Purism FAQ

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Find answers to Frequently Asked Questions:

##关于 Purism

(About Purism)




  • 您擅长什么,或者想帮助我们做什么。
  • 您是怎样擅长这个的,或者你想怎么帮我们。
  • 你为什么想参与Purism?


Are you hiring?

Short answer: Yes. See https://puri.sm/jobs/

Longer answer: Purism is hiring for a great number of positions, even more than are listed in our jobs section. If you are interested in any of the listed positions, or have an idea of a position you’d like to create within our organization, please send an email to hr@puri.sm with the following:

  • What you’re good at, or what you would like to help us with.
  • How you got good at it, or how you’d like to help us.
  • Why would you like to be involved with Purism?

We offer various forms of compensation and roles, from volunteer, part-time, paid, or margin share. Please list what forms of compensation you require and are amenable to.



Can I buy my Librem with cash?

Unfortunately, no. If you are worried about privacy, you can pay with bitcoin.



Do you take Bitcoin?

Yes, we take bitcoin as a payment option.






向james发送一封电子邮件。rufer(at)puri.sm 有关问题、附加信息或您愿意参与。

How can I contribute?

You can help by purchasing a Librem device and benefit from a more secure computing experience. You could also help us out with projects that we are currently working on as we are sometimes stretched thin. Finally, the easiest way would be to help answer questions in our community forums, engage with others that are considering Purism products, spreading the word about Purism, be willing to write in with bug reports or user experiences or donating time and/or money for our project. Another item would be to write a blog post about your experiences in switching to a Librem or to GNU/Linux in general. Send an email to james.rufer(at)puri.sm for questions, additional information or your willingness to be involved.


通过业务谈判,我们为所有的工具授权参考设计和预付费用,这样我们就可以做少量的生产,尽管每单位价格更高。它不便宜,但它是可能的!Purism的创始人 Todd - Weaver 已经建立了十多年的这种关系。

How Does an Emerging Company Manufacture a Motherboard?

Through business negotiations we license reference designs and prepay for all the tooling, so that we can do small quantity fabrication, albeit at a higher per-unit price. It is not inexpensive, but it is possible! Purism’s founder, Todd Weaver, has built up these relationships for over a decade.



Is Purism a non-profit or corporation?

Purism is a Social Purpose Corporation!

Purism 建立在哪里?


更长的答案:全世界。Purism的零部件来自中国大陆、台湾、日本和美国。Purism 构建,组装,质量控制测试,和交付我们全部的硬件,来自我们旧金山南部的设施。Purism 有着来自世界各地的员工,承包商和志愿者。

Where is Purism based?

Short answer: South San Francisco, CA USA

Longer answer: Worldwide. Purism sources component parts from China, Taiwan, Japan, and the United States. Purism builds, assembles, quality control tests, and delivers all our hardware from our South San Francisco facility, USA. Purism has employees, contractors, and volunteers from around the world.


For Beginners


通常,当我们想到一个操作系统时,我们会考虑它的外观和感觉。这被称为用户界面或用户体验。PureOS 3 使用被称为Gnome 3 的图形用户界面 (GUI,有时也被称为“桌面环境”)。


Are there any tutorial videos or additional information on PureOS/Linux?

Often times when we think of an operating system we think of how it looks and feels. This is called the user interface or user experience. PureOS 3 uses a Graphical User Interface (GUI, also sometimes called “Desktop Environment”) called Gnome 3. Information on this user interface can be found here:





Purism 的 “PureBrowser” 是基于数百万人所熟知和喜爱的“Mozilla技术”^1。所有的同步功能都在盒子里,而且是预先安装了一些最好的安全,隐私以及社区提供的安全扩展。




Can I browse the internet in the same way as on other computers and devices?

Sure! We pre-install two different Internet browsers, to allow you the freedom to surf the web and go to the sites you want.

Purism-designed “PureBrowser” is based upon best of breed “Mozilla technologies”* that millions know and love. All syncing features work out of the box and it is pre-installed with some of the best safety, privacy and security extensions that the community has to offer.
You can also install and use Tor. If you аre unfamiliar with Tor, Tor bounces your internet traffic around the world from server to server in an encrypted fashion so that you can truly remain anonymous while being online.

Other common browsers are available for you to install as well if you see fit but without the privacy, security and safety protections our browsers provide. We think that you will like these browsers and the comfort they provide over the other options.

We give you the tools and we make it easy for you to browse as you see fit.

*: Mozilla’s wording, not ours…



Can I still print pictures and documents with a Librem?

We include all available drivers in order for your printer to function. Please ensure capability by checking with your printer manufacturer.

我可以看Netflix、Hulu、YouTube和Amazon Prime吗?

Netflix、Hulu和Amazon Prime都通过限制DRM技术发布内容,而 Purism 本身不支持,通过 PureBrowser 或Chromium。但是,如果你选择,还有其他浏览器可以自由安装。


Can I watch Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and Amazon Prime?

Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime distribute content with restrictive DRM technologies that Purism does not support natively through PureBrowser or Chromium. However, there are other browsers that you are free to install if you choose to.

Youtube supports HTML5 and will play without additional input.



Can you explain to me in plain English why I should be concerned about security and privacy issues on my computer?

The same reasons you are concerned over unwanted people entering your property, peeping through your windows, or installing cameras in your house. These same physical rights apply directly to digital rights. You should not want unwanted people having access to your digital files, your photos, emails, website history, or your camera or microphone. Your home is your private life, your digital life should have the same rights and protections.


不!我们讨厌那些专有的东西! 你的Librem将会用工业标准,比如HDMI,USB,硬件,市场零件,所有的软件都是自由的,自由的。RAM,硬盘或固态硬盘,电池和电源供应都是“现成的”,可以在网上和大盒子店购买。

Do I need special proprietary hardware, software or cables to use a Librem?

No! We hate those proprietary things! Your Librem will work with industry standards such as HDMI, USB, hardware after market parts and all software is free and libre. RAM, hard drives or solid state drives, batteries and power supplies are all “off the shelf” and available for purchase from online and big box stores.



Do I still need antivirus software?

PureOS is based upon the most private and secure foundation in computing, the Linux kernel, that largely eliminates the need for antivirus and malware protection that plague Windows and OSX. In addition to regular security updates, applications are reviewed for security exploits and backdoors, then sandboxed to further protect your files from attack. These services require no user input and just work and work simply. Everything gets updated at once with one simple click. We are additionally evaluating GRsecurity as a proactive defense against some kernel level threats.


是的! 我们拥有一个名为“软件”的应用程序仓库,其中许多不同的应用程序可为您提供更多的游戏、生产力、视频、图形和办公的选择。

Do you have an app store?

Yes! We have an app store called “Software” where many different applications are available giving you many additional gaming, productivity, video, graphics, and office choices.



Does a Librem have Flash, Silverlight, Java and other plug-ins preinstalled?

No, it does not, as these are major security issues. Most websites are switching to HTML5 due to these security issues. However, you can install an OS which supports this proprietary software, but have in mind that this is a bad security practice.



How do I listen to music, watch videos or view my pictures?

PureOS comes pre-installed with applications that allow you to view and edit pictures & video and play your music.




How do I talk to a real person if I have a problem?

You can write us an email at support(at)puri.sm or post in our forums.

We are known to hang around the #purism IRC channel on Freenode.

我的Windows / Mac电脑里还有最喜欢的程序。我还能使用它们吗?



还请注意,基于Windows的程序作为非自由源/专有代码运行,如果您选择安装,则 Purism 不能保证您的Librem将继续安全。我们不建议这样做,为了您自己的隐私和安全,不过,欢迎您的到来,因为Librem是您的机器。

I still have favorite programs from my Windows/Mac computer. Can I still use them?

Yes and no. No Windows applications will run natively on PureOS. However, some Windows applications can be run with an application called Wine. Please go to www.winehq.org to check on the availability of your program. Applications designed for Apple products can not run on a GNU/Linux based machine such as a Librem.

Additionally, you can also run Windows or Apple operating systems within our virtual box application, Boxes, which would allow you to run the applications that you need.

Please also note that Windows based programs run as non-free source/proprietary code and Purism can not offer a guarantee that your Librem will continue to be secure if you choose to install. We do not recommend doing this for your own privacy and security but you are welcome to as the Librem is your machine.



Web浏览器、应用程序和文件管理器将以您在其他设备上使用的方式在PureOS / Librem中工作。它们看起来可能和你习惯的有点不同,但它们会把你带到同一个地方。

I’m used to using an Android phone and a Windows desktop. Will this computer work the same as what I’m used to?

All operating systems have their differences when comparing, for instance, a mobile operating system like Android to a computer focused one like Windows. Apple has differences from Windows as well. However, each operating system allows you to do the same or similar things – it may just be a different button to push or icon to click.

Web browsers, applications and file managers will all work in PureOS/Librem in ways that you are used to on other devices. They may look a little different than what you’re used to, but they will get you to the same place.



I’ve heard that I have to type in complicated commands to use Linux in something called a terminal.

You don’t have to. There is also a “terminal” in Windows, Apple and Google machines as well but like those operating systems, complicated command lines are going away in favor of graphic user interface (GUI) focus. PureOS does have a terminal just like all Linux distributions but it is not needed in many situations for newer users.



PureOS被设计为用户友好,它使用了最流行的桌面环境之一,被称为Gnome 3。Gnome 3在触摸和传统的鼠标和键盘的用户输入中工作得很好,便于使用。Librem具有众所周知的传统端口,并且如果需要更换一些需要更换的部件,就可以轻松地进行更换。

Isn’t GNU/Linux just for hackers, programmers and developers? Do I have to be a computer expert to use PureOS or a Librem?

No, not at all. There are many people that do in fact use GNU/Linux to program and develop applications for various operating systems (not just for Linux) but GNU/Linux is easily used by many people of all levels of computing skill.

PureOS is designed to be user friendly by utilizing one of the most popular desktop environments available called Gnome 3. Gnome 3 works well with both touch and traditional mouse and keyboard user inputs to allow for easy use. The Librem has well known traditional ports and utilizes off the shelf parts for easy replacement if something needs replaced.

什么是 FLOSS?


What is FLOSS?

FLOSS stands for Free/Libre Open Source Software and is software with its source code available to the public and allowed to be modified, improved or whatever else users feel like doing do it. It grants you freedom.

什么是 GNU / Linux ?

一个 “Linux” 操作系统,正确地描述为GNU/Linux,是一个基于Linux内核的操作系统。Linux内核是由Linus Torvalds创建的,最初是为了他在大学期间使用。它被用于GNU操作系统。由Richard Stallman创建的GNU是除去内核之外的整个操作系统。所以,当人们说 “Linux操作系统” 时,他们应该说“GNU/Linux操作系统”,甚至是“GNU 操作系统”。


What is GNU/Linux?

A “Linux” operating system, properly described as GNU/Linux, is an operating system based upon the Linux kernel. The Linux kernel was created by Linus Torvalds initially for his own use during his years in college. It was used with the GNU operating system. GNU, created by Richard Stallman, is the entire operating system, minus the kernel. So, when people say “Linux operating system” they should be saying “GNU/Linux operating system”, or even a “GNU operating system”.

Both Torvalds and Stallman released their software to the world for free.

Free 和 Libre 之间的区别是什么?

英语语言更经常使用“Free”一词来描述一些令免费的东西,而FLOSS中的所有软件都是免费的,而不是强制性地这样做。FLOSS 的重要部分是,您可以自由检查、 学习、 修改它以满足您的需要,而不受版权许可的任何限制——这将禁止您按照自己的意愿使用它。

通常说“free as in freedom”。

What is the difference between free and libre?

English language more often uses word “free” to describe something that is gratis – while it is true that all the software in FLOSS is gratis, it is not mandatory to be like that. The important part of FLOSS is that is has the liberty to be examined, learn about it, modify it to your needs without any restriction of copyright license which forbids you to use it as you want.

Often said it is “free as in freedom”.

Librem 和 PureOS 会让我和我的家人在网上安全吗?

是的。结合使用Linux内核作为操作系统的基础,以及各种增强功能,如GR安全系统、 PureBrowser内的隐私专用插件和硬件杀灭开关,您作为用户在线时可以获得很多安全和安保。

Will the Librem and PureOS keep me and my family safe online?

Yes. Combined with utilizing the Linux kernel as the base of the operating system along with various enhancements such as GR Security, privacy focused add-ons within PureBrowser and the hardware kill switches give you as the user a lot of safety and security while online.

##Librem 设备

(Librem Devices)


在我们的网上商店可以买到Librems。将产品带入大箱子商店是 Purism 在路线图上的一件事。

Are they available in stores or online?

Librems are available on our online store. Getting the product into big box stores is something that is on the Purism road map.


当我们在预加载PureOS时,除了 Parabola、 Trisquel 和其他几个版本之外,PureOS是GNU/Linux发行版中最严格的——我们从Linux内核中删除所有二进制文件——您可以轻松地安装任何不那么严格的最新 GNU/Linux 发行版,比如 Fedora、 Debian 和 Ubuntu。你甚至可以把它们和PureOS一起安装,然后简单的从屏幕上选择运行的操作系统。

我们还没有尝试过安装一个基于非GNU /Linux的操作系统,但是Librem是您的计算机,所以您可以随意使用它,即使这包括安装非自由的Windows或其他操作系统。我们显然不推荐这样做,但这是你的电脑,你可以用它来做你想做的事。

Can I install a different OS on my Librem laptop?

While we are preloading PureOS which, alongside Parabola, Trisquel and few others, is the strictest of GNU/Linux distributions—we strip all binary blobs from the Linux kernel—you can easily install any less strict up-to-date GNU/Linux distribution, such as Fedora, Debian and Ubuntu. You can even install them alongside PureOS, and simply choose what OS to run from the boot screen.

We have not tried installing a non-GNU/Linux-based operating system, but the Librem is your computer, so you can do with it whatever you wish, even if that includes installing non-free Windows or other operating systems. We obviously don’t recommend this, but it is your computer to do what you wish with it.



Can you add upgrades?

Yes, we will customize your Librem to order. You can also unscrew the back and add your own upgrades.

Librem设备使用Non-ECC RAM或ECC内存吗?

非ECC。因为ECC RAM除了选择支持ECC的CPU之外,还需要修改主板。

Do Librem devices use non-ECC RAM or ECC RAM?

Non-ECC. Because ECC RAM takes modifying the motherboard in addition to selecting a CPU that supports ECC.



Do you make the case yourself, or are they from a third party?

They were custom fabricated for us.



更长的回答:我们可以在任何地方运送货物,并提供免费的国际航运,但客户负责海关清关/关税和地方税。国际货运可能会受到海关的处理和附加费的影响,海关政策因国家而异,所以你应该联系当地的海关办事处获取更多信息。当需要办理清关手续时,可能会延误到港时间。如果您通常可以从美国订购产品并将其运给您,那么您可以以同样的方式从 Purism 订购。

Do you ship worldwide?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer: We can ship pretty much anywhere, and offer free international shipping, but the customer is responsible for customs clearing/duties, and local taxation. International shipments may be subject to customs processing and additional charges, customs policies vary from country to country, therefore you should contact your local customs office for more information. When customs clearance procedures are required, it can cause delays in arrival. If you can normally order product from the U.S. and have it shipped to you, then you can order from Purism in the same manner.



Do your computers come with disk encrypting software? If not, what are the best options for disk encryption?

We ship with the option, during setup, to encrypt your home directory. Full disk encryption (as with any GNU/Linux based system) requires you to do it during installation. If you want home directory encryption, we got you covered. If you want full disk encryption, you can install the OS from a USB stick to get that.



How are the devices shipped?

By FedEx in USA, and USPS for International shipments.


HKS在物理上切断了手机/网络摄像头的电源,以及设备中的无线/蓝牙无线设备。在一些案例中,大型政府机构或附近的黑客远程访问这些设备,打开电脑,或者通过麦克风或网络摄像头查看或监听。把摄像机打开和关闭的软件解决方案很容易被绕过。HKS从物理上切断了附件的电子电路。没有电力, 不运作。当开关被打开的时候,配件就很简单地关闭了,无法远程打开。



How do the Hardware Kill Switches (HKS) work? Why do they matter?

The HKS physically cut the power going to the microphone/webcam and the wifi/bluetooth radios in the device. There have been several cases where either big government agencies or nearby hackers have remotely accessed these devices to turn on computers or otherwise view or listen in through the microphone or web camera. Software solutions of turning the camera on and off can be easily bypassed. The HKS physically cut the electronic circuit to the accessory. No power, no work. When the switches are thrown the accessory is, quite simply, off, and can not be remotely turned back on.

This matters as a security feature and for your own piece of mind. No longer do you have to worry about private communications being recorded or someone looking back at you through the webcam. Parents can especially enjoy this feature to help protect their children.

The switch for the WiFi can be thrown and along with pulling out the ethernet cord will ensure you the convenience of true off line computing. Then when you want to use either the microphone/web camera or the WiFi/Bluetooth, simply return power to the accessory by turning the switch.


Librem运行PureOS作为操作系统。这个操作系统是基于Linux内核的,隐私和安全专家认为这是非常安全的。这是由于它是自由软件,源代码是可用的,这意味着具有适当技术技能的人可以很容易地阅读、查看和理解操作系统的语言。你所使用的操作系统,比如Windows和OS X是不自由的,源代码是由微软和苹果公司控制的。这个非自由的软件,源代码在专有的操作系统中是不可用的,因此不可能完全阅读和理解计算机语言,因此不可能完全知道你的微软或苹果电脑正在做什么,或者它是否安全。

What are the benefits of using a Librem?

The Librem runs PureOS as it’s operating system. This operating system is based upon the Linux kernel and is viewed by privacy and security experts as being incredibly secure. This is due to it being free software where the source code is available, meaning that people with proper technical skill can easily read, view and understand the language of the operating system. Operating systems that you are used to such as Windows and OS X are non-free and the source code is held by Microsoft and Apple. This non-free software, where the source code is not available in proprietary OSes makes it impossible to fully read and understand the computer language thereby making it impossible to fully know what your Microsoft or Apple based computer is doing or if it is secure.



What do I get in the box?

Your Librem and power cord.

什么是Librem ?

Librem这个名字来源于制作一台真正自由的笔记本电脑的愿望。Libre是一个形容词,意思是“自由的,不受限制”,用来区别于免费的意思 “Free of Charge”。在gnu/linux社区中,Libre(#这个词)被广泛地使用,以表明软件是自由的,因为它的源代码是可用的,而不是那些无法查看源代码的非自由软件。Libre也可以很容易地翻译成各种语言。添加“m”是为了帮助它(#发音的时候)卷舌头。

What is a Librem?

The Librem name originated with the desire to make a truly freedom respecting laptop. Libre is an adjective meaning “free, at liberty” and is used to distinguish it from gratis which means “free of charge”. Libre is used extensively in the GNU/Linux community to show that software is free in the sense that its source code is available as opposed to non-free software where the source code can not be viewed. Libre also translates easily to a variety of languages. The “m” was added to help it roll of the tongue.



What the Librem’s cases (bodies) made of?

The outer shell is solid aluminum with a black anodized finish.



Where can I read about your warranty/return policy?

See the policies page for our warranty, returns & refunds policy.


我们正在努力降低librem的价格。事实上,我们在2016年4月将Librem 13的价格降低了200多美元!简而言之,这完全是供求关系的经济学问题。随着对尊重隐私和安全计算的需求越来越大,价格将会下降,因为我们将能够为我们出色的计算机订购更多的部件。


Why does it cost so much? What’s the benefits of paying more?

We are working hard to bring down the price of the Librems. In fact, we were able to reduce the price of the Librem 13 in April 2016 by over $200! In the simplest terms, it is the sheer economics of supply and demand. As there is more demand for privacy respecting and secure computing, the price will come down because as we will be able to order more parts for our wonderful computers.

The truth is that we need capital in order to grow as a business. We are already working with thin margins. The benefits to supporting a privacy and security focused computer manufacturer are vast but the decision to help us is yours.


我们正在努力降低Librem的价格。事实上,我们在2016年4月将Librem 13的价格降低了200多美元!简而言之,这完全是供求关系的经济学问题。随着对尊重隐私和安全计算的需求越来越大,价格将会下降,因为我们将能够为我们出色的计算机订购更多的部件。


We are working hard to bring down the price of the Librems. In fact, we were able to reduce the price of the Librem 13 in April 2016 by over $200! In the simplest terms, it is the sheer economics of supply and demand. As there is more demand for privacy respecting and secure computing, the price will come down because as we will be able to order more parts for our wonderful computers.

The truth is that we need capital in order to grow as a business. We are already working with thin margins. The benefits to supporting a privacy and security focused computer manufacturer are vast but the decision to help us is yours.


一些用户认为Librem非常有价值。其他人则认为它太贵了。这完全取决于你住在哪里,以及你把剧本和什么比较。如果你把Librem和其他高端个人电脑(如高端联想(Lenovo)或MacBook Pro)进行逐一对比,它的定价相当,甚至更低。如果你把Librem比作在使用过的2008年Thinkpad上安装GNU/Linux,那么它是很昂贵的。随着销售量的增加,我们将能够以更低的价格获得和采购零部件。规模经济将在未来使价格下降。Librem是一个坚固的,手工制作的,非常高质量的,精品的“微酿”计算机,在我们的美国工厂中精心组装。

Why is it so expensive?

Some users think the Librem is a very good value. Others think it is too expensive. This all depends on where you live, and what you are comparing the Librem to. If you compare the Librem, feature by feature, to other high end PCs, such as a high end Lenovo or a MacBook Pro it is priced comparably, or even lower priced. If you compare the Librem to installing GNU/Linux on a used 2008 Thinkpad, it’s expensive. As sales volume increases we will be able to obtain and source components at a lower price. Economies of scale will bring prices down in the future. The Librem is a solid, hand-built, very high quality, boutique “microbrewed” computer, assembled with care to your specifications in our facility in the USA.


是的,可以订购无线卡、RAM、 2.5寸 SATA驱动器 和M2 SSD、 电源适配器。电池在美国国内可以买到,电池的国际运输是根据具体情况而定的(由于诸如此类的承运人限制)。

Will the Librem have replacement and upgrade parts?

Yes, it is possible to order replacements for the wireless card, RAM, 2.5″ SATA drive and M.2 SSD, power adapter. Batteries are available within the USA, international shipment for batteries is on a case-by-case basis (due to carrier restrictions such as these).

##PureOS 和 软件 (PureOS & Software)




Can I browse anonymously?

Yes, you can install and setup The Onion Router (Tor).

Tor provides anonymity online, designed to protect your privacy, defending against network surveillance and traffic analysis. Tor prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits.

我可以在 Librem 上安装 Debian、 Redhat 和 Ubuntu吗?

是的,您可以自由地为另一个操作系统删除默认的 Purism OS(这是基于Debian测试版的),但是重要的是要注意安装一个非自由的发行版将包含神秘的软件,您不能确切地知道它到底做了什么。因此,我们建议使用任何自由的 GNU / Linux发行版。Debian(main)也是一个完全自由的发行版,但它提供了一个从非自由来源安装的选项。

Can I install Debian, Redhat, Ubuntu on a Librem?

Yes, you have the freedom to remove the default Purism OS (which is Debian Testing based) for another OS, but it important to note installing a non-free distribution will contain mystery software, which you cannot know with certainty what it actually does. So it is our recommendation to use any free GNU/Linux distributions. Debian (main) is also a completely free distribution, but it offers installation from non-free sources as an option.

Can I install Debian, Redhat, Ubuntu on a Librem?

Yes, you have the freedom to remove the default Purism OS (which is Debian Testing based) for another OS, but it important to note installing a non-free distribution will contain mystery software, which you cannot know with certainty what it actually does. So it is our recommendation to use any free GNU/Linux distributions. Debian (main) is also a completely free distribution, but it offers installation from non-free sources as an option.


是也不是。您可以使用三个可用的应用程序:Wine、 Play on Linux 和Crossover,在基于GNU/Linux的机器上运行Windows应用程序。请查看他们网站上的列表,以了解与您感兴趣的特定应用程序的兼容性。从技术上讲,您可以使用我们的虚拟机应用程序, Boxes,在PureOS中运行完整的Windows操作系统,并运行您喜欢的所有Windows应用程序。就像所有的虚拟机一样,你的Librem的性能也会下降。

请注意,在隐私或安全方面,Purism 不建议做任何这些方法。运行 .exe 或 .msi 安装程序可以打开计算机的安全漏洞,恶意软件和其他隐私问题。但是,如果您感兴趣或需要运行某个Windows应用程序,则可以这样做。

Can I run Windows applications?

Yes and no. You can use three available applications, Wine, Play on Linux and Crossover, to run Windows applications on a GNU/Linux based machine. Please check the listings on their websites for compatibility with the particular application that you are interested in running. For the more technically inclined, you can use our included virtual machine application, Boxes, to run a full Windows operating system inside PureOS and run any and all Windows application that you like. As with all virtual machines, there will be a performance decline of your Librem.

Please note that Purism cannot recommend doing any of these methods for privacy or security purposes. Running a .exe or.msi installer can open one’s computer to security holes, malware and other privacy concerns. However, this can be done if you are interested or need to run a certain Windows application.

PureOS 可以保护我免受病毒、恶意软件和敲诈者吗?







Can PureOS protect me from viruses, malware and cryptolocker?

By its nature, PureOS is immune from most forms of virus and malware because it is based upon the Linux kernel. In simplest terms, the kernel is the foundation of any operating system. From there, we pre-install further protections in order to help keep you safe, private and secure.

GrSecurity provides added security by hardening the Linux kernel, sealing potential leaks and security holes. It is an approach to secure the kernel by reducing the threats the kernel could see.

ClamAV is an anti-virus and malware protection tool.

Uncomplicated Fire Wall helps to keep you secure by not allowing connections to your computer.

These services are provided free of cost and with little necessary input from the user.

Further, our Hardware Kill Switches allow for you to physically cut the connection to Bluetooth and WiFi allowing you true offline computing.



Do you put up ads or steal and sell my data?

No. Quite simply, we will not show you advertisements nor do we care about mining your data. Your data, your pictures, your browsing history – that’s for you and you alone. We exist as a company because we personally wanted to have better control of our own data. And we think you do to.


有问题吗?在我们的论坛上,在Twitter上,或者向 support@puri.sm 给我们发一封电子邮件。

How do I use PureOS?

Have a question? Ask us and the community in our forums, on Twitter or send us an email at support(at)puri.sm


PureOS基于另一个名为Debian的GNU/Linux操作系统。Debian认为,正如我们所做的,软件应该是自由(Free/Libre)和开源 (OpenSource) 的。我们包括我们自己的“Spin”,包括安全特性和一些最好的应用程序,以提供巨大的生产力和乐趣。我们还包含了 PureBrowser,这是一个基于著名的Mozilla技术的关注隐私和安全的web浏览器。PureBrowser将所有的猜测(GuessWork)都排除在安全私密浏览之外,同时保持你所习惯的体验。

How is PureOS different from other GNU/Linux distributions?

PureOS is based on another GNU/Linux OS called Debian. Debian believes, as we do, that software should be free/libre and open source. We include our own “spin”, include security features and bundle some of the best applications to provide tremendous productivity and enjoyment. We also include PureBrowser, a privacy and security focused web browser based upon well-known Mozilla technologies. PureBrowser takes all of the guesswork out of having secure and private browsing while maintaining the experience that you are used to.



How often do other installed applications receive updates?

There are frequent updates, new features and bug fixes (when needed) by the writers and maintainers of the application. A set time frame can not be provided as this is largely based upon their own plans.



How often will PureOS receive updates?

PureOS is updated daily with security updates and bug fixes.



这是 "Excel" 的一个例子:

这是 "PhotoShop" 的一个例子:


How to find alternative programs to common Windows or Mac software?

A lot of users are unaware of what alternative programs are available for certain proprietary Windows or Mac software they would like to use. The easiest way to determine what alternative programs there are is to open up ‘Add/Remove Applications’, where you can type the software you are familiar with by name to see a list of alternatives. You can easily install these, try them out, and remove them right from ‘Add/Remove Applications’. If there is no match for the exact name you’re looking for, you can browse by category, or generalize your search. If you prefer a web search, you can use osalt.com.

Here is an example for ‘Excel’:

Here is an example for ‘Photoshop’:

Here is an example for ‘Skype’ that is generalized to ‘Video Call’:

Return to Top




这显示的是 “请求HTML5播放器”:

这显示了 “在可能的时候使用HTML5播放器”。

How to play YouTube videos?

YouTube uses HTML5 by default as flash is nonfree software. If you happen to be using flash you should change youtube to use html5 by default.

Head on over to YouTube HTML5 Video Player, and click the “Request the HTML5 player”.

This shows the “Request the HTML5 player”:

This shows after clicked “The HTML5 player is currently used when possible.”



What are the benefits of using PureOS?

PureOS allows for a more safe and secure use and web browsing experience than non-free operating systems like those found on Apple, Google or Microsoft devices. The Linux Kernel and Linux based operating systems are immune from most viruses and malware.



What kind of cyberthreats can be prevented with a Librem?

All threats are bonded a lot to user interaction with their device. Librem by default doesn’t track or log your keypresses, location, software usage. It has app isolation (with Wayland) and SELinux enabled.



*: Mozilla的措辞,不是我们的…

What makes PureBrowser so special? How will it protect me?

PureBrowser is “based on Mozilla technology”*. We install several of the best available add-ons to offer protections not found in a standard web browser default installation. We take the worries and concerns away from you and install only the best.

*: Mozilla’s wording, not ours…





Will I be able to install CAD and design software?

Yes, there are plenty of CAD applications, some are listed as ‘professional’ and are quite popular on GNU/Linux systems such as LibreCAD:

LibreCAD is an application for computer aided design (CAD) in two dimensions (2D). With LibreCAD you can create technical drawings such as plans for buildings, interiors, mechanical parts or schematics and diagrams.

Homepage: http://www.librecad.org/


如果使用得当,Librem将比Windows和Mac OS x更难以进行数据入侵。它集成了完整的磁盘加密、所有最好的GNU/Linux安全实践、沙盒应用程序和强化的安全特性。

Will the Librem help me avoid data breaches?

Properly used, Librem will make it by magnitudes harder to have data breaches compared to Windows and Mac OS X. It has integrated full disk encryption, all of the best GNU/Linux security practices, sand boxed applications, and hardened security features.

##技术和高级 (Technical & Advanced)


不。我们附带自由软件固件Coreboot。我们不提供Librem 13或Librem 15任何专有的BIOS/UEFI。

Can I buy a Librem with a proprietary BIOS/UEFI?

No. We ship with the free software firmware coreboot. We don’t ship Librem 13 or Librem 15 with any proprietary BIOS/UEFI.

Librem 的CPU是支持X还是Y的?


Librem 11:M-5Y10c Librem 13 rev1:i5 - 5200 u Librem 13 rev2:i5 - 6200 u Librem 15 rev2:i7 - 5557 u Librem 15 rev3:i7 - 6500 u

Do Librem CPUs support feature X or Y?

There are links to detailed CPU specs in our store, but here’s the list also for older revisions (current hardware revision is emphasized):

Librem 11: M-5Y10c Librem 13 rev1: i5-5200U Librem 13 rev2: i5-6200U Librem 15 rev2: i7-5557U Librem 15 rev3: i7-6500U


是的,Librem 13v2和Librem 15v3是预装了coreboot的。

对于以前版本的Librem硬件遵循 https://puri.sm/coreboot/ 页面。了解有关coreboot支持的硬件。

Do Librem devices support coreboot?

Yes, Librem 13v2 and Librem 15v3 come with coreboot pre-installed.

For previous versions of Librem hardware follow the https://puri.sm/coreboot/ page to learn about coreboot supported hardware.



我们可以在USB密钥上提供Qubes OS安装程序,但我们不再提供它作为预加载的SSD选项。


Do you support Qubes OS?

While there is no official certification, our laptops are generally found to work fine with Qubes OS.

We may offer the Qubes OS installer on a USB key as an option, but we no longer offer it as a pre-loaded SSD option.

For technical support when running Qubes OS, please refer to the Qubes community.



Does every software application designed for GNU/Linux run on PureOS?

Every software packaged in Debian should run on PureOS.



更长的答案是,Purism使用Debian main作为我们的发行版基础,根据定义,它将所有软件中的任何非自由软件和任何二进制文件都删除了。Debian的Linux内核是从主线Linux内核中剥离所有非自由的组件,并将它们放入单独的包中。高通公司的AR9485无线网络适配器使用的驱动程序是ath9k。

Does the Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 wireless adapter use a free driver?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer, Purism is using Debian main as our base distribution, which by definition strips any non-free software as well as any binary blobs from all software. Debian’s Linux kernel is strips of all non-free components from mainline Linux kernel and puts them into separate package. The driver that the Qualcomm Atheros AR9485 Wireless Network Adapter uses is the ath9k.

Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411以太网适配器是否使用免费驱动程序?


更长的回答是,Purism使用Debian main作为我们的发行版基础,根据定义,它会将任何非自由软件以及所有软件中的任何二进制blobs都去掉。Debian的Linux内核是从主线Linux内核中剥离所有非自由的组件,并将它们放入单独的包中。瑞昱RTL8111/8168/8411以太网适配器的驱动程序使用的是deblobbed r8169。

Does the Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 ethernet adapter use a free driver?

Short answer: Yes.

Longer answer, Purism is using Debian main as our base distribution, which by definition strips any non-free software as well as any binary blobs from all software. Debian’s Linux kernel is strips of all non-free components from mainline Linux kernel and puts them into separate package. The driver that the Realtek RTL8111/8168/8411 Ethernet Adapter uses is the deblobbed r8169.



What component options you are offering for the primary storage?

SATA III SSD, and the M.2 is PCIe SSD.

什么隐秘代码或二进制斑点仍然保留在 Purism 笔记本电脑中? 他们有什么问题吗?

安全性是一种深度的游戏,而 Purism 比任何厂商都要更深入的通过在计算机的前四层中避免blob或神秘代码:应用程序,操作系统,内核,和引导程序。

在固件级别,我们使用 Coreboot,而不是专有的BIOS/UEFI,这对于当前的高端笔记本来说是一个巨大的进步。在Coreboot内部还是有一些二进制文件,主要是英特尔的管理引擎。我们有了解放整个固件的最终目标,我们正在慢慢地解决这个问题,正如你可以在这里看到的:


我们“尽可能接近自由软件基金会在英特尔CPU上尊重您的自由”。但是,正在投入大量的资金实现 Coreboot 二进制代码的自由。

Security is a game of depth, and Purism goes deeper than any manufacturer by avoiding blobs or mystery code in the top 4 layers of a computer: applications, operating system, kernel, and bootloader.

At the firmware level, we utilize Coreboot instead of a proprietary BIOS/UEFI, a huge advancement for current high-end laptops. Within Coreboot there is still some binaries, primarily the Intel Management Engine. We have the end-goal of freeing the entire firmware, and we are inching our way toward solving that, as you can follow along here:


We are “as close to free software foundations respects your freedom as possible with current Intel CPUs.” but are spending real money to advance that toward Coreboot binary freedom.




*: 自2012年以来,网站上Flash的使用量一直在缓慢下降,2015年降至10%以下。

When a website states that a software (like a hardware driver) is designed to run on GNU/Linux will that software (driver) also run on an operating system like PureOS?

PureOS is GNU/Linux, all websites work with PureBrowser, which is based on Mozilla technologies.

There are some (increasingly rare*) websites that use Flash, and we do not recommend Flash, due to its binary, proprietary, non-free status. But of course you are free to do with the computer what you will.

*: usage of Flash on websites has been in slow decline since 2012, falling below 10% in 2015.

我能自己安装第二个HDD / SSD和m2 SSD吗?


Would I be able to install (myself) my own choice of second HDD/SSD and M.2 SSD?

Yes. But bear in mind you might need additional stuff like screws and aluminium frames for mounting the disk, which don’t come by default with our laptops.

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