数据分析 - 聚合函数13、数据分析 - 分组数据12、数据分析 - 聚合函数(1) 函数表达式 = 聚合函数名 + (参数)       以列为输入,输出只有一行。       对该列进行汇总,不实际检索数据,而是汇总处理数据。(2) 计数函数    &nb

2020-11-22 20:10:18 170

原创 SQL -- Lee的学习笔记2

SQL - 学习笔记2文章目录SQL - 学习笔记29、数据过滤 - WHERE10、数据处理 - 数据类型11、数据处理 - 函数使用9、数据过滤 - WHERE(1) 根据指定条件,过滤结果数据。不能单独使用,非必须子句。        SELECT * FROM * WHERE …;(2) 过滤条件:       • 常规运算符 =、<&

2020-11-21 09:51:32 100

原创 SQL -- Lee的学习笔记1

SQL - 学习笔记1文章目录SQL - 学习笔记1数据库:1、数据集合:2、关系型数据库(应用最广泛)3、MYSQL4、Navicat5、标准SQL语法6、常用语法7、结果展示 - SELECT8、结果排序 - ORDER BY(一定是SELECT语句的最后一条语句)数据库:1、数据集合:• 大量数据采集保持• 通过计算机加工• 可进行高效访问----->数据库(Database(DB))小型数据库:通讯录(姓名、电话、地址、通讯记录)大型数据库:商超、银行、淘宝、运营商多个数据

2020-11-21 09:42:37 121

原创 Dynamic R-CNN: Towards High Quality Object Detection via Dynamic Training论文阅读翻译 - 2020ECCV

Dynamic R-CNN: Towards High Quality Object Detection via Dynamic Training论文阅读翻译文章目录Dynamic R-CNN: Towards High Quality Object Detection via Dynamic Training论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、Introduction三、Dynamic Quality in the Training Procedure3.1 Proposal Classicatio

2020-10-28 19:29:02 438

原创 PIoU Loss: Towards Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Complex Environments论文阅读翻译 - 2020ECCV

PIoU Loss: Towards Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Complex Environments论文阅读翻译文章目录PIoU Loss: Towards Accurate Oriented Object Detection in Complex Environments论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、IntroductionContributions三、Pixels-IoU (PIoU) Loss论文下载地址:点击此链接跳转.这是博主自

2020-10-11 21:01:02 623

原创 Cannot uninstall ‘certifi‘. It is a distutils installed project

pip install matplotlib时报错:Cannot uninstall ‘certifi’. It is a distutils installed project and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.解决:pip install certifi --ignore-installed...

2020-09-24 14:19:26 7507 2

原创 Soft Anchor-Point Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2020ECCV

Soft Anchor-Point Object Detection论文阅读翻译文章目录Soft Anchor-Point Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、Introduction三、Soft Anchor-Point Detector3.1 Detection Formulation with Anchor Points3.1.1 Network architecture3.1.2 Supervision targets3.1.3 Loss functions3.2

2020-09-24 09:17:24 301

原创 Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2019CVPR

Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection论文阅读翻译文章目录Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、Introduction三、Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module3.1 Network Architecture3.2 Ground-trut

2020-09-17 16:24:55 406

原创 目标检测标签分配系列(label assign)论文汇总

目标检测标签分配系列论文汇总整理针对当前较火热的目标检测标签分配问题的系列论文的汇总,链接内含论文下载地址。1、2019CVPR 《Feature Selective Anchor-Free Module for Single-Shot Object Detection》      文章阅读解析待补充…2、2020CVPR《Prime Sample Attention in Object Detection》  &nb

2020-09-09 17:01:39 1713

原创 Prime Sample Attention in Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2020CVPR

Prime Sample Attention in Object Detection论文阅读翻译文章目录Prime Sample Attention in Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、IntroductionContributions:三、Prime Samples3.1 A Revisit of mAP3.2 A Revisit of False Positives.3.3 Hierarchical Local Rank (HLR)四、Learn Detector

2020-09-09 16:46:33 622

原创 Pyramidal Convolution: Rethinking Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition论文阅读翻译

Pyramidal Convolution: Rethinking Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition论文阅读翻译目录:Pyramidal Convolution: Rethinking Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、Introductioncontributions:三、Pyramidal Convolution四、PyCon

2020-09-02 10:30:24 874

原创 Learning from Noisy Anchors for One-stage Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2020CVPR

Learning from Noisy Anchors for One-stage Object Detection论文阅读翻译

2020-08-29 13:42:26 621

原创 Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2020ECCV

Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection论文阅读翻译目录:Probabilistic Anchor Assignment with IoU Prediction for Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract.二、IntroductionContributions三、Methods3.1 Probabilistic Anchor Assignment Algorithm3.2

2020-08-27 21:46:35 2698 3

原创 BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection论文阅读翻译 - 2020ECCV oral

BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection论文阅读翻译目录:BorderDet: Border Feature for Dense Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract.二、IntroductionContributions:三、Approach3.1 Motivation3.2 Border Align3.3 Network Architecture3.3.1 BorderDet.3.3.2 Border Al

2020-08-19 21:25:22 470

原创 PPDet: Reducing Label Noise in Anchor-Free Object Detection论文阅读翻译-- 2020BMCV

PPDet: Reducing Label Noise in Anchor-Free Object Detection论文阅读翻译目录:PPDet: Reducing Label Noise in Anchor-Free Object Detection论文阅读翻译一、Abstract二、IntroductionContributions:三、Methods3.1 Labeling strategy and training.3.2 Inference.3.3 Network architecture.四

2020-08-17 11:45:27 942 1

原创 FreeAnchor: Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection论文翻译阅读 - 2019NIPS

FreeAnchor: Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection论文翻译阅读目录:FreeAnchor: Learning to Match Anchors for Visual Object Detection论文翻译阅读一、Abstract二、IntroductionContributions三、The Proposed Approach3.1 Detector Training as Maximum Likelihood Estima

2020-08-15 18:06:04 548



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