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转载 Spring Session处理

http://fruzenshtein.com/spring-java-configuration-session-timeout/ ---xml文件配置 http://fruzenshtein.com/spring-java-configuration-session-timeo...

2014-05-25 11:56:00 163

转载 Spring 3 + Quartz 1.8.6 Scheduler Example

Updated on 25 July 2012– Upgrade article to use Spring 3 and Quartz 1.8.6 (it was Spring 2.5.6 and Quartz 1.6) In this tutorial, we will show ...

2013-11-05 10:08:00 206

转载 Invocation of init method failed; nested except...

Error creating bean with name 'quartzInit' defined in file [/xxx/xxx/context-timertask-service.xml]: Invocation of init method failed; nested excep...

2013-11-05 09:36:00 1748

转载 SVN中修改本地账号和密码的方式

我的开发环境中需要连接到两个svn服务器,自然就需要两个密码,但是svn使用时默认密码是自动保存的,这样我再使用第二个svn服务的时候就一直报错如下: 1 ...

2013-11-04 10:51:00 947

转载 Java Design Pattern: Adapter

Adapter pattern is frequently used in modern Java frameworks. It comes into place when you want to use an existing class, and its interface doe...

2013-11-01 16:45:00 96

转载 Java Design Pattern: Prototype

Prototype design pattern is used when very similar objects frequently are required. Prototype pattern clones objects and set the changed feature. ...

2013-10-28 19:33:00 133

转载 Java Design Pattern: Abstract Factory

Abstract Factory pattern adds another layer of abstraction for Factory pattern. If we compare Abstract Factory with Factory, it is pretty obvious ...

2013-10-27 11:24:00 109

转载 Java Design Pattern: Factory

1. The story for Factory pattern Factory design pattern is used for creating an object based on different parameters. The example below is abou...

2013-10-26 18:31:00 79

转载 Java Design Pattern: Singleton

Singleton pattern is one of the most commonly used patterns in Java. It is used to control the number of objects created by preventing external in...

2013-10-26 10:02:00 70

转载 Java Design Pattern: Decorator – Decorate your ...

Decorator pattern adds additional features to an existing object dynamically. In this post, I will use a simple example – decorate your girlfriend...

2013-10-24 14:47:00 141

转载 Exception Hierarchy in Java – Diagram

In Java, exception can be checked or unchecked. They both fit into a class hierarchy. The following diagram shows Java Exception classes hierarchy...

2013-10-24 11:45:00 130

转载 Native Sql - 原生SQL查询Demo

package com.lc.nativesql.dao;import java.sql.SQLException;import java.util.List;import org.hibernate.Hibernate;import org.hiberna...

2013-10-21 17:26:00 177

转载 通过POI组件从数据库向Excel中写数据

写入Excel文件所需Jar包:poi-3.9-20121203.jar Excel文件存放路径:D://cba.xls,这个可以根据你自己想要写入excel文件的路径而改变, 修改这条语句中的路径即可: FileOutputStream fileout = new FileOutpu...

2013-09-25 14:52:00 92

转载 POI组件读Excel

所需Jar包:poi-3.9-20121203.jar Excel文件存放路径:C:/Planet Power/demo.xls,这个可以根据你自己想要读取文件的路径而改变, 修改这条语句中的路径即可: FileInputStream excelFIS = new Fil...

2013-09-25 14:23:00 70

转载 Tomcat配置数据源

前提,这些配置文件都是在Eclipse中的Server文件夹中配置的,如果直接在Tomcat中配置,每次在Eclipse中启动后会被还原! Method One 1>在Server.xml中的<GlobalNamingResources></GlobalN...

2013-09-07 19:20:00 89

转载 DB2判断汉字长度、对数字字符进行判断

项目有个模块需要写校验规则,而规则中有个需求是这么描述的 XXX要求大于三个字符或两个汉字,把不满足的都过滤出来。 对于字符判断长度的想必大家都知道用length()函数,但是对于汉字呢?这是个问题。 通过用length函数测出一个汉字的长...

2013-08-17 12:48:00 3500

转载 Debug调试,断点进入另一个相同项目的类中

A和B是两个相同的项目,A一直本地,B是刚刚从SVN上down下来的。 Q:今天进行Debug调试B项目时,断点进入的是A项目的类中。一开始排错,以为运行的还是A项目,经过在JSP页面测试,确定运行的的确是B项目,但是断点一直进入的A项目的类中。网上查询,有说把项目close掉,但是c...

2013-08-10 23:09:00 1438

转载 Hibernate通过SQLQuery接口执行原生态SQL查询

Execution of native SQL queries is controlled via the SQLQuery interface Scalar queries--标量查询 The most basic SQL query is to g...

2013-07-28 18:19:00 82

转载 关闭TortoiseSVN的TSVNCache.exe进程方案


2013-07-28 10:27:00 115

转载 onClick事件中的return 函数

例如:onClick='return add_onclick()'与 onClick='add_onclick()'的区别 JAVASCRIPT在事件中调用函数时用return返回值实际上是对window.event.returnvalue进行设置。 ...

2013-07-27 14:51:00 1394

转载 Hibernate操作没有主键的表

首先对于没有主键的表,要生成ORM映射的话,需要用复合主键,具体请点击 复合主键 。 这里想说的demo是不用生成ORM映射,通过hibernate操作表。关于建表和vo请参考复合主键链接。 下面说说具体的实现方法。 package com....

2013-07-27 14:25:00 220

转载 没有主键的表如何实现Hibernate映射--复合主键

请点击这里看异常! 环境:Eclipse-j2ee+Tomcate6.x+mysql5.1+hibernate3.05 回归正题,首先建一张没有主键的表。命名为person_demo.表结构如下: name ...

2013-07-27 12:43:00 264

转载 SVN -org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException

异常: org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Merge conflict during commit svn: Commit failed (details follow): svn: File or...

2013-07-26 21:35:00 261

转载 sql语句错误DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-103, SQLSTATE=42...

报的异常 org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; bad SQL grammar [select t.rule_...

2013-07-26 21:14:00 5022

转载 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of ...

报的异常 Caused by: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The content of element type "class" must match "(meta*,subselect?,cache?,synchronize...

2013-07-25 21:50:00 243

转载 DB2 SQL Error: SQLCODE=-103, SQLSTATE=42604, S...

报的异常 org.springframework.jdbc.BadSqlGrammarException: Hibernate operation: could not execute query; bad SQL grammar [select t.ru...

2013-07-25 21:28:00 5259

转载 java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No position...

异常: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No positional parameters in query: FROM ContrastRelation dict WHERE dict.dicid='abc' and...

2013-07-24 22:59:00 141

转载 在Eclipse中启动Tomcat异常, unable to start within 45 ...

报的异常: Server Tomcat v6.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 45 seconds. If the server requires more time, try in...

2013-07-24 22:45:00 106

转载 非自动批处理出现故障, ERRORCODE=-4228

Q: WARN JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(71) | SQL Error: -4228, SQLState: null ERROR JDBCExceptionReporter.logExceptions(72) |...

2013-07-23 20:41:00 2886

转载 Tomcat EOF异常

解决:保存在硬盘上的session数据读取失败,删除“tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/_”下SESSIONS.ser即可。(source:http://blog.csdn.net/virgoboy2004/article/details/4437104) ...

2013-07-23 11:19:00 225

转载 导入eclipse由SVN管理的项目问题

话说从上次说起!!因为暂时还没有SVN权限,所以只能从其他同事那里拷项目代码,然后导入Eclipse,第一次顺利导入,后来随着代码的不但修改,然后从同事那里拷入更新后的项目代码。 导入很顺利,没有太大问题,把缺的jar包重新导入一边就ok...

2013-07-18 20:02:00 73

转载 aqua data studio乱码处理

最近用aqua data studio这个软件来连接数据库,结果杯具了,中文是乱码,google了半天,发现了如下解决方法,记录下. 具体操作: 在工具栏打开“文件”->“选项”->修改“编辑器字体”、“文本结果字体”、“网络结果字体”,都行、改成宋体...

2013-07-09 09:27:00 125

转载 struts2 XML验证跳转

首先可以确认xml文件可以实现校验功能。但是为什么无论如果都跳转不到action里面去呢?并且无论校验失败或者成功都只跳转到input视图页面。 经过和成功实现跳转的xml校验文件比对,发现xml校验文件里面多了需要校验的参数,简而言之就是你只校验us...

2013-05-19 18:16:00 73



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