- /**********************防止被进程附加调试*******************************/
- bool AntiAttach()
- {
- HMODULE ntdll; // ntdll handle
- void* pDbgUiRemoteBreakin; // function handle
- DWORD dwOldProtect; // just for fun
- DWORD dwCodeSize; // Size of code to copy
- // Get ntdll.dll handle
- ntdll = GetModuleHandle("ntdll.dll");
- if(ntdll)
- {
- // Get target function addr
- pDbgUiRemoteBreakin = GetProcAddress(ntdll, "DbgUiRemoteBreakin");
- if(pDbgUiRemoteBreakin)
- {
- __asm
- {
- // Get code size
- lea eax, __CodeToCopyStart
- lea ecx, __CodeToCopyEnd
- sub ecx, eax
- mov dwCodeSize, ecx
- }
- // Make sure that we have write rights ...
- if(VirtualProtect(pDbgUiRemoteBreakin, dwCodeSize, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &dwOldProtect))
- {
- __asm
- {
- // Copy code between __CodeToCopyStart and __CodeToCopyEnd
- mov edi, pDbgUiRemoteBreakin
- lea esi, __CodeToCopyStart
- mov ecx, dwCodeSize
- rep movsb
- // Skip code
- jmp __CodeEnd
- __CodeToCopyStart:
- lea eax, __CodeToCopyEnd
- jmp eax
- __CodeToCopyEnd:
- }
- // ***CODE*HERE***
- __asm
- {
- // Clear registers
- xor eax, eax
- pushfd
- mov [esp], eax
- popfd
- xor ebx, ebx
- xor ecx, ecx
- xor edx, edx
- xor esi, esi
- xor edi, edi
- xor esp, esp
- xor ebp, ebp
- // Jump to address 0
- jmp eax
- }
- // ***************
- __CodeEnd:;
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- void AntiDebug()
- {
- HANDLE handle=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);
- info->dwSize=sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
- int i=0;
- // HTREEITEM hItem[100];
- int MyParentProcessID=0;//自身的父进程ID
- int ExplorerProcessID=0;//Explorer.exe的进程ID
- int WinRarProcessID = 0;//winrar进程ID
- if (Process32First(handle,info))
- {
- while (Process32Next(handle,info))
- {
- CString exe;
- exe.Format("%s",info->szExeFile);
- CString ProcessID;
- ProcessID.Format("进程ID:%d",info->th32ProcessID);
- CString ParentID;
- ParentID.Format("父进程ID:%d",info->th32ParentProcessID);
- //比较进程名,这里忽略大小写
- if (stricmp(exe.GetBuffer(exe.GetLength()),"WinRAR.exe") == 0)
- WinRarProcessID = info->th32ProcessID;
- if (stricmp(exe.GetBuffer(exe.GetLength()),"explorer.exe")==0)
- ExplorerProcessID=info->th32ProcessID;//获得EXPLORER的进程ID
- if (stricmp(exe.GetBuffer(exe.GetLength()),"test.exe")==0)
- MyParentProcessID=info->th32ParentProcessID;//获得自身父进程ID
- i++;
- }
- }
- // SetDlgItemText(IDC_STATUS,sta);
- CloseHandle(handle);
- delete info;
- //检查自身程序的父进程是否是winrar
- if(MyParentProcessID != WinRarProcessID)
- {
- //检测自身的父进程是否是EXPLORER
- if (MyParentProcessID!=ExplorerProcessID)
- {
- // AfxMessageBox("检测到调试器");
- PrintLog("检测到调试器,结束自身");
- // exit(0);
- // return ;
- }
- }
- // else
- // AfxMessageBox("注意:没有检测到调试器...");
- }
最新推荐文章于 2023-06-24 13:46:34 发布