. yii\caching\Cache;
. yii\caching\yii\caching;
* Builds a normalized cache key from a given key.
* If the given key is a string containing alphanumeric characters only and no more than 32 characters,
* then the key will be returned back prefixed with [[keyPrefix]]. Otherwise, a normalized key
* is generated by serializing the given key, applying MD5 hashing, and prefixing with [[keyPrefix]].
* @param mixed $key the key to be normalized
* @return string the generated cache key
public function buildKey($key)
if (is_string($key)) {
//$key = ctype_alnum($key) && StringHelper::byteLength($key) <= 32 ? $key : md5($key);
// 修改文件名的规则 如果文件名的长度大于100或者不全是数字字母,md5加密生成新的文件名
$key = ctype_alnum($key) && StringHelper::byteLength($key) <= 100 ? $key : md5($key);
} else {
$key = md5(json_encode($key));
return $this->keyPrefix . $key;
protected function setValue($key, $value, $duration)
$cacheFile = $this->getCacheFile($key);
if ($this->directoryLevel > 0) {
@FileHelper::createDirectory(dirname($cacheFile), $this->dirMode, true);
if (@file_put_contents($cacheFile, $value, LOCK_EX) !== false) {
if ($this->fileMode !== null) {
@chmod($cacheFile, $this->fileMode);
if ($duration <= 0) {
$duration = 31536000; // 1 year
return @touch($cacheFile, $duration + time());
} else {
$error = error_get_last();
Yii::warning("Unable to write cache file '{$cacheFile}': {$error['message']}", __METHOD__);
return false;