Oracle Architecture and Metrics

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Reload this page Oracle Architecture and Metrics

Here is an illustrated Nutshell FAQ on Oracle explained in-depth using a hands-on approach and constructivist sequence. This crystalizes stacks of books, several classes, thousands of user group entries, and years of hard-won experience.

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Set screen Overview: Architecture Core Components

The Oracle Database Management System (DBMS) consists of several components (loosely similar to UNIX's implementation of the multitasking operating system):


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Architecture Interface Protocols Installation Permissions Server Services Server Manager Data Architecture Logical Data Structures Physical Data Structures OFA Initialization Procs Memory Architecture Background Processes Resources Your comments???



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Set screen Installation

Oracle Installation Products

The Oracle 10g Universal Installer is installed in C:\Program Files\Oracle\Inventory.

Set screen Where Is Oracle Installed?

Version OS Installer Setup File Installer MB ORACLE_BASE ORACLE_HOME Express Edition on Windows XP OracleXEUniv.exe 211,849 C:\oraclexe \product\10.2.0\server
Enterprise Edition Windows 32bit 639,674 C:\oracle\product\10.2.0 \db_1

htm.gif Reviewing Installed Starter Database Contents


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Set screen OS Environment Variables For Where Oracle Is Installed

Oracle has been designed to allow several versions to be installed on a single machine.

When Oracle Personal Express Edition (XE) is installed, it creates by default folder C:\oraclexe with the folders in the table.
idea.gifCreate OS environment variableanother page on this site ORACLE_BASE to hold value "C:\oraclexe".

reminder.gif Different installers use other drive/folder paths.

Envrionment variables enable the root path to be referenced by $ORACLE_BASE within Unix and %ORACLE_BASE% within Windows. For example, within Windows, the file created to detail installation activities can be found at "%ORACLE_BASE%\app\oracle\admin\xe\bdump\alert_xe.log" Copy and paste this on the address bar of Windows Explorer.

"xe" is the database Instance Identifier (SID) for Express Edition.
"orcl" is the default db_name value in INIT.ORA for the Enterprise Edition.
idea.gifCreate OS environment variableanother page on this site ORACLE_SID to hold SID value "xe" or the instance SID value for your application.

The path to executables (exe and dll files) within the bin folder containing Oracle supplied command line utilities for a Oracle version is stored within OS environment variable $ORACLE_HOME in Unix.

reminder.gif On Windows machines, rather than setting a %ORACLE_HOME% environment variable, Oracle uses the path in Windows Registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/ORACLE using the Regedit utilityanother page on this site

Oracle 11g only requires user specification of ORACLE_BASE, since it creates ORACLE_HOME from it.

idea.gif Change OS Environment variable PATHanother page on this site to replace the path with variable %ORACLE_HOME%/bin where Oracle executables run from whatever is the current folder. Remember the $ prefix in UNIX and two % in Windows. Since it's a variable, PATH does not need to be changed when the Oracle path needs to change.

idea.gif To change from using Oracle 10g to Oracle 11g on the same machine, change the value of ORACLE_HOME.

idea.gif To connect to a network different than the one active while Oracle was installed, change in ...\db_1\NETWORK\ADMIN\listener.ora the default port from 1521 to 1525.

Express Edition Files Installed
app/oracle admin/XE adump

Enterprise Edition Files Installed
admin/orcl adump


The default SAP installation names Oracle datafiles with a prefix which matches its tablespace name. Rather than the dbf filename suffix, SAP requires datafiles to have names such as "psappooli.data3" for the third datafile for the SAP POOL data indexes.

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Set screen Background Services/Processes

Oracle installs several services with names starting with "Oracle". In Windows, their status can be viewed (among other services) from
start.gif Programs > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services (services.msc).

Service Name Startup Bin Notes
Automatic ORACLE.EXE XE Oracle RDBMS Kernel Executable background process (runs multi-threaded). Unlike UNIX ports of Oracle Database 10g, Oracle Database 10g on Windows is implemented as a single operating system process.
OracleXEClrAgent Manual OraClrAgnt.exe CLR agent (XE Edition only)
Automatic tnslsnr.exe "Transparent Network Substrate" (Oracle Network Service) Listener
OracleOraDb10g_homeiSQL*Plus Automatic isqlplussvc.exe iSQL *Plus Application Server (Enterprise edition only)
OracleMTSRecoveryService Automatic omtsreco.exe MTS Recovery Service
Disabled extjob.exe XE Job Scheduler
OracleDBConsoleord Automatic nmesrvc.exe (Enterprise edition only)

Oracle 10g takes VM Size of 651,540K.

A different service name is assigned to process each instance. Service names contain "XE" for Express Edition, or "ORCL" or "OraDb10g_home1" automatically assigned by the Enterprise edition installer.

reminder.gif Statup is "Automatic" when that the service starts every time Windows boots up.
Statup is "Manual" if that service does not start with Windows boots up and requires manual intervention to start.

caution.gif Executables for running services and the dll files they use (oraclient10.dll, etc. also in the same bin folder) cannot be deleted (to uninstall Oracle) until their service is stopped.

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Set screen Oracle Enterprise Components

The Enterprise version of Oracle runs additional services for each instance.

Advanced Database architectures include: Oracle Managed Files (OMF) to automate creation and dropping of datafiles and management of redo log and control files; Partitioning of tables by range, list, hash, composition; Replication (not suited to failover and backup); Standby (Failover) Databases, Grid Computing, which consists of OEM Grid Control of Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters) and Oracle 10g platform. independent Cluster Ready Services (CRS) to handle failover of services to surviving nodes

ASM, Transportable Tablespaces, Streams, Scheduler.

Oracle features for a grid computing architecture: 朞racle Real Application Clusters (RAC) 朅utomated Storage Management (ASM) 朞racle Transportable Tablespaces 朞racle Streams 朞racle Scheduler 朞racle Enterprise Manager Grid Control<!--

Service Startup Bin Notes
OracleOraDb10g_homeiSQL*Plus Automatic isqlplussvc.exe iSQL *Plus Application Server
OracleXEClrAgent Manual OraClrAgnt.exe CLR agent
OracleXETNSListener Automatic tnslsnr.exe "Transparent Network Substrate" (Oracle Network Service) Listener
OracleMTSRecoveryService Automatic omtsreco.exe MTS Recovery Service
OracleMJobSchedulerXE Disabled extjob.exe XE Job Scheduler
OracleOraHomeXXAgent Automatic - -
OracleOraHomeXXClientCache Manual - -
OracleOraHomeXXCMAdmin Manual - -
OracleOraHomeXXCMan Manual - -
OracleOraHomeXXDataGatherer Automatic - -
OracleOraHomeXXHTTPServer Automatic - The Apache web server defaults to serve pages from X:\ oracle\ oraXX\ Apache\ Apache\ htdocs\ index.html
OracleOraHomeXXPagingServer Manual - -
  • Partitioning Option
  • Advanced Networking Option for network security using encryption and data integrity checking with enhanced user authentication services.
  • Objects Option - Bit-mapped Indexes
  • Parallel Server Option - Parallel Query, DML, Index Scans, Index Build
  • Enterprise Manager Performance Pack -- six applications for advanced diagnostics, monitoring and tuning of Oracle databases
  • Advanced Queuing
  • Advanced Replication
  • Incremental and Parallel Backup and Recovery
  • Point-in-time Tablespace Recovery

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Set screen Starting Oracle Services

If Oracle Windows Express Edition (XE) has been installeditemsep.gif

  • start.gif Programs > Oracle > Start Oracle Database invokes
    cmd.gif StartDB.bat within folder
ORACLE_HOME/binitemsep.gif which starts services OracleService... and ...TNSListener established during Oracle installation.

If the Oracle Enterprise Edition was installeditemsep.gif it is assumed that the database just runs.

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Set screen Initialization with SPFILE or PFILE (INIT.ORA)

Before Oracle10g, when an Oracle instance starts for the first time, it references initialization parametersitemsep.gif from a pfile named initSID.ora (INIT.ORA) in %ORACLE_HOME%\database on Windows or $ORACLE_HOME/dbs on Linux.

Since Oracle reads the pfile only when it starts, changes to it (using a Notepad or other text editor) requires the databse to be restarted.

Oracle 10g added a way to change init parameter values dynamically (while the database is running):

ALTER SESSION set  parameter = value ;
ALTER SYSTEM set parameter = value SCOPE = SPFILE;
  • SCOPE = SPFILE; applies the next time the database is started (not to the current instance). Use this for static parms.
    SCOPE = MEMORY; applies to the current instance only, and will not be retained on restart.
    SCOPE = BOTH; applies to the current instance and when the database starts again.

Oracle 10g introduced the spfile (server parameter file) named spfileSID.ora to retain parms so that they can be applied the next time the database starts.

Dynamic changes to parameters can also be made by Oracle's autotune intelligence.

Since the spfile is open for update as the database runs, it can't be edited like the pfile can. But the spfile can be backed-up to a pfile with a command like:

create pfile=/path/to/backup.ora from spfile;

Oracle 10g by default looks for a spfile. But if a spfile can't be found, Oracle looks for the pfile (as before).

reminder.gif When the database is restarted using spfile, the DBA must login again with proper privileges.

<!-- Freeman, R. and Karam, S. (2006). Oracle concepts

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