
Host Name Platform CPUs Cores Sockets Memory (GB)
dm05dbadm03.oscbj.com Linux x86 64-bit 36 18 2 251.92
Snap Id Snap Time Sessions Cursors/Session Instances
Begin Snap: 346 18-Sep-15 14:06:05 63 2.6 2
End Snap: 347 18-Sep-15 14:17:54 62 2.5 2
Elapsed:   11.82 (mins)      
DB Time:   955.38 (mins)      

Report Summary

Load Profile

Per Second Per Transaction Per Exec Per Call
DB Time(s): 80.9 0.0 0.00 0.00
DB CPU(s): 22.3 0.0 0.00 0.00
Redo size (bytes): 57,226,880.3 3,028.3    
Logical read (blocks): 1,518,183.5 80.3    
Block changes: 277,615.3 14.7    
Physical read (blocks): 189.5 0.0    
Physical write (blocks): 3,566.3 0.2    
Read IO requests: 71.9 0.0    
Write IO requests: 339.6 0.0    
Read IO (MB): 1.5 0.0    
Write IO (MB): 27.9 0.0    
Global Cache blocks received: 1,853.7 0.1    
Global Cache blocks served: 1,767.7 0.1    
User calls: 18,907.9 1.0    
Parses (SQL): 9.3 0.0    
Hard parses (SQL): 0.1 0.0    
SQL Work Area (MB): 36.2 0.0    
Logons: 0.7 0.0    
Executes (SQL): 302,371.8 16.0    
Rollbacks: 0.0 0.0    
Transactions: 18,897.6      

Instance Efficiency Percentages (Target 100%)

Buffer Nowait %: 99.91 Redo NoWait %: 100.00
Buffer Hit %: 99.99 In-memory Sort %: 100.00
Library Hit %: 103.80 Soft Parse %: 98.56
Execute to Parse %: 100.00 Latch Hit %: 97.52
Parse CPU to Parse Elapsd %: 70.27 % Non-Parse CPU: 100.00

Top 10 Foreground Events by Total Wait Time

Event Waits Total Wait Time (sec) Wait Avg(ms) % DB time Wait Class
log file sync 13,120,494 22.7K 2 39.6 Commit
DB CPU   15.8K   27.6  
library cache: mutex X 2,557,861 6611.4 3 11.5 Concurrency
cursor: pin S 392,179 2524.9 6 4.4 Concurrency
latch: ges resource hash list 1,626,610 2300.4 1 4.0 Other
latch: enqueue hash chains 1,029,712 1529 1 2.7 Other
latch: cache buffers chains 659,624 970.5 1 1.7 Concurrency
gc current block busy 419,485 652.5 2 1.1 Cluster
gc buffer busy acquire 289,925 362.9 1 .6 Cluster
latch: redo allocation 321,378 220.6 1 .4 Other

Wait Classes by Total Wait Time

Wait Class Waits Total Wait Time (sec) Avg Wait (ms) % DB time Avg Active Sessions
Commit 13,120,496 22,723 2 39.6 32.1
DB CPU   15,812   27.6 22.3
Concurrency 4,383,009 10,359 2 18.1 14.6
Other 4,766,473 4,672 1 8.2 6.6
Cluster 1,998,469 1,659 1 2.9 2.3
System I/O 927,567 326 0 .6 0.5
User I/O 51,552 31 1 .1 0.0
Configuration 14,557 28 2 .0 0.0
Network 13,406,970 14 0 .0 0.0
Application 6 0 0 .0 0.0

Host CPU

CPUs Cores Sockets Load Average Begin Load Average End %User %System %WIO %Idle
36 18 2 10.67 12.11 58.1 13.8 0.0 26.3

Instance CPU

%Total CPU %Busy CPU %DB time waiting for CPU (Resource Manager)
64.9 88.1 0.0

IO Profile

Read+Write Per Second Read per Second Write Per Second
Total Requests: 3,397.7 75.8 3,321.8
Database Requests: 411.5 71.9 339.6
Optimized Requests: 693.7 75.7 618.0
Redo Requests: 2,981.2 0.0 2,981.2
Total (MB): 143.0 1.5 141.4
Database (MB): 29.3 1.5 27.9
Optimized Total (MB): 20.5 1.5 19.0
Redo (MB): 113.6 0.0 113.6
Database (blocks): 3,755.8 189.5 3,566.3
Via Buffer Cache (blocks): 3,755.4 189.5 3,566.0
Direct (blocks): 0.4 0.0 0.4

Memory Statistics

Begin End
Host Mem (MB): 257,965.6 257,965.6
SGA use (MB): 112,896.0 112,896.0
PGA use (MB): 508.4 507.1
% Host Mem used for SGA+PGA: 43.96 43.96

Cache Sizes

Begin End
Buffer Cache: 97,024M 97,024M Std Block Size: 8K
Shared Pool Size: 11,843M 11,841M Log Buffer: 268,108K

Shared Pool Statistics

Begin End
Memory Usage %: 48.91 48.95
% SQL with executions>1: 89.01 91.25
% Memory for SQL w/exec>1: 77.47 83.14

IOStat by Function summary

  • 'Data' columns suffixed with M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1024 other columns suffixed with K,M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1000
  • ordered by (Data Read + Write) desc
Function Name Reads: Data Reqs per sec Data per sec Writes: Data Reqs per sec Data per sec Waits: Count Avg Tm(ms)
LGWR 1M 0.03 .001M 78.6G 2981.21 113.548 528.4K 0.19
DBWR 0M 0.00 0M 19.3G 339.28 27.832M 0  
Buffer Cache Reads 1G 71.87 1.48M 0M 0.00 0M 48.1K 0.32
Others 44M 3.93 .062M 13M 0.98 .018M 1660 0.09
Direct Writes 0M 0.00 0M 1M 0.01 .001M 0  
Streams AQ 0M 0.00 0M 0M 0.00 0M 1 0.00
TOTAL: 1.1G 75.83 1.543M 97.9G 3321.49 141.4M 578.1K 0.20

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IOStat by Filetype summary

  • 'Data' columns suffixed with M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1024 other columns suffixed with K,M,G,T,P are in multiples of 1000
  • Small Read and Large Read are average service times, in milliseconds
  • Ordered by (Data Read + Write) desc
Filetype Name Reads: Data Reqs per sec Data per sec Writes: Data Reqs per sec Data per sec Small Read Large Read
Log File 0M 0.01 0M 78.6G 2981.19 113.548 6.75  
Data File 1G 71.88 1.48M 19.3G 339.26 27.829M 0.30  
Control File 44M 3.93 .062M 10M 0.95 .014M 0.05  
Other 0M 0.02 0M 1M 0.06 .001M 2.33  
TOTAL: 1.1G 75.83 1.542M 97.9G 3321.46 141.393 0.29  

init.ora Parameters

Parameter Name Begin value End value (if different)
_enable_NUMA_support FALSE   
_file_size_increase_increment 2143289344   
_smm_auto_max_io_size 1024   
audit_sys_operations TRUE   
audit_trail DB   
cluster_database TRUE   
control_files +DATAC1/cydb/controlfile/current.267.889538011, +RECOC1/cydb/controlfile/current.256.889538013   
db_block_checking false   
db_block_checksum typical   
db_block_size 8192   
db_create_file_dest +DATAC1   
db_create_online_log_dest_1 +DATAC1   
db_create_online_log_dest_2 +RECOC1   
db_files 1024   
db_lost_write_protect typical   
db_name cydb   
diagnostic_dest /u01/app/oracle   
fast_start_mttr_target 300   
filesystemio_options setall   
global_names TRUE   
instance_number 1   
local_listener (ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=   
log_buffer 134217728   
open_cursors 1000   
parallel_adaptive_multi_user FALSE   
parallel_execution_message_size 16384   
parallel_max_servers 240   
parallel_min_servers 0   
parallel_threads_per_cpu 1   
pga_aggregate_target 39402340352   
plsql_warnings DISABLE:ALL   
processes 1024   
recyclebin on   
remote_listener dm05-scan:1521   
remote_login_passwordfile EXCLUSIVE   
resource_manager_plan INTERNAL_PLAN   
service_names cytaf   
sga_target 118380036096   
spfile +DATAC1/cydb/spfilecydb.ora   
sql92_security TRUE   
thread 1   
undo_tablespace UNDOTBS1   
use_large_pages ONLY   

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init.ora Multi-Valued Parameters

  • This section only displays parameters that have more one value
  • '(NULL)' indicates a missing parameter value
  • A blank in the End Snapshot indicates the same value as the BeginSnapshot
Parameter Name Begin value End value (if different)
control_files +DATAC1/cydb/controlfile/current.267.889538011   

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