TFA Collector下载、安装、更新

TFA Collector


The installed version of TFA can be validated as follows:

[oracle@ratlnx01]$ tfactl print status

| Host         | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID             | Inventory Status |
| cehaovmsp101 | RUNNING       | 26416 | 5000 | |  12125220150811045228  | COMPLETE         |
| cehaovmsp102 | RUNNING       | 25382 | 5000 | |  12125220150811045228  | COMPLETE         |


ANOUNCEMENT:  Starting with TFA, The RAC and DB Support Tools Bundle (Document 1594347.1) has been integrated into TFA.  As part of the integration of the Support Tools Bundle in TFA, command line execution of each of the tools has been added into TFA Shell.  This integration into TFA Shell greatly simplifies the execution of the tools by providing a common interface to each of the tools while ensuring that the output of the tools are collected by TFA Diagnostic collections.

TFA Install


Please download and review the TFA Users Guide for specific instructions on how to configure and run ORAchk.

Quick Start Guide

Note:  For detailed instructions on how to install and run TFA please download and review the latest TFA Collector User Guide
Installing TFA
Note:   Prior to installing TFA you MUST install JRE 1.5 or higher in the SAME location on ALL cluster nodes.  If an existing installation of JRE 1.5 or higher exists on the systems and is installed on the same location on all cluster nodes, you may use the existing JRE installation. TFA can use JRE that is installed in Grid Infrastructure home.

Note: The recommended installation location for TFA is $ORACLE_BASE for Grid Infrastructure.  For pre- and systems it is NOT recommended to install TFA in the Grid Infrastructure Home. In this section, we would cover interactive installation of TFA within $ORACLE_BASE. For other installation scenarios, please consult the User Guide.
  1. Log into the system as the ROOT user

  2. Determine the appropriate location for the TFA installation, this location must exist on all cluster nodes.  A viable location would be $ORACLE_BASE (for pre- and

  3. Stage the installTFALite installer on node 1.  After staging the installer you may query the available install flags via ./installTFALite -h:
    # ./installTFALite -h

       Usage for ./installTFALite

       ./installTFALite [-local][-deferdiscovery][-tfabase <install dir>][-javahome <path to JRE>][-silent][-receiver]

            -local            -    Only install on the local node
            -deferdiscovery   -    Discover Oracle trace directories after installation completes
            -tfabase          -    Install into the directory supplied
            -javahome         -    Use this directory for the JRE
            -silent           -    Do not ask any install questions
            -receiver         -    TFA runs in receiver mode.  Otherwise run in full mode
            -debug            -    Print debug tracing and do not remove TFA_HOME on install failure

       Note: Without parameters TFA will take you through an interview process for installation
             /tfa will be appended to -tfabase if it is not already there.

    Note:  The JRE supplied with Grid Infrastructure (eg., /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jdk) may be used to fulfill the JRE requirement for the -javahome and would probably be the best option as it is in a predictable location.
  4. The TFA installer may be launched without any flags allowing for an interactive/interview based installation.  For this example we will specify TFA Base and the Java Home:
    Note:  In this example we are installing TFA into $ORACLE_BASE and using the JDK (version 1.5) that ships with Grid Infrastructure.  Do note that TFA will be installed in a directory called tfa within TFA Base.

    [root@cehaovmsp101 ~]# ./installTFALite -tfabase /u01/app/oracle -javahome /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jdk

    Starting TFA installation

    Using JAVA_HOME : /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/jdk

    Running Auto Setup for TFA as user root...

    Would you like to do a [L]ocal only or [C]lusterwide installation ? [L|l|C|c] [C] : C
  5. Generally speaking it is easiest to Perform a Clusterwide installation however this does temporarily require SSH equivalency to be configured for the root user.  The TFA Installer will take care of the temporary SSH equivalency configuration and will remove that configuration once the install is complete.  If for some reason you are unable to allow for SSH equivalency as root (temporarily), you may perform a local install of TFA on every node (Please see the TFA Users Guide on how to do so).
    Would you like to do a [L]ocal only or [C]lusterwide installation ? [L|l|C|c] [C] : C

    The following installation requires temporary use of SSH.
    If SSH is not configured already then we will remove SSH
    when complete.
      Do you wish to Continue ? [Y|y|N|n] [Y] Y
    Installing TFA now...

    Discovering Nodes and Oracle resources

    Checking whether CRS is up and running

    Getting list of nodes in cluster . . . . .

    List of nodes in cluster
    1. cehaovmsp101
    2. cehaovmsp102

    Checking ssh user equivalency settings on all nodes in cluster

    Node cehaovmsp102 is configured for ssh user equivalency for root user

  6. Follow the remaining prompts to complete the installation.
    Searching for running databases . . . . .

    List of running databases registered in OCR
    1. ORCL
    . .

    Checking Status of Oracle Software Stack - Clusterware, ASM, RDBMS

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    TFA Will be Installed on the Following Nodes:

    Install Nodes

    Do you wish to make changes to the Node List ? [Y/y/N/n] [N] N

    TFA will scan the following Directories

    |                               cehaovmsp102                              |
    | Trace Directory                                              | Resource |
    | /dbfs_obdbfs/OSB/backup/admin/log                            | ZDLRA    |
    | /dbfs_obdbfs/OSB/tmp                                         | ZDLRA    |
    | /radump                                                      | ZDLRA    |
    | /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/OPatch/crs/log                          | CRS      |
    | /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/cfgtoollogs                             | CFGTOOLS |
    | /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/crs/log                                 | CRS      |

    Installing TFA on cehaovmsp101:
    HOST: cehaovmsp101      TFA_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp101/tfa_home

    Installing TFA on cehaovmsp102:
    HOST: cehaovmsp102      TFA_HOME: /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp102/tfa_home
    Command executed /etc/init.d/init.tfa start

    | Host         | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID             |
    | cehaovmsp101 | RUNNING       | 12428 | 5000 | | 12124020150330061930 |
    | cehaovmsp102 | RUNNING       | 31658 | 5000 | | 12124020150330061930 |

    Running Inventory in All Nodes...

    Enabling Access for Non-root Users on cehaovmsp101...

    Adding default users and groups to TFA Access list...

    Summary of TFA Installation:
    |                           cehaovmsp101                          |
    | Parameter           | Value                                     |
    | Install location    | /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp101/tfa_home |
    | Repository location | /u01/app/oracle/tfa/repository            |
    | Repository usage    | 5 MB out of 1335 MB                       |

    |                           cehaovmsp102                          |
    | Parameter           | Value                                     |
    | Install location    | /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp102/tfa_home |
    | Repository location | /u01/app/oracle/tfa/repository            |
    | Repository usage    | 0 MB out of 1335 MB                       |

    TFA is successfully installed...

    Upgrading TFA

      For detailed instructions on how to install and run TFA please download and review the latest TFA Collector User Guide
    1. Log into the system as the ROOT user

    2. Stage the installTFALite installer on node 1

    3. Execute installTFALite (with no arguments)
      Note:  There are scenarios where TFA will fail to upgrade on the remote nodes, should this happen simply continue the upgrade and upgrade the remote nodes individually via ./ -local

      [root@cehaovmsp119 ~]# ./installTFALite

      Starting TFA installation

      TFA Build Version: 121240 Build Date: 20150330061930
      Installed Build Version: 3202 Build Date: 20140522043950

      TFA is already installed. Patching /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp119/tfa_home...

      TFA will be Patched on:

      Do you want to continue with patching TFA? [Y|N] [Y]: Y

      Checking for ssh equivalency in cehaovmsp120
      Node cehaovmsp120 is not configured for ssh user equivalency

      Auto patching is enabled in cehaovmsp119
      Key Stores are already updated in cehaovmsp120

      Creating ZIP: /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp119/tfa_home/internal/

      Applying Patch on cehaovmsp120:

      Auto patching is enabled in cehaovmsp120. Patching TFA via Secure Sockets to cehaovmsp120.

      TFA_HOME in cehaovmsp120 : /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp120/tfa_home
      Creating patchScript in local host
      Creating patchScriptWrapper in local host

      Sending /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp119/tfa_home/internal/ to cehaovmsp120
      Sending /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp119/tfa_home/internal/ to cehaovmsp120
      Sending /u01/app/oracle/tfa/cehaovmsp119/tfa_home/internal/patchScriptWrap to cehaovmsp120
      Sending init.tfa to cehaovmsp120
      Executing patchScriptWrapper using old format in cehaovmsp120
      Sleeping for 35 seconds while TFA is patched in cehaovmsp120
      . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
      Waiting up to 120 seconds for TFA to be restarted in cehaovmsp120
      . . . . . . . . . .
      Successfully restarted TFA in cehaovmsp120

      Applying Patch on cehaovmsp119:

      Stopping TFA Support Tools...

      Shutting down TFA for Patching...

      Shutting down TFA
      oracle-tfa stop/waiting
      . . . . .
      Killing TFA running with pid 1049
      . . .
      Successfully shutdown TFA..

      Current version of Berkeley DB is 5.0.84, so no upgrade required

      Copying TFA Certificates...
      Moving to

      Running commands to fix init.tfa and tfactl in localhost

      Starting TFA in cehaovmsp119...

      Starting TFA..
      oracle-tfa start/running, process 25292
      Waiting up to 100 seconds for TFA to be started..
      . . . . .
      Successfully started TFA Process..
      . . . . .
      TFA Started and listening for commands

      Enabling Access for Non-root Users on cehaovmsp119...

      | Host         | TFA Version | TFA Build ID         | Upgrade Status |
      | cehaovmsp119 | | 12124020150330061930 | UPGRADED       |
      | cehaovmsp120 | | 12124020150330061930 | UPGRADED       |

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