Recommended Browsers for Oracle Applications 11i



Recommended Browsers for Oracle E-Business Suite 11i

Last Updated: February 28, 2008
In This Document

The most current version of this document can be obtained in Metalink Note 285218.1

There is a change log at the end of this document.

Section 1: Overview

This document outlines the requirements for browsers certified by Oracle, for use with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i.

Please examine the Certify pages on MetaLink for the most current browser certification information.

Choose View Certifications by Product, select E-Business Suite for the product group, and select E-Business Suite 11i and Earlier , as the product. In the Platform Selection section choose the OS your client machines are running (e.g. Microsoft Windows XP), and click on Submit. In the Additional Search Criteria section check all Applications version 11i (11.5.x ), and click on Submit.

From here, the main certification listings, follow the link under the Other column. Look for the relevant browser in the 'Certified With' column, the 'Status' column will show the certification status for this product combination. Following the Additional Info link for the certified versions, you will find other relevant details.

Section 2: Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows Users

Alert: Automatic upgrade to Internet Explorer 7

Microsoft WSUS

Microsoft will release the Windows Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) Installation and Availability update to Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) on February 12th 2008. This will upgrade machines that are currently using IE 6 to IE 7. If you have configured WSUS to automatically approve Update Rollups but you do not wish to upgrade to IE 7 at this time, the auto-approval rule should be disabled before 12th February 2008. For further information and full instructions, please see Microsoft article 946202.

Microsoft Automatic Updates

Microsoft is pushing out Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) as a 'High Priority' update through it's 'Automatic Updates' facility for Windows XP users. If you currently use IE 6 to access Oracle E-Business Suite and also use Microsoft's 'Automatic Updates' facility, and do not wish to upgrade to IE 7 at this time, please install the 'Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Blocker Toolkit'. Administrators can do this by following the steps on Microsoft's 'Toolkit to Disable Automatic Delivery of Internet Explorer 7 ' page.

This is particularly important if your 'Automatic Updates' facility is set to 'Automatically download recommended updates for my computer and install them'.


Microsoft Internet Explorer 7

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is certified as a client browser on Windows XP SP2 with the following minimum requirements:-

  • Oracle Applications patch 10 (11.5.10)
    • Oracle Developer 6i patchset 18 ( or later (Metalink Note 125767.1)
    • Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4 (RUP 4) (patch 4676589) or later
  • Oracle Applications patch 9 (11.5.9) plus Maintenance Pack 11.5.9 CU2 or later
    • Oracle Developer 6i patchset 18 ( or later (Metalink Note 125767.1)
    • Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4 (RUP 4) (patch 4676589) or later

Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 is certified as a client browser on Windows Vista with the following minimum requirements:-

  • Oracle Applications patch 10 (11.5.10) plus Maintenance Pack 11.5.10 CU2 or later
    • Oracle Developer 6i patchset 18 ( or later (Metalink Note 125767.1)
    • Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4 (RUP 4) (patch 4676589) or later
  • Oracle Applications patch 9 (11.5.9) plus Maintenance Pack 11.5.9 CU2 or later
    • Oracle Developer 6i patchset 18 ( or later (Metalink Note 125767.1)
    • Oracle Applications Technology 11i.ATG_PF.H Rollup 4 (RUP 4) (patch 4676589) or later

Certification Matrix for Microsoft Internet Explorer (MSIE)

The table below outlines the currently certified Browser, Operating System, JRE and JInitiator streams and minimum versions, where applicable:

Plug-inWindows VistaWindows XP SP2Windows XPWindows 2000
Not Certified JInitiator or later Not Certified Not Certified
JRE 1.6.0_03 or later JRE 1.6.0_03 or laterNot Certified Not Certified
JRE 1.5.0_12 or laterJRE 1.5.0_12 or later
Not Certified JInitiator or later JInitiator 1.3.1.xJInitiator 1.3.1.x
JInitiator 1.1.8.xJInitiator 1.1.8.x
Not Certified JRE 1.6.0_03 or laterNot Certified JRE 1.6.0_03 or later
JRE 1.5.0_12 or laterJRE 1.5.0_12 or later

3rd Party Software Support Lifecycle

Oracle's certification of the various third party client operating system and browsers aligns with the respective vendor's support lifecycle. Please contact the vendor if you require information on their support timelines for Operating Systems and browsers. The Microsoft website is at

Compatibility with Later Sun JRE releases

Oracle has certified the Oracle E-Business Suite with the minimum Sun JRE releases noted above on the JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.5 streams. Oracle E-Business Suite end-users may use or upgrade to later production releases of the Sun JRE plug-in on either stream at their discretion. For further information on upgrading JRE and it's requirements please reference MetaLink Note 290807.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i for Windows Clients'.

Oracle will continue to test and certify the Oracle E-Business Suite with selected future versions of Sun JRE releases in advance of their general availability to the public. Oracle will update this documentation with known compatibility issues or workarounds, as needed. All current JRE production versions equal to or later than the minimum versions stated above are compatible with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i.

JInitiator Users

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Oracle JInitiator that is certified with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i along either stream.

For information on the latest certified JInitiator versions and their upgrade requirements, please reference MetaLink Note 124606.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Oracle JInitiator with Oracle Applications 11i'.

Recommended MSIE Browser Settings

Security Zones
Microsoft Internet Explorer offers four different security zones to run your application through. The zone is used is dependent on how you are accessing your site (Internet or Local Intranet) and set up within the zones themselves (Trusted sites & Restricted sites).

Each zone has its own default security level that may need to be adjusted when accessing Oracle E-Business Suite through them. The defaults are as follows;

InternetWeb sites not placed in other zonesIE 6 - Medium
IE 7 - Medium-high
Local intranetWeb sites on your organization's intranetMedium-low
Trusted sitesWeb sites you trust not to damage your computerIE 6 - Low
IE 7 - Medium
Restricted sitesWeb sites that could potentially damage your computerHigh

It is recommended that Oracle E-Business Suite is run through the 'Trusted Sites' zone, with a 'Medium' Security Setting.

Oracle E-Business Suite can be set to run through the 'Trusted Sites' zone, with a 'Medium' security setting as follows;
  1. Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab -> Trusted Sites icon.
  2. Set the 'Security Level for this Zone' to 'Medium' if it is not set already.
  3. Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab -> Trusted Sites icon -> Sites button .
  4. In the 'Add this Web site to the zone:' field, enter the 'hostname and domain' of the environment you are running Oracle E-Business Suite from, i.e. https://., then click the 'Add' button. Alternatively you can simply add the domain name preceded by '*', so that all sites under that domain go through this zone. i.e. *.

(If you are entering an 'http://...' or '*.' domain address, you must ensure that the 'Require server verification (https:) for all sites in this zone' is not checked).

JInitiator 1.1.8.x (Supported For MSIE 6 Only)

To download and install versions of JInitiator 1.1.8.x from the webserver, the Security setting must be reduced to Low. If you are using Custom Settings then ensure that 'Download Unsigned ActiveX Controls' and 'Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins' are set to 'Prompt' or 'Enable'. You may use any setting up to 'Medium' for runtime use. If you are using custom settings ensure that 'Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins' is set to 'Prompt' or 'Enable'.

JInitiator 1.3.1.x (Supported For MSIE 6 & 7)

JInitiator 1.3.1.x versions will download and install from the webserver on any security setting except High, therefore the security setting should not need any adjustments at download and install time.

JRE Plug-in (Supported For MSIE 6 & 7)

The JRE plug-in will download and install from the webserver on a medium security setting. After clicking on a 'forms link', a message similar to the following will appear at the top of the browser window:

'The website wants to install the following add-on: 'J2SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 3' from 'Sun Microsystems, Inc.'. If you trust this website and the add-on and want to install it, click here...'

To install the plug-in:-

  1. Click on the message above and select 'Install ActiveX Control...'
  2. Once the browser has stopped processing, click on the 'foms link' again, and the oaj2se.exe file should start to download
  3. Once the download has completed, a security warning pop-up window will ask, 'Do you want to install this software?'
  4. Click on the 'Install' button and follow the on screen instructions

Alternatively, you can avoid this message by temporarily altering the security settings for the initial install, using one of the two methods below. Once the plug-in has been installed on the desktop, the browser security settings should be reset to 'medium'.

Method A: Change Security Setting to Medium-low
  1. Select 'Tools' -> 'Internet Options -> 'Security' (Tab)' from the browser menu.
  2. Select 'Trusted Sites' -> 'Custom Level' (button)
  3. From the 'Reset custom settings' drop down select 'Medium-low'
  4. Click the 'Reset...' button and accept the changes.
  5. Press the 'okay' buttons to close the window.
  6. Close the browser and start a new browser session for the settings to take effect.
  7. After launching Oracle E-Business Suite and downloading the oaj2se.exe file onto your desktop, please reset the security setting back to 'Medium'.
Method B: Change Individual Parameter Settings
  1. Select 'Tools' -> 'Internet Options -> 'Security' (Tab)' from the browser menu.
  2. Select 'Trusted Sites' -> 'Custom Level' (button)
  3. Under 'Settings' -> 'ActiveX controls and Plug-ins'
  4. Change 'Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls' to 'Enable'
  5. Change 'Download unsigned ActiveX controls' to 'Prompt'
  6. Click the 'OK' button and accept the changes and click the 'OK' buttons to close the window
  7. Close the browser and start a new browser session for the settings to take effect.
  8. After launching Oracle E-Business Suite and downloading the oaj2se.exe file onto your desktop, please reset
    'Automatic prompting for ActiveX controls' to 'Disable' and
    'Download unsigned ActiveX controls' to 'Disable'.
Use of Excel with WebADI (Applicable To MSIE 6 & 7)

To create an excel spreadsheet on your desktop through WebADI, the 'Initialize and script Active X controls not marked as safe' setting must be set to 'Prompt'. This is only defaulted to this value on a 'Low' security setting', therefore you will probably need to alter this setting through Internet Explorers Custom Settings option as follows; Select Tools -> Internet Options -> Security tab from the Internet Explorer Menu Bar. Select the zone that you are running Oracle E-Business Suite through and click the 'Custom Level' button. You can then set the value as recommended above.

Page Refresh (Applicable To MSIE 6 & 7)

When using Oracle Self-Service products it is important to ensure that the most current data is being viewed. You may check if the page has been updated since your last visit by manually refreshing the page, however it is desirable for this to be done automatically through MSIE by setting the following parameter;

To set 'Page Refresh', select Tools -> Internet Options -> General 'tab' -> Settings 'button' from the MSIE menu bar. Under the 'Check for newer versions of stored pages:' heading, select 'Every visit to the page'. With this option set, Internet Explorer will check if the page has changed since it was last viewed.
Shared Desktop Security (Applicable To MSIE 6 & 7)

If multiple users share the same desktop, they may be able to view a previous users browser content by pressing the 'Back' button on the browser. To fix this issue, please apply Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H Patch 3262919 or later and patch 4318900. You must also set the Applications 11i 'Force Page Refresh' profile option to 'Yes'. Users must also use MSIE 6 or later.

For security reasons, if a PC is shared by multiple users it is also advisable not to save encrypted pages onto the drive. To set this option please go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> Security settings and tick 'Do not save encrypted pages to Disk'.
Exception: SSL users who export Discoverer Workbooks to excel must leave this parameter unchecked.

AutoComplete in Internet Explorer (Applicable To MSIE 6 & 7)

IE can automatically show previous values entered in the same form field. For privacy and security reasons this feature should be disabled as follows;

Go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Content
Click the AutoComplete button
Uncheck the 'Forms' and 'User names and passwords on forms' boxes.
Shared PC Security (Applicable To MSIE 6 & 7)
For security reasons, if a PC is shared by multiple users it is advisable not to save encrypted pages onto the drive. To set this option, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> Security settings and tick 'Do not save encrypted pages to Disk'.
HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive Settings

Customers using Applications 11.5.9 (Supported For MSIE 6 only) & 11.5.10 (Supported For MSIE 6 & 7) must have HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive enabled.

To enable 'HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive' in MSIE, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced tab -> HTTP 1.1 Settings. Please ensure 'Use HTTP 1.1' and Use HTTP 1.1 through proxy connections' are both ticked.

Importing the SSL Certificate in MSIE7 on Windows Vista

Connecting to a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) enabled environment requires the certificate to be 'Trusted'. If the certificate is not from a trusted authority or has not previously been trusted on the client, it must be verified at runtime. When accessing such an environment it will return the following warning message: 'There is a problem with this website's security certificate'.

Using the the automatic default install button on Vista will not be sufficient and the error message will still display. Using the automatic default install button results in the addition of the certificate to the browser's 'Intermediate Certification Authorities' folder and not the 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' folder.

Installing an SSL certificate into the Browsers Trusted Certificates folder requires the browser's security option 'Enable Protected Mode' to be off, which is the default setting in the 'Trusted Sites' zone. This is a new feature in IE7 for Vista. This feature does not exist in the IE7 XP version. (If required, 'Enable Protected Mode' may be turned on after the certificate has been installed, for runtime use).

To trust the certificate authority at runtime and remove this error page on future logins, follow the steps below:

  1. Enter the URL in the browser
  2. From the browser menu select: Tools -> Internet Options -> Security -> Trusted Sites icon. Security setting should be 'Medium' by default
  3. Make sure the 'Enable Protected Mode' option is off (not checked)
  4. Click the 'Sites' button and add the URL if it is not there already (or add * to cover all Oracle environments, you must uncheck the 'Require Server Verification....' option first to allow you to add it)
  5. Save the changes and close the browser window
  6. Enter the URL in a new browser window
  7. You will again see a message saying There is a problem with this website's security certificate'. Click on, 'Continue to this website (not recommended)
  8. In the taskbar click on the Red certificate error
  9. An Untrusted Certificate Window Pops, click on 'View Certificates'
  10. Click on Certification Path 'Tab'
  11. Highlight the Root certificate (will probably have a white cross in a red background next to it) and press 'View Certificate'
  12. Click on Install Certificate 'button' and press next
  13. Select 'Place all the certificates in the following store'
  14. Click 'Browse' and tick the 'Show physical Stores' box.
  15. Click the + next to 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' folder
  16. If a folder exists called 'Local Computer' Click on it and select 'Okay'
  17. If that folder does not exist, highlight 'Trusted Root Certification Authorities' folder and select 'Okay'
  18. Press 'Next' followed by 'Finish'
  19. When the Security Window pops asking if you wish to install it, say 'Yes' then hit the 'Finish' button
  20. Close the pop-up and the browser, when you next login, it should be fine.
If you still do not get the option to install the certificate (no install button ) you may have installed the certificate previously using the automatic facility. This only puts it in the 'Intermediate Certification Authorities' zone. To remove the certificate you can do the following;
  • Open the browser and go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Content -> Certificates -> Intermediate Certificate Authorities
  • Highlight the appropriate certificate for the instance you are trying to access and press the 'Remove' button and close down the browser
  • You can then open a new session and follow the steps above to install it in the 'Trusted Certificates' folder.

Required Patches for Internet Explorer 7 Users

Discoverer Viewer Users with MSIE 7

Discoverer Viewer, and users, wanting to use MSIE 7 should apply the appropriate patch 5673463. Please contact support to request this patch through MetaLink. .

Known Issues for Microsoft Internet Explorer Users

Windows Vista with MSIE7
Balanced Scorecard Users

The VB client is not supported on Windows Vista

Financial Analyzer Users

Financial Analyzer client version is not supported on Windows Vista. However, Financial Analyzer web version can be used with Windows Vista. Please see bug 6047877 for details.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 'Live Toolbar'

Enabling Microsoft Internet Explorer Live Toolbar within the browser, may cause the browser to crash, whilst trying to login to Oracle E-Business Suite when using Oracle JInitiator. This toolbar does work okay if using the Sun JRE (Native Plug-in). If you are using JInitiator, please remove the toolbar from the browser as follows;

  • On the Start menu, click Control Panel
  • Double-click Add or Remove Programs
  • Click Windows Live Toolbar
  • Click the Remove button

NOTE: Depending on the Plug-in version being used, other 'Browser Helpers' such as this, may also cause the browser to crash when trying to Launch Oracle E-Business Suite.

Microsoft Internet Explorer ActiveX Update 912945

For details regarding this Microsoft update and its affect on Oracle Applications, please see MetaLink Alert 364366.1. This functionality is included by default in MSIE 7.

Tabbed Browsing in MSIE 7
Forms Windows

MSIE 7 provides a tabbed browsing facility, which van be enabled from the browser menu through Tools -> Internet Options -> General Tabs -> Settings. Forms in Oracle E-Business Suite are supported and launched through a separate frame. Therefore, even with tabs enabled, the forms navigator and the forms windows will continue to open in a new window and not in a new tab. This is intended functionality and is not a bug.

Web Based LOV's

If the 'Always Open Pop-Ups in a New Tab' option within MSIE7 is selected, Web based LOV's can lose focus. To regain focus within the pop-up window press 'Ctrl & Tab'. This option is set in MSIE7 through Tools -> Internet Options -> Tabs -> Settings -> Always Open Pop-Ups in a New Tab.

This issue is being investigated through bug 6242250

Exporting Data and Opening Attachments

The file type that you wish to export from E-Business Suite must be associated with the browser. If the file type is not associated, the Window will not open or will briefly open and then close immediately. This may occur for example, when using 'File -> Export' to an excel spreadsheet or when opening an attachment from E-Business Suite.

To fix this issue, using the 'Trusted Sites' zone as an example, (which is recommended for running Oracle E-Business Suite through);

  1. Select 'Tools' -> 'Internet Options' -> 'Security' (tab) -> 'Trusted Sites' -> 'Custom Level' (button) -> 'Downloads' from the browser menu.
  2. Set 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' to 'Enable'.
  3. Save the setting and close the browser window.
  4. Start a new browser session and login to Oracle E-Business Suite.
  5. This time, when trying to open the attachment or export data you should see a pop up windows titled 'File Download'.
  6. Uncheck the checkbox labelled, 'Always ask before opening this type of file' and click the 'open' button.
  7. The file should now display correctly.
  8. After this has been done, the file extension type is registered and you may set the 'Automatic prompting for file downloads' back to 'disable', accessing such files in future will now work correctly with that setting.
Clients running Dual Core AMD Processors

Users with client machines running dual core AMD processors may encounter browser hangs and crashes when running Oracle E-Business Suite with Oracle JInitiator. A fix for JInitiator cannot be obtained as the java JDK 1.3 stream is no longer supported by Sun. To fix this problem it is therefore recommended to upgrade to the Sun native plug-in by following MetaLink Note 290807.1 titled, 'Upgrading Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i for Windows Clients'.

Section 3: Netscape for Windows Users

Netscape 7.2 is certified for Oracle Applications patch 9 (11.5.9) or later, with Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later with Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H or later.

Certification Matrix for Netscape (NS)

The table below outlines the currently certified Browser, Operating System and where applicable, the certified JInitiator stream versions.

Browser Version

Windows XP
(Any SP Level)

Windows 2000
(Any SP Level)

Netscape 7.2
JInitiator 1.3.1.x
JInitiator 1.3.1.x

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Oracle JInitiator 1.3.1.x certified with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i. For information on the latest certified JInitiator versions and their upgrade requirements, please reference MetaLink Note 124606.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Oracle JInitiator with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i'.

3rd Party Software Support Lifecycle

Oracle's certification of the various third party client operating system and browsers aligns with the respective vendor's support lifecycle. Please contact the vendor if you require information on their support timelines for browsers. The Netscape website is at,

NOTE: Netscape 7.2 is no longer supported by the vendor. Oracle will continue to offer support for this browser with E-Business Suite on a 'Best Effort' basis only. Consequently, where issues are due to problems with the browser, we may, where necessary, require customers to upgrade or change their browser to resolve the issue.

No future certification of the Netscape browser is currently planned by Oracle. Firefox browser by is certified for E-Business Suite.

Recommended Netscape Browser Settings

HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive Settings

Customers using Applications 11.5.9 or later must have HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive enabled.

To enable 'HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive' in Netscape, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> HTTP Networking. Ensure 'Enable Keep-Alive' is ticked under 'Proxy Connection Options'.
Initial JInitiator Download Directory Requirements
For the correct directory to be used when downloading JInitiator to the client, the 'Plug-in Finder Service' parameter must be unchecked. To set the 'Plug-in Finder Service' parameter, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Helper Applications -> Plug-in Finder Service and uncheck 'Always use the Netscape Plug-in Finder Service (PFS) to get Plug-ins'.

Please check either the, Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Netscape 7.2 or Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 Users for Netscape 7.2 section of this note for possible patch requirements for this functionality.

Page Refresh

When using Oracle Self-Service products it is important to ensure that the most current data is being viewed. You may check if the page has been updated since your last visit by manually refreshing the page, however it is desirable for this to be done automatically through Netscape. To set this, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cache -> 'Compare the page in the cache to the page on the network:' and select 'Every time I view the page'.

Shared Desktop Security

If multiple users share the same desktop, they may be able to view a previous users browser content by pressing the 'Back' button on the browser. To fix this issue, please apply patch 4318900. You must also set the Applications 11i 'Force Page Refresh' profile option to 'Yes'.

Java Applet

If you are using Jinitiatior with Netscape 7 or higher, you must disable Java from within the Netscape Browser:

To disable Java, from the Netscape menu bar, go to;

Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced

Uncheck the 'Enable Java' option so that the Sun JRE plug-in is not enabled (this ensures that the Jinitiator plug-in is used instead).

Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Netscape 7.2

Oracle Applications 11.5.9 users must apply 'Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H (Patch 3262919 )' or later to use the Netscape 7.2 browser.

If you are using Oracle Developer 6i patchset 14 ( or earlier, please apply Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later by following MetaLink note 125767.1 titled, 'Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i '.

If you are using the Framework Navigator Link to launch forms and wish users to be able to download a JInitiator version that they do not already have installed on their clients, you must apply patch 4354867.

Oracle Balanced Scorecard Users

Oracle Balanced Scorecard users must apply Oracle Balanced Scorecard Mini-pack I (5.2), (11iBSC.I), Patch 3894719) or later.

Oracle iProcurement Users

Oracle iProcurement users must apply Patch 3527205.

Oracle Knowledge Management Users

Oracle Knowledge Management users should apply the Knowledge Management 1159 2005 January Roll Up Patch, 4053436 or later.

Oracle Trading Community Users

Oracle Trading Community users should apply patchset 11i.HZ.N (Patch 3618299) or later.

Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 Users for Netscape 7.2

Oracle Applications 11.5.10 users must apply '11.5.10 Consolidated Update (CU1) for ATG (patch 4017300)' or later to use the Netscape 7.2 browser.

If you are using Oracle Developer 6i patchset 14 ( or earlier, please apply Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later by following MetaLink note 125767.1 titled, 'Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i '.

If you are using the Framework Navigator Link to launch forms and wish users to be able to download a new JInitiator version that they do not already have installed on their clients you must apply patch 4354867.

Oracle Advanced Collections Users

If you are using '11i.IEX.G' or earlier, please apply '11i.IEX.H' patch 4120503 or later.

Oracle Balanced Scorecard Users

If you are using 11i.BSC.H or earlier, please apply Oracle Balanced Scorecard Mini-pack I (5.2), (11i.BSC.I) 3894719 or later.

Oracle E-Business Intelligence Users

Oracle E-Business Intelligence Users should apply the 'E-Business Intelligence Family Pack11i.BIS_PF.F' (patch 4887502) or later or the 'Business Intelligence System Patchset 11i.BIS.L' (patch 4429906) or later.

Oracle Lease Management Users

Oracle Lease Management users should apply 11i.OKL.G,(Patch 3981693) or later.

Oracle Trading Community Users

Oracle Trading Community users should apply patchset 11i.HZ.N (Patch 3618299) or later.

Oracle Web ADI Users

Oracle Web ADI users should apply patchset BNE.D, 3218526 or later.

Known Issues for Netscape Users

Multiple Sessions

You may only access a single Oracle E-Business Suite instance from a single desktop session when using the Netscape browser. Currently 'Internet Explorer' is the only browser that allows you to access multiple instances or multiple Application Responsibilities concurrently from the same desktop session, through the use of multiple browser sessions.

Multiple JInitiator Versions (oajinit.exe Download)

If, when logging into Oracle Applications you find that you are asked to download the oajinit.exe file despite having previously downloaded and installed it on your desktop, please apply patch 5397653 or later.

(You can check which versions of JInitiator you have installed in the browser by typing 'about:plug-ins' in the URL line of the browser).

Oracle Contracts Core Users

When using a text field in 'Clause Creation', the text gets erased after going to a variable and coming back again. Also, if you enter text on two different lines and 'save', the two lines get concatenated onto the same line. Please see bug 4103762 for further details.

Oracle HRMS Self-Service Users
If you click the 'Next 10' link twice in succession from the 'Employees' form to navigate to the next set of employee records you will see the following browser error message and the Application will close;

'Netscape.exe has generated error and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created.'

If you view a record in between pressing the Next 10 link, the error should not occur. Please see bug 4108850 for further details.

Personal Homepage Setting

The ICX 'Personal Homepage' setting is not supported with the Netscape browser.

BIDI Language Users

BIDI Languages are not supported with Self Service

Section 4: Mozilla for Windows Users

Mozilla 1.7.x (where x is greater than or equal to 5) is certified for Oracle Applications patch 9 (11.5.9) or later, with Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later, with Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H or later.

Certification Matrix for Mozilla (MOZ)

The table below outlines the currently certified Browser, Operating System and where applicable, the certified JInitiator stream versions.

Browser VersionWindows XP
(Any SP Level)
Windows 2000
(Any SP Level)
Mozilla 1.7.x (where x is greater than or equal to 5)
JInitiator 1.3.1.x
JInitiator 1.3.1.x

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Oracle JInitiator 1.3.1.x certified with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i. For information on the latest certified JInitiator versions and their upgrade requirements, please reference MetaLink Note 124606.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Oracle JInitiator with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i'.

3rd Party Software Support Lifecycle

Oracle's certification of the various third party client operating system and browsers aligns with the respective vendor's support lifecycle. Please contact the vendor if you require information on their support timelines for browsers. The Mozilla website is at,

NOTE: Mozilla 1.7.x is no longer supported by the vendor. Oracle will continue to offer support for this browser with E-Business Suite on a 'Best Effort' basis only. Consequently, where issues are due to problems with the browser, we may, where necessary, require customers to upgrade or change their browser to resolve the issue.

No future certification of the Mozilla browser is currently planned by Oracle. Firefox browser by is certified for E-Business Suite.

Recommended Mozilla Browser Settings

HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive Settings

Customers using Applications 11.5.9 or later must have HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive enabled.

To enable 'HTTP 1.1/Keep Alive' in Mozilla please go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> HTTP Networking. Please ensure 'Enable Keep-Alive' is ticked under 'Proxy Connection Options'.
Initial JInitiator Download Directory Requirement

For the correct directory to be used when downloading JInitiator to the client, the 'Plug-in Finder Service' parameter must be unchecked.

To set the 'Plug-in Finder Service' in Mozilla, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Helper Applications -> Plug-in Finder Service and uncheck 'Always use the Netscape Plug-in Finder Service (PFS) to get Plug-ins'.

Please check either the, Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Mozilla or Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 Users for Mozilla section of this note, for possible patch requirements for this functionality.

Page Refresh

When using Oracle Self-Service products it is important to ensure that the most current data is being viewed. You may check if the page has been updated since your last visit by manually refreshing the page, however it is desirable for this to be done automatically through Mozilla. To set this, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Cache -> 'Compare the page in the cache to the page on the network:' and select 'Every time I view the page'.

Shared Desktop Security

If multiple users share the same desktop, they may be able to view a previous users browser content by pressing the 'Back' button on the browser. To fix this issue, please apply patch 4318900. You must also set the Applications 11i 'Force Page Refresh' profile option to 'Yes'.

Java Applets

If you are using Jinitiatior with Mozilla 1.7.5 or higher, you must disable Java from within the Mozilla Browser:

To disable Java, from the Mozilla menu bar, go to;

Edit -> Tools -> Advanced->

Uncheck the 'Enable Java' option so that the Sun JRE plug-in is not enabled (this ensures that the Jinitiator plug-in is used instead).

Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Mozilla

Oracle Applications 11.5.9 users must upgrade to Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H (Patch 3262919 or later to use the Mozilla browser.

If you are using Oracle Developer 6i patchset 14 ( or earlier, please apply Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later by following MetaLink note 125767.1 titled, 'Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i '.

If you are using the Framework Navigator Link to launch forms and wish users to be able to download a new JInitiator version that they do not already have installed on their clients you must apply patch 4354867.

Oracle Balanced Scorecard Users

Oracle Balanced Scorecard users should apply Oracle Balanced Scorecard Mini-pack I (5.2), (11iBSC.I), Patch 3894719) or later.

Oracle iProcurement Users

Oracle iProcurement users should apply Patch 3527205.

Oracle Knowledge Management Users

Oracle Knowledge Management users should apply the Knowledge Management 1159 2005 January Roll Up Patch, 4053436 or later.

Oracle Trading Community Users

Oracle Trading Community users should apply patchset 11i.HZ.N (Patch 3618299) or later.

Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.10 Users for Mozilla

To use the Mozilla browser with Oracle Applications 11.5.10, please apply '11.5.10 Consolidated Update (CU1) for ATG ' (patch 4017300).

If you are using Oracle Developer 6i patchset 14 ( or earlier, please apply Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later by following MetaLink note 125767.1 titled, 'Upgrading Developer 6i with Oracle Applications 11i '.

If you are using the Framework Navigator Link to launch forms and wish users to be able to download a new JInitiator version that they do not already have installed on their clients you must apply patch 4354867.

Oracle Advanced Collections Users

If you are using '11i.IEX.G' or earlier, please apply '11i.IEX.H' patch 4120503 or later.

Oracle Balanced Scorecard Users

If you are using 11i.BSC.H or earlier, please apply Oracle Balanced Scorecard Mini-pack I (5.2), (11i.BSC.I) 3894719 or later.

Oracle E-Business Intelligence Users

Oracle E-Business Intelligence Users should apply the 'E-Business Intelligence Family Pack11i.BIS_PF.F' (patch 4887502) or later or the 'Business Intelligence System Patchset 11i.BIS.L' (patch 4429906) or later.

Oracle Lease Management Users

Oracle Lease Management users should apply 11i.OKL.G,(Patch 3981693) or later.

Oracle Trading Community Users

Oracle Trading Community users should apply patchset 11i.HZ.N (Patch 3618299) or later.

Oracle Web ADI Users

Oracle Web ADI users should apply patchset BNE.D, 3218526 or later.

Known Issues for Mozilla Users

Multiple Sessions

You may only access a single Oracle E-Business Suite instance from a single desktop session when using the Mozilla browser. Currently 'Internet Explorer' is the only browser that allows you to access multiple instances or multiple Application Responsibilities concurrently from the same desktop session, through the use of multiple browser sessions.

Multiple JInitiator Versions (oajinit.exe Download)

If, when logging into Oracle E-Business Suite you find that you are asked to download the oajinit.exe file despite having previously downloaded and installed it on your desktop, please apply patch 5397653 or later.

(You can check which versions of JInitiator you have installed in the browser by typing 'about:plugins' in the URL line of the browser)

Oracle CADView-3D Users

When installing CADView-3D desktop the 'npam3d.dll' file is not installed into the plug-ins directory of Mozilla. This should be copied into the directory manually, please see bug 4148154 for further details.

When viewing a cadview model, clicking the left or right mouse buttons briefly causes a white flash across the screen. Please see bug 4163778 for further details.

Oracle Contracts Core Users

When using a text field in 'Clause Creation', the text gets erased after going to a variable and coming back again. Also, if you enter text on two different lines and 'save', the two lines get concatenated onto the same line. Please see bug 4103762 for further details.

Oracle HRMS Self-Service Users

If you click the 'Next 10' link twice in succession from the 'Employees' form to navigate to the next set of employee records you will see the following browser error message and the Application will close;

'Mozilla.exe has generated error and will be closed by windows. You will need to restart the program. An error log is being created.'

If you view a record in between pressing the Next 10 link, the error should not occur. Please see bug 4108850 for further details.

Oracle Marketing Users

If 11.5.9 Oracle Marketing Users enter descriptions greater than 4000 characters, the description will be truncated to 4000 characters. Please see bug 4211013 for further details.

The breadcrumb links are incorrect when creating a segment in the 'Audience Dashboard', 'Segments' screen. Please see bug 4158174 for further details.

Oracle Trade Management Users

Oracle Trade Management has a known issue in 11.5.9, whereby the 'Ship To... List of Values' shows an error when you click on it for the first time. Please see bug 4210778 for details.

Personal Homepage Setting
The ICX 'Personal Homepage' setting is not supported with the Mozilla browser.
Rich Text Editing

The Cut, Copy and Paste buttons within the Rich text Editor on Oracle Applications Framework do not work by default when using a Mozilla browser. This is due to a security feature within Mozilla. We recommend that the keyboard shortcut keys, which do still work by default are used for this functionality. If you still wish to use the buttons, this can be enabled by editing the users Mozilla preference file. Further information is available at, and

BIDI Language Users

BIDI Languages are not supported with Self Service Applications using the Mozilla Browser.

Section 5: Firefox for Windows Users

Firefox 1.5 and later is certified for Oracle Applications patch 9 (11.5.9) or later, with Oracle Developer 6i patchset 15 ( or later, with Oracle Applications Framework 11i.FWK.H or later.

Firefox 1.0.x and Firefox 1.5.x are no longer supported by the vendor. It is highly recommended that any users still running Firefox 1.0.x or 1.5.x upgrade to Firefox 2.0.x.

Certification Matrix for Firefox

The table below outlines the Firefox Browser, Operating System, JInitiator stream and minimum JRE plug-in versions that are certified for use with the Oracle E-Business Suite 11i.

Browser VersionWindows XP & WIN 2000
(Any SP Level)
Firefox 2.0.x
JRE 1.6.0_03 and later
JRE 1.5.0_12 and later
JInitiator 1.3.1.x
Firefox 1.5.x
JRE 1.5.0_12 and later
JInitiator 1.3.1.x

3rd Party Software Support Lifecycle

Oracle's certification of the various third party client operating system and browsers aligns with the respective vendor's support lifecycle. Please contact the vendor if you require website is at,

NOTE: Firefox 1.0.x and Firefox 1.5.x are no longer supported by the vendor. Oracle will continue to offer support for this browser with E-Business Suite on a 'Best Effort' basis only. Consequently, where issues are due to problems with the browser, we may, where necessary, require customers to upgrade or change their browser to resolve the issue.

Compatibility with Later Sun JRE releases

Oracle has certified the Oracle E-Business Suite with the minimum Sun JRE releases noted above on the JRE 1.6 and JRE 1.5 streams. Oracle E-Business Suite end-users may use or upgrade to later production releases of the Sun JRE plug-in on either stream at their discretion. For further information on upgrading JRE and it's requirements, please reference MetaLink Note 393931.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Sun JRE (Native Plug-in) with Oracle E-Business Suite 12 for Windows Clients'.

Oracle will continue to test and certify the Oracle E-Business Suite with selected future versions of Sun JRE releases in advance of their general availability to the public. Oracle will update this documentation with known compatibility issues or workarounds, as needed.

JInitiator Users

We recommend that you upgrade to the latest version of Oracle JInitiator that is certified with Oracle E-Business Suite 11i along either stream.

For information on the latest certified JInitiator versions and their upgrade requirements, please reference MetaLink Note 124606.1 entitled, 'Upgrading Oracle JInitiator with Oracle Applications 11i'.

Recommended Firefox Browser Settings

Initial JInitiator/JRE Download Directory Requirement

Please check either the, Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Firefox or Required Patches for Oracle Applications 11.5.9 Users for Firefox section of this note, for possible patch requirements for this functionality.

Shared Desktop Security

If multiple users share the same desktop, they may be able to view a previous users browser content by pressing the 'Back' button on the browser. To fix this issue, please apply patch

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