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转载 Pillory (Noun)

Definition 1: The noun refers to the frame with holes for the head and hands (the stocks) and the post on which it...

2007-02-28 12:42:46 123

转载 Prerogative (Noun)

Definition 1: An exclusive or special right emanating from an office, organization, or social class. [@more@]Usage...

2007-02-28 12:42:15 117

转载 Inure (Verb)

Definition 1: To habituate someone to something undesirable, especially after they have endured it for a long time...

2007-02-28 12:41:51 106

转载 Zeugma (Noun)

Definition 1: The Greek correlate of the Latinate word, "syllepsis" [si-'lep-sis], a syntactic construction in whi...

2007-02-28 12:39:01 151

转载 Mettle (Noun)

Definition 1: A person's character, spirit, courage, strength of principle—the stuff one is made of, usually in a ...

2007-02-28 12:38:19 111

转载 Debride (Verb)

Definition 1: No, today's word does not refer to the removal of a new spouse from a groom by disgruntled in-laws, ...

2007-02-28 12:37:40 136

转载 Hubris (Noun)

Definition 1: Contemptuous pride, insolent arrogance. [@more@]Usage 1: Another of those rarities of English: a wor...

2007-02-28 12:37:04 185

转载 Excruciate (Verb)

Definition 1: To inflict severe physical or mental pain on; torture physically or mentally.[@more@]Usage 1: Here i...

2007-02-28 12:36:11 128

转载 Litotes (Noun)

Definition 1: A figure of speech that uses dramatic understatement to express a positive idea by negating its oppo...

2007-02-28 12:35:45 146

转载 Ombudsman (Noun)

Definition 1: A government official in Scandinavia who investigates grievances from the public against government ...

2007-02-28 12:35:13 156

转载 Welter (Noun)

Definition 1: (1) A roiling, tumultuous state, a turmoil; (2) a confusion or confused mass.[@more@]Usage 1: Today'...

2007-02-28 12:34:46 116

转载 Anarchy (Noun)

Definition 1: A state of lawlessness resulting from a total lack of governance.[@more@]Usage 1: Not to be confused...

2007-02-28 12:34:14 133

转载 Expatriate (Verb)

Definition 1: To leave one's native land and live elsewhere; to renounce allegiance to one's native land.[@more@]U...

2007-02-28 12:33:34 191

转载 Anthropomorphism (Noun)

Definition 1: Assigning human properties to an inhuman object. [@more@]Usage 1: When the forest sighs or whispers,...

2007-02-28 12:33:15 111

转载 Equanimity (Noun)

Definition 1: Composure; cool steadiness, level-headedness especially under stress. [@more@]Usage 1: The adjective...

2007-02-28 12:32:57 85

转载 Obdurate (Adjective)

Definition 1: Stubbornly wicked (impenitent) or wickedly stubborn (intractable).[@more@]Usage 1: Shelley wrote in ...

2007-02-28 12:31:17 109

转载 Surfeit (Noun)

Definition 1: Excess, superfluity; overindulgence, especially of food and drink, and the suffering accompanying su...

2007-02-28 12:30:34 93

转载 Vehement (Adjective)

Definition 1: Emotionally strong, intense, verging on anger; physically powerful and/or rapid.[@more@]Usage 1: Peo...

2007-02-28 12:29:55 106

转载 Epicure (Noun)

Definition 1: A person with discriminating tastes, especially in food or wine (Adj. epicurean). [@more@]Usage 1: C...

2007-02-28 12:29:28 326

转载 Gumption (Noun)

Definition 1: Colloquial. (1) Spunk, boldness, chutzpah, moxie; (2) common sense, horse sense.[@more@]Usage 1: Tod...

2007-02-28 12:28:37 254

转载 Pudic (Adjective)

Definition 1: Modest as a result of being chaste, having a very sensitive sense of shame.[@more@]Usage 1: American...

2007-02-28 12:28:03 135

转载 Internecine (Adjective)

Definition 1: Aimed at total destruction; mutually destructive; pertaining to a struggle within an entity, such as...

2007-02-28 12:27:56 109

转载 Sequacious (Adjective)

Definition 1: (1) Inclined to follow rather than lead, conformist, following others in thought and behavior; (2) c...

2007-02-28 12:27:23 105

转载 Perspicacious (Adjective)

Definition 1: Displaying insightful mental capacities and/or shrewd discernment. [@more@]Usage 1: The noun is "per...

2007-02-28 12:26:57 76

转载 Salacious (Adjective)

Definition 1: Arousing or appealing to sexual desire or imagination; lewd, lascivious. [@more@]Usage 1: We like th...

2007-02-28 12:26:28 136

转载 Hyperbole (Noun)

Definition 1: Overstatement; a figure of speech that uses exaggeration for effect, without intending to be taken l...

2007-02-28 12:25:36 159

转载 Confluence (Noun)

Definition 1: The point at which two or more streams flow together; a coming together, congress, or gathering of a...

2007-02-28 12:25:02 75

转载 Startle (Verb)

Definition 1: To cause someone to jump or start. To alarm, frighten, or surprise suddenly.[@more@]Usage 1: This ve...

2007-02-28 12:24:43 132

转载 Flummox (Verb)

Definition 1: (Colloquial) To totally confuse, to confuse to the point of frustration. [@more@]Usage 1: "Flummox" ...

2007-02-28 12:24:16 80

转载 Outrage (Noun)

Definition 1: A horrible act of any sort: a crime, an insult, or a gross violation of good taste; explosive anger ...

2007-02-28 12:24:11 117

转载 Cynosure (Noun)

Definition 1: Ursa minor or the North Star which it contains, hence that which provides guidance or attracts atten...

2007-02-28 12:23:50 198

转载 Masticate (Verb)

Definition 1: To chew or to grind to a pulp.[@more@]Usage 1: You should be sure to masticate your food sufficientl...

2007-02-28 12:23:22 144

转载 Gambit (Noun)

Definition 1: A daring opening move in chess that sacrifices a piece for a future advantage.[@more@]Usage 1: Appli...

2007-02-28 12:22:30 98

转载 Pyrrhic (Adjective)

Definition 1: Used in the phrase "Pyrrhic victory," meaning a victory with losses or costs so great, it's no victo...

2007-02-28 12:21:58 121

转载 Offshore (Verb)

Definition 1: To outsource or subcontract a high-paying job overseas to a less developed country where wages are s...

2007-02-28 12:20:47 115

转载 Sanction (Noun)

Today's Word:Sanction (Noun)Pronunciation: ['sængk-shên]Definition 1: This word has two contradictory meanings: ap...

2007-02-28 12:20:31 130

转载 Labile (Adjective)

Definition 1: Changeable, unstable; apt to slip away.[@more@]Usage 1: When used to describe personalities, today's...

2007-02-28 12:19:30 97

转载 Panglossian (Adjective)

Definition 1: Blindly and naively optimistic. [@more@]Usage 1: Today's word provides a way to shorten conversation...

2007-02-28 12:18:28 163

转载 Compossible (Adjective)

Definition 1: Capable of coexistence with something else, possible in coexistence with something else, compatible....

2007-02-28 12:18:02 96

转载 Baleful (Adjective)

Definition 1: Threatening harm, ominous or sinister.[@more@]Usage 1: "Baleful" and "baneful" are close cousins, bu...

2007-02-28 12:17:29 107



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