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转载 calculate parallelly

usually:SET CALCPARALLEL n; where n is one less than the number of processor, soleave one process for othe...

2012-05-24 07:17:19 136

转载 create a workforce planning application

1) make sure the workforce and capex option are chosen when configuring planning2) when creating the EPMA based ...

2012-05-11 07:08:34 113

转载 workflow email notification setup

1) administration->application setting->advanced setting->system settings->E-mail option->Email ser...

2012-04-19 06:10:19 137

转载 planning security

1) in Planning, a form. can be assigned to a view only user2) for opening form, dimensions need to be provisione...

2012-04-14 03:52:20 102

转载 calculation for time balance property, formula, two pass

say "Margin %" has a formula: Margin % Sales, and both Qtr1 and "Margin %" are dynamic.if only time balance pro...

2012-04-10 06:49:38 93

转载 essbase export and import

for essbase export option:set dataexportoptions{DataExportLevel Level0;DataExportDimHeader on;};expor...

2012-03-30 06:34:13 178

转载 sales statistics

bop_subs+net_adds=eop_subsnet_adds=adj_gross_adds-net_deactsadj_gross_adds=gross_adds - FBNPdeactivati...

2012-03-30 06:24:47 95


ARPU -- average revenue per userCPGA - cost per gross addsCCU - cash cost per user.they are all based on a...

2012-03-30 06:18:58 164

转载 mass allocation

mass allocate is to allocate values from total to certain segments, say location.the formula is:A*B/C, where A...

2012-03-30 06:14:59 86

转载 grid spread and mass allocate

mass allocate feature need special provision: planningApps->app->mass allocation.those are different from ...

2012-03-30 06:10:30 78

转载 hyperion financial reporting

Financial report studio can be used to create report, but you need to be in web to run the report. need to be prov...

2012-03-30 05:59:17 148

转载 planning model

the usual planning model has:workforce, operation cost, profitworkforce planning is for forecasting base sa...

2012-03-08 08:49:34 83

转载 dimension order in a outline

it's called modified hourglass model or hourglass model in a stick:account dimensiontime dimensionlargest...

2012-02-25 08:47:31 94

转载 planning command line tool

PasswordEncryption.sh -- encrypt password in a file, which make password in put in prompt not neededCalcMgrCmdL...

2012-02-22 04:10:16 86

转载 essbase calcuation order

firstly:only "100-30"->California block exist after loaddo agg(Market)[Tue Feb 14 10:36:20 2012]EssSvr64/...

2012-02-17 09:18:49 60

转载 trigger for essbase

can use trigger to monitor data change:CREATE TRIGGER 'Profit'.'Main'.'NBC_Detail' WHERE (NBC_Detail, Total, ...

2012-02-15 09:28:19 72

转载 dynamic calculation

Margin[dynamic]->West[dynamic]: according to the dynamic calculation order:sparse->account->time->d...

2012-02-09 05:53:43 92

转载 essbase block creation

essbase blocks are created on: ( if there is no block, no pag and ind file)1) data load2) aggregation/calcuati...

2012-02-08 02:05:42 97

转载 "=" in Essbase calculation

A=1 ( A is account member) all values for A is 1A=B (both A and B are account member) all values for ...

2012-01-27 06:17:38 45

转载 account type for essbase account member set

in ERP, there are A,L,O,R,E, etc. (can find gl_code_combinations table)for R,E account, period_net_dr/period_net...

2012-01-27 06:01:51 69

转载 DRM for essbase

for build a essbase, the properties need to export from DRM:parent namemember namealiasmember property stringUDAfo...

2012-01-21 08:37:31 63

转载 BSO or ASO essbase

ASO is good due to its speed, less space, etc. but it has many limitations.for a reporting cube, the first choice ...

2012-01-21 08:05:33 355



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