Oh my God, do I really have to do this jerseys

Oh my God, do I really have to do this jerseys
Men. I should have known this was coming sooner or later. Okay, well, men are interesting. Um, I've only been out on one date recently- that one that the other service set me up with. He was a bit strange. He took notes on me throughout the entire date, I mean I just don't understand that. If you're on a date with someone, you should be interested in talking with them, getting to know who they are, you know? Oh well. So that was that. To be honest, it doesn't really surprise me that men aren't lining up outside my door. I've never had great luck with them, you know. I mean, my prom date stood me up, wholesale mlb jerseyscan you believe that? Didn't call or anything, just left me sitting at home in my pink chiffon dress all night. Luckily for me, I had a really great best friend who came to my house after the dance and slept over. You know, that really cheered me up. Needless to say, her date didn't get lucky. Ha. Speaking of friends, I really like these girls that I knit with- well, I mean, it's not like knitting is all we do. Oh, geez, that sounded like I was referring to something else, didn't it? Well, I didn't mean that we're sexual together or anything. None of us are lesbians. Not that there's anything wrong with being a lesbian. That's great. I mean, if you're attracted to women, that is. Which I'm not. But maybe I should give it a try since I seem to be striking wholesale nba jerseysout with the other sex. What am I talking about? Anyway, so these girls and I knit and discuss life, mainly our troubles, and we're there for each other. Kind of like a family, you know? Hey, maybe we should call ourselves The Knitting Fam or Sis 'N' Knit. Haha. To think, I wouldn't even know them had Gina kept quiet in the checkout line one day. I was breezing through Soap Opera Digest while I impatiently waited in the express lane that's not so express when she tapped me on the shoulder and asked what the latest was with GH (that ghd hair straighteners wholesale's General Hospital, in girl talk). Speaking of which, Sonny is so gorgeous! What I wouldn't give for him to show up at my front door and beg for me to run away with him. Oh, feel free to write that down. A Sonny look-a-like would be quite acceptable, thank you. So once Gina asked me about the absolute BEST show in the WORLD, I was like, cool, you like it too? So we hit it off and that's when she invited me to her new knitting group. I was very excited, you know? I just love meeting new people. Well, they're not exactly new. I mean, they're all in their thirties, they've been around for awhile. But they're new to me, you know? That's what I mean. I can't imagine not having them in my life. I mean, I'm not sure what I would do Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 5:30-7pm if it weren't for this group. I guess I'd probably sit at home and watch re-runs with my lean cuisine dinner, hoping the phone would ring- even though I would understand why Sonny wouldn't be able to contact me during the week, of course. That nba jerseys for sale's when his show is taped- and that's filmed in Los Angeles and seeing as how I live in Raleigh, it would be a long distance call. And the last thing I would want to do is build up his phone bill. Anyway…yes, I do eat lean cuisine meals. Why do you ask? Well, I think it's important to stay in shape. I try to watch my figure as best I can. What? No, I wouldn't consider myself fat. Wait, are you writing that down? What does it matter which TV dinners I prefer? That's really a question on this thing? Boy, fine, if you must know, chicken tenders made with 98% lean meat, a side of string bean mlb jerseys wholesales and a corn muffin. Yes, that really is my favorite. Oh man, does this mean you're going to set me up with some fat guy now? No, of course there's nothing wrong with people who have weight problems. I'm just not interested in dating one. I mean, say we had a nice picnic lunch and from there, headed to a playground for whatever reason. Well, it's not as if we could just mosey on over to the see-saw without major panic occurring. Him worrying that his weight will be an issue mbt shoes sotre and me wondering if I'm going to break a bone after flying off of the thing. Oh, I'm sorry. That was very rude, wasn't it. Well, at least now you know how I feel. So no fatsos. Or lesbians for that matter, okay? Shit, I did it again. Oh crap, I'm late for our meeting. If I don't hurry, they'll finish the chips and dip without me. Well, listen it's been a pleasure. I just can't wait to meet my date! Oh my God, do I really have to do this AGAIN? This is ridiculous, can't you just get my personal statement from the other dating service? Oh, you need it to be fresh. Up-to-date. Oh, Lord. Fine, alright. Well, my name is Margie Conrad and I'm thirty-two years old. I like to, um, knit, I guess. Well, I mean, my friends like to knit, but that's what we do when we hang out so I guess I like it even though I can't do it to save my life. Okay, so that's knitting, that's how I feel about that. What else would you like to know?

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