Postgresql - 源码 - backend启动


postmaster backend子进程存在在backend/main/main.c



1. 进入到src/backend/main/main.c中,查看后台主函数main


* ......

* This does some essential startup tasks for any incarnation of postgres

* (postmaster, standalone backend, standalone bootstrap process, or a

* separately exec'd child of a postmaster) and then dispatches to the

* proper FooMain() routine for the incarnation.

* ......



* Any Postgres server process begins execution here.



main(int argc, char *argv[])



    progname = get_progname(argv[0]);


    argv = save_ps_display_args(argc, argv);


    set_pglocale_pgservice(argv[0], PG_TEXTDOMAIN("postgres"));



    if (argc > 1)


        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--help") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-?") == 0)





        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--version") == 0 || strcmp(argv[1], "-V") == 0)


            fputs(PG_BACKEND_VERSIONSTR, stdout);



        if (strcmp(argv[1], "--describe-config") == 0)

            do_check_root = false;

        else if (argc > 2 && strcmp(argv[1], "-C") == 0)

            do_check_root = false;


    if (do_check_root)





    if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--boot") == 0)

        AuxiliaryProcessMain(argc, argv);   /* does not return */

    else if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--describe-config") == 0)

        GucInfoMain();          /* does not return */

/* single 方式启动*/

    else if (argc > 1 && strcmp(argv[1], "--single") == 0)

        PostgresMain(argc, argv,

                     NULL,      /* no dbname */

                     strdup(get_user_name_or_exit(progname)));  /* does not return */


/* 正常启动 */

        PostmasterMain(argc, argv); /* does not return */

    abort();                    /* should not get here */



2. 我们看一下正常启动是如何操作的,都经历哪些步骤,src/backend/postmaster/postmaster.c 中的PostmasterMain()函数。


* Postmaster main entry point postmaster 进程主入口点,启动之后就会开启多个进程,都是从这里进去的。



PostmasterMain(int argc, char *argv[])


    int         opt;

    int         status;

    char     *userDoption = NULL;

    bool        listen_addr_saved = false;

    int         i;

    char     *output_config_variable = NULL;

/* 获取PID */

    MyProcPid = PostmasterPid = getpid();

/* 启动时间 */

    MyStartTime = time(NULL);


    IsPostmasterEnvironment = true;



     * We should not be creating any files or directories before we check the

     * data directory (see checkDataDir()), but just in case set the umask to

     * the most restrictive (owner-only) permissions.


     * checkDataDir() will reset the umask based on the data directory

     * permissions.


/* 权限 */




     * Initialize random(3) so we don't get the same values in every run.


     * Note: the seed is pretty predictable from externally-visible facts such

     * as postmaster start time, so avoid using random() for security-critical

     * random values during postmaster startup. At the time of first

     * connection, PostmasterRandom will select a hopefully-more-random seed.


/* */

    srandom((unsigned int) (MyProcPid ^ MyStartTime));



     * By default, palloc() requests in the postmaster will be allocated in

     * the PostmasterContext, which is space that can be recycled by backends.

     * Allocated data that needs to be available to backends should be

     * allocated in TopMemoryContext.


/* 分配运行空间 */

    PostmasterContext = AllocSetContextCreate(TopMemoryContext,





    /* Initialize paths to installation files */ /* 初始化安装文件的路径 */




     * Set up signal handlers for the postmaster process.


     * In the postmaster, we want to install non-ignored handlers *without*

     * SA_RESTART. This is because they'll be blocked at all times except

     * when ServerLoop is waiting for something to happen, and during that

     * window, we want signals to exit the select(2) wait so that ServerLoop

     * can respond if anything interesting happened. On some platforms,

     * signals marked SA_RESTART would not cause the select() wait to end.

     * Child processes will generally want SA_RESTART, but we expect them to

     * set up their own handlers before unblocking signals.


     * CAUTION: when changing this list, check for side-effects on the signal

     * handling setup of child processes. See tcop/postgres.c,

     * bootstrap/bootstrap.c, postmaster/bgwriter.c, postmaster/walwriter.c,

     * postmaster/autovacuum.c, postmaster/pgarch.c, postmaster/pgstat.c,

     * postmaster/syslogger.c, postmaster/bgworker.c and

     * postmaster/checkpointer.c.


/* 为postmaster进程设置信号处理程序。 */




    pqsignal_no_restart(SIGHUP, SIGHUP_handler);    /* reread config file and have children do same */


    pqsignal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */

    /* ignore SIGXFSZ, so that ulimit violations work like disk full */

#ifdef SIGXFSZ

    pqsignal(SIGXFSZ, SIG_IGN); /* ignored */




     * Options setup 选择参数设置




    opterr = 1;



     * Parse command-line options. CAUTION: keep this in sync with

     * tcop/postgres.c (the option sets should not conflict) and with the

     * common help() function in main/main.c.


/* 解析命令行启动参数 */

    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "B:bc:C:D:d:EeFf:h:ijk:lN:nOo:Pp:r:S:sTt:W:-:")) != -1)


        switch (opt)


case ... case ... case ... ......





     * Postmaster accepts no non-option switch arguments.


/* Postmaster不接受非选项开关参数。 */

    if (optind < argc)


        write_stderr("%s: invalid argument: \"%s\"\n",

                     progname, argv[optind]);

        write_stderr("Try \"%s --help\" for more information.\n",






     * Locate the proper configuration files and data directory, and read

     * postgresql.conf for the first time.


/* 找到正确的配置文件和数据目录,第一次读取postgresql.conf。 */

    if (!SelectConfigFiles(userDoption, progname))



    if (output_config_variable != NULL)



         * "-C guc" was specified, so print GUC's value and exit. No extra

         * permission check is needed because the user is reading inside the

         * data dir.


        const char *config_val = GetConfigOption(output_config_variable,

                                                 false, false);


        puts(config_val ? config_val : "");




    /* Verify that DataDir looks reasonable */

/* 验证DataDir */



    /* Check that pg_control exists */

/* 验证pg_control是否存在 */



    /* And switch working directory into it */

/* 将工作目录更改为DataDir。大多数postmaster和后端代码都假设我们在DataDir中,

* 因此它可以使用相对路径访问数据目录中的内容。但是,为了在路径设置过程中方便起见,

* 我们不强制在SetDataDir期间执行chdir。





     * Check for invalid combinations of GUC settings.


/* 检查GUC设置的无效组合。包括进程、连接,XLog、wal_level等 */

    if (ReservedBackends + max_wal_senders >= MaxConnections)


    if (XLogArchiveMode > ARCHIVE_MODE_OFF && wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)


    if (max_wal_senders > 0 && wal_level == WAL_LEVEL_MINIMAL)




     * Other one-time internal sanity checks can go here, if they are fast.

     * (Put any slow processing further down, after creation.)


/* 其他一次性的内部完整性检查可以在这里进行。 */

    if (!CheckDateTokenTables())




     * Now that we are done processing the postmaster arguments, reset

     * getopt(3) library so that it will work correctly in subprocesses.


/* 现在我们已经完成了postmaster参数的处理,重新设置getopt(3)库,以便它能够在子进程中正确工作。 */

    optind = 1;


    optreset = 1;               /* some systems need this too */



    /* For debugging: display postmaster environment */

/* 当开启DEBUG记录日志,可以从日志中看到详细记录(循环展示的参数) */






     * Create lockfile for data directory.


     * We want to do this before we try to grab the input sockets, because the

     * data directory interlock is more reliable than the socket-file

     * interlock (thanks to whoever decided to put socket files in /tmp :-().

     * For the same reason, it's best to grab the TCP socket(s) before the

     * Unix socket(s).


     * Also note that this internally sets up the on_proc_exit function that

     * is responsible for removing both data directory and socket lockfiles;

     * so it must happen before opening sockets so that at exit, the socket

     * lockfiles go away after CloseServerPorts runs.


/* 为数据目录创建锁文件。

* 在尝试获取输入套接字之前,我们需要这样做,因为数据目录联锁比套接字-文件联锁更可靠

* (这要感谢决定将套接字文件放在/tmp:-()中的人)。出于同样的原因,最好在Unix套接字之前获取TCP套接字。

* 还要注意,这在内部设置了on_proc_exit函数,该函数负责删除数据目录和套接字锁文件;

* 因此,它必须在打开套接字之前发生,以便在退出时,套接字锁文件在CloseServerPorts运行之后消失。





     * Read the control file (for error checking and config info).


     * Since we verify the control file's CRC, this has a useful side effect

     * on machines where we need a run-time test for CRC support instructions.

     * The postmaster will do the test once at startup, and then its child

     * processes will inherit the correct function pointer and not need to

     * repeat the test.


/* 读取控制文件(用于错误检查和配置信息)。因为我们验证了控制文件的CRC,

* 所以这对需要对CRC支持指令进行运行时测试的机器有一个有用的副作用。

* postmaster将在启动时执行一次测试,然后它的子进程将继承正确的函数指针,不需要重复测试。





     * Initialize SSL library, if specified.


/* 初始化SSL lib */

#ifdef USE_SSL

    if (EnableSSL)


        (void) secure_initialize(true);

        LoadedSSL = true;





     * Register the apply launcher. Since it registers a background worker,

     * it needs to be called before InitializeMaxBackends(), and it's probably

     * a good idea to call it before any modules had chance to take the

     * background worker slots.


/* 注册应用启动程序。因为它注册了一个后台工作者,所以它需要在InitializeMaxBackends()之前被调用,

* 在任何模块有机会获得后台工作者插槽之前调用它可能是个好主意。





     * process any libraries that should be preloaded at postmaster start





     * Now that loadable modules have had their chance to register background

     * workers, calculate MaxBackends.





     * Establish input sockets.


     * First, mark them all closed, and set up an on_proc_exit function that's

     * charged with closing the sockets again at postmaster shutdown.


/* 建立各类输入sockets,首先,标记它们都已关闭,并设置on_proc_exit函数,

* 该函数负责在postmaster shutdown时再次关闭套接字。

* 监听地址,等


    for (i = 0; i < MAXLISTEN; i++)

        ListenSocket[i] = PGINVALID_SOCKET;


    on_proc_exit(CloseServerPorts, 0);

/* 对每一个监听地址进行操作 */

    if (ListenAddresses)






    /* Register for Bonjour only if we opened TCP socket(s) */

/* 只有当我们打开TCP套接字(s)时,才能注册Bonjour */





/* 如果定义了HAVE_UNIX_SOCKETS,执行 */

    if (Unix_socket_directories)





     * check that we have some socket to listen on

* 检查一下我们是否有监听器


    if (ListenSocket[0] == PGINVALID_SOCKET)


                (errmsg("no socket created for listening")));



     * If no valid TCP ports, write an empty line for listen address,

     * indicating the Unix socket must be used. Note that this line is not

     * added to the lock file until there is a socket backing it.


/* 如果没有有效的TCP端口,则为侦听地址编写空行,指示必须使用Unix套接字。

* 注意,除非有套接字支持,否则不会将这一行添加到锁文件中。 */

    if (!listen_addr_saved)

        AddToDataDirLockFile(LOCK_FILE_LINE_LISTEN_ADDR, "");



     * Set up shared memory and semaphores.


/* 设置共享内存和信号量。 */




     * Estimate number of openable files. This must happen after setting up

     * semaphores, because on some platforms semaphores count as open files.


/* 估计可打开文件的数量。这必须在设置信号量之后发生,因为在某些平台上信号量算作打开的文件。 */




     * Set reference point for stack-depth checking.


/* 设置堆叠深度检查的参考点。 */




     * Initialize pipe (or process handle on Windows) that allows children to

     * wake up from sleep on postmaster death.


/* 初始化管道(或Windows上的进程句柄),允许postmaster的子进程醒来。 */



#ifdef WIN32



     * Initialize I/O completion port used to deliver list of dead children.


/* 初始化I/O完成端口 */

    win32ChildQueue = CreateIoCompletionPort(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, 0, 1);

    if (win32ChildQueue == NULL)


                (errmsg("could not create I/O completion port for child queue")));




     * Record postmaster options. We delay this till now to avoid recording

     * bogus options (eg, NBuffers too high for available memory).


/* 记录postmaster的选项。我们将此延迟到现在,以避免记录伪造的选项 */

    if (!CreateOptsFile(argc, argv, my_exec_path))




    /* Write out nondefault GUC settings for child processes to use */





     * Write the external PID file if requested


    if (external_pid_file)






     * Remove old temporary files. At this point there can be no other

     * Postgres processes running in this directory, so this should be safe.


/* 删除旧的temporary files */




     * Forcibly remove the files signaling a standby promotion request.

     * Otherwise, the existence of those files triggers a promotion too early,

     * whether a user wants that or not.


     * This removal of files is usually unnecessary because they can exist

     * only during a few moments during a standby promotion. However there is

     * a race condition: if pg_ctl promote is executed and creates the files

     * during a promotion, the files can stay around even after the server is

     * brought up to new master. Then, if new standby starts by using the

     * backup taken from that master, the files can exist at the server

     * startup and should be removed in order to avoid an unexpected

     * promotion.


     * Note that promotion signal files need to be removed before the startup

     * process is invoked. Because, after that, they can be used by

     * postmaster's SIGUSR1 signal handler.


/* 强制删除发送备用升级请求的文件。否则,无论用户是否希望这样做,这些文件的存在都会过早地触发升级。

* 删除文件通常是不必要的,因为它们只能在备用升级过程中的一小段时间内存在。

* 但是这里有一个竞态条件:如果执行pg_ctl提升并在提升过程中创建文件,那么即使服务器被提升到新的主服务器上,

* 这些文件也可以保持不变。然后,如果使用从主服务器获取的备份启动新的备用服务器,

* 那么这些文件可以在服务器启动时存在,应该删除这些文件,以避免意外升级。

* 注意,在调用启动进程之前,需要删除升级信号文件。因为,在那之后,它们可以被postmaster的SIGUSR1信号处理器使用。




    /* Remove any outdated file holding the current log filenames. */

/* 删除任何保存当前日志文件名的过时文件。 */

    if (unlink(LOG_METAINFO_DATAFILE) < 0 && errno != ENOENT)



                 errmsg("could not remove file \"%s\": %m",




     * If enabled, start up syslogger collection subprocess


    SysLoggerPID = SysLogger_Start();



     * Reset whereToSendOutput from DestDebug (its starting state) to

     * DestNone. This stops ereport from sending log messages to stderr unless

     * Log_destination permits. We don't do this until the postmaster is

     * fully launched, since startup failures may as well be reported to

     * stderr.


     * If we are in fact disabling logging to stderr, first emit a log message

     * saying so, to provide a breadcrumb trail for users who may not remember

     * that their logging is configured to go somewhere else.


/* 重置whereToSendOutput from DestDebug(它的起始状态)到DestNone。

* 这将阻止ereport向stderr发送日志消息,除非Log_destination允许。

* 如果我们实际上要禁用stderr日志记录,那么首先发出一条这样说的日志消息,

* 为那些可能不记得日志记录被配置到其他地方的用户提供一个breadcrumb跟踪。 */

    if (!(Log_destination & LOG_DESTINATION_STDERR))


                (errmsg("ending log output to stderr"),

                 errhint("Future log output will go to log destination \"%s\".",



    whereToSendOutput = DestNone;



     * Initialize stats collection subsystem (this does NOT start the

     * collector process!)


/* 初始化stats collection子系统(这不会启动收集器进程!) */




     * Initialize the autovacuum subsystem (again, no process start yet)


/* 初始化自动vacuum子系统 */




     * Load configuration files for client authentication.


/* 加载配置文件 hba 和 ident */

    if (!load_hba())


    if (!load_ident())








     * Remember postmaster startup time


    PgStartTime = GetCurrentTimestamp();


    /* RandomCancelKey wants its own copy */

    gettimeofday(&random_start_time, NULL);




     * Report postmaster status in the file, to allow pg_ctl to

     * see what's happening.


/* 在postmaster中报告postmaster状态。pid文件,允许pg_ctl看到发生了什么。 */




     * We're ready to rock and roll...


    StartupPID = StartupDataBase();

    Assert(StartupPID != 0);

    StartupStatus = STARTUP_RUNNING;

    pmState = PM_STARTUP;


    /* Some workers may be scheduled to start now */

/* 一些workers 现在开始工作 */



    status = ServerLoop();



     * ServerLoop probably shouldn't ever return, but if it does, close down.


    ExitPostmaster(status != STATUS_OK);


    abort();                    /* not reached */



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