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转载 处理backup job 失败一例
今天查看运行在windows上的production数据库,发现上个星期五的备份job失败.报错误:ORA-27072: File I/O errorOSD-04008: WriteFile() failure, unable ...
2008-01-15 08:58:01 201
转载 Explain plan for and autotrace diffrence
The main difference have three points:1. Explain plan for : generate the execution plan not the actually execution...
2008-01-05 00:18:01 117
转载 understanding oracle 10g incremental updated backup using rman
those days i try to understand incremental updated backup, example :RMAN> run {2> recover copy of database w...
2008-01-03 12:39:54 100
转载 transport database between diffrent platform
transport datase between diffrent os platform linux to windos1.open source database song on linux platform read on...
2007-12-23 08:55:31 157
转载 Oracle在windows下有关注册表项
1.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREORACLEHOMEID:includes the following parameters for an Oracle home directory.2.HKEY_LOC...
2007-12-10 04:36:43 321
转载 关于口令文件的一些总结
关于口令文件的我们有这样或者那样的误解,在此做一个总结。。[@more@]口令文件的我们可以从参数文件中设置其作用,remote_login_passwordfile参数。这个文件的作用是验证具有sysdba and sysop...
2007-06-07 11:40:10 156
转载 关于两个性能相关参数的设置
optimizer_index_caching & optimizer_index_cost_adj[@more@]怎么样设置这两个参数呢?有个通用的指导建议:系统特征为DSS的:optimizer_index_cach...
2007-05-20 23:52:01 126
转载 做系统跟踪的几个备忘录
关于在OS and database level 执行跟踪。。。[@more@]kenel trace: 1.check os log 2. tools: truss :aix . solar...
2007-05-20 10:43:12 88
转载 How to troubleshoot oracle error my checklist!
My checklist for troubleshoot oracle RDBMS error...[@more@]step 1: Check Os system log . sun solaris : /var/adm/me...
2007-05-20 10:42:01 68
转载 关于oracle logical and physical block corruption
主要的检测方法有以下几种:1.exp/imp2.analyze table xxx validate structure cascade3.dbv4.可以设置db_block_checking -->memory e...
2007-05-20 10:31:00 158
转载 数据库备份
Database hotbackup:1.rman 2.alter tablespace begin/end backup(require database running on archvielog mode).Databas...
2007-05-17 20:43:36 89
转载 备份操作系统
几个工具:solaris:dump,tar,cpio,dd. AIX: smitty mksysbHp:fbackup,sam.Windows :ghost...[@more@] ...
2007-05-17 20:31:37 91
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