用QML和Qt C++实现翻页效果的研究(1)

本文探讨如何使用Qt和QML实现翻页效果,借鉴Nokia的Qt Quick技术。翻页实现涉及仿真效果、3D/2.5D视觉以及对子元素的影响。作者分享了初步成果,但表示还有提升空间,期望与读者交流优化方法。


本来说是星期天 Jan,17号写的,结果出切逛街了,回来已经累的半死,且已经晚上10点了,看今天有没得时间写 -- Jan,18 注


一直以来都想自己用 Qt 做一个翻页的效果,不过却总是找不到合适的心情来写完一篇日志。

趁着 Nokia 最近在主打 Qt Quick ,也借着放假的空挡,决定把这篇日志写完。


说到翻页效果,我想大家并不陌生。而要说到做的好的,不得不说一下 iOS 中的实现。笔者没有深入研究过 iOS 中的翻页效果是怎样具体实现,不过想来,也并不外乎以下几点:

1.       Simulation

qt 滑屏翻页效果C++程序 #ifndef PICTUREFLOW_H #define PICTUREFLOW_H #include class PictureFlowPrivate; /*! Class PictureFlow implements an image show widget with animation effect like Apple's CoverFlow (in iTunes and iPod). Images are arranged in form of slides, one main slide is shown at the center with few slides on the left and right sides of the center slide. When the next or previous slide is brought to the front, the whole slides flow to the right or the right with smooth animation effect; until the new slide is finally placed at the center. */ class PictureFlow : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QColor backgroundColor READ backgroundColor WRITE setBackgroundColor) Q_PROPERTY(QSize slideSize READ slideSize WRITE setSlideSize) Q_PROPERTY(int slideCount READ slideCount) Q_PROPERTY(int centerIndex READ centerIndex WRITE setCenterIndex) public: enum ReflectionEffect { NoReflection, PlainReflection, BlurredReflection }; /*! Creates a new PictureFlow widget. */ PictureFlow(QWidget* parent = 0); /*! Destroys the widget. */ ~PictureFlow(); /*! Returns the background color. */ QColor backgroundColor() const; /*! Sets the background color. By default it is black. */ void setBackgroundColor(const QColor& c); /*! Returns the dimension of each slide (in pixels). */ QSize slideSize() const; /*! Sets the dimension of each slide (in pixels). */ void setSlideSize(QSize size); /*! Returns the total number of slides. */ int slideCount() const; /*! Returns QImage of specified slide. */ QImage slide(int index) const; /*! Returns the index of slide currently shown in the middle of the viewport. */ int centerIndex() const; /*! Returns the effect applied to the reflection. */ ReflectionEffect reflectionEffect() const; /*! Sets the effect applied to the reflection. The default is PlainReflection. */ void setReflectionEffect(ReflectionEffect effect); public slots: /*! Adds a new slide. */ void addSlide(const QImage& image); /*! Adds a new slide. */ void addSlide(const QPixmap& pixmap); /*! Sets an image for specified slide. If the slide already exists, it will be replaced. */ void setSlide(int index, const QImage& image); /*! Sets a pixmap for specified slide. If the slide already exists, it will be replaced. */ void setSlide(int index, const QPixmap& pixmap); /*! Sets slide to be shown in the middle of the viewport. No animation effect will be produced, unlike using showSlide. */ void setCenterIndex(int index); /*! Clears all slides. */ void clear(); /*! Shows previous slide using animation effect. */ void showPrevious(); /*! Shows next slide using animation effect. */ void showNext(); /*! Go to specified slide using animation effect. */ void showSlide(int index); /*! Rerender the widget. Normally this function will be automatically invoked whenever necessary, e.g. during the transition animation. */ void render(); /*! Schedules a rendering update. Unlike render(), this function does not cause immediate rendering. */ void triggerRender(); signals: void centerIndexChanged(int index); protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent* event); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent* event); void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent* event); private slots: void updateAnimation(); private: PictureFlowPrivate* d; }; #endif // PICTUREFLOW_H
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