Introduction to Morphlines


Morphlines is an open source framework that reduces the time and efforts necessary to build and change Hadoop ETL stream processing applications that extract, transform and load data into Apache Solr, HBase, HDFS, Enterprise Data Warehouses, or Analytic Online Dashboards. Want to build or facilitate ETL jobs without programming and without substantial MapReduce effort? Get the job done with a minimum amount of fuss and support costs? Here is how to get started.

A morphline is a rich configuration file that makes it easy to define a transformation chain that consumes any kind of data from any kind of data source, processes the data and loads the results into a Hadoop component. It replaces Java programming with simple configuration steps, and correspondingly reduces the cost and integration effort associated with developing and maintaining custom ETL projects.

Morphlines is a library, embeddable in any Java codebase. A morphline is an in-memory container of transformation commands. Commands are plugins to a morphline that perform tasks such as loading, parsing, transforming, or otherwise processing a single record. A record is an in-memory data structure of name-value pairs with optional blob attachments or POJO attachments. The framework is extensible and integrates existing functionality and third party systems in a straightforward manner.

Processing Model

Morphlines can be seen as an evolution of Unix pipelines where the data model is generalized to work with streams of generic records, including arbitrary binary payloads. A morphline is an efficient way to consume records (e.g. Flume events, HDFS files, RDBMS tables or Avro objects), turn them into a stream of records, and pipe the stream of records through a set of easily configurable transformations on the way to a target application such as Solr, for example as outlined in the following figure:

In this figure, a Flume Source receives syslog events and sends them to a Flume Morphline Sink, which converts each Flume event to a record and pipes it into a readLine command. The readLine command extracts the log line and pipes it into a grok command. The grok command uses regular expression pattern matching to extract some substrings of the line. It pipes the resulting structured record into the loadSolr command. Finally, the loadSolr command loads the record into Solr, typically a SolrCloud. In the process, raw data or semi-structured data is transformed into structured data according to application modelling requirements.

The Morphline framework ships with a set of frequently used high level transformation and I/O commands that can be combined in application specific ways. The plugin system allows the adding of new transformations and I/O commands and integrates existing functionality and third party systems in a straightforward manner.

This integration enables rapid Hadoop ETL application prototyping, complex stream and event processing in real time, flexible log file analysis, integration of multiple heterogeneous input schemas and file formats, as well as reuse of ETL logic building blocks across Hadoop ETL applications.

Kite ships an efficient runtime that compiles a morphline on the fly. The runtime executes all commands of a given morphline in the same thread. Piping a record from one command to another implies just a cheap Java method call. In particular, there are no queues, no handoffs among threads, no context switches and no serialization between commands, which minimizes performance overheads.


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