个人信息:就读于燕大本科软件工程专业 目前大三;
1.将文本信息读到内存中,每读一条ip信息就插入到trie tree中,在插入过程中,会遇到查找操作,这时候选择折半查找就好;
2.整个trie tree的高度都是3;
3.整个trie tree是一颗高度平衡树,即每个叶子到根节点的长度都是4;
1.随机生成一个文本信息 ip个数 1000,000;
2.读取文本,然后插入trie tree 中;
4.在trie trees中进行查询;
7.建立文本速度还行,建立trie trees 耗时很长,查询非常快,快的不得了;
文本说明 20m,为什么不用200m,还有一些问题,稍后解决给出问题,致bad alloc问题,请谅解,谢谢。
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <limits> using namespace std; // extra the class of string class String:public string { public: // function 1: mode the add of int( (-3) + (-3) ) = - 6 // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的相加操作,结果存在返回的字符串里 static string ADD_Int(string a,string b); // function 2: make a-b mode int a - b; 7 - (-3) = 10 // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的相减操作,结果存在返回的字符串里 static string MINUS_Int(string a,string b); // function 3: make a*b mode int a * b; // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的相乘操作,结果存在返回的字符串里 static string MULT_Int(string a,string b); // function 4: mode the division a/b // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的相除操作,结果存在返回的字符串里 static string DIV_Int(string a,string b); // function 5: pow number a^b // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的a^b操作,结果存在返回的字符串里 static string Pow_Int(string a,string b); // function 6: int To string :"123" = 123 // input: 一个int数 a; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里面是整数; // 功能: 将整数a转换成对应的字符串格式 static string Int_To_String(int x); // function 7: static char division a/b : 4 / 3 static string Division(string a,string b); // function 8: make a-b mode int a - b; 4 - 3 static string MinusInt(string a,string b); // function 9: mode the add of int :3 + 4 static string AddInt(string a,string b); // function 10: make char to the int number :'9' = 9 static int CharToNumber(char c); // function 11: make int to the model char : 7 = '7' static string IntToChar(int i); // function 12: check whether the string is legal static bool check_all_number(string a); // function 13: compare string a and b // input: 两个字符串 a 和 b,里面放的都是整数; // output: 返回一个字符,字符里是a和b的大小关系; // 功能: 实现参数两个整数的a和b比较操作,结果< or = or >存在返回的字符里 static char Compare(string a,string b); // function 14: make string into standard string number static bool Standardization(string &a); // function 15: make string(>0) into standard int number // input: 一个字符串 a,里面放的是一个整数; // output: 返回一个字符串,字符串里是a对应的整形数据; // 功能: 将存在字符串里的整数取出来,放在整形容器里,然后返回,根据返回的结果可以判定是否转换成功 static std::pair<bool,int> String_into_intNumber(string &a); }; // mode the add of int string String::ADD_Int(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return b; else if( b.empty() ) return "0"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input ADD_Int"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); if(a[0] != '-' && b[0] != '-') return AddInt(a,b); else if(a[0] != '-'&& b[0] == '-') return MinusInt( a,b.substr( 1,b.size() ) ); else if(a[0] == '-'&& b[0] != '-') return MinusInt(b,a.substr(1,a.size())); else return '-'+AddInt(a.substr(1,a.size()),b.substr( 1,b.size() )); }; // make a-b mode int a - b; string String::MINUS_Int(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return b; else if( b.empty() ) return "0"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input Multiplies_Int"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); if(a[0] != '-' && b[0] != '-') return MinusInt(a,b); else if(a[0] != '-' && b[0] == '-') return AddInt(a,b.substr(1,b.size())); else if(a[0] == '-' && b[0] != '-') return "-"+AddInt(a.substr(1,a.size()),b); else return MinusInt( b.substr(1,b.size()) , a.substr(1,a.size()) ); }; // make a*b mode int a * b; string String::MULT_Int(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return b; else if( b.empty() ) return "0"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input Multiplies_Int"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); string::size_type i = a.size(),j = b.size(); string c = "0",d = ""; bool fushu = (a[0] == '-' && b[0] != '-')||(a[0] != '-' && b[0] == '-'); if(a[0] == '-') a = a.substr(1,a.size()); if(b[0] == '-') b = b.substr(1,b.size()); int jinwei = 0; for( j = b.size()-1 ; j < b.size() ;j--) { // each number of b to * a jinwei = 0; for( i = a.size()-1 ; i < a.size() ;i-- ) { d = IntToChar( ( CharToNumber(a[i]) * CharToNumber(b[j]) + jinwei ) % 10 )+ d ; jinwei = ( CharToNumber(a[i]) * CharToNumber(b[j]) + jinwei ) / 10 ; } if(jinwei) d = IntToChar(jinwei) +d; // add all number result c = ADD_Int(c,d); d = ""; unsigned int zero = 0 ; while( zero < b.size() - j ) { d = d + '0'; zero ++; } } Standardization(c); if( fushu && c != "0" ) return '-'+c; else return c; }; // mode the division a/b string String::DIV_Int(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return "0"; else if( b.empty() ) return "e"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input DIV_Int"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); if(b == "0") return "e"; bool fushu = (a[0] == '-' && b[0] != '-')||(a[0] != '-' && b[0] == '-'); if( a[0] == '-' ) a = a.substr(1,a.size()); if( b[0] == '-' ) b = b.substr(1,b.size()); if( Compare(a,b) == '<' ) return "0"; string yushu = ""; string beichushu = a.substr(0,b.size()); string shang = Division( beichushu , b); yushu = MinusInt( beichushu ,MULT_Int( shang, b) ); string c = shang; for(string::size_type i = b.size(); i<a.size(); i++) { beichushu = yushu+ a[i] ; shang = Division( beichushu , b); c = c + shang; yushu = MinusInt( beichushu ,MULT_Int( shang, b) ); } Standardization(c); return fushu?('-'+c):c; }; // function: pow number x,y string String::Pow_Int(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return "0"; else if( b.empty() ) return "e"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input DIV_Int"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); string result = "1" ; if(Compare(b,"0") != '<') for(string i ="0" ;Compare(i,b) == '<' ;i = AddInt(i,"1")) { result = MULT_Int(result,a); } else for(string i ="0" ;Compare(i,b) == '>' ;i = MINUS_Int(i,"1")) { result = DIV_Int(result,a); } return result ; }; // function : int To string string String::Int_To_String(int x) { bool fushu = false; string result=""; if(x < 0 ) { fushu = true ; x = -x; } else if( x == 0 ) return "0"; while(x) { result = IntToChar(x % 10) + result; x = x/10; } if(fushu) result = "-"+result; return result; }; // static char division a/b string String::Division(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return "0"; else if( b.empty() ) return "e"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { cout<<"exception of input Division"<<endl; return "e"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); int i = 0; while( i<=9 ) { // if a - b*i < b if( Compare( MINUS_Int( a , MULT_Int(IntToChar(i),b) ) , b ) == '<' ) break; i++; } if( i>9 ) return "e"; return ""+IntToChar(i); }; // make a-b mode int a - b; string String::MinusInt(string a,string b) { // exception of input if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) return "exception of input MinusInt"; Standardization(a); Standardization(b); // particular string of input if(a.empty()) { if(b.empty()) return "0"; else return "-"+b; } else if(b.empty()) { return a; } // normal number a < b string c = ""; bool check = true ; if(Compare(a,b) == '=') return "0"; else if(Compare(a,b) == '<') { c = a ; a = b ; b = c ; c = ""; check = false ; } // normal number a >= b string::size_type i = a.size()-1, j = b.size()-1; int jiewei = 0,now; while(i < a.size() && j < b.size()) { now = CharToNumber(a[i]) - CharToNumber(b[j]) - jiewei ; if( now < 0 ) { jiewei = 1; now = 10 + now ; } else jiewei = 0; c = IntToChar(now) + c ; i--;j--; } while(i < a.size()) { now = CharToNumber(a[i]) - jiewei ; if( now < 0 ) { jiewei = 1; now = 10 + now ; } else jiewei = 0; c = IntToChar( now ) + c ; i--; } Standardization(c); if(!check) c = '-' + c; return c; }; // mode the add of int string String::AddInt(string a,string b) { // exception of input if( a.empty() ) return b; else if( b.empty() ) return "0"; if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return "exception of input AddInt"; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); string::size_type i = a.size()-1 ,j = b.size()-1 , k = 0 ; string c = ""; int jinwei = 0; while( i < a.size() && j < b.size() ) { c = IntToChar( ( CharToNumber(a[i]) + CharToNumber(b[j]) + jinwei ) % 10 ) + c; jinwei = ( CharToNumber(a[i]) + CharToNumber(b[j]) + jinwei ) / 10; j--;i--; } while( j < b.size() ) { c = IntToChar( ( CharToNumber(b[j]) + jinwei ) % 10 ) + c; jinwei = ( jinwei + CharToNumber(b[j]) ) / 10; j--; } while( i < a.size() ) { c = IntToChar( ( CharToNumber(a[i]) + jinwei ) % 10 ) + c; jinwei = ( jinwei + CharToNumber(a[i]) ) / 10; i--; } if( jinwei ) c = IntToChar( jinwei ) + c; Standardization(c); return c; }; // make char to the int number int String::CharToNumber(char c) { if( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ) return int(c - '0'); else { cout<<c<<" exception of input CharToNumber "<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } }; // make int to the model char string String::IntToChar(int i) { if( i >= 0 && i <= 9 ) { string c = ""; return c+char(i+48); } else { cout<<i<<" exception of input IntToChar"<<endl; system("pause"); return "e"; } }; // check whether the string is legal bool String::check_all_number(string a) { if(a.empty()) return true ; string::size_type L = a.size(),i = 0; if(a[0] == '-') i++; while( i < L ) { if( a[i] < '0' || a[i] > '9') return false; i++; } return true ; }; // compare string a and b char String::Compare(string a,string b) { if(a.empty() || b.empty()) { cout<<"error of input compare"; return 'e'; } else { if(!check_all_number(a) || !check_all_number(b)) { return 'e'; } Standardization(a); Standardization(b); if(a[0] == '-' && b[0] != '-') return '<'; else if( a[0] != '-' && b[0] == '-') return '>'; bool fushu = (a[0] == '-'); if(a.size() > b.size() ) return fushu?'<':'>'; else if(a.size() == b.size()) { for(string::size_type i = 0;i < a.size(); i++) { if(a[i] > b[i]) return fushu?'<':'>'; if(a[i] < b[i]) return fushu?'>':'<'; } return '='; } return fushu?'>':'<'; } }; // make string into standard string number bool String::Standardization(string &a) { if(!check_all_number(a)) { cout<<a<<" exception of input Standardization"<<endl; return false; } string::size_type i = 0; bool fushu = false ; if( a[0] == '-' ) { fushu = true; i = 1; } while(i < a.size()) { if(a[i] != '0') break; i++; } if(i == a.size()) i--; a = a.substr(i,a.size()); if( fushu && a != "0") a = '-' + a; return true ; }; // make string(>0) into standard int number std::pair<bool,int> String::String_into_intNumber(string &a) { if(Standardization(a)) { //int max_int = numeric_limits<int>::max()-1 ; //string max = Int_To_String(max_int); bool fushu = false; if(a[0] == '-') { fushu = true ; a = a.substr(1,a.length()); } //if(Compare(a,max) != '<') //{ // cout<<"溢出 exception"<<endl; // return std::make_pair(false,0); //} int result = 0 ; for(size_t i =0;i<a.length();i++) { result = result * 10 + CharToNumber(a[i]); } if(fushu) result = - result; return std::make_pair(true,result); } else { cout<<"exception of function String_into_intNumber input"<<endl; return std::make_pair(false,0); } };
test.cpp// include head file #include<fstream> #include<vector> #include<iterator> #include<Windows.h> #include<utility> #include"mine_string.h" // myclass class trie_leaf { public: int key; string place; trie_leaf() { key = -1; place = "NULL"; } }; class trie_node { public: int key; vector<trie_node*> *child ; vector<trie_leaf*> *leaf ; trie_node(){ key = -1 ; child = NULL ; leaf = NULL ; } }; // function: make file // input: a size_t number,standing ip ziduan number // output: a file("ip.txt"), which including all the ip data // 功能: 随机生成一个file("ip.txt"),里面存储模拟生成的ip地址 void _Make_ip_file(size_t size); // function: read data; // input: a file("ip.txt"), which including all the ip data; // output: a trie tree root point // 功能: 将文件数据读到内存中,存在好多个 trie trees 中 vector<trie_node*>* ip_data_read(); // function: binary_search // input: a trie node and ip keyword // output: the pair<bool,int>,if bool true, and find keyword; or not find = false // 功能: 在指定节点中,查找关键字,若能找到返回<true,下标>;否则返回<false,应该插入的下标> std::pair<bool,int> binary_search(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int key); // function: binary_search leaf // input: a trie leaf and ip keyword // output: the pair<bool,int>,if bool true, and find keyword; or not find = false // 功能: 在指定叶子中,查找关键字,若能找到返回<true,下标>;否则返回<false,应该插入的下标> std::pair<bool,int> binary_search_leaf(vector<trie_leaf*> *tree,int key); // function: insert keyword into trie tree // input: a trie node and ip information // output: void // 功能:将 ip 信息插入到当前 trie 节点中 void insert_into_trie(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int *data,int length,string place); // function: _Trie_tree_visit // input:a trie tree' root point // output:void // 功能: 遍历 trie 树 void _Trie_tree_visit(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int level); // function: _Trie_tree_visit // input:a trie tree' root point // output:void // 功能: 遍历 trie 树的叶子 void _Trie_tree_visit_leaf(vector<trie_leaf*> *tree,int level); // function: ip binary search // input: a trie tree and a keyword key // output: return pair<bool,string> // 功能:折半查找ip,返回其信息 std::pair<bool,string> _Ip_binary_search(vector<trie_node*>* tree,string key); // function: delete the space we used; // input: a trie tree root point vector point, and level // output: void // 功能: 释放掉我们开辟的空间,节省空间资源 void _delete_trie_tree(vector<trie_node*>* tree,int level); // function: main int main() { DWORD s,e; string ip ; std::pair<bool,string> r; vector<trie_node*>* tree; //int i=1000; //while(i <= 10000000) //{ // s = GetTickCount(); // _Make_ip_file(i); // e = GetTickCount(); // cout<<"data number = "<<i<<endl; // cout<<"file write= "<<e-s<<endl; // s = GetTickCount(); // tree = ip_data_read(); // e = GetTickCount(); // //_Trie_tree_visit(tree,0); // cout<<"file read= "<<e-s<<endl; // cout<<"请输入ip信息如下"<<endl; // cin>>ip; // while(ip != "over") // { // s = GetTickCount(); // r = _Ip_binary_search(tree,ip); // e = GetTickCount(); // cout<<"result = "<<r.second<<endl; // cout<<"ip search = "<<e-s<<endl; // cout<<"请输入ip信息如下"<<endl; // cin>>ip; // } // _delete_trie_tree(tree,0); // i = i*10; //} int i; i = 1000000; s = GetTickCount(); _Make_ip_file(i); e = GetTickCount(); cout<<"data number = "<<i<<endl; cout<<"file write= "<<e-s<<endl; s = GetTickCount(); tree = ip_data_read(); e = GetTickCount(); //_Trie_tree_visit(tree,0); cout<<"file read= "<<e-s<<endl; cout<<"请输入ip信息如下"<<endl; cin>>ip; while(ip != "over") { s = GetTickCount(); r = _Ip_binary_search(tree,ip); e = GetTickCount(); cout<<"result = "<<r.second<<endl; cout<<"ip search = "<<e-s<<endl; cout<<"请输入ip信息如下"<<endl; cin>>ip; } _delete_trie_tree(tree,0); //cout<<e-s<<endl; system("pause"); return 0; } // function: make file void _Make_ip_file(size_t size) { ofstream writer ; writer.open("ip.txt"); writer.clear(); int data ; string place[] = {"北京","天津","上海","重庆"} ; int ip[900]; for(int i=0;i<900;i++) ip[i] = i+100; string ziduan = ""; for(size_t i =0;i<size;i++) { ziduan =""; for(size_t j = 0; j<3; j++) { data = ip[rand()%900] ; ziduan += String::Int_To_String(data)+"."; } ziduan += String::Int_To_String(ip[rand()%900])+" "+place[rand()%4] ; writer<<ziduan<<"\n"; } writer<<"over"<<endl; writer.close(); } // function: read data // input: a file // output: a trie tree point // 功能:将file中的ip信息读到内存中建立的trie tree中,然后返回trie tree 的根; vector<trie_node*>* ip_data_read() { ifstream read; read.open("ip.txt"); int * data = new int[4]; string place; vector<trie_node*> * tree = new vector<trie_node*>(); string ziduan = ""; while(true) { ziduan =""; read>>ziduan>>place; if( ziduan == "over" ) break; //cout<<ziduan<<place<<endl; std::pair<bool,int> r ; string num ; num = ziduan.substr(0,3); r = String::String_into_intNumber(num); if(r.first) data[0] = r.second ; num = ziduan.substr(4,3); r = String::String_into_intNumber(num); if(r.first) data[1] = r.second ; num = ziduan.substr(8,3); r = String::String_into_intNumber(num); if(r.first) data[2] = r.second ; num = ziduan.substr(12,3); r = String::String_into_intNumber(num); if(r.first) data[3] = r.second ; //cout<<data[0]<<" "<<data[1]<<" "<<data[2]<<" "<<data[3]<<" "<<place<<endl; insert_into_trie(tree,data,4,place); } read.close(); return tree; } // function: insert keyword into trie tree void insert_into_trie(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int *data,int length,string place) { if(tree != NULL && data != NULL && length == 4 && !place.empty()) { std::pair<bool,int> r ; vector<trie_node*> * root = tree ; vector<trie_leaf*> * leaf ; // s trie_node * p ; trie_leaf * L ; int i = 0; while( i < 4 ) { if(i < 3) { r = binary_search(root,data[i]); // not find if( ! r.first ) { p = new trie_node(); p->key = data[i]; if( i==2 ) { p->leaf = new vector<trie_leaf*>(); } else { p->child = new vector<trie_node*>(); } root->insert(root->begin() + r.second,p); if(i == 2) leaf = p->leaf ; else root = p->child ; } else{ if(i == 2) leaf = (*(root->begin()+r.second))->leaf ; else root =(*(root->begin()+r.second))->child ; } } else { r = binary_search_leaf(leaf,data[i]); // not find if( ! r.first ) { L = new trie_leaf() ; L -> key = data[i] ; L -> place = place ; leaf->insert(leaf->begin()+r.second,L) ; } } i++; } // e } else { // not insert } } // function: binary_search; // input: an array of node point and a key; // output: if find key, return its subscript; or return its subscript that its should be; // 功能;折半查找,若找到,返回关键字下标,否则返回其应该在的位置(方便插入关键字) //std::pair<bool,vector<tire_node*>::iterator> binary_search(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int key) std::pair<bool,int> binary_search(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int key) { if(tree != NULL) { if(tree->size() == 0) return std::make_pair(false,tree->end() - tree->begin()); vector<trie_node*>::iterator s = tree->begin(),e = tree ->end() -1 ,zhong; if((*s)->key > key) return std::make_pair(false,0); while(s <= e) { zhong = s + (e-s)/2; if( key < (*zhong)->key ) e = zhong - 1; else if( key > (*zhong)->key) s = zhong + 1; else return std::make_pair(true,zhong - tree->begin()); } if(key > (*zhong)->key) zhong++; return std::make_pair(false,zhong - tree->begin()); } else return std::make_pair(false,tree->end() - tree->begin()); } // function: binary_search; // input: an array of node point and a key; // output: if find key, return its subscript; or return its subscript that its should be; // 功能;折半查找,若找到,返回关键字下标,否则返回其应该在的位置(方便插入关键字) std::pair<bool,int> binary_search_leaf(vector<trie_leaf*> *tree,int key) { if(tree != NULL) { if(tree->size() == 0) return std::make_pair(false,tree->end() - tree->begin()); vector<trie_leaf*>::iterator s = tree->begin(),e = tree ->end() -1 ,zhong; if((*s)->key>key) return std::make_pair(false,0); while(s <= e) { zhong = s + (e-s)/2; if( key < (*zhong)->key ) e = zhong - 1; else if( key > (*zhong)->key) s = zhong + 1; else return std::make_pair(true,zhong - tree->begin()); } if(key > (*zhong)->key) zhong++; return std::make_pair(false,zhong - tree->begin()); } else return std::make_pair(false,tree->end() - tree->begin()); } // function: _Trie_tree_visit // input:a trie tree' root point // output:void // 功能: 遍历 trie 树 void _Trie_tree_visit(vector<trie_node*> *tree,int level) { if(tree != NULL) { if(level < 2) for(vector<trie_node*>::iterator it = tree->begin();it<tree->end();it++) { cout<<"root = "<<(*it)->key<<endl; _Trie_tree_visit((*it)->child,level+1); } else if(level == 2) for(vector<trie_node*>::iterator it = tree->begin();it<tree->end();it++) { cout<<"root = "<<(*it)->key<<endl; _Trie_tree_visit_leaf((*it)->leaf,level+1); } } } // function: _Trie_tree_visit // input:a trie tree' root point // output:void // 功能: 遍历 trie 树的叶子 void _Trie_tree_visit_leaf(vector<trie_leaf*> *tree,int level) { if(tree != NULL && level ==3) { for(vector<trie_leaf*>::iterator it = tree->begin();it<tree->end();it++) { cout<<"leaf = "<<(*it)->key<<" , place = "<<(*it)->place<<endl; } } } // function: ip binary search // input: a trie tree and a keyword key // output: return pair<bool,string> // 功能:折半查找ip,返回其信息 std::pair<bool,string> _Ip_binary_search(vector<trie_node*>* tree,string key) { if(tree != NULL && !key.empty()) { vector<trie_node*>* root = tree ; vector<trie_leaf*>* leaf; std::pair<bool,int> r; int data[4] ; string ziduan; for(size_t i =0;i<4;i++) { ziduan = key.substr(i*4,3); data[i] = String::String_into_intNumber( ziduan ).second; if(i<3) { r = binary_search(root,data[i]); if(!r.first) return std::make_pair(false,"not find"); if(i<2) root = (*(root->begin()+r.second))->child; else leaf =( *(root->begin()+r.second))->leaf; } else { r = binary_search_leaf(leaf,data[i]); if(!r.first) return std::make_pair(false,"not find"); else return std::make_pair(true,(*(leaf->begin()+r.second))->place); } } } else { return std::make_pair(false,"not find"); } } // function: delete the space we used; // input: a trie tree root point vector point, and level // output: void // 功能: 释放掉我们开辟的空间,节省空间资源 void _delete_trie_tree(vector<trie_node*>* tree,int level) { if(tree != NULL && level <3) { if(level == 2) for(vector<trie_node*>::iterator it = tree->begin();it<tree->end();it++) { ((*it)->leaf)->clear(); } else for(vector<trie_node*>::iterator it = tree->begin();it<tree->end();it++) { _delete_trie_tree((*it)->child,level+1); } if(level == 0) tree->clear(); } else { // over } }