安装了Genymotion和Oracle VM VirtualBox 启动Android虚拟设备报错,VBox打不开

电脑型号:联想thinkpad T460 ,12G 内存 500G硬盘。




11月 26 01:08:46 [Genymotion] [Warning] Got unexpected locking error 3
11月 26 01:08:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
11月 26 01:08:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Host date and time: "26 Nov 2016 01:08:46 +0800"
11月 26 01:08:46 [Genymotion] [Debug] Proxy configuration: no proxy used
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] Unable to load translations. Falling back to english
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] Trying to log in as "liu364515154"
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] POST  QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/launchpad/login/" ) 
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] "Local socket created at path : \\.\pipe\907f397a1f5a71abaaa526042f58a1b0"
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] ****  STARTING GENYMOTION  ****
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] Genymotion Version: Genymotion "2.8.0"
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [LaunchpadApp] Started with ("D:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion\genymotion.exe")
11月 26 01:08:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] Requesting:  "https://cloud.genymotion.com/launchpad/last_version/windows/x64/"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] [doRequest] done
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] [getGenymotionLastVersion] New version ( "2.8.0" ) available here: "http://dl.genymotion.com/releases/genymotion-2.8.0/genymotion-2.8.0.exe"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Genymotion is up to date
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Loading "vboxmanage" plugin
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Plugin "vboxmanage" loaded
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Chipset: "GenuineIntel"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] CPUID 0x1 (Intel): ECX= "7dfafbbf"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] [VBoxManageCore] Path from registry: "D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] [VBoxManageCore] Path: "D:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\VBoxManage.exe"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] "User liu364515154 (1929676551@qq.com) logged on Hub"
11月 26 01:08:50 [Genymotion] [Debug] Pending calls: 0
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostinfo") returns 0
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] [System properties] Online physical CPU number: 4
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] [System properties] Online virtual CPU number: 2
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] [System properties] Max CPU number: 8
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] [System properties] Max memory size: 12171
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] [findHostOnlyInterface] Looking for compatible host-only interface
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] POST  QUrl( "https://cloud.genymotion.com/licenses/activation/" ) 
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:08:51 [Genymotion] [Warning] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface status (  QHostAddress( "" )  )
11月 26 01:08:52 [Genymotion] [Debug] [tokenError] "HTTP code 403: Activation failed: license have never been registered Error downloading https://cloud.genymotion.com/licenses/activation/ - server replied: FORBIDDEN"
11月 26 01:09:14 [Genymotion] [Debug] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" Interface seems compatible
11月 26 01:09:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "dhcpservers") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" DHCP server is associated with "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface
11月 26 01:09:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface is not compatible
11月 26 01:09:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] [findHostOnlyInterface] No compatible host-only interface found
11月 26 01:09:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] [deleteHostOnlyInterface] Deleting "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" host-only interface
11月 26 01:09:16 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("hostonlyif", "remove", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:16 [Genymotion] [Debug] [createHostOnlyInterface] Creating new host-only interface
11月 26 01:09:22 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("hostonlyif", "create") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:22 [Genymotion] [Debug] [createHostOnlyInterface] Interface "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" created with success
11月 26 01:09:22 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:23 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:24 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:24 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:25 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("hostonlyif", "ipconfig", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3", "--ip", "", "--netmask", "") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("hostonlyif", "ipconfig", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3", "--ip", "", "--netmask", "") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("dhcpserver", "remove", "--ifname", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("dhcpserver", "add", "--ifname", "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3", "--ip", "", "--netmask", "", "--lowerip", "", "--upperip", "", "--enable") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] [createHostOnlyInterface] DHCP server created with success
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] [createHostOnlyInterface] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" host-only interface is ready to use
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("--version") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VM engine version: "5.0.4r102546"
11月 26 01:09:27 [Genymotion] [Debug] VMX/SVM CPU availability: true
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("--version") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VM engine version: "5.0.4r102546"
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "vms") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "46829db7-ab35-4f23-bec9-95f1b002f12b") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:28 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("--version") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:43 [Genymotion] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [Adb] adb found at "D:\Android\SDK\platform-tools\adb.exe"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [Aapt] aapt found at "D:\Android\SDK\build-tools\24.0.2\aapt.exe"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [Adb] adb found at "D:\Android\SDK\platform-tools\adb.exe"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Debug] [Aapt] aapt found at "D:\Android\SDK\build-tools\24.0.2\aapt.exe"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  1155  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  11359  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/cache/network/"
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  13489  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  14071  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  14820  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  15569  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  16319  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  109327  found so far
11月 26 01:10:47 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/templates/"
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile"
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ClearCache] Removing  "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/genymotionadbtunneld.log"
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ClearCache] Removing  "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/genymotion.log"
bug] VBoxManage ("list", "hostonlyifs") returns 0
11月 26 01:09:41 [Genymotion Player] [Warning] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] Checking "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface status (  QHostAddress( "" )  )
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] [getSavedHostOnlyInterface] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" Interface seems compatible
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("list", "dhcpservers") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "HostInterfaceNetworking-VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" DHCP server is associated with "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] [checkIfInterfaceHasValidDhcp] "VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter #3" interface is compatible
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("--version") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:07 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VM engine version: "5.0.4r102546"
11月 26 01:10:08 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:08 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("guestproperty", "enumerate", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:08 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:10:08 [Genymotion Player] [Debug] VBoxManage ("showvminfo", "Google Nexus 5 - 5.0.0 - API 21 - 1080x1920") returns 0
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile"
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [ComputeCacheSize]  10326  found so far
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/cache/network/"
11月 26 01:11:10 [Genymotion] [Warning] [WalkTemporaryDirectory] Path of search: "C:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/templates/"
11月 26 01:11:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] Virtual devices directory: "D:/Users/looc/AppData/Local/Genymobile/Genymotion/deployed/"
11月 26 01:11:15 [Genymotion] [Debug] Screencast directory: "D:\Users\looc"
11月 26 01:11:16 [Genymotion] [Warning] ****  STOPPING GENYMOTION  ****


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