

Before formally defining .NET delegates, let’s gain a bit of perspective. (在正式定义.NET delegate之前,让我们获得一点点透视Historically speaking, the

Windows API made frequent use of C-style function pointers to create entities termed callback functions or simply callbacks. (从历史的角度来说,Windows


Using callbacks, programmers were able to configure one function to

report back to (call back) another function in the application. (使用回调函数,程序员可以配置一个函数回调这个应用程序中的另一个函数)

Using this approach, Win32 developers

were able to handle button clicking, mouse moving, menu selecting, and general bidirectional

communications between two programming entities.

The problem with standard C-style callback functions is that they represent little more than a

raw address in memory. Ideally, callbacks could be configured to include additional type-safe information

such as the number of (and types of) parameters and the return value (if any) of the method

pointed to. Sadly, this is not the case in traditional callback functions, and, as you may suspect, can

therefore be a frequent source of bugs, hard crashes, and other runtime disasters. Nevertheless, callbacks

are useful entities.

In the .NET Framework, callbacks are still possible, and their functionality is accomplished in a

much safer and more object-oriented manner using delegates. In essence, a delegate is a type-safe

object that points to another method (or possibly a list of methods) in the application, which can be

invoked at a later time. Specifically speaking, a delegate object maintains three important pieces of



The address of the method on which it makes calls

• The arguments (if any) of this method

• The return value (if any) of this method




Unlike C(++) function pointers, .NET delegates can point to either static or instance methods


Once a delegate has been created and provided the necessary information, it may dynamically

invoke the method(s) it points to at runtime. As you will see, every delegate in the .NET Framework

(including your custom delegates) is automatically endowed with the ability to call its methods

synchronously or asynchronously. This fact greatly simplifies programming tasks, given that we

can call a method on a secondary thread of execution without manually creating and managing a

Thread object.


Defining a Delegate in C#

When you want to create a delegate in C#, you make use of the delegate keyword. The name of your

delegate can be whatever you desire. However, you must define the delegate to match the signature

of the method it will point to. For example, assume you wish to build a delegate named BinaryOp

that can point to any method that returns an integer and takes two integers as input parameters:

// This delegate can point to any method,

// taking two integers and returning an integer.

public delegate int BinaryOp(int x, int y);

Delegates can also “point to” methods that contain any number of out or ref parameters (as

well as array parameters marked with the params keyword).


数组参数)For example, assume the following

delegate type:

public delegate string MyOtherDelegate(out bool a, ref bool b, int c);

The signatures of the Invoke() and BeginInvoke() methods look as you would expect; however,

check out the EndInvoke() method, which now includes the set of all out/ref arguments defined by

the delegate type:

sealed class MyOtherDelegate : System.MulticastDelegate


public MyOtherDelegate (object target, uint functionAddress);

public string Invoke(out bool a, ref bool b, int c);

public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(out bool a, ref bool b, int c,

AsyncCallback cb, object state);

public string EndInvoke(out bool a, ref bool b, IAsyncResult result);


To summarize, a C# delegate definition results in a sealed class with three compiler-generated

methods whose parameter and return types are based on the delegate’s declaration.



The following

pseudo-code approximates the basic pattern:

// This is only pseudo-code!

public sealed class DelegateName : System.MulticastDelegate


public DelegateName (object target, uint functionAddress);

public delegateReturnValue Invoke(allDelegateInputRefAndOutParams);

public IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(allDelegateInputRefAndOutParams,

AsyncCallback cb, object state);

public delegateReturnValue EndInvoke(allDelegateRefAndOutParams,

IAsyncResult result);



The System.MulticastDelegate and

System.Delegate Base Classes

So, when you build a type using the C# delegate keyword, you indirectly declare a class type that

derives from System.MulticastDelegate.

因此,当你构造一个使用C# delegate关键字的类型时,你间接地声明了一个类类型派生自System.MulticastDelegate.


1. 派生的

This class provides descendents with access to a list that

contains the addresses of the methods maintained by the delegate type, as well as several additional

methods (and a few overloaded operators) to interact with the invocation list. Here are some select

members of System.MulticastDelegate:

public abstract class MulticastDelegate : Delegate


// Returns the list of methods "pointed to."

public sealed override Delegate[] GetInvocationList();

// Overloaded operators.

public static bool operator ==(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2);

public static bool operator !=(MulticastDelegate d1, MulticastDelegate d2);




一个简单的delegate example



using System;
//this delegate can point to any method,
//taking two integers and returning an integer
public delegate int BinaryOp(int x,int y);

//This class contains methods BinaryOp will
//point to
public class SimpleMath
    public static int Add(int x, int y)
        return x + y;
    public static int Subtract(int x, int y)
        return x - y;
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Console.WriteLine("*****Simple Delegate Example******/n");

        //Create a BinaryOp object that
        //"Point to "SimpleMath.Add()
        BinaryOp b = new BinaryOp(SimpleMath.Add);

        //invoke Add() method indirectly using delegate object
        Console.WriteLine("10+10 is {0}", b(10, 10));





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