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原创 LeetCode—161. One Edit Distance

Binary Tree Upside Down思路:其实分类讨论更容易一次过,考虑长度相等和差1的情况,特别注意,s.equals(t)是falseGitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution {

2016-09-29 19:39:44 603

原创 LeetCode—156. Binary Tree Upside Down

Binary Tree Upside Down思路:显然是递归去做的GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNod

2016-09-29 14:36:49 554

原创 LeetCode—406. Queue Reconstruction by Height

Queue Reconstruction by Height思路:随便找个方式排序,然后再按照插入排序找他们的位置,我选择的是先按k排顺序,k相同按h排顺序GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solu

2016-09-27 14:19:51 1717

原创 LeetCode—405. Convert a Number to Hexadecimal

Convert a Number to Hexadecimal思路:改成long,负数求出对应的数值,再处理GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public String toH

2016-09-27 11:27:02 1036

原创 LeetCode—404. Sum of Left Leaves

Sum of Left Leaves思路:智障题目GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。/** * Definition for a binary tree node. * public class TreeNode {

2016-09-27 10:47:21 887

原创 LeetCode—400. Nth Digit

Nth Digit思路:好像不用动态规划也能实现。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public int findNthDigit(int n) { int lengt

2016-09-21 10:00:01 883

原创 LeetCode—403. Frog Jump

Frog Jump思路:好像不用动态规划也能实现。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { int[] stones; int[][] ans; public bool

2016-09-19 13:24:43 1228

原创 LeetCode—402. Remove K Digits

Binary Watch思路:贪心算法,本来写的而是递归,然后栈溢出了,改成循环了。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public String removeKdigits(S

2016-09-19 13:15:55 565

原创 LeetCode—401. Binary Watch

Binary Watch思路:打表。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { Map> minuteMap = new HashMap>() { {

2016-09-19 10:13:02 842

原创 LeetCode—390. Elimination Game

Elimination Game思路:逐个删除的思路肯定是超时的。注意到第一次1……n从左到右删除后剩下的是2,4,6,8……这个问题等效于1……n/2(向下取证)从右往左的答案*2。那么再考虑从右往左1……2k+1,和从左往右的效果是等同的,1……2k,则剩下1,3,5,7,9,……等效于2a-1那么可以递归求解。GitHub地址:https://gi

2016-09-18 12:06:55 2666

原创 LeetCode—398. Random Pick Index

Integer Replacement思路:注意The array size can be very large. Solution that uses too much extra space will not pass the judge.不能开辟额外空间,所以更换随机方式。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpse

2016-09-12 17:52:57 939

原创 LeetCode—396. Rotate Function

Integer Replacement思路:F[i]=F[i-1]+sum-n*A[n-i]GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public int maxRotateFunct

2016-09-12 17:45:52 653

原创 LeetCode—397. Integer Replacement

Integer Replacement思路:动态规划,注意各种边界条件GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { Map map; public int integerRepla

2016-09-12 16:32:45 878

原创 LeetCode—167. Two Sum II - Input array is sorted

Two Sum II - Input array is sorted思路:弱智题目GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public int[] twoSum(int[]

2016-09-09 16:39:12 386

原创 LeetCode—391. Perfect Rectangle

Perfect Rectangle思路:核心思路2点:1,存储每个点,求出最后只出现奇数次的。判断最后是否只剩下4个。2.求每个矩形的总面积,判断是否和最后4个点构成的面积相等(防止内部重叠)GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public

2016-09-08 16:07:36 610

原创 LeetCode—394. Decode String

Decode String思路:先遍历String,找到少于k的字母,然后以这些字母split字符串,再将字符串递归调用方法。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public i

2016-09-07 11:20:12 378

原创 LeetCode—394. Decode String

Decode String思路:逐个char解析即可GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public String decodeString(String s) {

2016-09-06 10:59:39 868

原创 LeetCode—393. UTF-8 Validation

UTF-8 Validation思路:很简单,看注释即可。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public boolean validUtf8(int[] dat

2016-09-06 09:58:04 678

原创 LeetCode—392. Is Subsequence

Is Subsequence思路:贪心算法,直接两个index去逐个比较s和t即可。GitHub地址:https://github.com/corpsepiges/leetcode点此进入如果可以的话,请点一下star,谢谢。public class Solution { public boolean isSubsequence(

2016-09-06 09:29:39 753


系统首先通过优化设定配送费以及预计送达时间来调整订单结构;在接收订单之后,考虑骑手位置、在途订单情况、骑手能力、商家出餐、交付难度、天气、地理路况、未来单量等因素,在正确的时间将订单分配给最合适的骑手,并在骑手执行过程中随时预判订单超时情况并动态触发改派操作,实现订单和骑手的动态最优匹配。 同时,系统派单后,为骑手提示该商家的预计出餐时间和合理的配送线路,并通过语音方式和骑手实现高效交互;在骑手送完订单后,系统根据订单需求预测和运力分布情况,告知骑手不同商圈的运力需求情况,实现闲时的运力调度。


Outlier Analysis 2nd Edition.pdf ——2积分系列

异常检测,第二版 This book provides comprehensive coverage of the field of outlier analysis from a computer science point of view. It integrates methods from data mining, machine learning, and statistics within the computational framework and therefore appeals to multiple communities. The chapters of this book can be organized into three categories:, Basic algorithms: Chapters 1 through 7 discuss the fundamental algorithms for outlier analysis, including probabilistic and statistical methods, linear methods, proximity-based met hods, high-dimensional (subspace) methods, ensemble methods, and supervised methods.Domain-specific methods: Chapters 8 through 12 discuss outlier detection algorithms for various domains of data, such as text, categorical data, time-series data, discrete sequence data, spatial data, and network data.Applications: Chapter 13 is devoted to various applications of outlier analysis. Some guidance is also provided for the practitioner., The second edition of this book is more detailed and is written to appeal to both researchers and practitioners. Significant new material has been added on topics such as kernel methods, one-class support-vector machines, matrix factorization, neural networks, outlier ensembles, time-series methods, and subspace methods. It is written as a textbook and can be used for classroom teaching.



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