1. An object is an entity that has responsibilities. Theseresponsibilities give the object its behavior. Sometimes, I also thinkof an object as an entity that has specific behavior.
2. Encapsulation should be thought of as "any kind of hiding." In other
words, it can hide data. But it can also hide implementations, derived
classes, or any number of things.
3. Find what varies and encapsulate it.
4. Favor composition over inheritance.
5. Some rules about OOD
• Objects are things with well-defined responsibilities.
• Objects are responsible for themselves.
• Encapsulation means any kind of hiding
- Data-hiding
- Class hiding (behind an abstract class or interface)
- Implementation hiding
• Abstract out variations in behavior and data with commonality/variability analysis.
• Design to interfaces.
• Think of inheritance as a method of conceptualizing variation,not for making special cases of existing objects
• Keep variations in a class decoupled from other variations in the class.
• Strive for loose coupling.
• Strive for high cohesion.
• Be absolutely meticulous in applying the once and only once rule.
读完这本书后,我又拿起了这本书中不断提到的《设计模式》。通观《设计模式》这本书,她把23常见的模式分为三类来讲解:Creational Patterns,Structural Patterns,Behavioral Patterns,而后,在其中又可以分为:Class Patterns and Object Patterns。并且对每个模式都采用了统一的描述方法。Intent,Motivation,Applicability,Structure,Participants,Collaborations,Consequences, Implementation,Sample Code,Known Uses,Related Patterns.为了辅助学习期间,我简要介绍一下各部分的主要内容和要把握的问题。
Structure:这是这个模式中类、对象的UML图,认真领会这个图,可以对这个模式有一个整体上的理解,也是学习Paticipants,Collaborations,Implementation 和 Sample code的指导性部分。
Sample Code:针对这个模式,给出了一个框架上的代码设计。如果时间紧的话,可以直接来读这部分达到尽快上手的目的。不过,这需要很强的编程经验。
Known Uses:给出是使用此模式的已经成功的方案,完全可以略去不读,读了也不会对这个模式有什么帮助。
Related Patterns:这部分可能是读者最容易忽略的,但是,我认为这部分是非常重要的。因为,在一个比较大的系统下,都是很多模式的集合体,在这里,作者给出了这个模式和别的模式如何协作起来完成一个功能。是应该付出时间来体会的,回报也是很大的。
It's easiest to see a pattern as a solution, as a technique that can be adapted and reused. It's harder to see when it is appropriate—to characterize the problems it solves and the context in which it's the best solution. In general, it's easier to see what someone is doing than to know why, and the "why" for a pattern is the problem it solves. Knowing the purpose of a pattern is important too, because it helps us choose patterns to apply. It also helps us understand the design of existing systems. A pattern author must determine and characterize the problem that the pattern solves, even if you have to do it after you've discovered its solution.