
About your college and Specialty[@more@]
  A: What university do you attend?

  B: I attend Zhongshan University.

  A: When will you graduate from the university?

  B: I will graduate this coming July.

  A: Are you going to receive any degree?

  B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

  A: Please tell me about the courses you've completed at university.

  B: I've completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

  A: What is your favorite course?

  B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.

About your academic records

  A: What university do you attend?
  B: I attend Zhongshan University.

  A: When will you graduate from the university?

  B: I will graduate this coming July.

  A: Are you going to receive any degree?

  B: Yes, I will receive a degree of Bachelor of Business Adminstration.

  A: Please tell me about the courses you've completed at university.

  B: I've completed Marketing Principles, Sales Management, Distribution Theory, Economics, Accounting, Statistics, Psychology, Business English and so on.

  A: What is your favorite course?

  B: My favorite course is Cost Accounting.

About your student life

  3 A: Are you a student leader at college?

  B: Yes. I've served as the monitor of our class for two years.

  A: Have you got any honors or rewards in your university days?

  B: Yes. I've been on the honor roll for three academic years.

  A: Have you been involved in any extracurricular activities at college?

  B: Yes. I've been on the college basketball team.

  A: What sports do you usually take part in at college?

  B: I sometimes play table tennis and sometimes play basketball.

  A: Is there anything you regret not having done or would like to have done differently at college?

  B: I've spent so much time on club activities during the four years. However, I've never missed any of my classes. But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put more time and energy into studying, looking back on it.

  A: Is there any teacher who impresses you very deeply during your student life?

  B: Yes. Our maths professor has left a deep impression on me. In class, he is responsible in teaching and very strict with us students. But out of class, he treats us on his own sons and daughters. We all like him very much.

About your reasons for application

  4 A: Why are you interested in working with this company?

  B: I am interested in working with your company because I know yours is one of the largest computer companies in our country (porvince, city). My major in the university is computer programming, so I wish to have the opportunity to apply my knowledge here.

  A: Do you choose this company on account of high pay (or remuneration)?

  B: No, not only for high pay (remuneration), but also for a good working environment. As far as I know, working in a Sino-foreign joint venture calls for punctuality and responsibility. It is such a working environment that I am looking for.

  A: Have you applied for a similiar post to any other company?

  B: Yes, I've also applied to Global Huada Company Ltd. -- a Sina-American joint venture, in case I may not be accepted here.

  A: What is the result of your application to that company?

  B: They've turned me down.

  A: What's the reason why you failed to get the post?

  B: My domicile isn't in this city and they needed a local resident. That's the sole reason for my failure to get the post.

  A: If you are employed by both companies, whose offer will you accept?

  B: Needless to say, my first choice is your company.

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在Java外企英语面试中,通常会考察两个主要方面:英语能力和技术基础/项目经历。对于英语能力,一般来说,对于3年以内工作经验的技术同学,要求是能够进行日常交流,不要求能够交流技术。因此,在准备阶段,可以准备一下英文自我介绍、一些常见的问答题,比如爱好、平常喜欢什么等生活话题,以防万一还可以准备一下英文的项目介绍。不同的公司、岗位和团队对于英语的要求也不一样,可以在面试之前与HR沟通咨询,了解对英语的要求是简单的读写、日常沟通还是技术沟通。根据自己的英语水平选择合适的岗位。 另外,面试中还会考察技术基础和项目经历。对于Java后端开发,可能会问到一些关于Java垃圾回收器的问题,比如1.5~1.8官方默认的垃圾回收器有哪些,它们的区别和实现原理是什么。此外,还可能会问到其他与Java底层实现和多线程实现相关的问题。在准备过程中,可以对这些知识点进行复习和准备,确保能够清晰地回答面试官的问题。 综上所述,在Java外企英语面试中,需要准备好英语能力和技术基础/项目经历两个方面的内容。通过充分准备和复习,可以提高面试的成功率。 #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* [2018 某外企大公司Java面试题](https://blog.csdn.net/wmq880204/article/details/85320873)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down28v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] - *2* *3* [后端Java一年经验面试记录--外企篇](https://blog.csdn.net/zacaolianjingxin/article/details/127195608)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v91^insert_down28v1,239^v3^insert_chatgpt"}} ] [.reference_item] [ .reference_list ]


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