交易系统先锋、图灵奖得主 Jim Gray


Dr. Gray is a specialist in database and transaction processing computer systems. At Microsoft his research focuses on applying computers to solve data-intensive scientific problems: eScience.   He has a long-standing interest in scaleable computing: building super-servers and work-group systems from commodity software and hardware.  Prior to joining Microsoft, he worked at Digital, Tandem, IBM and AT&T on database and transaction processing systems including Rdb, ACMS, NonStop SQL, Pathway, System R, SQL/DS, DB2, and IMS-Fast Path.  He is editor of the Performance Handbook for Database and Transaction Processing Systems, and co-author of Transaction Processing Concepts and Techniques.  He holds doctorates from Berkeley and honorary doctorates from Stuttgart(1990) and Paris, is a Member of the National Academy of Engineering, American Academy of Arts and Science, and the National Academy of Science, a Fellow of the ACM, and Editor of the Morgan Kaufmann series on Data Management.  In 1998 he received the ACM Turing Award.In that year also he received the IEEE Charles Babbage Award for high-performance database systems. He frequently lectures at universities, and often reviews application designs.  He has been a McKay Fellow at UC Berkeley.

1961-1966: UC Berkeley, Departments of Mathematics and Engineering. BS Degree in Mathematics and Engineering.  
1966: Courant Institute at New York University.  
1967-1969: UC Berkeley, Department of Computer Science.  PhD Degree in Computer Science.   
Employment History
1962, 1963  Co-op Student, General Dynamics Astronautics, San Diego, CA.
1964  Reader, Mathematics Department, U.C. Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
1965-1966 Research Assistant, Electronics Research Laboratory, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
1966-1967 Member of Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratory, Whippany, NJ.
1967-1969  Research Assistant, Dept. of Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
1969-1971 IBM Post Doctoral Fellow, Dept. of Computer Science, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.
1971-1972 Research Staff Member, General Science Department, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, NY.
1972  UNESCO Expert, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania
1972-1980 Research Staff Member, Computer Science Department, IBM Research, San Jose, CA.
1980-1990 Software Designer, Software Development Department, Tandem Computers, Cupertino, CA.
1988 (spring): Stanford University Department of Computer Science
1990 - 1994 Corporate Consulting Engineer: Digital Equipment Corporation
1994 -1995  McKay Fellow at University of California Computer Science Department
1995-     Senior Researcher, Microsoft Research, San Francisco, CA,
                promoted to Distinguished Engineer in 2000.

Professional Honors
Phi Beta Kappa
Sigma Chi
Honorary Doctorate of Natural Science, University of Stuttgart, 1990,
IBM Outstanding Innovation Award
Tandem Outstanding Performer Award          
Association for Computing Machinery
                1982: Best Systems Paper -- for paper on System R recovery manger.
                1989: Best Systems Award – for work on Relational DBs  Shared award with 8 others.
                1993 SIGMOD Data Management Software Systems Award
                1994 Elected ACM Fellow
                1994 SIGMOD best paper award
                1998 VLDB best paper award 10 years later (with Dina Bitton)
                1998 Turing Award
National Academy of Engineering: 1997 Elected to membership.
IEEE      1998 Charles Babbage Award - for High Performance Database Systems
US Geological Survey:  2000  John Wesley Powell Award (with Tom Barclay for TerraServer)
National Academy of Science: Elected to membership
American Academy of Arts And Sciences: 2001 Elected to membership
European Academy of Science: 2003 Elected to membership
University of Paris Dauphine: 2004 Honorary Doctorate
Distinguished Lecturer at:
CMU, Ga. Tech., MIT, Simon Frazer U., U Alberta, U Virginia, U Washington, U. Illinois, U. Minnesota,  U. Minnesota, U. Stuttgart, U. Wisconsin at Madison, UC Bakersfield, Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angles, Rice, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, San Diego, U. Texas, U Maryland
Keynote Speaker:
                ? Italian ACM Conference 1980
                ? VLDB 1981, 1985, 1991, 1998
                ? German ACM Conference 1982
                ? Australian ACM Conference 1983,
                ? Principles of Distributed Computing 1985
                ? SIGMETRICS 1987
                ? Workshop on Database Machines 1989
                ? International Conference on Distributed Computer Systems, 1990
                ? DBexpo 92, 93, 94, 95, 96
                ? RdbExpo, DECUS 92, 93, 94
                ? FCRC 99
                ? SIGMOD 97, 99, 04
                ? NetStore 99, HPTS99,..
                ?  many more
Taught many short-courses at various institutes
Professional Affiliations
Member of National Academy of Engineering
Member of National Academy of Science
Member of American Academy of Arts and Science
Member of European Academy of Science
Regent of National Library of Medicine
Fellow of Association of Computing Machinery
Former Trustee of VLDB Endowment
Former Member of National Research Council, study group on
Directions of Computer Science,
Library of Congress IT plan
Sustainability Research
               Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (1990-1999)
Former Member of Presidential Advisory Committee on Next Generation Internet, High Performance Computing, and Information Technology
Association of Computing Machines
                ? Special Interest Group on Operating Systems
                ? Special Interest Group on Management of Data
                ? Special Interest Group on Programming Languages
                ? Past Chairman of ACM Distinguished Doctoral Dissertation Award Committee
                ? SIGMOD program committee (9 years)
                ? SIGOPS program committee (3 years)
                ? PODS program committee (2 years)
                ? VLDB program committee (7 years)
                ? OSDI program committee (2 years)
                ? Turing Award committee (4 years, now chairman).
                ? Western Area Program Committee
                ? CompCon Program Committee (ten years)
? John von Neumann Award
VLDB Foundation
                ? VLDB program committee (six years)
                ? Former Editor in Chief of Very Large Database Journal (1990-1998)
? Former Trustee of the VLDB foundation (1990-2000)
? Organizer of CIDR and HPTS workshops
Industrial Affiliate
                ? UC Berkeley
                ? Stanford
                ? U. Wisconsin
Federation of American Scientists
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility
Editor of Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems

Before we can look at the future, we have to go back to August 1969(这一年也是Gray博士毕业的同一年) to discover the origins of the relational model. This was when Dr. E. F. Codd published his paper, "Derivability, Redundancy, and Consistency of Relations Stored in Large Data Banks" in an IBM Research Report. - From In the Beginning: An RDBMS history - by Colin White,Teradata Magazine,September 2004


Joseph S. Barrera III: Since early 2004 I have been a Senior Software Architect at Collation, working on Confignia, an automated enterprise software discovery tool; my responsibilities are mainly for the discovery of Windows software. In late 2005, Collation was acquired by IBM, but my responsibilities have remained the same, albeit as part of the TADDM product.

Wilbur H. Highleyman - 高可用系统领域名人,《Performance Analysis of Transaction Processing Systems》(Prentice Hall,1989)一书作者.The founder of The Sombers Group, Dr. Bill Highleyman, acted as the performance auditor on two of Tandem's performance prediction products - Tandem Capacity Model (TCM) and Guardian Performance Analyzer (GPA). Bill has been an ITUG member since 1980, becoming president of the Northeast Region Tandem User Group (NRTUG) in 1981. In 1984, he joined the ITUG Board of Directors, where he served as the ITUG chair in 1986. He has contributed heavily to the ITUG technical journal, "The Connection," and currently serves on the HP enterprise advocacy committee.Gray在Tandem工作过


A Conversation with Jim Gray - A computing great takes time to discuss transaction theory, databases, and more in this 2001 interview - by Philippe Lourier,Dr.Dobb's Journal,2001
访谈内容:Introduction、 The Computer Industry: the early days、 Records,Fields,and FORTRAN、Out of Bell Labs、Developing Relational Databases、Transaction Theory、Algorithms and the Web、SQL、Stored Procedures、Performance,Time and Space、Conclusion - 这篇访谈侧重交易理论及其历史,而在Charles Babbage Institute关于Gray的口述历史中,对交易谈得不多

A Talk With Database Guru Jim Gray: Find out about the future of SQL Server 2000 and extreme scaling from Microsoft's resident expert in large databases, February 1, 2002

An Interview with Jim Gray - by David A. Patterson,ACMQueue,June 2003

Deconstructing databases with Jim Gray - by Mark Whitehorn,Register Developer,May 2006
Mark是一位受人尊重的技术评论员,他从87年开始发表各种文章,他出版了多部书籍,他在Personal Computer World杂志上的数据库专栏是时间跨度最长的数据库专栏之一,他在教育、研究和实践领域都有建树。在对Gray的这篇专访中,他们谈到了并行计算,就图形计算领域使用的GPU并行技术的现状、用在企业数据处理领域的可能性做了探讨,GPU领域早就有CPU多核的概念,而且它们可能有几百个核,这个领域值得关注,GPU并行编程的复杂性,以及所需要的思维方式的转变限制了它在其它领域发挥更大的作用。Mark多次谈到Gray令人敬佩的品格,引用几句原文 - One of the great exceptions to this rule is Jim Gray, who has managed to combine an outstanding academic career  with a very practical one.....If all that wasn't enough, Jim Gray is further renowned for being a humanist. One of the most decent, honest, upright, pleasant people you could hope to meet....Even hardened cynical computer journalists treat this guy with serious respect.在谈到交易完整性方面时,对于补偿(compensation)和逆向(reverse)交易,Gray认为它们不能解决所有问题,对它们要进行界定,有些不属于计算机领域考虑的问题,需要人工介入。在谈到实时分析时,Gray认为多维数据库中的Fact Table实质上就是原始表的Index,关于SQL,他以SQL Server为例说其中容纳了太多东西,一些人并不清楚多维数据是什么、数据挖掘模型如何工作,但这不影响那些人成为专家。

An interview with Jim Gray - by Philip L. Frana,Charles Babbage Institute,January 3,2002

五、Courses of Jim Gray Teaching

六、Clues of Articles Related Jim Gray(文章线索)

Vera Watson,Gray 与 Vera Watson 于75年发表的一篇文章似乎是他转向实践的操作系统研究的第一篇文章,在前期与导师 Michael Harrison 合作发表的文章集中在语法及逻辑关系方面

The 1995 SQL Reunion: People, Projects, and Politics edited by Paul McJones - 这篇关于SQL 20年回忆录中有些涉及1968——1974年间工作

In the Beginning: An RDBMS history - by Colin White,Teradata Magazine,September 2004 - [注]:前面一篇SQL 25年回忆录是一篇好的回忆文章,这也是一篇不错的回忆文章

The Rise of Relational Databases - Chapter 6 in "Funding a Revolution" - [注]:该文档存放在Read_index中
His insights, humor, encouragement and good will are things I will never forget - From Thoughts on Jim Gray, Database Pioneer - by Dave Stodder,February 20, 2007

List of Nobel laureates associated with UC Berkeley, Turing Award laureates

Microsoft Researcher Jim Gray Receives Turing Award for Helping to Transform Databases into Dynamic Tools Used by Millions - SAN FRANCISCO, May 14, 1999 - [注]:这是介绍Gray成就及经历的一篇相当好的文章,写作者的姓名没有署上,他应该对Gray作了深度访谈,Gray对自己六、七十年代早年的事项也做了不少交代,比如在大学阶段如何迷上计算机,职业工作初期如何确定数据库技术作为研究方向,等等。

Don Burleson - 把Don放这儿,因为他也在实践着支持上千并发用户的系统。- Don is also a noted expert on Oracle web technology systems, and he has been instrumental in the development of numerous Web-based systems that support thousands of concurrent users.

The late 1980s and early 1990s saw big changes on the software side for Sequent. DYNIX was replaced by DYNIX/ptx, which was based on a merger of AT&T's version of UNIX and BSD 4.2. And this was during a period when Sequent's high-end systems became particularly successful due to a close working relationship with Oracle, specifically their high-end database servers. In 1993 they added the Symmetry 2000/x90 along with their ptx/Cluster software, which added various high availability features and introduced custom support for Oracle Parallel Server. - [注]:80年代晚期到90年代早期,Sequent公司与Oracle公司有过紧密的合作,合作的影响体现在Sequent高可用操作系统的出现,以及在Client/Server环境中担刚Database Server的能力。Gray在回忆文章中曾说Tandem 80年代与Oracle在联机交易处理性能领域有过激烈的竞争,最后是Oracle取胜,不知Sequent在其中起到什么作用

在Tandem Technical Reports中,可以以技术报告发布时间为线索了解Gray在Tandem的工作情况,比如"A Measure of Transaction Processing Power"在Tandem报告中登记为85年发表,这是多人合作的一份报告,Gray是其中的成员

在Bill Highleyman,Paul Holenstein和Bruce Holenstein的《Breaking the Availability Barrier:Survivable Systems for Enterprise Computing 》(2003)前言致谢一节中,作者感谢Gray写的许多优秀的技术文章点燃了本书写作热情(Jim Gray whose many writings fueled the fire)

Jim Gray纪念文章整理

Jim Gray写过序言的书籍

Transactional Information Systems: Theory, Algorithms, and the Practice of Concurrency Control(Morgan Kaufmann,Gerhard Weikum,Gottfried Vossen,2001)

Databases and Transaction Processing(Addison Wesley,Arthur Bernstein,Philip Lewis,Michael Kifer,2001)

Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2000(Microsoft Press,Kalen Delaney,Ron Soukup,2001)

Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance, Second Edition(Morgan Kaufmann,Patrick O'Neil, Elizabeth O'Neil,2000)

Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques(Morgan Kaufmann,Jiawei Han,Micheline Kamber,2000)

Scaling for E-Business: Technologies, Models, Performance, and Capacity Planning(Prentice Hall,Daniel Menasce,2000)


Mark Whitehorn - Deconstructing databases with Jim Gray(Register Developer,May 2006)一文的作者。Mark现供职于PenguinSoft Consulting Ltd,他从1987年开始在计算机世界上发表各种技术评论文章

Jim Gray Recommended Articles - From Jim Gray's Website at Microsoft

SQL Server大型服务器:伸缩性、可用性与易管理性. July 2004 - 由Jim Gray和Microsoft SQL Server开发团队合作的一个项目

七、以 Jim Gray 命名的教授职位和研究中心

伯克利加大电气与计算机科学学院设立了计算机科学Jim Gray讲席教授,首任讲席教授是 Joseph M. Hellerstein

威斯康辛麦迪逊大学计算机科学系和微软于08年共同发起设立了微软Jim Gray系统实验室(The Microsoft Jim Gray System Labs),首任负责人是 David DeWitt 教授

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