instructorID | fName | lName | SSN | deptCode | position | bonus |
76 | Andy | Chou | 467374211 | math | assistant | 300.00 |
52 | Chris | Bowen | 602497126 | math | associate | 0.00 |
44 | Jennifer | Furman | 290337845 | acct | assistant | 800.00 |
89 | Daniel | Pradmore | 589035216 | acct | full | 300.00 |
teachingAssistantID | SSN | studentID | salary |
37 | 478902824 | 379 | 2500.00 |
92 | 352761903 | 574 | 5000.00 |
courseNo | title | sectionNo | units | deptCode | instructorID | teachingAssistantID | prerequisite |
ACCT101 | Accounting Ⅰ | 1 | 4 | acct | 44 | 92 | None |
ACCT101 | Accounting Ⅰ | 2 | 4 | acct | 44 | 92 | None |
ACCT102 | Accounting Ⅱ | 1 | 3 | acct | 89 | 37 | ACCT101 |
MATH105 | Algebra | 1 | 3 | math | 76 | None |
- SELECT子句中不仅可以填属性列,也可以是算术表达式;用户可以通过指定别名来改变查询结果的列标题,这对于含算术表达式的列尤为有用
eg:Produce a list of monthly salaries for all teaching assistants, showing teaching assistant ID and monthly salaries
SELECT teachingAssistantID,salary/12 AS monthly_salaries
FROM teachingassistant;
- IN可以用来查找属性值属于指定集合的元组;当子查询返回的值可能有多个时,要用到谓词 IN,如果用=,则报错,因为=表示子查询的返回值是唯一的;与IN相对的谓词是NOT IN
eg:list the instructor ID and position of instructors who are associate professors or full professors
SELECT InstructorID,position
FROM instructor
WHERE position IN ('associate','full');
- LIKE可以用来进行字符串的匹配,其中匹配串可以是一个完整的字符串,也可以含有通配符%和_;%代表任意长度的字符串,eg:a%b表示以a开头,以b结尾的任意长度的字符串,如ab、acb、addgb都满足该匹配串;_代表任意单个字符,eg:a_b表示以a开头,以b结尾的长度为3的任意字符串,如acb、afb都满足该匹配串
eg:list the instructor ID and last name of all instructors whose last names contain character ‘o’
SELECT InstructorID,lName
FROM instructor
WHERE lName LIKE '%o%';
- SELECT语句中可以使用COUNT、SUM、AVG、MAX和MIN等聚合函数;一个子句中可以使用多个聚合函数,但不能嵌套在一起用,
avg(mum(xm));注意:WHERE子句中是不能用聚合函数的,聚合函数只能用于SELECT子句和GROUP BY中的HAVING子句
eg:how many instructors have $300.00 or more bonus?
SELECT count(bonus) AS count
FROM instructor
WHERE bonus>=300.00;
eg:how many different course titles are there?
SELECT count(distinct title) AS count//如果指定DISTINCT短语,则表示在计算时要取消指定列中的重复值;不指定时默认为ALL表示不取消重复值
FROM course;
eg:find the total number of assistant professors and the sum of their bonus
SELECT count(position),SUM(bonus)
FROM instructor
WHERE position='assistant';
- GROUP BY子句将查询结果按某一列(或多列)的值分组,值相等的为一组;目的是为了细化聚合函数的作用对象,因为分组后聚合函数将作用于每一组,即每一组都有一个函数值
eg:find the total number of instructors in each department and the sum of their bonus, respectively
SELECT deptCode,COUNT(InstructorID),SUM(bonus)
FROM instructor
GROUP BY deptCode;
eg:for each position type with more than one instructor, find the total number of instructors and the sum of their bonus
SELECT position,COUNT(InstructorID),SUM(bonus)
FROM instructor
GROUP BY position
HAVING COUNT(InstructorID) > 1;
- 嵌套查询:将一个SELECT-FROM-WHERE查询块嵌套在另一个查询块的WHERE或HAVING子句中;在嵌套查询中,子查询的结果往往是一个集合,所以谓词IN是嵌套查询中最经常使用的谓词
eg:list all details of the teaching assistant of course ACCT102 Section 1
FROM teachingassistant
WHERE teachingAssistantID=(SELECT teachingAssistantID
FROM course
WHERE courseNo='ACCT102' and sectionNo='1');
eg:list the instructor ID and bonus of instructors whose bonus is greater than the average bonus
SELECT instructorID,bonus
FROM instructor
WHERE bonus>(SELECT AVG(bonus) FROM instructor);
- 连接查询:涉及两个以上的表时需要使用连接查询(也可以用上述嵌套查询完成),在WHERE子句中连接两个表
eg:list the instructor IDs, names, and course numbers, titles, and section numbers that they teach, and order results by instructor IDs (ASC), course numbers (ASC), & section numbers (DESC)
SELECT i.instructorID,fName,lName,courseNo,title,sectionNo
FROM instructor i,course c
WHERE i.instructorID=c.instructorID
ORDER BY i.instructorID,courseNo,sectionNo DESC;
eg:for each course that has an instructor and a teaching assistant, list its courseNo, title, sectionNo, instructor ID & name, teachingAssistantID & studentID
SELECT courseNo,title,sectionNo,i.instructorID,fName,lName,t.teachingAssistantID,studentID
FROM instructor i,course c,teachingassistant t
WHERE i.instructorID=c.instructorID AND c.teachingAssistantID=t.teachingAssistantID;
- 带有EXISTS谓词的嵌套查询不返回任何数据,只产生逻辑真值“true”或逻辑假值“false”
eg:find all information of all teaching assistants who assist the course ACCT101
FROM teachingassistant t
FROM course c
WHERE t.teachingAssistantID=c.teachingAssistantID AND courseNo='ACCT101');
- 修改数据,一般格式为UPDATE<表名>,SET子句给出用于取代相应属性列的值,修改满足WHERE子句条件的元组
eg:give all assistant professors 10% bonus increase and change their positions to associate professors
UPDATE instructor
SET bonus=bonus*1.1,position='associate'
WHERE position='assistant';