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转载 Create Bootable USB Drive

open a command line window on your Vista machine then type the following sequence of commands:Diskpartlist disk (y...

2011-11-21 11:14:14 197

转载 Disable Dynamic DNS update

Unfortunately enabling and then disabling the "Register the connections address in DNS" option again did not res...

2011-11-21 11:09:45 230

转载 reduce the database log file

use DatabaseNamegocheckpointDBCC SHRINKFILE('DBlogName', 1) BACKUP LOG DatabaseName WITH TRUNCATE_ONLY DBCC SHRIN...

2011-08-08 14:27:46 106

转载 Disable Dynamic DNS Updates in Windows 2008

1. Login to the server with the issue. 2. Click the Start menu and select Run. 3. In the Run dialog box type the f...

2011-07-13 12:06:08 97

转载 Migrate DPM datasource to another hard drive using powershell

PS C:Program FilesMicrosoft DPMDPMbin> $disk = get-dpmdisk -DPMServerName dpmserverPS C:Program FilesMicrosoft ...

2011-07-11 09:56:19 100

转载 Some Exchange Powershells

1. How to remove disconnected mailboxes:Remove-StoreMailbox –database “DB2” –identity “Chakka Rajith” –MailboxStat...

2011-07-11 09:46:59 111

转载 Recovery from LTO3 tapes with LTO5 tape drives using Backup Exec 2010

Steps:Assign the media to RetireDelete the media from retired mediaGo to “tools” – “options” , in the “Settings” ...

2011-07-11 09:39:53 125

转载 Exchange 2000/2003 System Attendant does not start after disaster recovery installation, event ID 90

After you run an Exchange disaster recovery installation, System Attendant may not start, and you may receive the ...

2009-09-16 11:32:42 98

转载 SQL Database Maintenance Wizard

The following 2 database plans should be setup using the maintenance plan wizard to run on every SQ...

2009-09-16 11:22:50 125

转载 How to change Licence Key for MS Office 2007

Note: The following steps involve modification of registry key values, which may corrupt your Windows if done inc...

2009-09-16 11:15:07 99

转载 How to change Volume Licence Key for Windows XP and 2003

If you do not have to change many Volume Licensing product keys, you can use the Activation Wizard. NoteWe recom...

2009-09-16 11:10:18 144

转载 Useful powershell command for Windows SYS Admin

The get-wmiobject command is a very userful tool for Windows Admins to manage the remote inventories, for example,...

2009-09-16 10:52:11 94

转载 Using BackupExec 12.5 and other VSS not supported Software to backup DPM

From BcakupExec 12.0, there hasn't been the DPM backup agent any more. So you can no more backup your DPM directly...

2009-05-19 09:00:32 100

转载 Disable User Account Control (UAC) from Group Policy (GP)

UAC can be disabled from GP in "computer configuration"Go to the policy you need to config and edit it:computer co...

2009-04-20 10:49:47 254

转载 Outlook 2003 cannot setup profile after rolling back from Office 2007

If you have uninstalled Office 2007 from you system and rolled back to Office 2003, you may have the following err...

2009-04-15 08:46:33 107

转载 A temporary profile is loaded after you log on to a Windows Vista-based system

After you log on to a Windows Vista-based system, you may notice that a temporary profile has been loaded instead ...

2009-04-15 07:29:20 195

转载 If you cannot remember your password for Recovery and Rescue for IBM Laptop‏

Search for a file called ibmpwhp.pyc, if you can find it, edit it with notepad, clear everything in it, type two e...

2009-04-15 07:21:23 87

转载 Configure a New Global Catalog Server

The Windows 2000/2003 global catalog is created on the forest root dom...

2008-09-25 11:03:43 107

转载 Using Ntdsutil.exe to transfer or seize FSMO roles to a domain controller

MORE INFORMATIONloadTOCNode(1, 'moreinformation');Certaindomain and enterprise-wide operations that are not good...

2008-09-25 10:55:05 130

转载 How to view and transfer FSMO roles in Windows Server 2003

FSMO RolesIn a forest, there are at least five FSMO roles that are assigned to one or more domain controllers. The...

2008-09-25 10:39:11 86

转载 How to rebuild and replicate the SYSVOL tree and its content in a Windows domain

如何在windows域中重建或复制SYSVOL文件夹 (GPO 和 Scripts)-315457INTRODUCTIONThe article describes how to use the Burflags registr...

2008-09-15 21:32:22 172

转载 sku011.cab sku012.cab


2008-09-07 09:59:00 410

转载 Windows 2003 DHCP backup

DHCP 备份命令netsh dhcp server export c:dhcpback.txt all恢复时:netsh dhcp server import c:dhcpbackup.txt all此恢复命令可以使dhcp恢...

2008-09-01 21:10:31 64

转载 英语标点符号大全

+  plus 加号;正号-  minus 减号;负号± plus or minus 正负号× is multiplied by 乘号÷ is divided by 除号= is equal to 等于号≠ is not equ...

2007-09-05 12:49:07 103

转载 exchange 赋予其他用户访问mailbox权限

就在AD里改,原来以为在exchange gernal里面的delivery option里,后来才知道那个只是赋予其他用户以此用户的名义发信的权利。正确的是在exchange advanced下的mailbox rights里...

2007-08-20 11:37:42 325

转载 vista登录脚本无法映射网络驱动器问题

这是原来的脚本,给xp的客户机用一点问题没有,只要把用户加入本地管理员就好了Net Use I: /Delete >>C:HalLog.TxtNet Use I: HAL-ExchangeHALData1 >&...

2007-08-20 10:15:45 76

转载 Win2003添加新用户运行脚本注意

公司的自动运行脚本是拿来map network drive的,但是应用给了新用户后没有成功,多方研究后发现,要给用户赋予本地计算机管理员的权限,这个帐号才有权限去map network drive[@more@] ...

2007-08-05 20:02:33 67

转载 Exchange 2003 新用户不在global address list(GAL)中显示的解决方案

Exchange 2003 需要大约24小时才能把新添加的用户update到global address list里,这一段时间其他用户很可能看不到新用户,属于正常,但是如果过了24小时还是看不到或者需要尽快使新用户在GAL里显...

2007-08-05 20:02:01 237

转载 悉尼21年最冷的一天


2007-07-18 20:14:36 92

转载 Mac os和xp双系统的时间问题

xp把主板时间识别为当前时间,但是mac识别主板时间为格林威治时间,所以时间上显示会有问题,解决方案很简单,就是把mac的时区改去格林威治就ok[@more@] ...

2007-07-17 21:53:14 86

转载 MSN messenger登录时报防火墙设置错误问题

检查防火墙之前,看看本机的系统时间是不是正确,如果显示的是几年以前,肯定不可以登录,改过来就好,如果改了以后重启还有同样问题,就要更换主板电池了[@more@] ...

2007-07-17 21:49:50 93

转载 Mac os x 10.4.8终于在我的pc上安装成功

试验了3台机器,在amd上那台不认9600显卡只能用集成显卡,效果实在看不下去,且不认声卡网卡,一气之下拔下硬盘直接换到p4 2.0上,不行,完全启不来,看样子好像是cpu不支持sse2/sse3,最后没办法,就拿回自己的主力P...

2007-07-16 23:55:56 129

转载 用outlook收发gmail的注意事项

很久不写技术文档了,最近也是瞎忙,一直不安心,个人问题解决不好,嘿嘿最近在公司主要负责做网络和系统,也就是MCSE的那些东西再加个exchange,还好windows 2003和2000差别不大,这样我也上手的很快,最近也有打算...

2007-02-08 07:01:42 665

转载 利用eclipse开发j2ee(我只试过jsp^_^)

首先,要download下eclipse最新的3.1版,然后要把emf,gef,jem全部download下来下载页面: http://download.eclipse.org/webtools/downloads/drops/...

2005-02-14 09:56:35 75

转载 好些天没写jsp了……完善了一下计数器(利用文件技术)

还是计数器,这个版本比较完善,且只需上传此jsp,会自动生成计数器文件在调试的时候发现好像jsp在内不能调用内部对象,只有先写一个带参数的方法,然后在中调用此方法并将内部对象做为参数传入int counter=0;%>sy...

2005-02-13 14:02:42 77

转载 主页上jsp计数器的调试终于成功~

关键问题在于没有加入绝对路径,所以每次都找不到counter.txt,如果要自己create一个new file的话,没有绝对路径就变成了在浏览者的系统目录下(c:/windows/system32)创建文件,计数器实际上没有工...

2005-02-03 23:29:38 71

转载 要崩溃了,eclips调jsp怎么也搞不出来

丫的,从昨天晚上开始,到今天早上。lomboz下的最新版本,但是好像不支持到tomcat5.5,所以不论怎么改配置文件,结果还是一尝试打开jsp文件就报错,真是……原来的JBuilder 9也挺好的,能直接拿来做jsp,不知道怎...

2005-02-01 16:14:32 85

转载 英语词汇-职位对照

工程词汇: 制造业工程师 Manufacturing Engineer 工程顾问 Engineering Consultant ...英语词汇-职位对照  工程词汇: 制造业工程师...

2005-01-31 17:43:50 378

转载 写给18位IT精英的新年贺词(电影台词版)

转自:北京现代商报作者:旬子 1、致柳传志(前联想董事局主席):“人生不能像做菜,把所有的料都准备好了才下锅。”和IBM谈判时一直比较紧张的柳传志也许是靠着这句话下定了最后的决心。衷心希望杨元庆让这位联想的“教父”吃上一盘...

2005-01-31 12:49:48 1102

转载 java数据结构基础-利用Heap(堆)实现PriorityQueue(优先队列)

首先做一个优先队列的接口:import java.util.List;public interface PriorityQueue {void add(Object o);void addAll(List elements)...

2005-01-27 09:21:26 244



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