Managing Redo File

1、How Oracle Database Writes to the Redo Log

The redo log of a database consists of two or more redo log files. The database requires a minimum of two files to guarantee that one is always available for writing while the other is being archived (if the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode).

LGWR writes to redo log files in a circular fashion. When the current redo log file fills, LGWR begins writing to the next available redo log file. When the last available redo log file is filled, LGWR returns to the first redo log file and writes to it, starting the cycle again. Figure 12-1 illustrates the circular writing of the redo log file. The numbers next to each line indicate the sequence in which LGWR writes to each redo log file.

Filled redo log files are available to LGWR for reuse depending on whether archiving is enabled.

  • If archiving is disabled (the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode), a filled redo log file is available after the changes recorded in it have been written to the datafiles.

  • If archiving is enabled (the database is in ARCHIVELOG mode), a filled redo log file is available to LGWR after the changes recorded in it have been written to the datafiles and the file has been archived.

2、Multiplexing Redo Log Files

To protect against a failure involving the redo log itself, Oracle Database allows a multiplexed redo log, meaning that two or more identical copies of the redo log can be automatically maintained in separate locations. For the most benefit, these locations should be on separate disks. Even if all copies of the redo log are on the same disk, however, the redundancy can help protect against I/O errors, file corruption, and so on. When redo log files are multiplexed, LGWR concurrently writes the same redo log information to multiple identical redo log files, thereby eliminating a single point of redo log failure.

Multiplexing is implemented by creating groups of redo log files. A group consists of a redo log file and its multiplexed copies. Each identical copy is said to be a member of the group. Each redo log group is defined by a number, such as group 1, group 2, and so on.

3、Responding to Redo Log Failure

Whenever LGWR cannot write to a member of a group, the database marks that member as INVALID and writes an error message to the LGWR trace file and to the database alert log to indicate the problem with the inaccessible files. The specific reaction of LGWR when a redo log member is unavailable depends on the reason for the lack of availability, as summarized in the table that follows.

Condition LGWR Action
LGWR can successfully write to at least one member in a group Writing proceeds as normal. LGWR writes to the available members of a group and ignores the unavailable members.
LGWR cannot access the next group at a log switch because the group must be archived Database operation temporarily halts until the group becomes available or until the group is archived.
All members of the next group are inaccessible to LGWR at a log switch because of media failure Oracle Database returns an error, and the database instance shuts down. In this case, you may need to perform media recovery on the database from the loss of a redo log file.

If the database checkpoint has moved beyond the lost redo log, media recovery is not necessary, because the database has saved the data recorded in the redo log to the datafiles. You need only drop the inaccessible redo log group. If the database did not archive the bad log, use ALTER DATABASE CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOG to disable archiving before the log can be dropped.

All members of a group suddenly become inaccessible to LGWR while it is writing to them Oracle Database returns an error and the database instance immediately shuts down. In this case, you may need to perform media recovery. If the media containing the log is not actually lost--for example, if the drive for the log was inadvertently turned off--media recovery may not be needed. In this case, you need only turn the drive back on and let the database perform automatic instance recovery.

3.1Setting the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET Initialization Parameter

When you set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter, you cause the database to examine the current redo log of the instance periodically. If the following conditions are met, then the instance will switch the log:

  • The current log was created prior to n seconds ago, and the estimated archival time for the current log is m seconds (proportional to the number of redo blocks used in the current log), where n + m exceeds the value of the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter.

  • The current log contains redo records.

In an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment, the instance also causes other threads to switch and archive their logs if they are falling behind. This can be particularly useful when one instance in the cluster is more idle than the other instances (as when you are running a 2-node primary/secondary configuration of Oracle Real Application Clusters).

The ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter provides an upper limit for how long (in seconds) the current log of the database can span. Because the estimated archival time is also considered, this is not the exact log switch time.

The following initialization parameter setting sets the log switch interval to 30 minutes (a typical value).


A value of 0 disables this time-based log switching functionality. This is the default setting.

You can set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter even if there is no standby database. For example, the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter can be set specifically to force logs to be switched and archived.

ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET is a dynamic parameter and can be set with the ALTER SYSTEM SET statement.


The ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter must be set to the same value in all instances of an Oracle Real Application Clusters environment. Failing to do so results in unpredictable behavior.

3.2Factors Affecting the Setting of ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET

Consider the following factors when determining if you want to set the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET parameter and in determining the value for this parameter.

  • Overhead of switching (as well as archiving) logs

  • How frequently normal log switches occur as a result of log full conditions

  • How much redo loss is tolerated in the standby database

Setting ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET may not be very useful if natural log switches already occur more frequently than the interval specified. However, in the case of irregularities of redo generation speed, the interval does provide an upper limit for the time range each current log covers.

If the ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter is set to a very low value, there can be a negative impact on performance. This can force frequent log switches. Set the parameter to a reasonable value so as not to degrade the performance of the primary database.

4.1、Creating  and drop Redo Log Groups

  ADD LOGFILE ('/oracle/dbs/log1c.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/log2c.rdo') SIZE 100M;


Provide full path names of new log members to specify their location. Otherwise, the files are created in either the default or current directory of the database server, depending upon your operating system.

You can also specify the number that identifies the group using the GROUP clause:

  ADD LOGFILE GROUP 10 ('/oracle/dbs/log1c.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/log2c.rdo')
      SIZE 100M BLOCKSIZE 512;

4.2、Creating Redo Log Members

    TO ('/oracle/dbs/log2a.rdo', '/oracle/dbs/log2b.rdo');

4.3、Dropping Redo Log Members

5、Steps for Renaming Redo Log Members 
  1. Shut down the database.

  2. Copy the redo log files to the new location.

    Operating system files, such as redo log members, must be copied using the appropriate operating system commands. See your operating system specific documentation for more information about copying files.


    You can execute an operating system command to copy a file (or perform other operating system commands) without exiting SQL*Plus by using the HOST command. Some operating systems allow you to use a character in place of the word HOST. For example, you can use an exclamation point (!) in UNIX.

    The following example uses operating system commands (UNIX) to move the redo log members to a new location:

    mv /diska/logs/log1a.rdo /diskc/logs/log1c.rdo
    mv /diska/logs/log2a.rdo /diskc/logs/log2c.rdo
  3. Startup the database, mount, but do not open it.

  4. Rename the redo log members.

    Use the ALTER DATABASE statement with the RENAME FILE clause to rename the database redo log files.

      RENAME FILE '/diska/logs/log1a.rdo', '/diska/logs/log2a.rdo' 
               TO '/diskc/logs/log1c.rdo', '/diskc/logs/log2c.rdo';
  5. Open the database for normal operation.

    The redo log alterations take effect when the database is opened.


6、Forcing Log Switches


7、Clearing a Redo Log File

A redo log file might become corrupted while the database is open, and ultimately stop database activity because archiving cannot continue. In this situation the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement can be used to reinitialize the file without shutting down the database.

The following statement clears the log files in redo log group number 3:


This statement overcomes two situations where dropping redo logs is not possible:

  • If there are only two log groups

  • The corrupt redo log file belongs to the current group

If the corrupt redo log file has not been archived, use the UNARCHIVED keyword in the statement.


This statement clears the corrupted redo logs and avoids archiving them. The cleared redo logs are available for use even though they were not archived.

If you clear a log file that is needed for recovery of a backup, then you can no longer recover from that backup. The database writes a message in the alert log describing the backups from which you cannot recover.


If you clear an unarchived redo log file, you should make another backup of the database.

To clear an unarchived redo log that is needed to bring an offline tablespace online, use the UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE clause in the ALTER DATABASE CLEAR LOGFILE statement.

If you clear a redo log needed to bring an offline tablespace online, you will not be able to bring the tablespace online again. You will have to drop the tablespace or perform an incomplete recovery. Note that tablespaces taken offline normal do not require recovery.

8、Redo Log Data Dictionary Views

The following views provide information on redo logs.

View Description
V$LOG Displays the redo log file information from the control file
V$LOGFILE Identifies redo log groups and members and member status
V$LOG_HISTORY Contains log history information

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